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AntiFa ate my baby: Today in Tweets

Damn those AntiFa!

By David Futrelle

Seems like only yesterday that everyone to the left of Donald Trump was mad at the Nazis. Now for some reasons a lot of these same people are yelling about AntiFa. Nancy Pelosi has officially denounced AntiFa, and a piece in the generally liberalish Washington Post today declared that AntiFa are the “moral equivalent” of the literal Nazis they oppose.

Now I’m not exactly the most militant dude in the world but WHAT IN HOLY CRAP IS GOING ON. We are up against LITERAL NAZIS. One of them LITERALLY MURDERED A WOMAN with a car, and then the rest of them LAUGHED ABOUT IT and SAID IT WAS JUSTIFIED. They go to every so-called “free speech” rally they organize with the intent of doing bodily harm to as many people as possible. and unless we stop them it’s only a matter of time before they kill more people. So fuck this shit. Hug an AntiFa today.

On to the tweets. First, the dumb shit.

Now, some rebuttals. First, a good short thread on how the discussion has shifted from ACTUAL FUCKING NAZIS to endless hand-wringing about antifas.

And here’s a response to the Washington Post thing by a Mother Jones journalist who was there at Berkeley.

Some historical perspective:

More AntiFa stuff:

I defended the honor of George Orwell against an Alex Jones employee.

Snopes also has a thing to say about the attempts to portray the fascists and AntiFa as somehow equivalent:

AntiFa may have dealt with a lot of undeserved shit today, but happily our dear leader Donald Trump was also dealing with some richly deserved shit.

Meanwhile, the creator of Pepe is taking the Pepe Nazis to court and winning:

And here are some animals!


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7 years ago

I think they meant they want a state of their very own to be horrible in? Yes, agreeing that genocide would be a potential and likely outcome, whatever they’re claiming to want. Not to mention that their white ethnostate obsession is completely awful in itself. The only difference I think it makes, is to whether they represent such an immediate threat at rallies that any force is automatically self-defence. If they don’t feel comfortable outright calling for genocide even among themselves, and don’t hold political power, then I think that the threat of genocide isn’t immediate. The US can’t build camps tomorrow, the rest of the world would be outraged, and I don’t think that all Republicans -some of whom are PoC, Jewish, disabled, gay-. want this, so the Nazis don’t have as much support as all that, most Republicans don’t seem to like Nazis either. I can understand the argument for using force on the grounds their ideaology leads to genocide, though.

Yes, I know there have been horrible violent attacks, but at protests -which is specifically what’s under discussion here- where they’re busy pretending to be well-intentioned free speech advocates or even where they’re defending racist statues as ‘history’, they might be less likely to do that. There are cameras everywhere, and even if the police are mostly useless at best, they’ve still made the odd arrest of Alt-Righters.

I’m not sure going to rallies with the intent of using force against Nazis and those marching with them will stop Nazis from jumping anyone outside the rally. If the argument is that it will, Ok, I hope it works.

I’m not intending to hide behind Dali, as it was a specific disagreement (although I can see the point of view) with Dali, although other Antifa have also advocated going out with the intent of using force. With those Antifa not advocating using force other than in immediate self-defence, there is no disagreement. I don’t think it’s whataboutery when, especially at Berkely, this is something that’s really happened, and not an isolated incident.

If here’s something you think I need to understand better about the situation in the US, Ok, can you explain please?

@Still Fiqah

It’s worth reminding everyone that one of the things /pol/ (4Chan) has been doing for a while now is visiting known “SJW” sites, and attempting to pull the dialogue to the right, typically by posing as political moderates who are “just asking questions.” The idea being that we’ll all continue interacting with them in the comments and say some unthinkable lefty thing so they can go “A-HA! You’re monsters too!” Or that they can poach actual moderates who leave those sites in a huff. Or whatever they want this week.

I’ve seen channers try that though, and they’re rubbish at it, mainly because their idea of pulling things to the right is extremely far right. Ach, how can I show I’m discussing in good faith? Ok, you think actual moderates might leave this site in a huff. So, you accept moderates exist, that they might disagree with things said here even to the point they become frustrated. So it’s not implausible someone might disagree in good faith, right?

I’m not even a moderate, I’ve said obviously leftwing things and disagreeing with the use of force except in self-defence is a pretty normal thing to say, not anything outrageous. It’s probably what most people think, even? Outright pacifism (I’m not a pacifist) isn’t uncommon on the far left either, perhaps especially my tree hugger bit of it. I accept that some people might disagree with me on the use of force as a tactic, and expressed no condemnation of Nazi-punching.

Any persistence is just wanting to understand what’s being argued for here, to express uncertainty about the suggestion, and to show good faith. I mean, if someone is saying go out, beat up Nazis, it seems reasonable to ask for further details on how it works, even if you’re completely down with that as a tactic. It also seems reasonable to think this is a strategy that has room to go horribly wrong, given Nazis can be armed and violent.

7 years ago

It’s not about the moral high ground, but about tactics. It’s not that the media won’t try to spin it anyway (I was livid seeing the reporting on the anti-Trump protests where police teargassed overall peaceful protesters just because a plastic bottle was thrown), but even the media probably can’t get away with saying you hit someone with a bikelock if you don’t do that. I do think we had seen a difference in reporting depending on the tactics used, especially the peaceful Charlottesville protests/memorials. It’s not about winning over Nazis, but about convincing Dems, so as to hopefully win in the long-term by changing the system that gives rise to Nazis.

Not sure I can say much else, really. I don’t think going out with the intent of using force is a good idea, others do.

7 years ago

A pretty white woman was killed in Charlottesville. I think that was a bigger factor than the tactics used.

7 years ago

even the media probably can’t get away with saying you hit someone with a bikelock if you don’t do that

Unless the alt-reichers decide to claim that they were attacked, that is.

Or unless you’re BLM peacefully marching and getting branded as a riot.

Or unless you’re indigenous protestors against pipeline installation getting blasted with water cannons, and then all the focus is going to be on how disruptive you are.

Or unless you’re a black person who got shot by the police, and then there will be tons of stories about how you definitely robbed a store before the shooting.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

I don’t actually give a shit if you’re here in good faith or not, because the outcome is indistinguishable: You rabbiting on about your offended bourgeois sensibilities , prioritizing those sensibilities over the lives of nazi victims. And it’s pissing me off a lot, and a lot of other folks here seem to be getting awful sick of it too. Because literally all you’ve done since you came here has been ‘what about the nazis?’ Your hairsplitting about who’s really a nazi, hypothetical age and gender diversity among nazis, potential bad reactions from other white people to the sight of nazis getting a beating, blah, blah blah what about the nazis?

You’ve completely ignored or brushed off everyone telling you about the inevitability of violence when nazis gather and organize, the active threat to our lives that a lot of us here face when that happens, and the assorted cases where beating nazis has prevented further violence. You’ve trivialized a major and growing problem that has already killed numerous people. You’ve been, in short, a nazi sympathiser, and nobody here has time for quislings.

Blogger Chris Brecheen has summed this up very nicely, without ever once pointing out directly that people like you are actively cheering for white supremacy.

Let’s make sure something is clear: for the most part we’re not actually having a conversation about violence itself. Conversations about violence itself involve examining this country’s bloody history, calling for the disarming of police, and serious conversations about reducing our military to a defensive force.

In terms of people hurt, punches thrown, or property damage we would be just as upset about bar room brawls or biker gangs as anything that happened in Berkeley. And we would be triaging our concern about the violence of white supremacist groups far higher than that of antifa considering that people from their groups murder folks on the regular and threaten entire demographics with genocide as a matter of open, stated objectives.

Sports fans have literally destroyed more things and hurt more people in one night than antifa has since they got on people’s radars months ago, but strangely we don’t see very many mainstream think pieces calling for their classification as a gang or terrorist group.

What we are having for the most part is a conversation about who has the moral authority to engage in and/or threaten violence, both as a group or in a moment under their own acumen and assessment of a situation. And our country continues (mostly unconsciously of the double standard and what it represents) to have a tremendous discomfort with people pushed towards the margins of our society–who are not in the service of institutions that serve the social order like cops or military–making that judgement call for themselves.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
7 years ago

Leo says:

Ach, how can I show I’m discussing in good faith?

Maybe adjust your tactics to achieve more persuasive optics.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster


If in the beginning, when the Hitler bands were still weak, the workers’ parties had answered them blow for blow, there is no doubt their development would have been hampered. On this point we have the testimony of the National Socialist leaders themselves.

Hitler confessed in retrospect: Only one thing could have broken our movement – if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed, with the most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new movement.”

And goebbels: “If the enemy had known how weak we were, it would probably have reduced us to jelly…. It would have crushed in blood the very beginning of our work.”

Piss off and step on a Lego on your way out.

7 years ago

They could just use stock footage from some riot some other country and claim it’s from an in reality completely peaceful march or protest,
for example:

violent alt-leftists in Boston disrupt peaceful free speech rally by throwing Molotovs at police and cause thousands in property damage,

In reality that image is from France not Boston but the fake news machine will still run articles with stock images and fabricated events and fox will eventually pick up the story “none of the other channels are willing to report (because Soros)”.

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster


If in the beginning, when the Hitler bands were still weak, the workers’ parties had answered them blow for blow, there is no doubt their development would have been hampered. On this point we have the testimony of the National Socialist leaders themselves.

Hitler confessed in retrospect: Only one thing could have broken our movement – if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed, with the most extreme brutality, The nucleus of our new movement.”

And goebbels: “If the enemy had known how weak we were, it would probably have reduced us to jelly…. It would have crushed in blood the very beginning of our work.”

Piss off and step on a Lego or twelve on your way out.

Ach, how can I show I’m discussing in good faith?

You can start by stopping whinging on about “””””optics”””””

7 years ago

Lets see if it works this time.

Still Fiqah
Still Fiqah
7 years ago

Hey, @Leo. Hey there. Hey, sugarbeans. Hi.

Lots of people disagree with me and the terrific commentariat here. But that’s not what’s happening. You are on some hot, wild BULLSHIT. Nobody else here is going in the paint for Nazis. And you’re not engaging. You’re goading. So, if 4Chan or one of those other fucknuggetoriums didn’t send you, DARPA must have. And, if THEY didn’t send you, my best guess is that we’re allllllll unwitting participants in an undergrad soc experiment. OR that you’re a tulpa. Whatever the case, you’ve burned my grits, so much so that I wish your comments were people. So that I could slap the purple Nazi cowboy FUCK outta them.

The rest of y’all? High fives and fruit snacks.

7 years ago

I think it’s relevant that that guy didn’t get away with it, though.

Yes in the case of those other examples, they get away with it then because it’s more directly state sponsored. I’m talking very specifically only about this type of rightwing rally/protest.

I’m not bourgeois enough to be able to have any offended bourgeois sensibilities, and I’ve not even said ‘how very dares you be violent, tsk tsk!’ but ‘not sure the use of force in this manner is tactically a good idea’. I’m a socialist who just advocated trying to get more leftwing candidates elected. I’ve talked about white supremacy as being a broader problem, and agreed with you it’s a problem with the Dems as well. People on the left can still disagree with each other on some things. Would it help any if I were an outright pacifist?

It’s not hypothetical hairsplitting when I can see people who were not obviously identifiable Nazis, who were women, minorities, at the protests on the rightwing side. If you don’t consider it an issue to target these people, why would it even matter that I’m pointing out they were there? If on the other hand you only really want to punch identifiable Nazis, Ok. I’m not sure it’s the only way to deal with them, but if you think so, Ok. I haven’t ignored what’s been said at all, given I’ve acknowledged the arguments for use of force in this way.

Contrary to the blog post, I am talking about ‘violence itself’, or rather, a specific use of force as tactic. 100% disarm the police, demilitarise, they’ve shown over and over they can’t be trusted with weapons, and it’s shocking to witness their completely disproportionate reactions even to peaceful protest. I’m British, we don’t like police to have guns usually.

It’s not just white people who might respond negatively to the intent of use of force by Antifa, as it’s gone so far. Whether you agree with that type of response or not, it doesn’t make the people who feel that way necessarily useless politically – Antifa aren’t a large enough group to get a better candidate elected by themselves, and they probably wouldn’t be able to carry out a successful revolution by themselves. I think trying to persuade people in order to achieve political aims still matters, if not, why not go with all-out revolution?

Again, what else can I say? We can agree to disagree, but I hope you can see good faith is intended.

7 years ago

Apparently I suck at posting images on here but I literally googled riot for an image and fabricated a headline saying it was from the Boston counter protest,
despite being from another country, taking place at night (Boston having happened during the day), and most importantly no one was set on fire in Boston,
fox has been known to report stories doing the same thing or even use stock footage of riots during live coverage.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I hope you can see good faith is intended

What makes you think either good faith or intent matters? Cos it really doesn’t…

7 years ago

I think it’s relevant that that guy didn’t get away with it, though.

That particular guy didn’t get away with it, but he’s demonstrated that there are people among them who are completely happy to lie in order to smear the antifa. Chances are that there are others.

How exactly am I supposed to provide an example of a liar getting away with lying? If they get away with it, then I’m not going to be able to point out the lie, am I? And if the lie gets spotted, then, hey, look, that only proves that the media can’t get away with taking Nazi’s lies for truth. There’s no way for me to disprove your claim, how convenient for you.

7 years ago

Yes, that may likely have been the bigger factor, and also that the Nazis were far more obvious.

@Still Fiqah
I don’t even know what most of those are! Looking DARPA and tulpa up didn’t even help. I’m a British Labour/Green supporter. That’s not the kind of person I would expect to think using force is always the best tactic.

How is it possibly going all in for the Nazis to suggest it might not be a good idea to go to rallies with the intent of using force, not because of a moral issue with punching Nazis, but tactically? I have engaged with what’s been said, I’ve said I can see the arguments for it, I’ve said Ok to punching identifiable Nazis if that’s what’s felt necessary, I didn’t condemn anyone for it.

I would think it matters because some seemed to think it couldn’t possibly be a view held in good faith, despite that regular commentators have also expressed reservations on use of force?

Otherwise, honestly I give up, agree to disagree, I still don’t think it’s the best tactic.

Absolutely not intending to claim they couldn’t possibly get away with lying, which yes, they’re totally willing to attempt to do. Just that since that guy didn’t get away with it on that occasion, hopefully others won’t.

And yeah, agreeing with those saying that the media’s willingness to use images from elsewhere intentionally to mislead is an issue. At least social media helps highlight it, but…

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
7 years ago

Leo says:

I hope you can see good faith is intended.

Every “argument” you make is steeped in bad faith. No one really cares how intentional that is. The best you can hope for at this point is that we’ll forget you quickly when you finally shut the fuck up and leave.

7 years ago

And yeah, agreeing with those saying that the media’s willingness to use images from elsewhere intentionally to mislead is an issue. At least social media helps highlight it, but…

Social media has created a world where disputing the existence of events inconvenient to the nazi agenda is only uncommon,
and a world where the president can publicly condemn a nonexistent riot.

Those are our “optics” school shootings are fabricated communist propaganda and peaceful protests are really communist riots covered up by Jews,
there is nothing that we can or can not do to change that but we can stop nazis in the field.

7 years ago

@A. Noyd
Ok, do you think it’s a good tactic to hit people who aren’t obviously identifiable as Nazis, with sticks, with a bike lock, to throw fireworks into a crowd? Because literally all I’m saying is that I don’t think it is, it’s not something I would advocate.

Do you think anyone who feels that way should shut up and leave? I disagree on this one specific thing, which isn’t something that contradicts the point of the site as far as I can see.

@Tree Person
I know. : / It’s horrible, and you’re right that social media can be a serious hindrance, not just a help. It’s mostly Republicans who believe that stuff though, I think? I have seen Dems fall for some propaganda -which is what it is- but it seemed possible to explain to them that it wasn’t true, at least in some cases. I’ve been successful before in explaining for them that the far right are not really just protesting about free speech, and that it’s not appropriate or acceptable to invite far right speakers to Universities, for instance. While we can try to explain why the media narrative is biased and misleading, it’s not going to be as easy to say that Antifa are not advocating violence, if Antifa are using force as a tactic against those who are not clearly identifiable as Nazis.

I think it’s about more than stopping Nazis in the field, though certainly that needs doing.

7 years ago

, it’s not going to be easy to say that Antifa are not advocating violence, if Antifa are using force as a tactic against those who are not clearly identifiable as Nazis.

So antifa can only use none violent force (what is that even?) against nazis wearing swastikas?
So if nazis showed up wearing maga hats instead and still planned to burn down a synagogue antifa should let them for the sake of optics?
If antifa can identify nazis so can you.

If anything nazis with out swastikas should be treated as war criminals as they are un-uniformed enemy combatants engaged in combat operations (and before you say it antif’s masked all black look would count as a uniform).

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ treeperson

If anything nazis with out swastikas should be treated as war criminals as they are un-uniformed enemy combatants engaged in combat operations (and before you say it antif’s masked all black look would count as a uniform).

We had a bit of a discussion about all this sort of thing over on Varalys’ blog in case you’re interested.

Because that’s what the comments on a comicbook needs, me quoting the Geneva Conventions. 😀

7 years ago

Antifa’s masks and flags essentially make them a resistance group, like the Maquis.

Make no mistake, Leo. This is not leading to a war, the war has already begun. What’s left to see is how big it gets before A) The Nazi win, or B) The Nazi lose.

When the governor of the state says “We did not use as many police or national guard to keep peace because the Unite the Righters were heavier armed than we were”, that’s a fucking clue there is a war on. That one side came heavily armed in full combat gear to the point that citizens thought *they were the national guard* should point to what it’s goals, tactics, and impetus were.

These are facists and white supremacists. They have shouted their slogans, raised their salutes, beaten their non-whites. What, exactly, is there left to argue semantically about who they are?

To be taken in good faith, you’d have to address the things people have rebutted you with instead of continuously repeating the same thing over and over but with more different words.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
7 years ago

Leo says:

Do you think anyone who feels that way should shut up and leave?

I think anyone who refuses to engage with facts and instead blithers on and on about the “optics” of hypotheticals in which fascists could be insufficiently deserving victims should shut the fuck up and leave.

So shut the fuck up. And leave.

CleverForAGirl - microprostitute
CleverForAGirl - microprostitute
7 years ago

Leo, couple of quick questions.

So are you arguing that antifa are committing violence against those that aren’t nazis? (You march with those chanting “blood and soil” you’re a nazi full stop. You march with them you are one of them, based stick granny included.)

or are you arguing that the amount of force is more than the marching nazis need?

because this:

It’s not just white people who might respond negatively to the intent of use of force by Antifa, as it’s gone so far.

is some remarkably fucked up shit. So what’s too far? Keep in mind the nazi side, if they get what they want, and they already have support from the white house, will kill me and everyone I love. You seem to think one dude with a bike lock is going to far?

7 years ago

Sorry I was unclear, that was maybe a clumsy way to express it. I intended to distinguish between violence, which is maybe a more pejorative term, and force used as a form of resistance.

If Antifa can explain to me how they are identifying Nazis, that might help, I did ask earlier. The response seemed to be that identifiable Nazis/Alt-Righters and anyone with them is a legitimate target, please correct if wrong. I would have thought this method would be too error prone, personally, lots of Trump supporters have MAGA hats, and some types of force such as thrown objects don’t allow for that much specific targeting.

I’ve stated that I think it’s justified and tactically Ok to use immediate self-defence, and to defend others, so protecting a synagogue that was under attack would come under that.

I can completely see that concern, they looked extremely intimidating in that riot gear, and I’m sure that was their intention. I do still hope that civil war is avoidable, I don’t think the Nazis have as much support as they hoped.

Not every rally has gone like Charlottesville, however. I have tried to address and acknowledge the points raised, if there’s anything else let me know. Maybe people could acknowledge my view at least, even if they strongly disagree? It doesn’t seem an illegitimate viewpoint to question use of force.

@A. Noyd
Specific examples, which I have given, aren’t hypotheticals, they are facts. Nor is it about whether they deserve it or not, though them not being fascists and not deserving it would seem possible if it’s ostensibly a free speech protest. Could be wrong but not every rightwinger at Berkeley really seemed like a Nazi, rather than just a typical Trump supporter.