By David Futrelle
So you all need to drop whatever you’re doing to read Buzzfeed’s amazing exposé of Breitbart’s use of conscienceless troll journalist Milo Yiannopoulos to push white supremacism into the American political mainstream (again).
Basing his reporting in part on a vast trove of leaked Milo emails, Buzzfeed reporter Joseph Bernstein is able to offer a somewhat gruesome behind-the scenes look at the symbiotic relationship between Milo and Breitbart’s Steve Bannon during the crucial months leading up to Trump’s electoral college victory.
If you thought the end product of the Milo/Breitbart collaboration was disgusting, well, it turns out that the sausage factory that produced it was even more disgusting. And lousy with Nazis to boot.
Again, you need to read the whole piece. But in the meantime, let me whet your appetite a little with what I’d like to call the 5 Nazi-est moments from Buzzfeed’s exposé of the Milo/Breitbart alt-right sausage factory.
Let’s start with:
Milo serenading a gaggle of sieg-heiling Nazis at a Dallas karaoke bar.
Roll the video;
According to Buzfeed, Milo later told them that his “his ‘severe myopia’ made it impossible for him to see the Hitler salutes a few feet away.”
Milo using Nazi references for his not-very-secure passwords.
As Buzzfeed explains:
In an April 6 email, Allum Bokhari mentioned having had access to an account of Yiannopoulos’s with “a password that began with the word Kristall.” Kristallnacht, an infamous 1938 riot against German Jews carried out by the SA — the paramilitary organization that helped Hitler rise to power — is sometimes considered the beginning of the Holocaust. In a June 2016 email to an assistant, Yiannopoulos shared the password to his email, which began “LongKnives1290.” The Night of the Long Knives was the Nazi purge of the leadership of the SA. The purge famously included Ernst Röhm, the SA’s gay leader. 1290 is the year King Edward I expelled the Jews from England.
Milo’s editors repeatedly having to remove horrible anti-Semitic jokes from his articles because they didn’t want to be quite that obvious about what they were pushing
Frequently, Alex Marlow’s job editing him came down to rejecting anti-Semitic and racist ideas and jokes. …
Editing a September 2016 Yiannopoulos speech, Marlow approved a joke about “shekels” but added that “you can’t even flirt with OKing gas chamber tweets,” asking for such a line to be removed.
Milo sending “his” now-notorious guide to the alt-right to several prominent alt-rightists for approval before publishing it
Needless to say, ethical journalists don’t generally send copies of their articles to the subjects of their articles before publishing them.
Interesting sidenote: Though Milo’s underling Allum Bokhari basically wrote the whole article, Buzzfeed reports, Milo wanted his name alone on it, telling his editor in an email that “I want the glory here.” Bokhari, wanting some credit for the article he’d written, appealed to Milo’s Machiavellian instincts by suggesting that “it actually lowers the risk if someone with a brown-sounding name shares the BL.” (Bokhari is half-Pakistani.) Ultimately, the article was credited to both of them, with Milo;s name listed first.
Milo has collaborators, just like the Nazis did!
Despite his obvious odiousness and his many ties to white supremacists and literal Nazis, Milo managed to win himself a number of liberal allies on the down low. As Buzzfeed notes:
Yiannopoulos had hidden helpers in the liberal media against which he and Bannon fought so uncompromisingly. A long-running email group devoted to mocking stories about the social justice internet included, predictably, Yiannopoulos’s friend Ann Coulter, but also Mitchell Sunderland, a senior staff writer at Broadly, Vice’s women’s channel. …
“Please mock this fat feminist,” Sunderland wrote to Yiannopoulos in May 2016, along with a link to an article by the New York Times columnist Lindy West, who frequently writes about fat acceptance. …
Dan Lyons, the veteran tech reporter … emailed Yiannopoulos (“you little troublemaker”) periodically to wonder about the birth sex of Zoë Quinn, another GamerGate target, and Amber Discko, the founder of the feminist website Femsplain, and to suggest a story about the public treatment of the venture capitalist Joe Lonsdale, who had been accused of sexual assault in a lawsuit that the plaintiff eventually dropped.
And these little details are merely the tip of the Nazi iceberg. You’ve got to read the whole thing.
UNRELATED HEALTH NOTE: Sorry I haven’t been able to resume regular posts just yet. I appreciate your patience and support and will get back to regular posting as soon as I can, but I don’t know if that will be a matter of days or longer. Thanks again, everyone!
@ Marcus
You must be new to this site. Manosphere types tend to have a…surprisingly high correlation…with child-molester types. The textbook example, of course, is Milo Y. I suppose you could use this site’s Search box for terms like “pedophile” and “ephebophile” if you’re interested.
Rape is more complicated than that, and I will thank you not to recite trite catchphrases about the topic.
WTF is the logic behind this?
Sure you did, when you decided to rate women on attentiveness. We don’t care how women make your boner feel.
I’d like to point out that it’s entirely possible that the man who made that threat does have a rage boner for Valenti and tacked on the threat to her daughter simply to terrorize her. Although with MRAs, it sadly would not be surprise if one did actually want to rape a 5 year old.
I never actually claimed that they only threaten to rape or obsess about women who are conventionally attractive, just they have a pattern of obsessively hate wanking about women – especially feminist women – who are.
Also, men who are attracted to fat women exist and when those men are in the manosphere and alt-right they like experience a whole of cognitive dissonance about it because that attraction violates their rule about how there is one universal type of woman who is attractive.
Not good.
I think you meant “attractiveness”, but I didn’t do that either.
I don’t know whose posts you’re reading, but they’re not mine.
Stop trying to find consensus on what’s attractive. It’s not gonna happen.
MRAs want access to women’s bodies and to control women’s sexuality; therefore, they are especially angry with women who they feel should be sexually subservient to them. This is not in any way equivalent to the myth that homophobia is not a structural problem propped up by the people who benefit from it, but rather a problem that The Gays bring upon ourselves.
Also, bringing attention to the sexual component of MRA misogyny is definitely not the same as making a joke about how a homophobe is ~probably secretly gay lol~, a joke that itself relies on homophobia.
That is what I meant, yes. I just got a new phone and am getting used to the keyboard spacing and sometimes similar looking words get past me when autocorrect changes them.
Anyway, in what way are you not rating women’s attractiveness? What did you *just* say about Lindy West? Stop with the fucking boner notes. No one wants them.
Yeah, must be that I don’t understand the conversation, not that I hold an opinion you disagree with.
I didn’t do that. I said “conventionally attractive”.
“I think we can agree that most heterosexual men don’t find (So and so) attractive.”
Is that better?
No, not better.
This one sounds very familiar to me.
Almost as if he’s been here before. And choosing WWTH’s post to launch from?
Yeah, I swear we’ve had a Markus before
Yes, all people are equally attractive and desirable.
Except for me of course.
My bad.
If we can’t agree on what’s the best music, then all music is equally good.
To be fair to Markus, I’m the one who brought up conventional attractiveness as I stated that the manosphere and/or alt-right tend to focus their obsession on conventionally attractive progressive/feminist women because there’s a sexual component to their misogyny that comes from the cognitive dissonance brought on by hating the people that they want to fuck.
But, I never said that they only hate conventionally attractive feminists so saying that Lindy West isn’t conventionally attractive isn’t that big of a gotcha. I was more saying that they have a pattern of rage boners regarding women that they would fuck getting all uppity and feminist.
I’m also going to have to point out that the rape threats West gets are often about how she’s too ugly to rape, but they’re going to rape her anyway. That kind of thing does make rather than undermine the point that there’s a sexual component to their misogyny.
I’m not so sure yet that Markus is Mark/Miggs/MRAL though. He might just be a clueless mansplainer who’s digging a hole. Time will tell.
@Regular Folks: So. Hey, y,all.
I hate to censure/censor anyone, but I feel like once somebody has pulled you down from a conversation about MRAs into a (HIGHLY HIGHLY OH HOLY FUCK HIGHLY) triggering discussion about child rape – HOWEVER HYPOTHETICAL – continuing to engage will not fix it. There is NO “UP” from there. Not a piece if this is a teachable moment. Not your fault.
@Markus: You’re transparent as fuck. I’m pretty sure telling you to slide down a razor into a bucket of lemon juice violates the comments policy. So. I won’t say that. You’re still transparent as fuck.
Nah, still calling this one.
Read it and at least give it a go at understanding it.
I’m a fat woman in my forties. I get a decent amount of passes from men in their twenties, possibly more than from men my own age. (this might have more to do with the differing rates of singledom in young vs. older, I couldn’t say) some of these men are gracious, and some get reeeeeallly belligerent at me when turned down. You see, while plenty of men are attracted to older women or fat women, our f-ed up system of Rating People means that they can pretend they are doing me a magnanimous favor by paying me any kind of romantic attention, and How Very Dare I not be grovelingly grateful. I’m sure someone like Lindy West has had similar experiences.
@ Markus:
Okay, Weirwood and Imaginary Petal have already told you how this whole “conventionally attractive” business is probably mythical and, in any case, irrelevant to why death-threateners like to death-threaten. So this —
— Comes off like a weird mix of obtuseness and self-pity. Don’t do that. It’ll get you marked as a boring troll, and then banned. At this point, you probably just want to admit you were wrong…back off for an hour…and then address one of the many other mine-fields you’ve blithely strolled into. (Personally I’d go with the confusion over those “homosexual homophobe” statements, but that’s your call.)
Right now I’m leaning towards incel, personally.
Thanks for being the voice of reason here.
But I’m not sure how having a different opinion constitutes “mansplaining”.
With Jessica Valenti, I think much of the hate comes from posing wearing a “I Bathe In Male Tears” t-shirt.
Similar to Lindy West wearing a t-shirt with “Give Me The Confidence of a Mediocre White Man”.
Rape threats, in my opinion, don’t necessarily mean “rage boner”.
I realize you may disagree and that’s your right.
Oh, boy.
Definitely incel.
(That post pinged the hell out of my Mr Al-dar even before WWTH mentioned him as a possibility, for whatever that’s worth.)