By David Futrelle
The stunted human beings known as Men Going Their Own Way love to imagine apocalyptic scenarios in which women are forced to beg them for help, offering sexual favors for cans of beans.
Now, with something truly apocalyptic barreling into Florida, they’re … well, doing the exact same thing, with Florida-based MGTOWs boasting of their preparedness and mocking all those allegedly hapless women they think will soon be beating a path to their home fortresses in search of food and shelter.
In a post on the MGTOW subreddit on Friday, one MGTOW Redditor seemed positively eager for Irma to do its thing to Orlando.
I would be surprised if even one “single woman riding the carousel” has approached him to ask for anything at all.
Naturally, cleats4u’s fellow MGTOW Redditors agreed that women are a bunch of helpless hypocrites who talk tough but then have the gall to … sometimes depend on other people.
I’m sure if an when these guys accidentally set fire to their homes with their balky generators they will steadfastly refuse the help of emergency services, because relying on others for help is for pussies.
This fellow, meanwhile, imagines a fun and kicky Mad Max scenario that for some reason involves a great deal of macaroni.
Another fellow fantasizes about trading sandwiches for sex:
I’m pretty sure most women would rather starve.
Which, apparently, is what most of those on the MGTOW subreddit would prefer for them as well.
And MGTOWs still try to convince people that their lady-hating cult is all about “self-improvement.” Nothing about these guys is new or improved.
Oh my, go away for a little while and nothing changes; even if all the old familiar faces are gone.
Pie you’re being a jackass. Quite apart from his being an MGTOW, you made the positive assertion he’s not an idiot and are not only refusing to support your claim, but being an asshole about your “right” to be a dickhead; using patronisingly paternalistic language.
As to the evidence for the idiocy you wish to pretend isn’t evident, Pasta is a terrible food in survival situations.
1: Bringing water to a boil is energy intensive. Fuel is a commodity to be conserved.
2: It uses water better used for drinking in the cooking of the pasta. Yes, you can save the water for other uses, but it’s now enriched with bits of wheat (and other things like the mono and di glycerides used to control texture); in short it’s a petri dish, waiting to feed molds and other bacteria. It’s also been salted, making less fit for drinking.
3: He has argued women will be willig to trade sex for food/shelter, in the course of the week, or so, that some areas will be without any outside contact. That’s folly of the first order. That he thinks they will hie themselves to the doors of MGTOWs, whom they either don’t know, or have scorned in the past because “CHAD” is a waste, and all the betas are clueless.
Well stupid is as stupid does. Is it possible he has thought all this through, and decided storing enough water to be able to waste 4-6 qts everytime he want’s a meal which is going to be moderate at best in keeping level blood sugar over the course of busy days? Maybe. But it’s not the way (based on all the other evidence of shallow thinking in the rest of his screed) the smart money bets.
Which tells me as much about you, as it does about him.
Not to be THAT person….
….but there’s every chance he has a butane or propane camp stove in his little bunker. H2O. Powdered milk. These are certainly what I’d put in my survival bunker, and are the sort of camping supplies many outdoorsy types would likely have. One could make it through a hurricane with these without much trouble. My dad and I would make it through a week’s trip on only two cans of fuel.
But after a few days of Mac and Cheez, would one truly still have the will to live?
Hurricane Isabel was a Cat 1 when it hit my home town. The storm surge erased two neighboring communities from existence, and even up on the hill my family lives in that protected us from the surge we had a bunch of trees down everywhere.
We had so many trees down it took two weeks to get power back, two of the three roads in or out of my town were completely destroyed, and most of our neighbors lost water, and one of them lost their home. That was a Cat 1, and we had and have advantages Tampa simply doesn’t have.
A Cat 1 in Tampa is going to come with ten feet of a storm surge. A significant portion of the city is simply going to cease to exist. It’s not as apocalyptic as a Cat 3 or whatever they were predicted, but Tampa is still going to be beaten to hell.
Welcome back, Pecunium!
(I mean, it’s still a stupid idea as boiling pasta would take tons more fuel than just heating the can of beans mentioned above. But I’m just arguing that with enough fuel cans it wouldn’t be too problematic. I’m not claiming he’s a brain trust.)
Hello! I’m a huge fan of yours; I have lurked for years and am slowly reading all of the archives; your posts were always among the most informative, that I have learned a great deal from.
(Not to mention your troll takedowns are some of the finest work at trollbusting ever! Fangirl squeeee!)
It is so cool to see your mushroom avi in the “Recent Comments”.
Not saying that the storm surge won’t be catastrophic for some areas (apparently it is coming in with the regular high tide so there’s also that), but it’s an improvement over the original forecasts. I don’t know. I’m not going to minimize what’s about to hit Tampa but I’m nevertheless glad it’s winding down as it moves north.
I’ve seen photos and video of the missing ocean left behind as Irma carries the storm surge around with it. Surreal.
While I don’t have that many fantasies about the Apocalypse (seeing how I like having people around and, you know, getting water from the tap), I will fantasize that Mr. “Suck my dick for sandwich” does his offer to a woman with a certain Fallout-Perk and gets eaten himself.
Yes, I’m twisted…
that’s just it. there’s evidence of it EVERYWHERE.
In fact, I have yet to see any evidence to the contrary.
including in this very comment thread.
It’s like you’re determined to provide evidence as HARD as you can.
what a precious little snowflake you are! yes, precious! *pinches cheek*
If these assholes wanna fantasize about a world where women come begging for food, perhaps they shouldn’t be supporting a society that teaches women how important it is to master starving yourself.
I love pasta, and mac & cheese made from scratch, WAY too much to settle for cheap boxed Kraft man & cheese made with, at best, powdered milk. Most folks commenting seem to think it’s an impractical choice. I agree.
In 1985, Hurricane Gloria hit the US NE. I was a teenager. We ate Dinty Moore canned stew my mother heated on a camp stove. I don’t remember what else we ate…
We were out of power for several days. My parents’ house happened to be within walking distance from the town police and fire dep’t, so I think that’s why we never were without power for very long. Other areas of town weren’t so lucky.
The worst part of it all? The aftermath. I worked part-time for McDonalds, and everyone and their brother hightailed it over to Mickey Dees as soon as they could safely leave their houses. Or, so it seemed. These jackasses were ordering off-menu stuff like grilled cheese sandwiches. FRIES WITHOUT SALT!!! I suppose, for people on low-sodium diets. If I had been the manager…
my guess is it’s a “counting coup” kinda thing.
thinks he’s gonna use it as street cred with his fellow MGTOW.
OTOH, given that they really are all dumb as a box of hammers, they might think he did great and is a GENIUS!
reality is not their friend, but they don’t care, they long ago “went their own way” from that too.
MSNBC has an interview with the curator of the Ernest Hemingway house and they did get the kitties indoors and safe. So that’s a bit of good news.
One of my cats growing up, Clio was a gorgeous beige tabby and a polydactyl so I have a huge soft spot for six toed kitties.
They now have Mac & Cheez with this waxy cheese-approximation goop that doesn’t need milk, but absolutely innovates down. Truly disgusting.
Someone mentioned Annie’s mac & cheese so I have to chime in and say that I love that stuff! Especially the shells and aged cheddar. It’s far superior to Kraft or grocery store brands.
I skip the milk because I find it weakens the cheese flavor. Instead I leave a very thin film of water at the bottom of the pan. Then I add the butter. Then grated sharp cheddar cheese. Then the cheese powder. It’s not as good as homemade, but it’s really not that far off.
There’s nostalgia appeal in the Kraft fluorescent-orange mac ‘n cheese. It’s like Coca-Cola – it may taste like shit, but I still love it for comfort-food reasons, not reasons that are objectively defensible.
The fuck happened to this thread? Why?
Imagine your definition of being safe during a hurricane being ‘ready to shoot women popping round to ask for a phone charger’?
I could really go for some pie right now though. Mmmhmmm.
A nice thick strawberry-apple-rhubarb. Nice flakey crust, not too tart but tart enough to cut into the sugar and just mmmm
I’m sorry was there some regressive asshole in here trying to make pie distasteful >(
Stay safe everyone in Florida. It seems that Irma may not have been *quite* as bad as it could have been, but it is still a monster of a storm.
@Bobbie L Bomb
Bllluuuurrrggghh…that sounds awful. Now that I think about it, Cheez-Whiz in the aerosol can even sounds better.
RE: Annie’s Mac and cheese. I’ve seen that in a healthy-grocer type of place near where I live. I’ll have to try it.
The other sucky thing about Hurricane Gloria I forgot to mention: We didn’t have enough batteries. So, no radio for awhile.
The MGTOWs in David’s post are hoping against hope that someone, anyone, knocks on their door.
We lost power for a week during Gloria. Luckily, some time before that, my parents had put a wood-burning stove in the basement. We did okay for heat and food, but we barely saw the cats all winter. Never get a wood stove and put a couch six feet away if you want to see your cats before spring.
Can affirm that nearly anything tastes better while backpacking. My mother dries her own backpacking meals. They’re pretty good, but nothing you would eat by choice if you had access to a kitchen.
The KND:
“While I don’t have that many fantasies about the Apocalypse (seeing how I like having people around and, you know, getting water from the tap), I will fantasize that Mr. “Suck my dick for sandwich” does his offer to a woman with a certain Fallout-Perk and gets eaten himself.
Yes, I’m twisted…”
I like how you think 🙂
Me too! I’m glad Pecunium is back, I was just thinking a few days ago that Pecunium could have provided some insight into a topic.
Or does DIXIE_WEHRWOLF mean this:
cheap macaroni-and-mosquito spray
MGTOWs understand neither women nor punctuation (and a whole lot more), so I have to ask the question.
KD (or mac and cheese as yanks know it) is pretty standard camping food.
I’ve been off that bandwagon since I was a kid, but I often make pasta with a home-made flavor pack when I’m camping. Which is just a snobby version of the same thing.
I usually use non-potable water for it. I’m boiling the water anyway, so why bother using the fancy stuff.
Another camping trick: pour a wine bottle into a nalgene. It’s much lighter than glass.
We tended to eat fish when camping. Not in least, because they were usually fishing trips. ;’)