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Trump threatens to nuke N. Korea, GOP threatens to nuke healthcare. Also hurricanes: Today in Tweets

If they push that button / Your ass got to go!

By David Futrelle

In normal times, a president literally threatening to obliterate an entire country would be the lead story on every news outlet for weeks. But this is the age of Trump, so this alarming development has to compete, news-wise with: A GOP determined to take away health care from 20 million people, some dramatic developments in the investigation that could bring the nuke-talking president down. And then there are the hurricanes and earthquakes.

On to the Tweets. We’ll start with Trump’s ongoing war with “Rocket Man.”

The GOP’s stealth attack on healthcare. CALL CALL CALL CALL FAX PROTEST!

Nature hates us now:

Paul Manafort is not having a good day. This is very good news.

Then there’s this curious development:

Today in White Supremacy:

In other news:

Cute animals!

A song for today:

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Sinister Pigeon: Sombrero Golem
Sinister Pigeon: Sombrero Golem
7 years ago

Got power back 2 days ago. Now storm is heading to my sister in PR and my family in the DF got an earthquake. Nature can you pls stop?

Also aren’t you all glad Obama isn’t embarrassing us in global diplomacy anymore? /s

7 years ago

Sometimes, I wish I could strap conservatives and libertarians into chairs with their eyes prised open (like in A Clockwork Orange) and force them to watch an endless reel of photographs of children who died because their parents couldn’t afford healthcare, with captions stating their names, the ages at which they died, and the names of the diseases that killed them. Following each photograph would be a graphic, sensationalist description of the symptoms of the disease in question, with some accompanying graphic photographs of the sort you get on Encyclopedia Dramatica’s ‘Offended’ page if possible. After each description, the following question would be displayed: “Do you still call yourself: ‘pro-life’?”. Do you think this would bestow them with some perspective, or am I giving them too much credit here?

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Hopefully you’re feeling better David! !

Watching Trump speak at the UN is something.. else. And interesting to note how (not) funny many alt-righters were anti-Hillary based from their fears that she’d lead us into WW3 with Russia. Fast forward to only 2017 and Trump wants war with NK– No, not even a war. He wants total annihilation of an entire country. Millions dead as punishment for being born there. Then back in the US, millions will be dead as punishment for being sick, lacking healthcare.

What the fuck guys.

7 years ago

abars: Depends on much semen you’re willing to scrape off the chairs afterwards, I suppose.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

So between NK (25 million under threat) and the US (30 million about to lose health care), it looks like if the worst happens, NK still comes out ahead. WAY TO BE, YOU IGNORANT SHITBAG.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

Contacted both of my senators multiple times about the healthcare bill, but I’m not optimistic about making a difference.

My Democratic senator is firmly against it.

My Republican senator helped write the damn thing.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Repeating myself from the other thread: If you are fighting for the defeat of Graham-Cassidy, I’m one of the people you’re trying to save. You care more about me than my own senators do. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Aw, that poor pup going airborne…

Austin Loomis
7 years ago

anti-Hillary based from their fears that she’d lead us into WW3 with Russia.

Not only that, but JOHN MICHAEL GREER’S GODLIKE PERSPECTIVE was that He, Trump (tip o’the Hatlo hat to Brother Charles Pierce), was less likely to get us into a war than Hillary. If I’d been so demonstrably horribly wrong about Him, Trump, I too would delete my blogs (The Archdruid Report and The Well of Galabes) from Blogspot and reinvent myself as an “ecosopher” on Dreamwidth.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Be safe, Mexican and Puerto Rican pals!

Help someone struggling with disturbing fights at work
Help someone struggling with disturbing fights at work
7 years ago

This site has become a guilty pleasure for these past few weeks. I’ve been reading the archive. David’s step by step take down of Reddit logic had me in stitches multiple times. WHAT! Plus there’s something about horror which makes the laughs funnier, or something.

But after the laughs, I feel awful later, as the implications hit me. Lordy this world. Plus villains like the Incels are heart-breakers. It’s dangerous to feel sorry for them, but hard not to.

I’m not surprised David has headaches when he sorts thru such mental toxicity. I once had a dysfunctional work place where I had a lot of headaches. I felt so much better elsewhere. I’m kind of worried for Dave honestly.

I know he’s fighting the good fight. This is the kind of history people will forget, and Dave is recording it in a memorable way, probably the best way. This “guy” type humor tone captures the depth of truth best.

I’m going to stay away from this site & the news for awhile. But I salute those at the battle front. Just saying I’m glad you’re here.

7 years ago

It appears that the senators in my state would already be against Graham-Cassidy. Schatz and Hirono already spoke and voted against the last attempt to repeal ACA. But I’m still making some calls even though the senators listed are outside my state. Thanks to my timezone, my calls have either had the lines be busy or not be answered. But oh well, I leave voicemails. Even if they’re not my representatives specifically, it is about a policy that affects every state in the country.

Someone said there are supposedly less calls being made than last time. It may be fatigue from the multiple other times the people’s healthcare has been threatened. Or it could also be because a large chunk of the country and its people are still going through the aftermath of hurricanes and fires!

And for fuck’s sake, Trumpty Dumpty publicly threatened genocide! How the fuck is he still here?!?!

@ Victoria Parasol: I’ll send multiple midnight messages for you!

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

What was the resitibot text number again? I keep losing it. 🙁

7 years ago

@Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Text RESIST to 50409

7 years ago

Shouldn’t surprise anyone that there’s a last ditch push on taking healthcare away from people who can least afford it happening at a time when people are distracted by power and other utility outages along with hurricane damage and more worrisome weather possible…

So I’m not surprised but I am irked. Calls will be made even though I don’t live in any of the crucial states I do live in a Republican one now (moved out of the blue California in August).

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

@Austin Loomis

If I’d been so demonstrably horribly wrong about Him, Trump, I too would delete my blogs (The Archdruid Report and The Well of Galabes) from Blogspot and reinvent myself as an “ecosopher” on Dreamwidth.

About him, and about a lot of other stuff. Peak oil dooming civilization? Ten years of that nattering and where are we? Huge new renewable installations. New solar installations have EROI above 10, that’s above the “energy cliff” and in the range that allows complex civilization — and EROI of renewables can generally be made arbitrarily large just by making the installation durable enough, as most of the energy costs are up-front but the energy return scales with lifespan. There is now talk of hitting peak oil demand before peak oil supply. Sodium-ion batteries and flow batteries promise to revolutionize storage and transport. Google’s massive data centers, which he called “unsustainable” and impossible in a fossil-free future, are now run 100% on renewables. And Peter Turchin published a few peer reviewed papers giving a sound, alternative explanation for the US’s current political woes, one that has nothing to do with energy depletion.

7 years ago

For those who’ve forgotten, the bloke who wrote the bill, Bill Cassidy, made a solemn promise (hah!) that he would only support healthcare legislation that passes the “Jimmy Kimmel test”.

As it is, Kimmel says that it does pass the test – but only if your father is Jimmy Kimmel.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Next year is the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the Peoples Act (ie women getting the vote, a bit) so there’s a statue of a suffragette going up in Parliament Square. And here it is.

ETA: until I just wrote that down I’d never considered the significance of ‘peoples’ being plural.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

If Kim Jong Un is Rocket Man, obviously Stephen Miller is Honky Cat.

I can’t believe we’re having to call our senators again and beg them not to kill us. Russia and NK don’t have to fire a single shot. The US is going to do itself in.

Social Justice Sorcerer
Social Justice Sorcerer
7 years ago

I’m wondering if my Titi Suncha’s house in Arecibo is still there. Wondering if her grave or my grandmother’s is still there.

Would this be the point where sacrificing food stuffs to Mother Nature would be appropriate? I can think of a few people I’d toss in a volcano, but someone somewhere might object, so I hope Gaia likes Pringles.

Dan Hoan
7 years ago

Just need to scream from the rooftops, because this fucking healthcare bill of course became incredibly personal (not that is wasn’t before but…)

In the beginning of July my mother was diagnosed with cancer. They had been following a spot on her lungs for a few years, and she just happened to have gotten new insurance through her new job, and decided to do some preventative care.

With her deciding to do this preventative screen (which can be expensive), they discovered the spot had changed, and that it had become Stage 1 or 2 cancer.

She had surgery to remove the lung the cancer was in a few weeks later, and had to take a leave of absence from work (I think short-term disability or FMLA for 4-6 weeks). The surgery went well, but they discovered there was a chance the cancer had gotten into her blood stream, so suggested 4 rounds of chemo to be safe (it also gives her a 75% of remission).

Four weeks after her surgery, her new job called to ask if she would be coming back to work soon. She said she hoped so, but was still waiting for that okay from her doctor. And btw, she would need a few rounds of chemo . Four days later, her job called her back to let her know she was being “let go” and she would not pass her probation. They had called four days earlier to ask when she was coming back and had never had any major issues with her, and decided to fire her – thus kicking her off their insurance, effective at the end month.

One round of chemo costs, at minimum $30,000. My parents are lucky, and are able to scrap together enough money to pay the $900 a month COBRA payment to stay on the insurance until after her treatment is done.

But, please. GOP – tell me how lack of access to medical treatments don’t lead to death here in the USA. Please. My family is fucking lucky, but if they were even slightly less lucky – my mom just wouldn’t get the chemo and take a risk – or spend the rest of her life paying off the hundreds of thousands of dollars it had taken to save her life.

Tell me that what you propose is “compassionate” to my mother, who will have this “preexisting condition” the rest of her life. And will be able to be charged more. Please, I am waiting for a better reason than “capitalism” that my mother should lay down her life or die in debt for this heath issue.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I’m sorry, Dan. Your mother deserves better.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
7 years ago

The entire UN Trump speech was rage-inducing, especially the bit where he said “we do not seek to impose your way of life on anyone”. Yeah, as if imperialism, perpetual warfare and interventionism hasn’t been the official foreign policy of the US for the past two centuries; and as if christians haven’t been trying to impose their religion upon everyone, within the US territory, for the past 5 decades.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Hugs and support to everyone affected by the proposed bill. I’m sorry that we have to keep reliving this zombie ACA repeal nightmare, over and over. It’s beyond despicable that the GOP are trying to ram it through once again, without debate or CBO oversight, while half the country is reeling from natural disasters.

Of course, we know who their real constituents are:

Anyway, I called my senators this morning. Got through to Angus King’s office. The nice staffer I talked to said they’ve been flooded with calls (keep up the pressure, everyone!) and King is a definite no on the bill. Had to leave a voicemail for Susan Collins. Hopefully that means her office is being inundated as well.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

And interesting to note how (not) funny many alt-righters were anti-Hillary based from their fears that she’d lead us into WW3 with Russia.

This is what gets me about Trump supporters: how effing gullible do you have to be to believe a guy that looks and acts like that? When Trump was amping up threats and gesticulating wildly about “Jina” and “Bad hombres”, which part of that said “isolationist pacifist” to these clods? And they had the gall to throw shade at a well-respected, experienced (if not admittedly hawkish) diplomat like Hillary Clinton?

Trump’s the kind of tool that thinks if he parades his tanks around and uses apocalyptic enough language, the opposition will just shrink away in fear and respect. Like Colonel Saito in Bridge On The River Kwai, browbeating and bribery is all he knows. Apparently reality hasn’t slugged him in the face hard enough; frankly, I have no idea what would.

This is the part where a functioning media apparatus would be nice.