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“Dudes too macho to wipe their asses” is apparently a thing

Cats are also absurdly hostile to toilet paper (but at least they do clean their butts on a regular basis)

By David Futrelle

I thought I’d take a moment this Friday evening to signal-boost a very important tweet from film producer Keith Calder on the subject of dudes so wrapped up in their own supposed machoness that they can’t “poop properly” or, even worse, clean up afterwards.

Here’s the tweet.

Let us consider each of the three screenshots in turn.

The first one is almost poignant in its innocence, from a Reddit dude who’s been perching on the toilet rim to poop his whole life because he somehow grew up believing that toilet seats are meant only for girls.

The other two (also from Reddit) are a little more disturbing — and disgusting — partly because they involve massive failures in butt hygiene and partly because they feature posts from women who have apparently been putting up with these massive butt hygiene failures from their dudes for a long time.

Also both of the dudes in question refuse to change their ways.

Brace yourself!

I have a number of questions here, not least: how exactly did the author of this post not realize this unpleasant fact about her angry stinky dude BEFORE THEY GOT MARRIED? I’m not trying to blame the victim here but I simply don’t understand how this would even be possible.

Also I hope she has managed to get this abusive shitstain out of her life.

The next story is similarly puzzling:


I can only hope that at least one of these posts is a troll job, if not all of them, but given what I have learned about my fellow men in my years writing this blog I have to admit that they could very well all be true.


H/T — Thanks to   on Twitter for alerting me to Calder’s tweet

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Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


Even for a manbaby website, banning women from posting seems particularly childish to me, like the online equivalent of saying we have cooties.

I don’t know. Somehow, a cardboard fortress with a crayoned sign at the entrance saying “NO GURLZ ALOWD” seems to me to be exactly their speed. And mental age.


10. No girls, homosexuals, or transsexuals. Their opinions or comments are not welcome here.

I spy with my little eye a loophole you could drive a Galaxy-class starship through.

7 years ago

We grew up in a traditional Persian family, and were properly taught our gender roles. Femininity not feminism!

I know you all think you cut me down with your snark, but your anger and bitterness is palpable.

Govern yourselves accordingly.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


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Anyone else starting to get a certain seagullish vibe?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Govern yourselves accordingly.

Cool story, bro.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago


That was a spectacular non-answer.

Try again, this time actually answering what was asked of you.

Why is your brother adverse to personal hygiene?


Most definitely. That last answer did it for me.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Govern yourselves accordingly.

Govern myself according to . . . what?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


The whims of 329 year old engineers, of course!

7 years ago

If we’re going to talk about old Middle Eastern culture, I think this would spark an infinitely more interesting discussion:

7 years ago


How can you not take them seriously? They are totally “subversive to the establishment,” and that means they’re ADULTS and they do WHATEVER they want!

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago


Wow, I’ve accidentally had conversations with spambots that addressed my questions better than that through pure coincidence! Maybe you just aren’t familiar with the concept of joy, but I’m not seeing any bitterness here, we’ve all been having a lot of fun at your “brother’s” expense. I mean, the dude literally lives in his mother’s basement, and she probably wipes his ass for him.

7 years ago

Anyone else starting to get a certain seagullish vibe?

Heh, heh,

/ cantos internally

There aren’t

That looks so delicious. I hope I can find a turkish restaurant in my area that serves those dishes.

7 years ago

Is it even possible to tell when someone has moisturized?

If they have a beard, as Roosh attempts to – yes. Not moisturizing = beardruff, especially if you don’t get a whole lot of sun thanks to working at night/living in a basement.

7 years ago


How does one moisturize with a beard? Wouldn’t the moisturizer gunk up your beard? I know that I never apply lotion to my scalp for that reason. I suppose beard hair is of a different consistency than head hair and isn’t as prone to getting horribly, horribly greasy if you get lotion in it? Or do you mean moisturizing around the beard, upper cheeks and things?

I’ve never once had to consider this before.

7 years ago


Skin moisturizer as sold is a bit too claggy and slow to absorb and hair conditioner (like shampoo) makes things worse – the hair and skin are completely different from your scalp.
Oil is better than creams. Pretty much any oil that is similar to skin oil will do – grapeseed seems best/most similar for my skin, at least, though coconut oil works well too. (Partner is into aromatherapy, so she’ll make me a batch: grapeseed oil; bit of lavender, bit of cypress, couple drops of tea tree oil to kill the yeast; then lemon oil and marjoram to improve the smell to something we both can stand).
Or there are over the counter creams you can use if you don’t mind a LOT of rubbing in.

Sorry for the divert! It’s still absolutely nothing for Roosh to complain about. If he didn’t do it he’d be scratching constantly. Not a good look! 😛

7 years ago

Why is this troll pretending to be Roosh’s sister?

And if they were truly raised in a traditional Persian family why is Roosh sleeping around and why has he not married?

It’s some MRA baby pretending to be the kind of woman he would love to marry – a completely submissive one.

7 years ago

@Kaitlin, you didn’t answer the question! What did Roosh mean when he listed grooming one’s butt as an unreasonable standard of hygiene?

Viscaria the Cheese Hog
Viscaria the Cheese Hog
7 years ago

I thought Kaitlin was kidding with the whole Roosh’s sister thing, but apparently they’re doubling down on it. Great story, very believable, 10/10.


We grew up in a traditional Persian family, and were properly taught our gender roles. Femininity not feminism!

Is going around the world trying to trick and cajole and ultimately force women into giving you sexual pleasure the traditional Persian male gender role?

7 years ago

This so-called Kaitlin wouldn’t know a traditional Persian upbringing if it landed on her head. Source: have traditional Persian in-laws.

Also, femininity and feminism are not mutually exclusive.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ kivutar

femininity and feminism are not mutually exclusive.

I like how Philomena Cunk refers to ‘Femininism’.

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7 years ago

what the fuck am I reading?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’ve also met Persian feminists, so there’s that. I know the manosphere would have us belief that only white and WASPy Americans, Brits and Canadians are ever feminists but that’s just not true.

7 years ago


Not at all! Thanks for satisfying my curiosity on the subject.

7 years ago

Matt Forney did that too. Had a whole blog where he RPd as his ideal wife. (Basically one of the Stepford Wives)
You know… I RP as a vampire sometimes and that is more realistic.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago


Stefan Molyneux, too.

PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Molyneux totally wrote that himself…nice tapdancing, though.