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Men’s Rights subreddit responds to Hurricane Harvey with … a big fat nothing

Very impressive, guys

UPDATE: See the update at the end of the post. 

By David Futrelle

So I took a quick peek into the Men’s Rights subreddit — the leading Men’s Rights forum on the internet, with 156,000 subscribers — to see what the fellas were saying about the disaster in Texas.

I thought, best case scenario, that maybe some of them would have managed to arouse themselves from their torpor long enough to organize some sort of fundraiser. Worst case scenario, they’d be saying some really dumb things.

What I didn’t expect is that no one on the subreddit would be saying anything about it. I did searches to see if any topics from the past 24 hours had mentioned “houston,” “texas,” or “harvey.” I found this one post:

4 Activism/SupportPlease consider donating to the American Red Cross for their massive relief efforts to help the poor men that are the hurt, homeless and hungry victims of Hurricane Harvey ( submitted 10 hours ago by _exitus_acta_probat_ commentsharesavehidegive goldreportcrosspost no comments (yet) sorted by: top formatting helpcontent policy save there doesn't seem to be anything here


4 points, ZERO comments, after being up on the subreddit for ten hours.

By contrast, here are some of the topics from the past 24 hours that have been getting attention on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

 1052 Edu./Occu.Female founder hires women using affirmative action and then fires them after realizing her mistake. [Link to full article in comments] ( submitted 9 hours ago by SlightlyCyborg 150 comments

3686 HumourLadies And Gentlemen - Feminism, The Circus That Never Ends. P¬)) ( submitted 1 day ago by Imnotmrabut 144 comments

This post, with its 3686 upvotes, was dedicated to making fun of a feminist on Twitter for this:

Even this HUGELY IMPORTANT TOPIC got more attention than the plight of millions in Texas.

5 FeminismJust had a stupid encounter with an SJW feminist outside a Target (self.MensRights) submitted 8 hours ago by mrwhibbley 10 comments

Maybe somewhere in some random topic in the subreddit at the moment someone has managed to say a few words about the humanitarian catastrophe in Texas. But in terms of dedicated topics, aside from a single topic that has gotten literally no responses, there really doesn’t seem to be anything there.

UPDATE:  A day after this post and another Harvey related topic has gone up!

So did Hurricane Harvey prove that men are 'obsolete'? 3 points 1 comment submitted 4 hours ago by ifelsedowhile to r/MensRights just saying

The question in the title is sarcastic; the post is basically a bunch of pictures of men rescuing women in Houston.

There’s also a bit of movement in the original post —  in the form of three whole comments, one of them from the OP. A dude has shown up to complain that teh Red Cross prioritizes women in disaster relief (though this is because in truly desperate situations it increases the chance that resources will go to everyone rather than being hoarded by men).

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love how it specifies helping the poor men affected by Harvey. There’s nothing wrong with gender specific causes or orgs, but there’s a time and a place for them and emergency disaster relief isn’t it.

I can’t imagine a feminist space promoting disaster relief and specifying that it’s only to help women.

I can just imagine an MRA making a donation to the Red Cross and writing “no helping icky girls with this please” on the memo area of the check.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Oh. I’m shocked. The greatest “Men’s Human Rights Movement” not saying anything about Harvey?

They must all be out helping to rescue men. That’s gotta be it.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Of course they’ll only care about SJWs and feminists. Harvey requires empathy – something they look down upon and reject. If anything, they’ll probably end up mocking any women who are victims commenting on how they deserved it. Their bile is predictable.

*Any Texan mammothers here? I’m closer to Dallas so the most we’ve been receiving here is some rain and overcast skies. The news is reporting ~2ft of more rain in Houston. Please stay warm and safe everyone !

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I love how it specifies helping the poor men affected by Harvey.

Red Cross knows their audience.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Maybe they’re mad that the hurricane has a male name. Those misandrists at the World Meteorological Organization are trying to blame destructive on men! They must all be feminists there! I bet they all answer to Hillary Clinton! After all, if you reorganize WMO, you get WOM. WOM as in WOMan. I guess I can’t blame the MRM for not wanting to buy into anti-male conspiracies.

7 years ago

Well these guys never show any empathy for the hungry and homeless men if they can’t use them for their agenda. And i doubt this counts as real empathy.

Maybe they could sometimes try to actually help men in need but this would mean that they can’t spent as much time bullying women behind their screens. So it’s unlikely that this will happen soon.

Bobbie Loblaw
Bobbie Loblaw
7 years ago

Look…. only a few hundreds of thousands are affected by Harvey, whereas Target feminist has the potential to obliterate the ENTIRE MALE RACE, so I’d say their priorities are in order.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


Mr. Parasol is originally from Houston. Luckily his parents moved out of state a few years back – his old neighborhood has been hit pretty hard. We’re getting a fair bit of wind and rain, but we’re not Corpus Christi or Rockport, so we count ourselves lucky.

7 years ago

Look…. only a few hundreds of thousands are affected by Harvey, whereas Target feminist has the potential to obliterate the ENTIRE MALE RACE, so I’d say their priorities are in order.

Is this sarcasm? it’s hard to tell sometimes

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Fabe, yes, it’s sarcasm.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

They aren’t interested because it doesn’t give them a hard on. Not even a hate boner. At least with hurricane Katrina, they could blame it on a woman. 🙁

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

“Stupid encounter with SJW” guy (Mr. Whibbley) has been featured at WHTM before. He periodically fabricates run-ins with sneering feminists at places like Panera Bread and the ice cream parlor. His stories all follow the same general template. Female strangers berate him for not acting more chivalrous and imply he’s not a real man. Then he silences them with the perfect comeback!

I was curious, so I checked out the Reddit post. This time around, he was at Target, staring at a logo on a woman’s shirt that happened to be over her left breast. He had to cover up by pretending to be interested in the yoga studio she was advertising.

Which led to this choice piece of idiocy, from the comments:

Women who get upset when you stare at their tits are SJWs. They should know they don’t have a right to privacy in public. If they don’t like it, they can stay home

So I assume this fuckonaut would be perfectly OK with someone looking over his shoulder and swiping his PIN. He’s in public, after all. That means he automatically consents to open season on his private property.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Every time I see “Whibbley” I think of Wibbly Pig, which is a cute young children’s show, and I am saddened, because this Mr. Whibbley is a pig of quite the different sort, and in no way cute at all.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ Buttercup

They should know they don’t have a right to privacy in public.

There’s not many legal cases make me go “Eww”, but apparently that’s the law in Oregon!

7 years ago

Are Bobby Loblaw and Roberta Loblaw the same person? I mean, it’s entirely possible that more than one person made an account with a variant of a character name from Arrested Development, but I have to wonder.

7 years ago

If they had written something like “Spite decadent sluts and by dumb SJW-Feminazis by throwing money at shit you don’t need!”, the Red Cross would have enough funding for the next few decades already. They really need better PR

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Hmmm…maybe we should ask The Dark Lord, Kupo.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

It’s almost as if they don’t care about other men at all and just want to sit at their computers, typing bitter screeds that target women.


7 years ago

I’m still trying to convince Trump supporters that liberals would be extremely annoyed by any sort of single-payer healthcare system. Plus, if they started doing things about global warming, that would really get those liberal snowflakes crying.

Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
Croquembouche, extrenely mamal omen
7 years ago

Given that Bobbie made the (damn fine, IMHO) comment about people who wanted a white nation should have picked their own cotton and an earlier comment saying same thing with Roberta’s gravatar showedup some time later, I assumed they were the same person reverting to their old Addy due to moderation holdups.

7 years ago

Men’s rights “activists”:
Feminism isn’t legitimate because it doesn’t focus exclusively on the middle east, where women are really oppressed!(…. But we could really take a page or two from the Taliban…)”

“So are you going to do everything you can to help refugees like that Syrian father fleeing with his son in his arms?”

Also MRA’s:
“Hell no! We’ll have to hunt them down with crossbows and ethnicially cleanse them ourselves, and that’s why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote! They’re more likely to empathize with those filthy foreigners!”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Clearly a false flag operation. MRAs are too clever to fall for such tactics. Very serious people, these blokes…

7 years ago

Hey, MRAs out there, here’s a freebie.
I recall reading some time ago about aid organizations finding that when women were given help first, it lead to better overall outcomes (most likely as a result of women being socialized to take care of others/more likely to be responsible for making sure family needs are met). You could mention the current crisis while ranting about the ‘misandry’ of women getting to cut in line for aid!

7 years ago

Such men’s rights.

Many activisms.



But really, I think we can link to this when we get trolls trying to tell us that MRAs are a serious activism movement.

7 years ago

MRAs: ignore national disaster in favor of complaining abut women.

AntiFa: currently calling on street medics to help with disaster relief.

Who are the real activists and who is the real hate group?

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