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Trump has the best natural disasters: Today in Tweets

What a crowd!

By David Futrelle

The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.

Let’s go to the Tweets.

In other Hurricane Harvey news:

And now, terrible people being terrible, starting with the guy who said he got stabbed for having a “fashy” haircut. Well, guess what?

And the parade of terrible people continues:

But hey, that’s a pretty sweet deal on the Tasty Pantry Deluxe Bucket! (Jim Bakker sells food supplies for the apocalypse.)

And now, some cute animals, because seriously, we could use some.

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Ten Bears
7 years ago

Stabbed himself in the hand with a pocket knife. Is that right? He stabbed himself in the hand with a pocketknife.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

Those ‘high tide heels’ are awesome. Imagine trying to walk in them.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I’m still waiting for our timeline to go so bad it comes back around to good. That’s the best I can reasonably hope for…

7 years ago

I am not surprised that people think Obama was president during Katrina. A lot of Trump supporters seem to have completely blocked out the Bush presidency. These are the same people who believe that Hillary and Obama started ISIS.

Trump is clearly incapable of showing any empathy at all. On the other hand, if my house had just been flooded, the very last thing I’d want is a hug from President Fascist Toddlercreep.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago

Well, apparently Tom Shelly has jumped on the dickwaving, woman-bashing bandwagon. In case anyone doesn’t know, he’s the guy who runs that infamous website whose name ends with “ermania”.

It’s rather interesting given that in the past, his website has been monomaniacally focused on attacking just one racial group, to the point that Tom has actually banned people for attacking other groups (such as Jews, Hispanics, gays, etc.) But now it seems like he’s finally jumped on the manosphere bandwagon. Probably it was only a matter of time. All those hate groups seem to be merging into one big Borg nowadays.

me and not you
me and not you
7 years ago

People who think Obama was pres during Katrina clearly weren’t involved because we (us gulf coast folks) pretty thoroughly dissed Bush for his response. On one hand, I kinda feel bad for politicians because there’s literally nothing you can do right during a disaster (i.e. there area million decisions to be made, and you can make all but one right call, and folks can only remember the bad). On other, don’t fucking wear heels and talk about goddamn ratings/turnout/fame during a condolence tour. We all know it’s politics, but at least pretend it’s not a political move.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
7 years ago

I’m still waiting for our timeline to go so bad it comes back around to good.

I’m still waiting for someone to show up and fix it.

DAYTIME – A suburban driveway

[There’s a bright flash of light. A car with some strange encrustations of tech swerves VIOLENTLY around the corner into the driveway, running across some of the grass and knocking trashcans over. A WILD-HAIRED MAN of about 80 steps out, spry, energetic, opens a thingie on the hood of the car, and starts picking up items of spilled trash and putting them inside, as a teenaged couple look on, startled.]

DOC BROWN: Marty! You’ve got to come back with me!
MARTY: Where?
DOC BROWN: Back to the future!
MARTY: Whoa, wait a minute, Doc. What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? What, do we become assholes or something?
DOC BROWN: No, no, no, no, no, Marty. Both you and Jennifer turn out fine. It’s the election, Marty. Something’s gotta be done about the election!

[… Later …]

JENNIFER: And this is the year 2016?
DOC BROWN: November 7th, 2016.
MARTY: ‘Cubs win world series’?!
(there ensues much stuff involving Biff messing up the timeline to become powerful and corrupt, in the process putting another rather Biff-like fellow within spitting distance of the Presidency…)

7 years ago

I mean, to be fair, Obama COULD have been on vacation and golfing during Katrina, it just would be irrelevant.

Bobbie Loblaw
Bobbie Loblaw
7 years ago

If Trump is impeached, Christians will wage civil war in much the same way Jesus lead his apostolic commandos in war against Caesar.

7 years ago

I don’t care about Melania’s shoes; I frequently wear no shoes, so whatever. I did think this was hilarious.comment image?oh=9bf20d4e1bcce108897dfa8852f74297&oe=5A5695A5

7 years ago

@Bobbie Loblaw
Exactly where in the Bible does it say that?

Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

I think that’s the point. It’s nowhere in the Bible (except perhaps the Apocalypse), so the point is that Christians won’t wage civil war. I’m not so sure, but I think that was what Bobbie was getting at.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

No they’ll just happily let the militias/fashy folk fight it for them. 😛

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

“Lotters will be shoot on sight”.

Fucking morons.

7 years ago

@Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent
I guess…? idk

OT: Good news

Tonight DEM woman of color flipped GOP seat on Fairfax School Board.

Karen Keys-Gamarra, an attorney and child advocate, won the at-large seat with nearly 41,000 votes, according to preliminary results Tuesday night.

Chris Grisafe, a federal contractor endorsed by the Fairfax County Republican Committee, received about 21,000 votes. Fewer than 70,000 people cast ballots, according to results, putting turnout at about 10 percent.

7 years ago

Trump is so amazingly devoid of sympathy. “Congrats FEMA head, you’re famous! Sure it’s thanks to many people losing their lives, their love ones, and homes, but hey, fame is fame! Bask in it! I mean, look at this crowd! This hurricane is awesome!”

He just can’t separate TV from real life. Or just doesn’t care. Or both. I’m sorry to anybody affected by Harvey. I’ve been through a few hurricanes in my life, but can’t even imagine going through one this big.

Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

“Lotters will be shoot on sight”.

Fucking morons.

I think you mean “morans”.

7 years ago

I’ll bet that idiot accidentally cut himself doing something really stoopid with an avocado or a bagel, then tried to take advantage of his stoopid mishap by using it to carry out a half-baked cunning scheme that he didn’t quite think through.

7 years ago

Wait, Obama was playing golf throughout the entire lifetime of Katrina?

He must not be very good at golf. A friend plays golf and he’s usually finished by lunchtime.

7 years ago


Apparently he’d just purchased a knife at a store before getting in his car, where he first photographed his wound. What probably happened was he got all excited about his new knife and decided to play with it ASAP, then accidentally stabbed himself trying to get the knife out of the clamshell package and invented a Scary Black Man(TM) to avoid admitting his mistake.

7 years ago

The simple difference is that Obama was a politician, but also human. Trump is just a skin suit filled with orange diarrhea put on the throne by people who either forgot or never learned what being human means. I can’t wait for someone to put a golf club up his ass, either metaphorically or really. I don’t even care.

7 years ago

Thank you for the brain bleach. Those Mike Cernovich tweets made me ragey and a puppy with a flower in its mouth was entirely necessary.

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


Hope everyone is safe. And i hope insurances work well, because i read this is one of the higher estimated cost disaster (42 billions).

Out of topic :
In India, surprisingly, the so-called living god Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been condemned for the rape of two women (Yay !) to 20 years of jail. Less surprisingly, as he is the leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda (which motto is “Universal Brotherhood”. Shadowrun, anyone ?), which is quite huge as a sect and is also a non-profit association (i guess it is possible in India laws), there have been riots and brawls with the police (which lead to some death and injuries). Indoctrination, the perfect compost for bigotry…
Oh, and for the men who would think “misandry ! It is part of the cult ! Damn you feminists !”, the sect has also lead to the castration of about 400 men, supposedly to “bring them closer to god” (but Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh could keep is pen on), argument which was reversed to “protect the women members against sexual advances” (yeah, irony is quite stiff regarding the recent events…) when some of the castrated persons complain about that.
It seems also that the sect have some positive points (it had petitioned to the legal recognition of transgender persons, and they have a welfare history), so it is up to you to make your own advice about the sect in itself.

Have a nice day.

Edit : “(L)Otters will be shoot on sight” => “Why !?”

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