By David Futrelle
You may find the recent ramp up in nuclear tension with North Korea rather unsettling. The regulars in the Incels subreddit just wish that Kim Jong Un would nuke us already.
Not just because a nuclear apocalypse would warm their nihilistic little hearts — though it would — but because destroying our power grid would knock out Facebook and Instagram, and keep all of America’s smug “Stacies” from getting “likes” for their sexy selfies.
No, really:
Naturally, most of BasedTruecel2’s “involuntarily celibate” compatriots on the subreddit think this is a grand idea. Some just want to get life on earth over with:
Others think a nuclear holocaust would give them a chance to really shine (and not just from radiation exposure) while the hated “normies” of the world died off en masse.
Some look forward to a world without laws in which they would be able to prey upon women — and pretty much everyone else.
One fellow is just really, really into Kim Jong Un.
But not everyone is convinced that nuking the US is such a good idea.
The Incels subreddit, where even the people arguing AGAINST a nuclear holocaust are racist pieces of shit.
And here I’d been thinking “roasties” was something to do with fake tans. :/ Gross. I think I like my definition better.
Assuming these guys don’t turn into MAGA funfetti from standing in front of the windows cheering while the bombs drop, they’d be in for a world of hurt. The EMP from even a couple of bursts high in the atmosphere would mean not only no more internet, but no more working vehicles (except for a rare few pre-1970s vehicles), no more food supplies, no more modern medicine or pharmaceuticals, no way of heating or cooling millions of urban dwellings, no communications, and a whole lotta pain for everybody. The suffering would be horrific. I’ve heard estimates that nine out of ten people in the US wouldn’t survive the year.
And people definitely aren’t going to be “fucking more” after a nuclear apocalypse. They’re going to be in shock. They’re going to be starving, exhausted, sick, and frightened, without a lot of spare energy to expend on recreational sex. Women will be less inclined to roll the dice on pregnancy and childbirth, once birth control disappears and maternity care goes back to medieval conditions. With civilization in ashes and people struggling for survival, no one’s going to have much patience for incels whining like mosquitoes about their boners. Contribute, or you don’t eat.
And if they think they’re going to become some “lone freak” with a gun preying on families, they’re in for an unpleasant surprise. Bullets aren’t going to protect them from dying of gangrene from a paper cut. More likely they’ll end up on fire in a ditch,
Actual social/ecological collapse is more likely to be gradual, disempowering, painful, and frustrating. Not like the exciting romantic adventure into reclaimed masculinity and personal power that these gormless fucktrumpets are imagining.
As we’ve mentioned before, it will be groups working together that will survive. That’s how humans have always survived. Your average “lone wolf” will die alone, or in the process of trying to steal from a group.
Or as the wise men say: Losers gonna lose.
gross. I knew it was a bad idea to ask. but that explains “all roasties deserve breast cancer,” since they are human monsters who want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
I’m pretty sure they would end up missing their sub-reddit more than “Chad and Stacie” would miss Facebook. Nobody would care to listen to their perpetual complaining in the real world, especially if a nuclear apocalypse occurred. Priorities, and all that stuff.
I want to point out too that the nuclear apocalypse they are wanting would more likely than not occur more on North Korean soil than American soil, due to the huge disparity between the sophistication of the weapons systems involved. I doubt they know or care about that of course.
A side note: I first heard of the mythical “Chad Thundercock” from a friend of mine. I thought he made it up because he’s one to make up goofy stuff off the cuff. I wasn’t aware he was a thing from the depths of Reddit/4chan.
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
“Wipe out the entire earth because people are fornicating” is a recurring theme in the Old Testament, and world mythologies generally. Makes you wonder how many of the ancient prophets and scribes were incels. (Lookin’ at you, Paul.)
Again, this is the conservative mindset.
It’s good that bad things happen, since they will happen to other people. It’s not my face that will be eaten by leopards. I’ll be able to take advantage of all the people who did have their faces eaten, and then I’ll finally be as rich as I always knew I should be.
This is how all conservatives think.
“This world is so degenerate! ”
“Why because people are having sex?”
“No! Because none of them are having sex with meeeeeee!”
Wait, if Kim and Trump are Chads, are the incels not supposed to hate them out of jalousy ? Or is there some deeper background with something like the Bad Chads and the Good Chads ? Or 50 shades of Chad ?
Have a nice day.
I can see their liking Kim. He is a born loser asshole who was magically, through having the right grandpa, given the life they basically want for themselves, powerful and rich and feared, and totally without limits on his personal behavior. All the while being pudgy and goofy-looking and generally not at all Thundercockish.
As for the effects of being nuked, I have the impression that they aren’t taking that into account at all. They seem to think of events that will break down society for them as basically giant plot twists.
This is the most accurate description of incel philosophy I’ve ever seen.
One of the funniest things was when I saw an incel on Facebook genuinely trying to explain how
having sex with lots of men = roastie
having sex with one man lots of times =/= roastie
His theory was that the vagina has to change shape for a variety of dick sizes/shapes multiple times which causes damage and that the guys who have lots of one night stands all have big dicks. Whereas having sex lots of times with one guy with a regular dick means that the vagina doesn’t have to keep adapting and doesn’t get damaged and doesn’t end up being a roastie.
Why are you questioning reasonable male logic?
I guess their head will explode if someone were to explain them that a baby is usually bigger than a penis, and yet vaginas don’t usually have any damage from (normal) childbirth.
If this hypothetical future is fallout, then they are those skeletons one finds lying around. They aren’t even raiders as raiders are sociable.
BBC stands for…oh, oh right. I dread to think what ‘BBC theory’ is. But what are ‘roasties’? Where I come from, they’re an essential part of a Sunday dinner…
Edited to add: just looked it up on Urban Dictionary and oh, great, it’s a horrible term for women whose labia ‘look like roast beef’.
The charmer who wants a nuclear strike in order to become “a solo [slur] lurker preying on families” doesn’t seem to realise these exist already, without a nuclear war.
And spending a lot of his fantasy life as one doesn’t bode at all well.
Oh for access for all, to actual, decent, age-appropriate sex-ed.
Where was it I saw screencaps of an MRA/incel-type who actually thought that where a penis goes in, in PIV-sex, is not the same place that a baby comes out …? (was that here? I don’t remember. It was some impressive failure of sex-ed, though)
“I hope our hate thoughts can bring about the apocalypse soon.”
Uhm, well, at least you can’t accuse them of obfuscating who they really are and what they really want….#wooha
… not that failure of sex-ed is these guys’ real problem. It just makes them sound (even more) ignorant as well as deeply, deeply shitty.
I just assume they paid as much attention in sex ed as they did in History and Logic classes.
Just for Fun :
I should know better. Having a vagina for 30 years and having had sex with multiple people with vaginas doesn’t qualify me to talk about them as much as an incel.
Yeah, since having my second child I’m actually far smaller than I was before, to the point I sometimes find sex painful. Multiple dicks aren’t going to do more “damage” than a 9lb baby. The only thing pregnancy did to my body was give me a belly that looks like a deflated, wrinkly balloon.
Yeah, all the use of ‘roasties’ conveys is ‘I hate women AND I have very little experience of being physically intimate with them’. Now obviously there is nothing shameful about being a virgin or virgin-adjacent, but it’s grimly funny how these kind of insults telegraph that these men know not what they hate.
Wow … these people are seriously delusional and disturbed in almost every way. I can’t believe Reddit allows these hate subreddits to flourish.