artistry creepy trump

Some creepy pics of the younger Trumps because I have a headache

Like father, like sons and to a lesser degree like daughter

By David Futrelle

I‘m having a lovely unplanned migraine vacation today (not a vacation from migraines but a staycation with a migraine) so instead of a regular post. which would require a working brain on my part, here are some creepified pics of the younger generation of Trumps (plus Jared).

Ok, a few more that might be even creepier.

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Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

@D I also have some hope that Pence is going down too. Not a huge amount because the GOP will want to keep him, but some. Certainly he seems up to his neck in obstruction of justice.

7 years ago


I’m sorry about what you’re going through. I realize how frustrating that must be for you.

Having never suffered from chronic migraines myself, I got nothing, but I’m sending good thoughts and my sincerest sympathies your way.

Don’t apologize for ranting. You have every right to feel frustrated. When you go to specialists, it is reasonable to at least expect some answers and maybe some resolution to the problem. When someone assumes you haven’t done everything in your power to remedy the situation either, that can get on anyone’s last nerve.

Take care.

@Scildfreja Unnyðnes

wwth, shhhh! You’ll start up the Cassie Jaye thread again!

That made me giggle. I guess we could call it the Thread That Shall Not Be Named. ?

7 years ago

David, I’m so sorry you’re having health issues. It all sounds ghastly and I hope somebody figures out how to make things work better for you.
My husband has a host of chronic issues, some of which make it difficult to do anything about the others. Sleep problems, depression, gout and regular arthritis, and a heart attack a couple years back, and nothing works quite right for any of the first four. Just wears him down, the lot of it.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh, my God. They ARRESTED that poor old woman after they knocked her over!

I am so fucking nauseated at my country right now.

Jeyne Doe
Jeyne Doe
7 years ago

*Shudder* Why did I read it?

7 years ago

It’s weird. Whatever’s been going on in St. Louis, it’s been going on now for…two days, right? But there’s barely a scrap about it on the evening news: nothing yesterday that I can recall, and today a little over a minute, and it was all this garbled narrative of “protesters scared Bono by attacking a mall and now U2 has canceled a concert”. Pity’s sake, they spent more time talking about the Juggalo march in DC! (Though not much more time.) I’m dead certain that if I didn’t visit WHTM on a pretty regular basis, I wouldn’t have heard about this synagogue business at all.

Also: I feel like poop for asking, and I’m sure I could just Google it, but — are we sure there’s actually a major police supply store called “Major Police Supply”? Because it sounds like exactly the kind of poorly-conceived, poorly-executed fakenews churned out by the Kekistani Brain Trust. It’s like…it’s like that scene from Spaceballs about the luggage password, but dumber.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Belated kittens to make up for the horribleness in the link
comment image
comment image

I just checked, it is apparently a real company.

7 years ago


The UU church across the street from the synagogue in that article was also offering sanctuary last night.


@ Dimmy

The verdict came down on Fri. and lots of stuff shut down in advance in anticipation of riots. Schools, businesses. Things are really ugly here.

7 years ago

@PaganReader – Misandrist Spinster
Fuck now we got (even more) antisemitism being publicly displayed.
See for yourself.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago


So. Evidently a group calling itself The Traditionalist Worker Party held a practice march in downtown Columbus, IN last Saturday. The local paper has a write up of what happened:

According to that article, those guys decided to practice marching in formation down the sidewalk while waiting for their meeting to start.

As someone who lives in this general area, perhaps the scariest part of that article is the idea that these guys are planning a to hold a rally similar to Charlottesville ‘somewhere in the area’.

Evidently this rally is still in the planning stages, so an official site hasn’t yet been announced. However, Columbus is a likely location for it, for the symbolic value if nothing else. This is Mike Pence’s hometown, for rural Indiana it’s fairly progressive (nowhere near perfect, of course, but it’s trying), and a critically acclaimed movie (Kogonada’s Columbus*) was shot there last year. What better place for a Nazi rally than there?

Which leaves me personally totally unsure what to do about the might-never-be rally. IF they come and IF I attend, and IF things go south, I’m screwed. I’m waaaay out of shape, and can’t fight at all. (Give me a camera, though, and I can’t play journalist with it.). On the other hand, I don’t want to do nothing, either. So….

Maybe the good Lord will hear some prayers, and all this worry will be for nothing, and no-place in rural Indiana will have to host this thing. I can always hope, right?

*A review of the movie, for the curious:

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

Meanwhile, the object of their worship continues to wallow in the swamp:

On the other hand, he might be feeling pressured to make as many deals as he can in the time he has left, because Mueller is closing in:

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

As someone who lives in this general area, perhaps the scariest part of that article is the idea that these guys are planning a to hold a rally similar to Charlottesville ‘somewhere in the area’.

Odds are good that it will be in Lexington KY. The Traditionalist Worker’s Party is one of the groups protesting the removal of two Confederate statues from the grounds of the Lexington from civic grounds to a cemetery. They’ve already promised to do a rally there but have not named a date or location to the best of my knowledge. The leader of the group is the guy who assaulted a University of Louisville student protesting a Trump rally in Louisville during the campaign. You know, the one that Trump said he would pay for the guy’s legal defense if he violently removed some protesters.

7 years ago

Twitter thread on Milo’s latest scam:

7 years ago


As a Cal alumnus, that kind of bullshit is completely in character for the Berkeley College Republicans.

7 years ago

You deserve a break. Especially if you’re not feeling well. I know the feeling of getting advice when you’ve already tried a lot of different things. Sometimes it’s hard for me not to feel exhausted getting advice even though I know people mean well… but it’s funny because it’s also hard not to give advice as a way to show care or something when you know someone’s having trouble with something.
I am just recovering from a few days of insomnia. I drove from Whitehorse to Vancouver Island and the plan was to get a place with this guy I’ve been on and off with for 3 years. When I got to the bachelor suite he’s renting from his grandma I just got this funny feeling not to. I said I wanted to get my own place but asked if it was alright if I stayed there until I found one. He said I could, but then he was being really cold and aggressive about small things like I closed the door wrong. I started getting anxiety and couldn’t sleep at all. The more anxiety I got, the worse he seemed to behave towards me, which caused more anxiety. I made sure I was gone every day, all day to give him space and only come back there to sleep, but then he got mad because he had to step over me in the morning on the way to get his coffee because I was sleeping on his floor.
I ended up trying to sleep at a women’s homeless shelter, but I couldn’t do it because everyone else was high out of their skulls and I felt emotionally unsafe. So I moved into my car and am sleeping at campgrounds, finally sleeping again, but now I’m so sick. My throat hurts really bad. I woke up feeling really terrible and angry at the world and having that problem where I feel like a piece of shit for being a woman. Language and casual put-downs have been bothering me.

7 years ago

I didn’t say that to make this all about me. Sorry if it seems like that. I guess I just can relate to not feeling productive when you have shit going on.

7 years ago

Wow David, that sounds rough. I hope you’re able to find help for your conditions soon. Take all the time you need. None of us want to see you push yourself too hard. Take the best care of you you can.

7 years ago

@david – sorry you’re having so many health issues – chronic or chronic intermittent pain really sucks and is so draining.

My tongue in cheek comment was that in making images like these – no wonder you have headaches….but that’s not helpful.

Also my migraine issue improved substantially on getting pregnant and has never gone back to the bad old days, I suspect that’s not helpful either.

So I don’t have any helpful advice, but I hope that things get better soon.

My OT health update – I’ve quit smoking. Weird side effect seems to be a yeast infection (thrush). Annoying.

7 years ago

In other news, the Republican Party is plotting to kill the American people again. I’m pretty sure somebody has brought up the Senate’s new attempt at healthcare repeal in the comments section before, but here’s a summary of what it would do, from the guy who ran the ACA during the Obama administration:

“JUST OUT: Here’s a summary of the Graham-Cassidy repeal. Yes, it’s that bad.”

From what I can tell, it’s even worse than the last attempt.

So far, it seems to have 49 votes. The Republicans have only fourteen days to pass the thing before reconciliation expires, and then they go back to needing 60 votes to break a filibuster. The Republicans opposing the bill seem to be Rand Paul, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins, but Paul is not reliable. McCain is waffling and acting ambivalent, but he sounds more inclined to support this bill than the last one just because Lindsey Graham, who cowrote this bill, is his pal.

Worse, this attempt isn’t getting as much public attention as the last one, because people assumed it was all over and don’t expect things to go any differently this time.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

The only unsolicited health advice I ever give, according to my husband, is to drink more water and get more sleep. It may not solve the problem, but at least you’ll be rested and hydrated.

7 years ago

amy, I’m also sorry about that shit going down with you. Best wishes to all Mammotheers who may be having bad times.

7 years ago

Sympathies on the migraines. I’m prone to them, it’s a fibro thing with me it seems.

@Fishy Goat
Argh on Poxiversity, and the huge sums of money people are giving him. If ever proof were needed life is made intentionally unfair by wealthy white dudes…

The comments are full of their earnest declarations that people just need to be educated on white history. What I never get over with them, is that it just fails to compute that:
1. We know, already.
2. Which means we’re well aware of the flaws and hideous atrocities.
3. People living in those societies often criticised them at the time. Even if they didn’t go very far, it’s often there.

Even the Christian stuff they’re banging on about, they cannot possibly think institutionalised abuse isn’t part of it and that that wasn’t pointed out before. Their ideal is so obviously nothing more than a racist fantasy it’s baffling they think they’ll convince anyone. Anyone who wants to -which is no one- can take my English literature from my cold dead hands, but this aspect of my culture is interesting in part because it’s a record of a time with all the issues for us to see and understand today, sometimes in a new light. Not because the society depicted is an ideal, and the writers usually didn’t think it was. Often enough you can see they’re fighting the same kinds of battles as we are today. Having an appreciation of your culture is not exactly incompatible with seeing the glaring problems with it. Or with seeing that other cultures have shiny cool stuff, too.

History isn’t my strong point but it’s usually not hard to be better at it than the Alt-Right, even if all you did was skim Wikipedia. I’m lost as to why they even bother going for that angle when it’s such an easy win for their opponents. I never see any real love for their culture from them, either, it’s just about control and harming minorities to them.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


I am just recovering from a few days of insomnia. I drove from Whitehorse to Vancouver Island and the plan was to get a place with this guy I’ve been on and off with for 3 years. When I got to the bachelor suite he’s renting from his grandma I just got this funny feeling not to. I said I wanted to get my own place but asked if it was alright if I stayed there until I found one. He said I could, but then he was being really cold and aggressive about small things like I closed the door wrong. I started getting anxiety and couldn’t sleep at all. The more anxiety I got, the worse he seemed to behave towards me, which caused more anxiety. I made sure I was gone every day, all day to give him space and only come back there to sleep, but then he got mad because he had to step over me in the morning on the way to get his coffee because I was sleeping on his floor.
I ended up trying to sleep at a women’s homeless shelter, but I couldn’t do it because everyone else was high out of their skulls and I felt emotionally unsafe. So I moved into my car and am sleeping at campgrounds, finally sleeping again, but now I’m so sick. My throat hurts really bad. I woke up feeling really terrible and angry at the world and having that problem where I feel like a piece of shit for being a woman. Language and casual put-downs have been bothering me.

I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been having a hard time.

When I have a sore throat, I gargle with warm salt water (just add a little salt to water) or warm green tea. (I was pretty surprised to find out about this attribute of green tea.)

Of course you’re feeling emotionally bad — you’ve been under attack by someone you’ve placed at least some trust in. (Been there, done that. Yuck.)

Sending you my best wishes.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago


My OT health update – I’ve quit smoking. Weird side effect seems to be a yeast infection (thrush). Annoying.

Woo-hoo! Quitting that habit is hard work.

May your thrush exit the stage quickly.