By David Futrelle
The stunted human beings known as Men Going Their Own Way love to imagine apocalyptic scenarios in which women are forced to beg them for help, offering sexual favors for cans of beans.
Now, with something truly apocalyptic barreling into Florida, they’re … well, doing the exact same thing, with Florida-based MGTOWs boasting of their preparedness and mocking all those allegedly hapless women they think will soon be beating a path to their home fortresses in search of food and shelter.
In a post on the MGTOW subreddit on Friday, one MGTOW Redditor seemed positively eager for Irma to do its thing to Orlando.
I would be surprised if even one “single woman riding the carousel” has approached him to ask for anything at all.
Naturally, cleats4u’s fellow MGTOW Redditors agreed that women are a bunch of helpless hypocrites who talk tough but then have the gall to … sometimes depend on other people.
I’m sure if an when these guys accidentally set fire to their homes with their balky generators they will steadfastly refuse the help of emergency services, because relying on others for help is for pussies.
This fellow, meanwhile, imagines a fun and kicky Mad Max scenario that for some reason involves a great deal of macaroni.
Another fellow fantasizes about trading sandwiches for sex:
I’m pretty sure most women would rather starve.
Which, apparently, is what most of those on the MGTOW subreddit would prefer for them as well.
And MGTOWs still try to convince people that their lady-hating cult is all about “self-improvement.” Nothing about these guys is new or improved.
@Policy of Madness
Honey, being an asshole doesn’t make you right. Fantasising that people you don’t like are stupid and wrong doesn’t make you right. Declaring anything said that you don’t like and don’t agree with to be nonsense doesn’t make you right. It just makes you an asshole.
Honey, I’m not your honey.
And being cutesy and coy on the Internet doesn’t make you right.
I guess now I know what Pie takes for food when camping. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Policy of Madness
If you’d like to make requests about how I address you, sweetie, then maybe you should not wade in with the STFUs, put-ups-and-shut-ups and nonsense-spouting first, hmm?
All I’ve said is that it is foolish to make unevidenced assumptions of stupidity, simply because the person in question is an MGTOW. Its lovely that you feel that mac’n’cheese is all the evidence that you need though.
Those are the only things I’ve seen people point to as being incredibly fucking idiotic things this guy believes, so what’s your beef? People are criticizing his choice of food. And his poorly-reasoned fantasies. That’s it. The guy is bragging about his choice of pantry staple and we’re pointing out how impractical it is. That’s it.
The fuck? Don’t be patronising on a motherfucking feminist site, asshole.
Wow, I super-apologize for engaging with you as if you were an adult having an adult conversation, with assumptions and premises and such that could be brought into the open by my just plainly asking for them. Clearly, my bad. You have my sincerest regrets. I obviously should have instead engaged you with stupid pet names.
I just made a little that silly assumptions are silly. Apparently that’s Srs Bsns, and perfectly reasonable to have beef with?
@Policy of Madness
Do STFU then, sweetie 😉
Frankly, there’s no reason to think this guy has thought this through at all. If he had, he wouldn’t have picked mac and cheese.
You can make mac and cheese with water, but that’s a waste of drinking water if your water is out, and it tastes absolutely awful compared to milk and butter (Which goes bad super fast if you don’t have the power to run refrigerator).
Besides, do you realize how messy mac and cheese is to cook? That’s more water being used to clean the pot, strainer, and plate cause if you leave the cheese on it it’s just going to harden and get much more difficult to clean.
Cook hot dogs over an open fire, wrap potatoes in foil, stew random things, use a crock pot if you have electricity, stow water and perishables together with ice in your washing machine, but mac and cheese isn’t food for camping or for when you think things are gonna fall apart.
Don’t call any of us honey unless we ask you to, condescending prick. POM has demonstrated that you don’t have reasoning for your perspective.
What are you thinking? That because he’s a man we should assume he knows what he’s doing? Of course that isn’t going to fly here since everything he’s said and done demonstrates he really has no idea what the fuck is going on.
What the hell, Pie? Do you know DIXIE_WEHRWOLF personally, or something? I can’t imagine why you’re picking a fight over this, otherwise.
I’d like to officially note that addressing people in a way they don’t wanna be addressed is a form of emotional abuse, and be the first to note that we should probably ban Pie if this is how they react to being called out for bad behavior.
Also notice that Pie has not taken up David, who was the original person to mock this asshole for his poor fucking food choices, but PoM. Why might that be, I wonder?
Probably because we don’t have the power to remove Pie directly. So, cowardice. Typical of men.
Pie, no one assumes that MGTOW is an idiot just ’cause he’s an asshole.
We know for a fact that he’s an idiot, because he’s a MGTOW.
ETA : What the fuck, should’ve refreshed before sending. Yeah, nah, that ship has sailed.
Wishing safety, clean drinking water and food for all mammotheers in Florida.
Nthing all of this.
Mac N’ Cheese is a shitty idea for trying to survive in these conditions. It uses up way too much water, it’s got little nutritional value, and it’s fucking messy. (Besides, homemade mac n’ cheese is infinitely better than its boxed counterpart, as much as I do love cheap mac and cheese on my bad mental health days.)
Honestly, if you must have pasta, and you’re aware that there’s a storm coming, cook it beforehand and put it in a dish or something so you can eat it later, and then you don’t have to worry about cooking it at least.
Canned meats and veggies (or even fresh veggies if you can get them and keep them) and bread are going to be so much better for survival than 60$ worth of fucking boxed pasta with powdered sauce.
If anything, OP is a moron for spending sixty bucks on just mac and cheese, regardless of his situation.
EDIT: I re-read his comment, it sounds like he did me one better and ONLY BOUGHT MACARONI. Not with cheese, just fucking PLAIN MACARONI.
Like, who the fuck does that?
I think this is the most bizarre fight I’ve ever seen on this site.
I don’t know why people mocking MGTOW apocalyptic fantasies in this case is any different the past eleven billionty times we’ve done it here. Why be offended on the behalf of the MGTOW now?
And yeah, mac & cheese is a pretty stupid choice of survival snack. It’s fine if you have electricity and water but can’t get to a grocery store for a long time, but without power and water, it really doesn’t work.
The first thing I’d go for is probably canned refried beans. They’re tasty, filling, easy to prepare and have protein. I’ve been living on refried black bean tacos since going mostly vegetarian actually. Chef Boyardee canned pastas are less tasty but you can eat it cold if necessary so that’s another good one. Canned tuna is kind of gross without mayo IMO, but it would be a good nutritious and easy choice too. Peanuts and cashews are a good way to get some fat in. I can think of so many things better than mac and cheese if the power is out.
What IgnoreSandra said.
My father said that when he was a conscript, most of their food was tinned. The African bush is too dry to rely on local water sources, and water is too heavy to carry around, so tinned food was the obvious solution. Most of it doesn’t even need to be cooked, just heated in the can.
I can see similar logic applying to hurricane situations.
I would go with something with more protein. Those carbs are going to make you feel hungry again much faster than if you fill up on some protein and fiber. Beans, nuts, canned meats, soups (especially the ones that aren’t concentrated so you don’t need to worry about adding water), maybe some fruit. If you have the water needed for mac and cheese, you’re better off making beans and rice or potatoes.
My issue with some preserved foods is the salt content. That increases the amount of water you need, but I’m pretty sure that’s a problem with mac and cheese too.
The last time a hurricane rolled through my home town, folks were out cutting up and dragging trees for about a week after, especially in terms of getting them off the roads. We didn’t need an emergency crew, we did most of the clean up ourselves. But there was a lot of physical work, so I’m going to nth protein recommendations.
Protein, canned goods, stuff that isn’t toxic if you eat it cold (No matter how bad it tastes), stuff that doesn’t need water to make it, stuff that doesn’t need a pan or whose container can serve as a dish for other items.
If it gets really desperate and you have excess power/burnables but no clean water, you can use duct tape and plastic to allow boiling water to purify it.
@Ledasmom –
This reminded me of the ’98 ice storm in Ontario and Quebec when the power in my house was out for 5 days. Keeping food fresh wasn’t the problem – we put it perishable things outside, where temperatures were just above freezing – but after two days the house got too cold so we had to stay at my grandfather’s. (I was 9 then, so it was an adventure. Missing school was a plus.)
(Oh yes, and zero C is warm for January in Quebec – the frequent thawing and freezing as well as the snow and freezing rain caused ice to build up on trees, power lines, etc, toppling quite a few.)
But that’s nothing compared to hurricanes and flooding, especially if there’s no clean water source close by. If you can buy an 18-litre, heavy-duty plastic water bottle, go for that instead of a bunch of skinny 500ml ones, just in case. And put food in sealed containers so it keeps dry.
Best wishes to everybody – hope you’re safe and sound.
OMG you’re right. LOL! How did I miss that? Well, that solves the problem of how to make mac ‘n cheese taste okay without power, but not the problem of how to cook it with the water out of commission.
$60 worth of cheap macaroni, but no bottled water worth mentioning. Hah hah!
So this discussion was in my wheelhouse… I’ll weigh in! I have opinions based on long-ago backpacking trips.
We would take freeze dried backpacking food and Annie’s Mac n Cheese. We never were out very long, five days at most, and our final supper out on the trail would always be the Annie’s, it was good with powdered milk even though there was no butter and we usually carried some sharp cheddar to add. Also you are really hungry after a day on the trail and hunger is the best sauce.
This kind of food only would work if you had plenty of potable water as mentioned upthread but it did cook just fine on a little Primus stove.
In general if I were planning to be stuck in my home that is not the kind of thing I’d prioritize, which would probably be mostly canned goods and large containers of water. But I might have it as an option / variety, if water was working and potable.
(I am a little bit on the prepper side… belong to my local CERT and have water and some other emergency stuff out in the garage. We are in the Cascadia subduction zone, that’s the disaster we prep for around here.)
‘Hey, ignoring the fact that the sky’s blue, you have no evidence for your theory of blue skies!’
Seriously, dude makes a stupid choice and brags about it, he gets dragged for it. His own dumb ideas on survival food are all the evidence needed.
News is that Irma will be Cat 1 by the time it hits Tampa, so the apocalypse scenario is looking less and less likely.