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John McCain says no: Today in Tweets

Senator Bill Cassidy, would-be healthcare-stealing goblin

By David Futrelle

John McCain announces that he’s now a “no” vote on the Graham-Cassidy anti-healthcare bill, and gets hailed as a “hero,” proving that the  standards for “heroism” amongst Republican senators is pretty damn low. But if McCain is your senator, you should probably call to thank him for this minimal act of human decency.

Meanwhile, millions of Puerto Ricans remain in dire straights, without power and water — and, sadly, without much media coverage. And Mexico City continues to dig out from last week’s earthquake.

Here’s Johnny:

(Note: Murkowski’s people say they welcome calls from out of state. Hint hint.)

And now to Puerto Rico, a place the media seems to have largely forgotten:

Puerto Rico:

More options here if you want to help Puerto Rico (or the other islands in the Caribbean that have been hit hard by Irma and Maria).

Here’s what it looks like in Mexico City today:

In other news:

Leftists didn’t kill it; it was killed by the sheer incopetence of Milo ‘n’ pals, who failed to fill out the paperwork to reserve rooms or even contact some of the touted speakers to tell them they’d been invited. It’s almost as if they never intended the event to happen in the first place.

In “bad but completely expected news.”

More bullshit poop crap:


Ok, technically none of those were kitties.

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PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Tired of the Militant Plasticfaced) Sarcastic
7 years ago


Oh, yes, It’s real. And It’s fucking HILARIOUS.

7 years ago


LOL, love how vox is claiming the people who are laughing at him and his comic aren’t really laughing but are ‘triggered’ instead. Sounds like the only one getting ‘triggered’ is vox himself over the fact the no one is getting offend by his want-to-be edgy cartoon book

7 years ago

Hi Again All,

Haven’t posted lately, have been keeping up with reading here. Best wishes to David on the health, and everyone else with issues too 🙂

@ Moggie, that Vox “super hero” was good for much laughs, Tara said: Why does the super hero woman have a train crossing sign for a face?

7 years ago

*Waves at Z&T*
Hope you’re doing well!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

comment image
And here I thought our president had abandoned his deepest of deep orange looks. Shows how wrong I can be.

Trump Deletes Tweets That Show His Impotence
The aftermath of the president backing a loser in the Alabama Senate primary

[W[hile Trump is demonstrably willing to delete tweets he views as inconvenient or embarrassing, he has left most of his personal archive intact, though it is filled with juvenile invective; petty feuds; and so many messages that cast Trump in a negative light, when viewed alongside his future words or actions as president, that many Twitter users have taken to resurfacing the older messages and sharing them with the quip, “there’s a tweet for everything.”

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Nice to see you posting again!

7 years ago

Great to hear from you!

7 years ago

Dimmy: I suspect what it means is that Trump backed Moore but allowed his handlers to extract support for Strange.

7 years ago

*waving hi back* 🙂

@ Kupo and Kat

Yeah, we’re hanging in here. Hot here too, gah, too much life crap also.

Which is hopefully passing.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


Why I’ll be spending my golden years with my golden girls

Kiran Sidhu and her friends are in their 40s and none of them have children. They have decided to buy a house together, where they can pool resources, skills and a yoga teacher – and never be lonely

Since my friends and I came up with our alternative old-age plan, getting old no longer feels like a daunting prospect, and I no longer shy away from it – instead it feels hopeful and promising. I am almost looking forward to it. Sam plays the piano and the guitar, Steph is a published novelist and I’m a writer; I look forward to the bohemian life that we will lead and being surrounded by like-minded people I will have known most of my adult life.

It almost feels like the perfect society, where we all focus on the greater good: helping each other out when we need it most. I envisage songs and storytelling by the piano and a house filled with a certain joie de vivre.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

So apparently Jared Kushner’s voter registration says that he’s a feeemale:

Why is this info even public? Or if it’s leaked, the relevance to public is not obvious.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Or if it’s leaked, the relevance to public is not obvious.

Well, I can see some relevance: The context of his bizarre inability to fill out even the most basic forms without lying, which is funny, and the context of the GOP’s constant whining about “VOTER FRAUD,” which is just plain hypocritical.

Of course, most people seem to be ignoring all that in favour of transphobic grossness. Sigh.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago


Haunted houses sound cool! Do you mean the halloween kind (which is one kind of awesome) or actual Woman-in-Black kind haunted houses (which is another kind of awesome)? One of my weirder ‘caving’ trips was through the walls and chimneys of an Elizabethan manor house in Shropshire after reports of strange noises, though that was more likely to be a stuck jackdaw than the spirit of Major Smallman.

I’m after a Petzl Spelios helmet/lamp to replace a very old FX2 with a dodgy connection, but currently my budget runs to a variety of items from charity shops and Poundland. I got given a sort of anti chemical warfare suit by an ex-military relative (not the sort of thing I would try to buy online!) which has made a very effective oversuit, apart from the hood getting caught on things.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Voter registration is public in the US. Who one votes for is private and anonymous, but the registration is public record.

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago

I don’t know if any other UK mammotheers(?) noticed the front page of the Times this morning, but I was very amused by the juxtaposition of the article ‘May defends free market’ next to ‘Trade row threatens military contracts’ and ‘Legal storm hits Ryanair over cancelled flights’. Yeah, that free market is really doing great things. It’s a wonderful driver of human progress. Over a cliff.

7 years ago


LOL, love how vox is claiming the people who are laughing at him and his comic aren’t really laughing but are ‘triggered’ instead. Sounds like the only one getting ‘triggered’ is vox himself over the fact the no one is getting offend by his want-to-be edgy cartoon book

Of course! Well known signs that you’re triggered include:

* Laughter
* Rolling of the eyes
* Shrugging
* Ignoring
* Making comparisons to Rob Liefeld

When someone’s pitch for their latest work is not “here’s something you’ll love”, but rather “here’s something those other people will hate”, that’s rarely a promising sign.

7 years ago

Didn’t see that page, but a lot of people are (rightly) pointing out that US international trading interests couldn’t give a monkey’s for the collateral damage to UK jobs (and why should they, indeed, even notice something that isn’t so much as a blip on their radar) – and they are hardly going to give a toss about a post-Brexit Britain with much-reduced economic clout; it just underlines how much of the Brexit rhetoric is sheer fantasy.

Any news of David????

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

So here’s a …thing (CW for revolting ideas about rape)

This chap is like the embodiment of every awful bit of MRA-logic, all rolled together.
Yesterday he was insisting that there was nothing wrong with adult men (i.e. Anthony Weiner) sexting 15 year old girls, now he’s arguing that rape is only rape if the victim has “reasonably resisted.”
– courtesy of @TakedownMRAs, who rocks –

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I mentioned a few days ago that my computer was freezing whenever I tried to boot up Windows and stuff. Well, after 3 days in the shop, the laptop repair wizards have figured out that they can’t do a thing since the computer keeps freezing. They’ve decided to wipe the whole thing clean. 🙁

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

RE: “Alt-Hero”/Liefeld Lady and Beale in general

Just everything about that is pure gold. The obvious “I-can’t-draw-hands” pose, the grimacing face, the skewed eye-line, the weird squished boobs that awkwardly connect directly to the collarbone, the way the hair details just end halfway, the Cardassian neck, the upside-down ab definition… but my favourite has to be the unimaginative costume. Ripping off the “Southern Avenger” mask, then slapping on a Confederate battle flag on a bustier and finish with some Daisy Dukes! Yessiree, as iconic as Superman, I reckon!

And I get grief about my arting ability. Sheesh, at least I can draw things resembling humans.

If only I wasn’t ninja’ed on Twitter by it all. Oh well, at least I got in a Pumaman reference. My favourite Tweet had to be “needs more pouches.” Ohhh, sometimes I miss the aburdity that was 90s comics.

I suppose this is a best time as any to plug Gyno-Star. All the cool Mammotheers are reading it.

Just by sheer coincidence, Kevin Logan uploaded his latest Descent of Manosphere video on Ted Beale (I won’t be calling him by his dumb nickname), and that was actually the first time I saw him talk.

Wow, and I thought Matt Forney was overcompensating for a fragile ego. He’s got nothing on this awkward dweeb. I try not to make fun of people who aren’t comfortable in front of a camera, but come on, Beale, learn how to use some editing software man! And if you’re gonna sway back and forth when you stand up, it’s okay to sit down!

He really comes off as that insufferable antisocial hanger-on to your group of geek buddies who you tried to be nice to, but he kept burning bridges by interrupting your D&D sessions to spout off about “International Jewry” and never got over the rejection.

The master race, ladies, ambies and gents… let’s give ’em a hand….

Nothing is Permanent But Woe
Nothing is Permanent But Woe
7 years ago

I saw a few panels of one of the Alt Hero comics a couple of weeks ago – a cliche SWAT team tries to take down a (hero? villain? not sure) sat smoking outside a coffee shop. They shoot a tranquiliser dart at her, which she catches. The gun they shoot this from goes ‘blam’ with a burst of fire, presumably to look all manly and actiony. Tranquiliser guns, as far as I am aware, are airguns. They might go blam, but there’s no explosion, which would obviously screw up the dart. This is by far from being the only thing wrong with this genuinely awful attempt at a comic book, but the devil’s in the details, and this one bugged me.

(Ha! I’ve just realised that by VD’s standards, I’ve been triggered – by a gun! The irony.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ IP

They’ve decided to wipe the whole thing clean. ?

At the risk of teaching you to suck eggs, make sure you’ve got the install/activation codes for any apps you run like Office before they do that (speaking from bitter experience).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ nothing is wrong

Tranquiliser guns, as far as I am aware, are airguns.

Yup, or sometimes CO2. Although the company, Palmer, that’s the major supplier of such things does have a rifle that uses a 0.22 blank cartridge as a propellant.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago


When someone’s pitch for their latest work is not “here’s something you’ll love”, but rather “here’s something those other people will hate”, that’s rarely a promising sign.

Keep in mind that that was Trump’s pitch to the electorate, and he won.

@Imaginary Petal:

I hope you backed up all your files and/or they can do that. And see if you can get them to install Windows 7 rather than Windows 10 on it. 🙂

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

OT, but just heard this on the news this morning:

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner dead at 91