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Reddit incels celebrate deaths of “normies” in Las Vegas mass shooting

Will incels embrace Stephen Paddock as the next “Saint Elliot” Rodger?

By David Futrelle

In the wake of every mass shooting, we hear the inevitable cries from NRA types not to “politicize” the tragedy by pointing out the obvious fact that stricter gun laws would make such tragedies less likely in the future. We watch the trolls and shitlords of the alt-right flood the internet with disinformation and conspiracy theories. These reactions are now as predictable as the reappearance of the sun on the horizon every morning.

The internet’s incels — the bitter fringe-dwellers who consider their “involuntary celibacy” to be a crime against their humanity — have their own predictable responses to such tragedies: they mock the victims as “normies” deserving death — and try as best as they can to adopt the latest mass killer as one of their own.

In the case of last night’s horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas — a massacre that at last count left 59 dead and more than 500 injured — Reddit’s incels did not disappoint on this front. In a number of different threads devoted to the murders, regulars on the Incels subreddit celebrated the death of “normies” and “chads” and even tried to claim that mass killer Stephen Paddock — a man with a girlfriend, and thus decidedly not an incel — was “a depressed and delusional former Chad turned to oldcel.”

For many in the subreddit, the news of the mass shooting was something of an inspiration. In a thread offering faux condolences for the dozens of “normies [who] just got fragged in Las Vegas,” several commenters had similar ideas:

wandercampEmbracing the sublime terror of incel existance 2 points an hour ago PURE LIFEFUEL

acenoskIncel Fundamentalist 10 points 8 hours ago Life fuel :)

Those calling for basic human decency got an earful from their fellow incels.

lonelyrommel1998 32 points 3 hours ago RIP . Please my brothers, be civil during this time of tragedy. I know you guys hate anyone that isnt you, but they are human beings nonetheless permalinkembedsavegive gold [–]novalueinvictimhood 2 points 44 minutes ago they are human beings So? Being a modern human being is the greatest crime you can commit. permalinkembedsaveparentgive gold [–]wandercampEmbracing the sublime terror of incel existance -3 points an hour ago Fuck off normie I fapped to that video permalinkembedsaveparentgive gold [–]fuck-women-everyday23 KV Approachcel Hopecel Knowledgecel -2 points an hour ago Las Vegas is normie heaven. People go there for drinks, socializing, one night stands, and gambling. Incels will never experience that.

In another thread, Reddit’s incels lashed out at the “normies” expressing sympathy for the victims on social media — and at the alleged “degeneracy” of Las Vegas.

BlackPill4831yo bald manlet escortcel 卐 'Self improvement is masturbation' 10 points 3 hours ago I hate all this 'competitive grief' on social media. They don't give a fuck about the homeless, jobless and sexless. permalinkembedsavegive gold [–]Bojack101 6 points 3 hours ago The degenerate las vegas city deserved it

BlackPillRevolutionWeAreRevolting | Copernicus | ?NormiesCanAllBurn?| Hate 5 points 3 hours ago All virtue-signalling and posting it all over instawhore or fakebook to show how much they "care" just to fit in the rest of the conformitard sheep who do the same thing permalinkembedsavegive gold [–]touchbutt2Women can't be lonely. women can't be depressed. can't be incel 4 points 4 hours ago Exactly. they can call us evil all they want but at least we are honest. The entire degenrate city of las vegas and everyone in it could die and it wouldn't affect my day in any way

The subreddit’s regulars found it much easier to identify with the shooter.

NutNotBusted 9 points 3 hours ago Mass shooters have very similar life experiences to incels. They felt anger, alienation and bullying on their skin. I agree with you. In two weeks the victims, boring normies, will be forgotten, the perpetrator will be studied by armies of psychologists and journalists for decades at least..

ItheItheVOLCEL/ANTI-DEGENERACY | ON YOUR SIDE 15 points 4 hours ago* Mass shooters and some serial killers are so incredibly interesting to many of us, mostly because we can relate to their despondent rage more than anyone can. And I agree. Someone who spends years and years being pushed to the edge is more of a victim than someone who enjoyed years of hedonistic debauchery only to have it cut short.

Still, it’s unlikely that Paddock, a 64-year-old retiree who apparently lived with a girlfriend, will be embraced by incels as another Elliot Rodger, the incel mass murderer celebrated as a “saint” and “supreme gentleman” by this despicable crowd. But that didn’t stop some from trying to posthumously recruit Paddock to inceldom, none more ingeniously than this fellow.

NutNotBusted 7 points 3 hours ago Yep exactly. But this time it seems it was a depressed and delusional former Chad turned to oldcel.

It’s a bit of a reach, given that pretty much the only things we seem to know for sure about Paddock is that he was neither a former Chad nor an incel. I guess the Incels subreddit regulars are a little hard up for, er, “heroes” these days.

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7 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA! I guess all dogs look as deranged as mine when it’s time for walkies which she really really loves. :p

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Bailey doesn’t even have to be asked if she wants to go on a walk. I have some shoes that I almost never wear unless I’m taking her on a mini-hike to the creek. All I need to do is pick up those shoes and it’s a joyous meltdown. It takes five minutes to get the shoes on because she’s so excited that she’s all over me and I have to keep telling her to lie down. The commotion does not please Dracarys (my kitty) though.

7 years ago

Victoria would rather go under my grandmother’s wheelchair and act like a proud guard dog. She’ll take a walk, but only if she’s walking with my grandmother.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

My grandmother’s cat guards her dog. It’s so adorable. Lizzy used to be a puppy mill mom before she was rescued in the wake of the Joplin, MO tornado. She’s all timid and fearful and rarely walks further than the end of the block. She doesn’t want to let the house out of site. So she’s always home except for to go to the groomer or vet. If I take her out, Lovey is like “where are you taking my dog?” and will trot alongside us for the brief walk.

7 years ago

@ Fishygoat – it won’t make what they SAY better, but will make what they DO better. A troll is not likely to kill women.

@peak182 – exactly. Many lonely good men *want* or *need* girlfriends, but they do not think they are *entitled* to girlfriends. This seems the key difference between them and “incels”.

Also, found a very interesting article – showing that “manosphere” culture started in the 1940s if not earlier, among other things – about incels: “The New Man of 4chan“.

7 years ago

@BitterSweet – why on earth would him giving his girlfriend money make her a suspect in anything? BTW I am quite sure authorities *questioned* her, like they questioned anybody else he knew, but surely not because they think she is an accompice.

7 years ago

Shitposting on the internet is an action. An action that causes people harm. An action they choose to take.

7 years ago

Manosphere loves to pretend to have a history, provides more validation of their decision to hate women.

And linking to Angela Nagle as an interesting article?? Please stop, you’re not getting it. Not interesting, not interested, tired of “articles” full of words made up by people who are trying to get you to join their cult, too. You do know what else dates back to 1940 if not earlier, right? Starts with N. Should have ended with WW2.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Skeptic Whatever.

@Dave, adding my vote to ban. (and Gert as well.)

7 years ago

You know, for someone naming themselves after a rationalist form of thinking, you sure do not much of either and consistently ignore points and arguments brought up in rebuttal, on *top* of not really seeming to understand what it is people are telling you.

7 years ago

OMG Nagle could really use a good copy editor. Looks like she was infected by a thesaurovirus as a child.

7 years ago

@kupo – of course speaking (or posting) is an action, but nevertheless it it s very different *sort* of action than, for example, raping someone. There is a moral and legal difference between word and deed. The typical 4chan poster is a jerk, not a rapist.

7 years ago


it won’t make what they SAY better, but will make what they DO better. A troll is not likely to kill women.

Speech is also something that you DO. And I’m sure that knowing that not ALL of the rape and death threats that women targeted by these shitlords receive will totally negate the psychological impact of those threats on the targeted women.

At least some of the dudes that talk about how they want all normies dead do in fact act on that talk. See- Elliott Roger. At best, the trolls are providing a smokescreen for the actual dangerous ones, because both “harmless” and murderous incels sound exactly the same. More likely, these trolls are encouraging and emboldening the few in their midst who will act on their toxic entitlement, and are engaging in stochastic terrorism. They’re too cowardly to flush their own lives away, but they sure as hell want to watch other people go out in a blaze of “glory” against the normies.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


The typical 4chan poster is a jerk, not a rapist.

And you know this — how?

Skeptic, you should bring your skepticism to bear on your own thoughts, not just the thoughts of others.

7 years ago

The people who begin going “Lol racism” “ironically” in places like 4chan have been skewing more and more into actual real racism. There was a report recently about how places like 4chan are a step to begin radicalizing white western cisdudes. “Ha you think that Milo is a riot try out (insert even more Nazi person)”.

This is not rocket surgery.
It’s been something that Dave has been literally documenting for over a decade now.

7 years ago

Is there anyone out there who would prefer you dead? Not because you’re an asshole or because of your hobbies or anything within your control, but because of the body you were born in? Has anyone ever said you’d be more useful to them dead so that they can divvy up your sex organs since you wouldn’t let them have sex with you when you were alive? Has anyone ever treated you like you were lesser than an animal and only useful for fucking?

Don’t come in here and tell us what does and doesn’t harm us. This is all a fucking thought exercise to you. To us it’s real. It’s pervasive. We have to deal with it day in and day out like Sisyphus’s god damn boulder while “intellectuals” like you yell at us from the sidelines about how much better we could push that boulder if we just ignored how heavy it was.

Get. Out.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Also, found a very interesting article – showing that “manosphere” culture started in the 1940s if not earlier, among other things – about incels: “The New Man of 4chan“.

IMO, this kind of shit probably started back with the dawn of humanity.

Every asshole wants to blame others for their own inadequacies. And then there are some — 4channers, for example — who turn their blame of women into an unholy cause.

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
7 years ago

Of course, the xian fundamentalists aren’t christian, anyway. Except for the constant name-dropping of the junior god, everything they believe comes from the Hebrew writings. “Love your neighbor”, “Help the poor”, and the ever-forgotten “Always pray in private”… well, I guess those were slipped in there by the liberals…. I had no idea George Soros was that old!!!???!!!

The Hebrew writings that repeatedly exhort concern for the stranger, the widow and the orphan? That demand the worker be paid, and the corners of the fields left for the poor? I don’t think these guys are on speaking terms with the Hebrew writings.

I do, however, recommend checking out Conservapedia’s Bible translation project. They, apparently seriously, are working on taking the liberal bias out of Biblical translation. The liberal bias seems to have got in at least as early as the King James, so it’s a hell of a job. The words ‘free market parables’ came up. And almost none of them have Hebrew or Greek, so it’s kind of…interesting.

I happened to mention it back in the day to my father, a rather devout Catholic, who yelled “They’re rewriting the Bible? That’s not conservative! That’s radical!”

7 years ago

Well, you see, since none of the stuff that the incels talk about actually affects skeptic in any way, except for the tragic, all-consuming, mind-bending deprivation of not always having enough sex, it’s really easy for him to say that we should just ignore the everflowing spew of toxic, rapey, misogynistic shit that comes from them, that it’s just trolling not really serious. Even in the face of the growing pile of corpses caused by people spouting very similar rhetoric and mindsets. And also easy for him to talk about how we should have empathy for how miserable these assholes are.

Sure would be nice if skeptic was somehow able to step outside his own worldview for just a little bit.

I’m done.

7 years ago

@JS –

The writer of the article is by no means supporting them. She simply pointed out that the cult which links (you guessed it) the ever-present “decline of civilization” to the “feminization” of culture is older than one might have expected. Here is a quote from the article, about a man writing in 1942:

“In 1942’s Generation of Vipers, the pulp novelist and social critic Philip Wylie described an America in a state of national decline and shallow materialism due to the feminizing influence of the “destroying mother.” Wylie described feminized mass culture—a.k.a. “momism”—as “matriarchal sentimentality, goo slop, hidden cruelty.”

Sounds familiar? She also notes such idea were also present in the 19th century, where works like “Madame Bovary” were seen by some as deeply corrupting.


Speaking of Flaubert, I’ve once found Flaubert’s “Sentimental Education” in the “education” section of a bookstore, an Pirsing’s “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” in the car-repair section.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Podkayne Lives

The Hebrew writings that repeatedly exhort concern for the stranger, the widow and the orphan? That demand the worker be paid, and the corners of the fields left for the poor? I don’t think these guys are on speaking terms with the Hebrew writings.

I agree.

I do, however, recommend checking out Conservapedia’s Bible translation project. They, apparently seriously, are working on taking the liberal bias out of Biblical translation. The liberal bias seems to have got in at least as early as the King James, so it’s a hell of a job. The words ‘free market parables’ came up. And almost none of them have Hebrew or Greek, so it’s kind of…interesting.

I happened to mention it back in the day to my father, a rather devout Catholic, who yelled “They’re rewriting the Bible? That’s not conservative! That’s radical!”

This is too funny.

7 years ago

>>>>>They, apparently seriously, are working on taking the liberal bias out of Biblical translation. The liberal bias seems to have got in at least as early as the King James, so it’s a hell of a job.

Yes, those bunch of feminist commies, the authors of the KJV translation. I wouldn’t worry. I’ll doubt any of them (the conservapedia guys, not the KJV translators…) knows Hebrew, let alone Biblical Hebrew, enough to translate a restaurant menu, to say nothing of the Bible.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


According to one newspaper article I read age ago, Jesus evidently had more of a sense of humor that didn’t get translated into English that well. The saying about getting a camel through the eye of a needle? Evidently the word that was translated as ‘camel’ in English should’ve been translated as ‘rope’ instead. Which to his audience would’ve been a funny thing to consider, like considering a pig flying under its own power would be for most modern audiences.

On the other hand, an old tourist account I read about a trip through Old Jeruselum described riding a camel through a very narrow passage in an old fortress wall that was called the Needle. The Rabbi tour guide said that when Jesus said the thing about getting a camel through the eye of the needle, he was referring to getting the animal through that narrow passage, which was very hard to do.

Maybe both are true?

Dumb question about the whole ‘sex as a need on the level of food thing’. At what age is this ‘sex need’ supposed to kick in and become a necessity? I mean, everything from a zygote on up needs food, water, and air to survive. So when does sex join that list? Or shouldn’t I ask…? D:

Also, where would sex fall into the whole ‘three minutes without air, three hours without heat, etc.’ hierarchy, given the existence of assorted religious communities that devote themselves to not having sex at all for years on end? Shouldn’t those nuns and monks have died ages ago, if sex is the same as food for survival? Or is this another thing I shouldn’t ask, or look at too closely?

7 years ago

Dont want to give people the chance to make fun of me here but the argument that “sex is a neccesity like food and water ” is outragous

Im in my mid-twenties, and as a guy, Ive never even been on a date, got kissed, let alone had sex

It really isnt the end of the world LMAO. And I didnt even know what an INCEL was before today

Some people are attractive enough to have sex, some guys arent. Thats how life works. I think its human nature to focus and become obsessed with things you CANT get that are out of your reach (Like sex in INCELS case)

I think people should focus on things that they DO have and have a bit of persepective in life, would do them wonders

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Yeah, I’m not surprised that Jesus is said to have had a sense of humor.

When does sex become a life-and-death necessity? When an incel says it does. Incels, it seems, are hanging onto life by a thread.

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