By David Futrelle
The Men’s Rights activists of Reddit may not have any interest in doing anything about Hurricane Harvey, or even talking about doing something, but don’t worry, they are willing to talk about one of the crucial issues of our day: the cruel exploitation of horny men by sex workers — women who actually charge these poor fellows money to have sex with them.
I mean, have you ever heard of such a thing?
Ladies, you may be a little confused by the assertion that horny men pay themselves for sex, but it’s true: Every time a man masturbates, he has to pay himself anywhere from five to twenty dollars (depending on how much equipment is involved).
Doesn’t sound like much but it adds up!
They would be terrible terrible clients.
Ugh. I feel for any poor sex worker that has to put up with this BS.
“So put a quarter in your ass cuz you played yourself.”
I’ve thought of that lyric more than once reading about these guys, but it’s the most appropriate here.
Numbered list of points because I’m feeling too lazy to attempt to tie everything together in coherent paragraphs.
1. Male sex workers exist. If this dude wants to be a sex worker, nothing is stopping him.
2. Nobody is forcing men to hire sex workers.
3. What’s this certain kind of man that is being “exploited?” LI have a feeling he’s making the claim that Johns are all sad lonely men who can’t get laid, but lots of men who go to sex workers are married or in a relationship. Remember when Hugh Grant was caught with one whilst in a relationship with Elizabeth Hurley?
4. Although it sounds like the sex worker in that interview referenced is doing the work completely voluntarily, but a lot of the time that’s not the case. If he thinks that clients of sex workers are so exploited, why isn’t he taking issue with pimps? Why doesn’t it disturb them that “pimp” is sometimes used as a compliment and pop culture makes being a pimp seem cool? Oh right, cause pimps are usually men.
5. You know if every female sex worker decided all at once to stop working, they’d complain about how there’s now no options for men who can’t laid and why aren’t these bitches willing to put out for money anymore?
“We made up a fictional thing about sex work, and now we’re angry because real-life sex workers seem to want to talk about the real-life things that affect their lives rather than the fictional thing we made up. It’s almost as if we don’t have authorial powers over real life!”
This guy seems to think that men never engage in sex work. He has been woefully misinformed. If he wants to be paid for sex, he can probably find customers.
I’m guessing what he actually wants is zero effort, no commitment sex with any women he happens to like. Not gonna happen.
Why can’t we talk about the real issue: hungry people being exploited by fast food workers. Why, just the other day, I was so hungry that I bought a sandwich, and the Timmies cashier made me pay for it! I can’t believe anybody would be that shameless. Charging money for services, the nerve!
MRA Shower Thoughts always make me feel like I have to shower. Frantically.
Aren’t these the same dudes who wax endlessly about the “pussy cartel” and women’s SMV and how women’s only value is in their bodies? Now suddenly they get mad when an actual price is placed on sex? Isn’t that the entire foundation of broconomics?
Oh, my. A person who chooses sex work, and expects to be paid for it?
How very dare.
Why can’t we talk about the real issue: hungry people being exploited by fast food workers. Why, just the other day, I was so hungry that I bought a sandwich, and the Timmies cashier made me pay for it! I can’t believe anybody would be that shameless. Charging money for services, the nerve!
@Kivutar – I had an idea like this, but you beat me to it! 🙂 (ETA: meant to put that in a quote, not italics.)
Also, does anyone find it disturbing that the original poster objects to a sex worker having a “strong libido”? Two thoughts on that:
1) How dare anyone do a job that they even remotely like, right? If I’m a teacher and I like teaching, I must be exploiting somebody! /s
2) Or the problem, to him, is that she’s happy having sex. She should be miserable doing it. (All sorts of wrong, but very MRA.)
Yea, men can be obsessed with sex and money, but if women are there’s something wrong with them. People are people after all.
Besides, like I said before, the MRA fart packets don’t want a woman with agency profiting from their horn, they want a battered wifey crying and begging them to stop. That’s the real turn on 🙁
I’ve already posted this on another thread, but please report this Facebook page, Politically Cracked T Shirts, for selling a shirt emblazoned with the slogan ‘Kill a Commie for Mommy”. They also do some other lovely ones saying ‘Pinochet’s Helecopter Tours’. Apparently, this does not violate Facebook’s community standards, but of course not as it’s sponsored content and they are profiting from hate speech and threats of violence. Disgusting 🙁
A few of my friend work in the sex industry.
I am still astonished that there are men who fall for the “I have a very strong libido” guff.
As if women with a “very strong libido” need to be sex workers in order to cater to that. A horny boyfriend will do.
It’s that they boil it all down to sex. What is the “sexual structure” when it comes to relationships?
Every time an MRA ejaculates they are required to pay someone. I think this is the obvious explanation.
I would ask if these guys knew that male sex workers exist, but…it’s MRAs. There’s a lot of stuff they don’t know/don’t consider.
I’m so stealing this insult.
I think I saw a picture of the “sexual structure” one time. It’s a temple in India that has carvings of scenes from the Kama Sutra (or perhaps they inspired the Kama Sutra? My memory is faulty.)
You know, if a big part of the MRA thinking is that men are oppressed because they can’t have sex on demand, logically it would follow that they would be in favor of prostitution and want to have it legalized. Especially the incels, who could just pay for it, get it over with, and stop bothering everyone about it. However, this doesn’t seem to be their stance from what I’ve seen.
I just imagined a male sex worker explaining to a MRA what being a male sex worker actually entails.
It’s comical and tragic at the same time.
@ Virgin Mary : I’ve reported Politically Cracked T-Shirts.
I went out to a business the other day, and the bastards actually wanted monetary compensation in exchange for goods and services. The nerve!
So I did what any good Randian AnCap alpha male would do: complain. Take that, people who expect an economic system to function!
Eh, just take it as read that this comment is a brilliant takedown of the usual MRA logic.
I think it’s something that some women also tell themselves. One of my college friends comes to mind…come to think of it, she did do sex work for a while, years later. But she was forever explaining about her high libido, and I think it was both something she’d been told was weird, and she should be ashamed of, and she was also sort of proud of, because it was ‘masculine’ and ‘exceptional’.
I dunno. Maybe she actually was hornier than me. How can you know such things?
I hope he’s charging by the quarter hour. And filming, because that would be good entertainment.
Oh hey, a Finnish MRA! His nym is even a classic literature reference.
We haven’t adopted the Swedish model (“Nordic model”) on sex trade, but much discussion on this topic has been had. The general legislative gist is that sex workers are more or less exploited – or at least that’s the usual justification for trying to keep sex trade out of sight.
I’ve seen some people struggle to understand why buying/selling sex should be illegal/legal when it’s the other way with drugs. Makes better sense if some people actually think sex service is addictive.
Better yet, imagine them explaining it to an “incel”.
Aren’t many of these guys libertarians? So why is it ok to pay for all the goods and services you need or want but to pay for a sexworker is exploition?
Sadly the law in my country didn’t always protect the payment of sexworkers, it was possible for the customer to just leave the sexworker before he paid and there was no legal way for the sexworkers to get their money. I wonder who was the exploited one in this scenario.
@Virgin Mary, I reported the t-shirt.
They think that being made to pay for sex is oppressive because they think they’re entitled to it already.