By David Futrelle
Much like Katrina, Harvey is turning into a slow-motion catastrophe as the deluge continues and flood waters rise. The National Weather Service is predicting more than 50 inches of rain in some areas, “beyond anything experienced before.”
Donald Trump, meanwhile, takes to Twitter to promote the book of a sheriff nearly as terrible as Joe Arpaio, talk about his stupid wall, brag about his win in Missouri, and issue meaningless bromides on how well everything is going in Texas, where things are decidedly not going well.
If you’re a WHTM reader in an area hit by Harvey, let us know how you are doing. We can signal boost if you need help!
Let’s go to the Tweets:
— NWS Weather Prediction Center (@NWSWPC) August 27, 2017
Buffalo Bayou Park in Houston
before and after.And the flooding continues.#Harveyhttps://t.co/bsW19AFBs3 pic.twitter.com/k6e1YqVBS8
— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) August 27, 2017
ICE Left 50 Immigrant Women And Kids Stranded At Bus Station Before Hurricane Harvey Struck https://t.co/LRhaWcji3c
— grace wyler (@grace_lightning) August 27, 2017
FYI: They were taken in by a local church.
"things are bad in texas, but also don't forget mexico is full of criminals and i won missouri by a lot" pic.twitter.com/b4FFxwydw3
— Mike Murphy (@mcwm) August 27, 2017
OMFG. The city of Houston's 911 services are at capacity. They're not even answering emergency calls right now.
Great coordination, tho. pic.twitter.com/vU4OFu501U
— Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) August 27, 2017
How trump is acting now is how he would also act if we got hit with a nuclear missile from North Korea
Plugging a book & 2020 rallying
— 🏳️🌈Spacedad (@SuperSpacedad) August 27, 2017
If you want to help, some suggestions.
THREAD: Local Houston charities helping with Harvey https://t.co/NbL7NbykHU
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) August 27, 2017
In other news:
WATCH: Man fired at another person in Charlottesville on Aug. 12. We handed 📹 to LE agencies. The man has been arrested & charged w a crime. pic.twitter.com/0vrXq4zNC0
— ACLU of Virginia (@ACLUVA) August 26, 2017
Richard Preston of The Imperial Wizard of The Confederate White Knights in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Arrested for firing at crowd pic.twitter.com/ByMtNGNBFX
— Chris Sampson (@sampsonlive) August 27, 2017
Protesters gather against bigotry and hatred at the spot of a cancelled right-wing rally in Berkeley https://t.co/QwGcbegKul
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) August 27, 2017
In more neo-Nazi news….. https://t.co/1IYMjBl3tB
— Raw Story (@RawStory) August 27, 2017
Time to stick together.
Accept my love! https://t.co/NWeYA6RhuV
— Dog and Kitty (@dognkitty) August 27, 2017
@ Weirwood:
I’d like to think that Trump and the Republicans will expedite Harvey relief efforts, if only because there must be a lot of GOP voters caught up in the disaster. But who knows these days?
P.S. So glad that all Mammotheers in the path of the storm are okay.
Austin just got soggy. I spent the afternoon with two neighborhood strays in the living room avoiding rain who have wanted to move in for a while. They will have their chance in a little while when Tyra is no longer with us and Mischievous needs a new friend.
I, too, hope any Mammothers in the effected area are safe. I’m not holding my breath, but if nothing else, let’s hope that Trump’s blithe attitude towards this whole incident garners some political fallout.
Could anything like this happen in New York, LA or Chicago? Because if so, then what would the logistics of evacuation, response and reconstruction be like then? Are any Mammothers geologists or seismologists? Cause if so, then I’ve always wanted to know – is the scenario of a giant earthquake in California just a disaster movie trope, or is it actually possible?
Well we are 65 years due for a 7.5 magnitude earthquake. Though chances it’s going to be an 8 magnitude earthquake.
Thank you bunches! I love that guy and that’s a great video! I remember when it came out after the dopey Brexit vote but it applies to everything going on, now. As long as we stay strong and keep up a good fight, everything will be fine. There are more of us (who value peace, freedom, kindness and love) than there are of them (hateful bigots and greedy Robber Barons).
Oh; Tenni is SO CUTE!….
….Here’s some very-vintage “Baby”-Tenni *swoons*. This is my main Tenni-squeeze, here; As adorable hypomaniac mental patient and deejay, Campbell Bain from the 1994 Scottish Miniseries, Takin’ Over The Asylum. The whole 6-Part show’s very bittersweet but I only really enjoy the first half (3 episodes) and take them together as a stand-alone 3-Part Idealistic tale….
….I explain my point better, here and even present my own fan edit “movie” which combines the first three episodes into one fun little movie.
I confess that the full-version was written to make a point and show how the mentally ill are mistreated by society and only accepting the first half misses the point. However; I feel my take on it and use of “Fanon Discontinuity” still makes a good point of “Fighting The Man and Winning” (with the Mental Hospital as just a setting).
….Glad to know that many Trump-voters aren’t really bigots and simply voted for the guy despite his awfulness due to his economic promises and “business genius” they assumed he had. This gives me hope for this country. Glad they are waking up. Trump and the GOP have been so hateful and ridiculous that even the more moderate Conservatives, Centrists and such are realizing they were fooled.
The Emperor has no clothes! Everything about him is fake! He’s a childish, irrational, toddler-like egomaniac with no real business acumen. Can’t make a deal to save his life, his wealth is really his dad’s as well as from stealing from and stiffing people. His autobiography was made-up and written by a ghostwriter who now refutes him. On top of that, he’s a Fascist Tin-Pot-Dictator-Wannabee who’s a White Supremacist Neo-Nazi-sympathizer!
Time to reach out with compassion to the Trump-voter’s-remorse folks who voted for him for economic reasons and bring them to our side. Don’t laugh at them. That would drive them away. We need to come together under the banner of economic and social justice.
The Trump-voter’s-remorsers who left Trump because he wasn’t “Nazi” enough and couldn’t fulfill his biggest BIGOTED promises (that goofy wall that will never be built and those Muslim bans that don’t really go anywhere, for example), however….We can guffaw at those guys! They have no excuse!
Oh; About those “Scary Maurauding Mexicans of Doom”….
….They actually were very active in aiding us when Katrina struck. They picked up the slack when the US Govt. picked their noses. This was basically buried because it didn’t fit the narrative the Far Right and “Corporate Media” wanted to sell.
Hope Blueintx is doing ok; haven’t heard from them in a while.
To the State of Texas….Especially those most hit….
Are there any historians here? Because I have the distinct (amateur) impression that are open and egalitarian societies do better economically too. I’m thinking of the golden age of Islam (before they went islamist) which would be, what? 1200 AD? C18th Holland. 1950s USA.
Please note, I don’t mean “open and egalitarian” relative to today’s wishes, but relative to the societies around them.
Come to that, C17th UK wasn’t bad. Isaac Newton’s father was an illiterate sheep farmer, and young Isaac was the first generation of English kids to go to a village school. If he’d been born 20 years earlier, he probably would have stayed illiterate like his father.
Stay safe everyone affected by the hurricane! I hope you all doing ok.
Best wishes to everyone in Houston and the affected areas. May you stay safe, and may you rebuild successfully afterwards.
I heard an unsubstantiated story that Greg Abbot has ordered checkpoints set up on the roads out of Houston to prevent undocumented migrants from fleeing. I very much hope it isn’t true.
For NYC, Sandy already showed a hint of how a catastrophe could strike.
For LA: just yesterday morning I was reading an article about megathrust earthquakes. Can’t have one on the CA coast. So you’re safe from a magnitude 9 like the Sumatra-Andaman or the Tohoku. And cold ocean currents mean that rainstorms are also going to be limited to the merely very bad.
For Chicago: I don’t know how you’d get a major disaster like these. A devastating drought could happen, but that doesn’t just kill you right away, you’ve got time to move.
Being totally honest, I am expecting Trump to hold Harvey relief hostage in exchange for funding for his wall. I am expecting the Republicans to continue to be okay with this.
I am so done with Republicans, forever. The party needs to be dissolved.
The silver-lining to all this is that the sheer malice & ineptitude of “Jabba Don & The GOPer Bunch” is bound to lead to record numbers of DECENT & PROGRESSIVE people at the Ballots in 2018 & 2020.
Also; Although Arpaio was pardoned, the universe is gonna give him the stink-eye, he’s no longer in power, his dumb “Tent-City” is history and any attempts at running for office his bound to get a flood of voters who will be motivated to vote in the other candidate. Only bigoted weirdos like this guy!
Arpaio’s just some dumb grumpy old man who yells at Mexico shaped clouds, now….and he’s probably paranoid (not a clinical diagnosis, ‘WHtM’) as Hell! Plus; There’s pretty of dirt to sue him for….and it won’t involve milking dry taxpayer cash….HE’LL have to pay.
Don’t ignore the horror but always seek the silver-lining and keep up the fight and retain high morale….
….Like “Campbell Bain” here! Never gave up and became a cool deejay….also applies to the guy who played him.
@Sheila Crosby
The English Revolution created more social mobility because the Puritans wanted to educate people, and societies influenced by Calvinism and Puritanism often had more education available and less economic inequality (relatively speaking). The United States in the 1950’s was more or less an egalitarian society as far as white men were concerned. There was a shortage of men who could do unskilled and less skilled labor, so those jobs paid more than usual and workers were shown more respect.
There is a problem now with disrespect for people who don’t have college degrees or don’t work in certain fields, but the answer to that isn’t attacking women or minorities.
SciAm reports that Harvey is drawing new evaporating moisture from both the nearby sea, and the flooded landscape it’s currently sitting on.
In effect, Gulf of Mexico has expanded into southeastern Texas.
Well, it wasn’t a hurricane anymore by the time it got there, but Hurricane Ike in 2008 did cause significant flooding in Illinois, and Chicago was in a state of emergency for a time.
Oh, yes. I live in NWI, and we flooded pretty badly here. My daughter was in a few photos of the devastation that appeared in newspapers around the country.
Bloody Tory government can’t even do chemtrails right.
In other strange news: Man Who Claimed He Was Stabbed After Being Mistaken For A Neo-Nazi Was Lying. (Ok, it’s a week old: apologies if it’s already been posted). I suppose “I was attacked by a scary antifa” is less embarrassing than “I was playing with a knife I’d just bought and cut myself”.
Woman asks people to stop cluttering useful flood-related hashtags with “you are in my prayers”, gets shouted down by those who think advertising their piety is vitally important.
In acid?
@Nequam Water worked for the Wicked Witch of the West. 😉
Huh. I don’t remember it at all, despite that I lived in Chicago at the time. This year’s midwest floods were pretty epic though (according to various friends).
Hurricane Irene still has signs cursing her out in the White Mountains and Adirondacks, damage to trails is still apparent, and there’s washed-out streams all over.
Well, here in Toronto, it’s Hurricane Hazel. Dates back to 1954, and pretty much the only hurricane that was actually still a hurricane by the time it got this far inland. There’s still a lot of parkland along the Humber River that was deliberately expropriated by the city afterward so nobody would try re-building there, and then dug down so the parks would act as overflow basins for the river if it were to ever flood again.
Obligatory xkcd: http://xkcd.com/1407/ “What’s the worst hurricane anyone in your town remembers?”
There’s a nice big strip on that one for Hurricane Hazel of all the places in the U.S. for which that was the worst hurricane to ever hit the area. Irene has a few decent sized blocks further east.
The great Galveston hurricane of 1900 moved inland as a spent tropical storm, encountered another low, then re-intensified. People died in flash floods in Wisconsin, hurricane-force winds pounded the Great Lakes and ships were sunk, ships were sunk in the Gulf of St. Lawrence before it finally moved out into the Atlantic (Read “Isaac’s Storm”).
Some years ago (I forget the exact storm) we drove from Toledo OH to Syracuse NY with rain like a garden hose on the windshield the whole way. We caught a spent tropical storm that still had a ton of rain. There’s a big high over the plains that could spin the remains of Harvey up into the Ohio Valley.
Just douse them all in salt and shrivel them….
….or strangle in a chain while wearing a gold bikini.
Both would work with giant intergalactic slug-monsters.
Taking Tyra to the vet for the last time in two hours 🙁
She hit the place where no food or attention will make her happy.
Now Mischievous who has always had other cats around her will be home alone while my wife and I work until we get Tom and Dooder properly socialized.
I hate reality.