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Maria devastates Puerto Rico; Paul Manafort sends SEEKRIT CODE messages to Russians: Today in Tweets

Paul Manafort may not be smirking much longer

By David Futrelle

Today, two catastrophic natural disasters, and the ongoing unnatural disaster that is political life in the US today. Also, Liam Gallagher makes tea!

First, the devastation left behind by Maria in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

The news from Mexico in the wake of its latest earthquake just gets worse:

Turns out that former Trump campaign head Paul Manafort is as much of a sleazy asshole as he looks:

Despite all the Manafort news, my Manafort palindrome has not been a giant success on Twitter, alas.

The GOP is still working hard to steal health insurance from 50 million Americans. Vote planned for next week. CALL CALL CALL.

In other news:

Now, some cute animals (and Liam Gallagher):


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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Butter cup,

It is kind of hilarious that conservatives wring their hands over middle class white women delaying marriage and babies or avoiding them all together and the obvios explanation for it eludes them. People are not having babies because they can’t afford it. If housing costs are high, wages are stagnant, college and healthcare unaffordable, it’s not the best financial choice for many.

Which brings us back to why they want to make contraception expensive and hard to get.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Yup, that’s Liam Gallagher for ya. Still a big Oasis fan after all these years… they were my first real band crush back in ’95. Noel wrote some solid tunes. Still does actually.

Beady Eye… eh, they were more miss than hit. No wonder Liam’s pulling this kind of goofiness… doesn’t seem to have much else going for him.

7 years ago


But there was much disbelief and incredulity about that (“But he’s massive…” sort of thing). There was also quite the lack of sympathy. There was some kudos for the fact he hadn’t retaliated physically, but also a sort of general disdain that he put up with it.

I’ve got no issue with that part, anyone can be abused and anyone can be an abuser.

Cementing someone into a wall though, to me at least, is not analogous to tidying up. I see that as consciousness of guilt/hiding the evidence.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

@Buttercup Q

I’m failing to understand how taking away pregnancy coverage is congruent with the GOP goal of securing a future for white children.

The way I see it is the prolife GOP are only prolife for the rich and white. By limiting resources to those who aren’t white and can’t afford healthcare, having kids safely would be a total luxury and therefore, will be discouraged.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

I get that many of us like to roleplay a wizard or fantasize about being one…but just being a member of a club because the chair is officially titled Grand Imperial Wizard? Some people have the weirdest kinks.

To be fair, for all I know the KKK might have really good social support and fun activities for their members – but that’s not either their core mission or part of their public reputation.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

@Christina Nordlander,

So what will Trump voters do when their newborn baby falls ill and they can’t afford care?

Hold a charity bikeathon/runathon/etc. Get a bunch of people to pledge x amount of money for every mile they walk/bike/ride during the event. Those can raise a decent amount of money for medical care. (In theory; I’ve never seen a breakdown of whether those charity events are cost-effective or not.)

And/or put up a Go Fund Me page; pull on the heartstrings of strangers from around the world and get your medical money that way.

OT question: if someone wanted to start watching Dr. Who from the beginning, where would be a good place to get those early episodes? I have an acquaintance who loves NuWho, but wants to start watching Classic Who from One onward to get a feel for the older Doctors as well as the newer.

Any recommendations?

7 years ago

Well, I did mention our Tories in my post, I’m with Alan that their policies actually had a negative effect electorally. They’re undermining the NHS more subtly because they’d never get away with being this open about it, much less get people to cheer for it.

Dailymotion is where I watched them. Hope your acquaintance enjoys, it’s fun to go right from the beginning and see how the Doctor’s character develops. Are they planning on watching any reconstructions? I found them easy to get into, like a radio play with photos.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Off topic but does anyone have a good recipe for either a dessert or a cocktail containing creme de cacao? I bought a bottle to try and replicate this raspberry chocolate martini my favorite restaurant makes. Now I have this huge bottle of chocolate booze that I need to find uses for.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

Drizzle it over vanilla ice cream?

That’s what my father used to do with creme de menthe, anyway, and I expect it would work here, too.

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago

Better still

Drizzle over Belgian waffle with icecream.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

I must admit, I still can’t believe that KKK titles like “Grand Imperial Wizard” and “Grand Dragon” are a real thing.

It’s because the “Loyal Order of Water Buffalos” was taken.

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
7 years ago

Re Maria and the Mexican earthquake: Oh gods, those poor people! Hurricane season is taking a massive toll this year. Is it worse than usual, or does it just appear so? But well done Mexico for showing how it’s done when it comes to helping each other.

@banananana dakry: There’s a Horizon programme on iPlayer about the last days of the Cassini mission, I’ve been watching it. I didn’t realise there were so many women involved so high up in the mission. It’s really interesting, or I found it interesting anyway. I’m now watching a Horizon programme about Mars, a sort of visitors guide.

I repeat my support for USians fighting the healthcare bill; it frightens me that the Tories here in the UK think going the same way with the NHS is a good idea. Slow death by funding withdrawal seems to be their plan. It’s already starting to affect mental health care, which is something of an issue for me, since I’m mentally ill.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

@IBH Ardipithecus:
I bow to your superior suggestion.

Now I’m hungry.

7 years ago


Where to start with Classic Who? Bear in mind that it was on tv for over twenty years, and British children just started any old place. With no box sets and no repeats, there was no option.

I started watching during Tom Baker, but I’ve heard good things about Pertwee. I’d suggest starting at a regeneration, just so you get to see the development of that character from the beginning.

But I’m not an aficionado.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago


Seconding IBH’s drizzling suggestion. Belgian waffle + ice cream & maybe some fruit hnng

I’m sorry, OT: cool science shit involving robots is cool

Buuuuuut (as expected) unfortunately some of the comments are still only focusing on the idea of sexbots making bioladies obsolete. I wish there were articles discussing these advancements in tech without some manosphere-mongrel ruining it with his genocidal fantasies.

7 years ago

@ Nanny Oggs Bosom

Hurricane season is definitely worse than usual, and many future years will be worse still. I didn’t pay very close attention to hurricanes before Katrina, but it’s very rare, quite possibly unprecedented, for the United States to be hit with three disastrous hurricanes in one season.

7 years ago

So, I had to go to the dentist recently. This seems like as good a time as any to talk about how bad it was.

The short version is that almost all of my teeth will need to be extracted, and I will need dentures. I am 24, and this is because I am addicted to an entirely legal drink with a very high sugar and acid content. Frankly it’s bad enough my dentist asked me straight up if I do meth, but I was able to demonstrate to her that I pass drug tests.

But it isn’t the soda companies that will be paying for the damage their entirely legal drink has inflicted on me, it isn’t the FDA that will be paying for inadequate warnings, it isn’t the advertisers who teach us to think these drinks are awesome, and it isn’t the lobbyists and politicians who make this situation possible.

And it isn’t the insurance companies either. The only reason I’m covered now is because of the ACA, and even the ACA will only cover extractions. It won’t cover trying to save the half dozen teeth that can still be saved, it won’t cover dentures, and it certainly won’t compensate me or my family for any of this.

Frankly, right now the ACA is entirely insufficient for me. Even with the ACA, if my family wasn’t willing to support me way more than they should, I would be eating liquid food for the rest of my life. And again, I am 24.

If you’re fighting the “Let’s murder 50 million americans” bill, you have my fucking thanks, because you’re making it more likely I will have teeth of some description the next time I take a picture.

7 years ago

In Christchurch, New Zealand, they had an official Wizard (I think he has retired, but still wizards on an unofficial basis) who was so popular that for years the province’s cricket team was called the Canterbury Wizards.

He was a very progressive figure by all accounts, and not at all racist. So the idea that to call yourself a ridiculous D&D title as a job is something only the KKK can do is both stupid and obviously wrong.

Go ahead, nerdpeople! Be a Grand Dragon! There’s no one to stop you! (Seriously, no one cares enough. Just don’t be a fucking racist.)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Can that muscle be used on humans? Like, treating muscular dystrophy or amputation or summat like that? Cos that’d be awesome 😀

<3 <3 <3

7 years ago

It’s really hard, from a UK perspective, to truly fathom why a sizeable number of Americans seem to repeatedly decide to be quite this irrationally awful. I know there are the reasons like racism, classism, disableism, and the intersections thereof, but none of that is exactly rational as such, either, and they put an awful lot of energy into their hatred and they still stick with it even when it’s backfiring on them. It’s baffling.

From a US perspective: the jolly ol’ British Empire wasn’t such hot stuff to its minorities either. Except in your case, they were safely on the other side of the planet for all but the last three or four generations of your history — with the exception of the Irish, of course, and as I recall you folks had plenty of Troubles with them — so it was an “out of sight, out of mind” situation. You didn’t really respect all those “w*gs” and “golliw*gs” and “Pakis”; you just couldn’t be bothered to actively hate them. Now that all these post-war, post-Empire immigrants are showing up in the next-door flat…well, you’re not exactly covering yourselves in glory. The word “Brexit” call anything to mind?

“What’s wrong with those American savages?” The same dumb tribal bull**** that’s wrong with y’all, except we’ve had 400 or 500 years of practice at it.

7 years ago

In Christchurch, New Zealand, they had an official Wizard (I think he has retired, but still wizards on an unofficial basis) who was so popular that for years the province’s cricket team was called the Canterbury Wizards.

Hey, I remember my father’s Kiwi colleague telling us about him! Thanks for reminding me of that memory.

Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged
7 years ago

@Nanny Oggs Bosom

I was seeing the NASA JPL site about the last days of the Cassini mission myself, and I was really super impressed by the number of women that high up in the chain too. People that were on it since before launch over twenty years ago, who put it together, who knew the wiring of Cassini inside out, and they just happened to be women. The very first person to see the lost signal after Cassini took that last plunge into Saturn was one. No caterwauling from their male coworkers that they took all the good jobs from them. These are people that know their shit, and nobody disputes it just because of their reproductive junk.

This is why, quite aside from being one, women need so badly to have equal rights and opportunities to their male counterparts. Half of the human race’s brains and talent has been lost over the centuries, and all because some insecure people were feeling threatened in their superiority. These same insecure people would wreck humanity’s hopes and aspirations all so they can make their mental peepees feel a bit bigger. I’ve had enough of them.

Also speaking as someone who needs drugs to keep her brain glued together into some kind of functioning, this current fiasco in Congress scares the shit out of me, but that’s the duh moment to end them all. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, America… *smash head*

7 years ago

I’m talking about the present day, and this specific issue, though, and like I said, I’m asking what’s wrong with a sizeable proportion of Americans, not all of you, of course I know many don’t want this either, and certainly don’t deserve it. When we’ve grown up with the NHS and even Tories praising it and the party not daring to too openly undermine it, we’re bound to feel surprised by the ongoing issues with the healthcare situation in the US, as is zaunfink from their experience in Germany. Plenty of Americans seem shocked, too.

By Troubles, you are talking about terrorism, including the murders of children. You would not find my Irish family defending the terrorists. There’s plenty of genuine leftwing Euroscepticism and long has been, while you wouldn’t find leftwingers wanting to dismantle the NHS. Those are separate issues I won’t go into, though.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@IgnoreSandra – Ugh, that sucks. 🙁 Why is dental care so hard to get? Unless you’ve got a full-time job that includes a dental plan, you’re paying for tooth stuff yourself (also, being a university student will get you some coverage). I don’t have dental insurance, nor do a lot of people I know. One of my friends had to pay about $3,000 to get ONE tooth pulled out & replaced with an artificial one (after multiple appointments, misunderstandings, and bad bureaucracy). And she’s doing on-and-off tutoring, so that’s a lot of money to come up with in a short time.

7 years ago

Do teaching hospitals do any free dental care? Even if they do, I guess it might not be sufficient for those like Sandra who maybe need more work done, though. : / Sounds a really rough situation.