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Irma hits Florida, Ann Coulter does her nails: Today in Tweets

Irma: View from a car

By David Futrelle

Irma is now wreaking its destruction on Florida. And Ann Coulter remains an asshole.

Plus: I get blocked by Scott Adams. And other news.

Any of you who are in Irma’s path, I hope you’re well protected and well provisioned; please let us know you’re ok in the comments if you can.

If you ever wonder where all the extra water in storm surges comes from, well, it’s borrowed from elsewhere.

This happens with tsunamis, too, but with hurricanes the process is much slower; in other words, don;t worry about the people walking around out there.

Oh, and try not to think about this too much:

Ann Coulter offered her unique perspective on the hurricane.

This is a real thing:

In other news:

An update on a story from yesterday:

A personal accomplishment:

And some animals, in case you need something a little more uplifting:

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MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

Valentine and everyone affected by the hurricane-My thoughts are with you! Stay safe out there!

7 years ago

Perhaps Coulter and Adams are soulmates.

SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
7 years ago

Safe. No power so on cell. Irma wrecked Miami without a direct hit. All roads out of my neighborhood blocked by debris bus pigeon family was prepared. Ann Coulter can go play with the downed power cables in my yard.

Bobbie La Bomb
Bobbie La Bomb
7 years ago


They can have each other.

7 years ago

St. Maarten is leveled but lol it’s just a breeze, right? Fuck that waste of flesh.

Edit: Stay safe Valentine! Good to hear from you. :3

7 years ago

Parts of our hotel have fallen down onto where there are cars.

But now weather is little bit improved.

Pigeon I am sorry for you. I hope you can rebuild. We waiting now for more strong wind and rain will be come soon.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to shoot a gun into a hurricane (or just randomly into the air or off in a random direction for that matter) should not have a gun. Period. It scares me how many people consider disregarding a basic safety thing such as that.

I hope everyone in Florida stays safe and is able to recover and rebuild from any damage.

Found an old Scott Adams book cleaning out old junk my SO’s parents left behind when they moved. We’re wondering what to do with it… Blearg.

7 years ago

We’re battening down in Tallahassee; looks like it will be significantly weakened by the time it gets to us. Probably weaker than Hermine last year, although the storm winds will last *much* longer….

Chris O
Chris O
7 years ago

@FaerieBard: Burn it to ashes, then burn the ashes.

Considering Ann Coulter once stuck up for uber-bitch Marie Antoinette, it’s no surprise she’d make fun of hurricane victims.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Anyone who thinks itā€™s a good idea to shoot a gun into a hurricane (or just randomly into the air or off in a random direction for that matter) should not have a gun. Period.Ā 

A 13 year old kid was just recently killed in a nearby town, while playing basketball, from a bullet that somebody had shot into the air many blocks away from where he was at.

It devestated the community.

7 years ago

Actually, Marie Antoinette may not have been the “uber-bitch” she was made out to be. I’ve seen some convincing counter-evidence that seems to suggest that she never said “Let them eat cake”, or most of the other insensitive things she was accused of. Rather, because she was an Austrian princess who wasn’t fluent in French, yet ruled over the French, she got a lot of natural loathing from the French populace, who were very willing to believe any nasty rumors spread about here. A truly heinous individual wouldn’t have had a meek apology to the executioner for stepping on his foot as her universally-attested final words.

That said, I’m guessing Coulter was defending the infamous bitch persona because it’s everything Coulter wants to be, aside from the method of death.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
7 years ago

@Faerie Bard

Yeah, I find the general mentality of “I’m mad about this thing so my first instinct is to shoot my guns at it” incredibly unsettling.


So people were so desperate to believe the worst about Marie Antoinette that they wouldn’t question anything terrible they heard about her, no matter how ridiculous it was? Sounds like she was the Hillary Clinton of her day.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Good to hear from you, and hope you stay safe.

7 years ago

The “let them eat cake” story was originally about an anonymous princess, and it originated with Jean-Jacques Rousseau long before Marie Antoinette became queen.

Marie Antoinette was horribly slandered, not only because she was a woman but because she was Austrian. Just about everybody at the French court was frivolous and wasteful in those days, even though the government was sinking into debt. But critics of the court used her as the prime symbol of that frivolity and blamed her for things she wasn’t guilty of, the Affair of the Diamond Necklace being the prime example. There were also far worse and even less well-founded rumors about her that, fortunately, aren’t as well remembered as the cake story.

On the other hand, she and her husband really were out of touch, if not quite as much as the cake story makes her seem. The Marquis de Lafayette, who was a revolutionary leader in those early days, may have actually saved her hide during the Women’s March on Versailles by making a public gesture of reconciliation with Marie Antoinette. She was kind of pushed into making the gesture but, the way I heard the story, she always resented him for it and doesn’t seem to have realized that he was saving her hide.

Plus, Louis resisted the conversion of France into a constitutional monarchy in the early stages of the revolution, and my impression is that Marie Antoinette did, too. They failed to realize, until it was too late, that the only way to survive was to cooperate with the revolution. Then they tried to escape to start a counterrevolution, botched it, and, well, that was the end of them. They didn’t deserve death, and her execution was especially unnecessary, but it’s hard to say they didn’t bring it on themselves.

Marie Antoinette’s own brother called her and her husband “a couple of complete blunderers,” which I think pretty much sums them up.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

@Faerie Bard:

Sell it. That way, someone will have purchased a Dilbert book without having given Adams any money.

7 years ago

Let’s all keep in mind that Ann Coulter is a moral Christian and loves Jesus.
Just a reminder… because I constantly forget myself

@D Marie Antoinette’s slandering didn’t start in France. She was the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresia and that lady abused everyone around her. MA’s education was cut shorter than her siblings and she was always considered a pretty frivolous ditz by her whole family.
The French court also disliked her for her mother, because it was obvious who held the reigns in Vienna and they didn’t like the idea of that newcomer taking over.

7 years ago

I was in Orlando too, we were ready to chill indoors and had lots of food and water, but my cousin was freaking out and bought us all flights outta there yesterday. I thought it was gonna be fine but it was still super god damn stressful, i don’t know how people can live in hurricane areas!

7 years ago

@FaerieBard: If you really can’t bear the idea of someone else reading it, pull it apart and recycle the pages; they will have an opportunity to possibly come back as something useful.

Otherwise, donate it to a Friends of the Library sale/thrift store/suchlike: the money will go to a good cause and Adams gets no profit from secondary sales.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

“It’s not getting warmer, they’re able to sail cruise ships through the Northwest Passage because George Soros is bribing the ice caps….”

Ann Coulter

Oh, and Ann, if you REALLY wanna be bored by Irma, come to Kansas… it’s almost like the hurricane DIDN’T HIT HERE!!!

Miss Edgy Nation
Miss Edgy Nation
7 years ago

Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida. The worst is over but it’s a mess. Two feet of water downtown from the river. Huge power outages. I’m a nervous wreck from spending most of the night listening to the wind howl. My friends seem to be okay but there’s tragic photos of beautiful old trees lying on the ground all over my Facebook.

On the bright side, at least it’s not hot.

7 years ago

Overheard some older guys at my work sarcastically joking that the hurricane was Trump’s fault (making fun of people saying other things are his fault? Guess I didn’t get it.) and then one of them said “or its climate change! Global warming!” and they all started laughing like it was the best joke of all time.
I heard one of the guys try the “hurricane is Trump’s fault” joke on 3 other people that night.
Why are right wingers immune to good comedy??

Scildfreja UnnyĆ°nes
Scildfreja UnnyĆ°nes
7 years ago

Glad to hear from all of you lovely Floridians, I hope that it wasn’t as bad for you as it could have been! Keep safe and I hope it goes well. I hope you get power back soon Pigeon, and glad to hear from you Valentine and Gaebolga and … i’m sure there were others. Are there others? Do stay safe regardless!

7 years ago


Why are right wingers immune to good comedy??

To paraphrase something I heard a few weeks back, because they get too actually-angry about the things they rant about. Every time they start trying to mock liberals or progressive ideas, they rile themselves up until they’re actually going off about how awful those damn cucks are for contributing to white genocide, or something. They can’t do comedy because they’re actually so hateful that humor just bounces right off of them.

(Which, of course, isn’t to say that progressive people don’t get angry about bullshit, but we seem far more capable of tempering that with other things. I don’t want to always be bringing up the gaming community, but I see the same sort of thing when it comes to gamerbros and their reactions to anything they like or dislike; there’s absolutely no nuance in the way they perceive anything, things can only be good or bad, and if something is bad to them that must mean it’s universally bad. As soon as they’re confronted by an opposing position, all of the reasoning functions in their brains seem to shut down and they defend how correct they think they are at all costs.)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think part of it is that right wingers don’t understand nuance. Their thinking is very black and white. I don’t think you can be witty without any subtlety or complexity in your thinking.

Another big part of it is that right wing humor always punches down. Unless you’re an asshole, a joke about poor people being lazy or bitches needing to make you a sandwich or whatever just isn’t going to be funny.

SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
7 years ago

Not too much to rebuild. Most of the damage was just trees and mess. The house and cars are miraculously fine. Looks like at least Sat for power though unless FP&L pulls a miracle. We are fine though. Got spared the worst. Seriously though fuck Ann Coulter.