By David Futrelle
The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.
Let’s go to the Tweets.
Melania Trump rocks flawless emergency aid look en route to Texas https://t.co/THKSQXAL8H pic.twitter.com/SCODnH3lbh
— Jezebel (@Jezebel) August 29, 2017
Guys, guys, settle down. Melania brought a change of shoes. pic.twitter.com/cqBGjR9tXb
— shauna (@goldengateblond) August 29, 2017
the @dallasnews WH pooler is pretty done with @potus's TX visit. No "expression of sympathy," came with mysterious crowd of fans: pic.twitter.com/3poiXShQJG
— Heather Timmons (@HeathaT) August 29, 2017
Trump thanking FEMA dir William Brock Long: "A man who really has become very famous on television in the last couple of days." #Harvey
— Tasneem Nashrulla (@TasneemN) August 29, 2017
Trump on #Harvey: "It sounds like such an innocent name. … But it's not innocent. It's not innocent."
— Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek) August 29, 2017
In other Hurricane Harvey news:
Amazing. Kids in kayaks joining in rescuing people + animals as water rises rapidly near overwhelmed #Houston-area reservoirs. pic.twitter.com/SWWSTCaK14
— Jason Pohl (@pohl_jason) August 29, 2017
This is what hurricane rescue efforts looks like in Houstonhttps://t.co/y9Ah5aRSkW pic.twitter.com/f7Un949MAt
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) August 29, 2017
— Sean Leahy (@thepunningman) August 29, 2017
Looking forward to Trump fans blaming Obama for the response to Harvey.
— L O L G O P (@LOLGOP) August 29, 2017
And now, terrible people being terrible, starting with the guy who said he got stabbed for having a “fashy” haircut. Well, guess what?
And the parade of terrible people continues:
Jim Bakker: We Will Have A Civil War If Trump Is Impeached | Right Wing Watch https://t.co/eufh84fsCx
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) August 29, 2017
But hey, that’s a pretty sweet deal on the Tasty Pantry Deluxe Bucket! (Jim Bakker sells food supplies for the apocalypse.)
And now, some cute animals, because seriously, we could use some.
When trying reach my goals https://t.co/5H3jrMs1ej
— Dog and Kitty (@dognkitty) August 28, 2017
— Dog and Kitty (@dognkitty) August 28, 2017
I don't know cats. I don't have any deals with cats. I don't owe any money to cats. There's no cat walking across my keyboard right nƱnnh&11
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) August 28, 2017
Did a bit of reading up on that Indian holy man to get the gist of what he did (ugh!) and am now wondering what the phrase ‘pitaji ki maafi’ means in relation to rapes. I gathered it’s one of some common phrases/euphemisms over there for that, and that ‘maafi’ means ‘pardon’, but beyond that I have no idea what the phrase means.
Anyone willing to explain? Please and thank you in advance.
Where I live, no one I know has had trouble getting an abortion, but I do someone who got told no when she wanted to get her tubes tied. People tend not to accept it when women say they want to remain child free. My dad had no trouble getting a vasectomy, but I don’t know if that’s because he’s a man or because he already had two kids.
I’ve taken to calling him “Donny Two Scoops”.
TENNESSEE! A Red State in the “Bible Belt”! That explains a lot!
I live there with my family but if I had the means, I’d move out, go back North and get a small apartment in Buffalo.
Seriously, this would happen in the most blue state in the nation. Look, I have a lot of issues with Republicans and bible-thumpers myseld, but we need to avoid slapping a label on people to explain away behaviors that exist in abundance outside of that label. Feminist women tell me I’ll want kids one day and not to close any doors. This isn’t about politics or religion, it goes way, way deeper into how we, as a society, view women, their nature, and their desires.
Also, you’re probably seriously alienating any of our members from Tennessee and/or the bible belt with that kind of talk.
I have 2 kids and I still can’t get sterilised “in case [I] meet a man who wants children” – an actual quote from a doctor.
Thanks, it’s good to be back. Was really struggling this time last year and was a lot quieter online. I’m doing better now š
I’m sorry to hear that you were struggling, but glad you’re doing better now.
In off-topic news, MRAs cheer as dumpster-fire-in-chief dumps on anti-discrimination rule regarding wages… also cheer as Ivanka the Cyborg sides with discriminator-in-chief dad
… like any of THAT is new….
I don’t live in the Bible Belt and neither does the woman I know who got turned down. I’ve never wanted to get an operation myself, but I’ve definitely gotten some side eye for saying I wanted to be child free.
@WWTH I live in Canada and I still got that song and dance. Finally was able to get my tubes tied when I was 31. Best thing that ever happened to me. š
I don’t have any tubes. I cried about being sterile a bit, in my 20s, but looking at the world now it has been a blessing in disguise. One day I hope to have a cat.
Extremely glad I got a hysterectomy. I got it for other reasons (fibroids) but the sterility is a nice side benefit.
The whole ‘what if you meet a man who wants kids’ rationalization for not sterilizing grinds my gears. Has it ever occurred to people that if the man wants that, he might, oh, not be the right man for that particular woman? Then again, this is the same mindset that thinks women aren’t complete without a man, any man, even if he sucks, and that women are supposed to drop all personal identity and ambitions for said man. Feh.
Yeah, I loathe the idea of “A future man that neither you nor the doctor has met yet needs to approve of this surgery.”
I got my IUD no problem about 5 years ago (FWIW, I lived in a big city in a blue state), but in the year or so I’ve been married I’ve had several people – mostly women – all but order me to have children.
Is there a throne to fill? If not, why does it matter to you? If so, why did nobody tell me I’m a princess?
You’re right, it is an opinion, not a truth. I must’ve had a brain-fart there, for a moment.
Well, the internet is a series of tubes. *sorryitsbeenalongday*
Not a big fan of digs at Melania over her footwear. She’s not the president, and for the most part she doesn’t want to be involved in the presidency (unlike Ivanka).
It’s your blog, do as you will, David, but you did literally just start a post by slamming a woman who has little if anything to do with the actual horrible things Trump has done, and it was uncomfortable and a poor fit for a very feminist blog. More focus on cheeto demon in the future, less on impractical style choices.
(I know I’m an infrequent commenter, but I’m still a faithful reader. I just felt like I had to say something. You’re doing great work, carry on!)
TW: [surprise sex] mention
Thanks to Berke Breathed, I will never be able to see the name “Jim Bakker” without thinking of these words (sadly, I could not find the original Sunday strip online):
“Lying… stealing… rape… homosexuality… air-conditioned-doghouses…”
@Austin Loomis
A very good reason to be forced to think of those words, IMO. š Berke Breathed has been a godsend for our sanity these days.
I agree with you 100%. I didn’t bring it up this time because last time I called out policing of women’s bodies on one of his posts it got handwaved away. David, I hope you will consider the impact of this kind of female-targeted policing. Women are told they must wear heels, even if it causes them pain, even if they have balance issues, even if they just don’t like them, or else they’re not feminine enough. But then when women do wear heels it’s always comments about how the footwear is inappropriate because [insert any of the reasons women are told to ignore].
@Austin Loomis
Using “surprise sex” as a euphemism is more offensive than the word rape. If you’re worried about the word itself being a trigger, maybe use sexual assault or sexual violence?
I am a lesbian, so unlike my straight childless friends, no one pressures me to have kids. However, I do get offended when people act relieved that I don’t want to have children (which has happened to me several times).
You got a point there. Sorry about that. I got to quit assuming stuff based on stereotypes.
On darker news; I just read that news outlets got it wrong when they said that the trans-ban wasn’t going to be that bad or that Matthis was against it….
….I need to know. Why can’t these outlets get their facts straight? What is going on?
….However; On lighter news….
….There’s plenty of opposition, even a few from GOPers!!
The Russia Investigation against Trump is STILL in high gear and it may even put the kibosh on “Donny Jabba Two Scoop’s” little shindig with Arpaio….
In other Good News; A San Antonio, TX. School will no longer be named after a certain famous Confederate General….
Even “FAUX Noise” polls are saying “TRUMP = TURKEYHEAD”!….
A Judge is working to take the teeth out of Arpaio’s pardon….
….which should make it harder for Mr. Pinky Underpants to do stuff like run for any sort of office.
I always try my best to find the Good News and silver linings to counter the Bad News.
Oh, this reminds me of when I gave birth to my youngest daughter (the only child I have by my husband) and my MIL came into my room immediately after and told me “I saw your baby girl. Now you have to try for a boy.”
Incredulous, (because sex was the last thing on my mind) I asked, “Why?!?”
“To carry on the ___________ name.”
I asked if there was a throne or an inheritance involved. “No….”
I then told her that I have no intention of being a brood mare, and she has two other sons, and she can give them the “WE NEED AN HEIR, STAT!” call of duty lecture. She tried to give me the “It’s your wifely duty” nonsense, but I nipped that shit right in the bud.
JFC. That’s not a mother-in-law anyone should have to deal with. My condolences–and I hope your daughter is doing well.