By David Futrelle
I posted some creepy pics of Steve Bannon; the next day he was out of the White House. Then I put up creepy pics of Sebastian Gorka; last night he was shown the door. Coincidence, or proof that I have some kind of voodoo powers?
Who knows. But here are some creepy pics of Stephen Miller. Fingers crossed!
I also used the same monster comic filter I used in that last pic on a 19th century painting and it turned out even creepier than Miller. The face behind the girl wasn’t in the original painting.
So basically, WHTM is a Deathnote for White House employment?
Well, I guess that answers my question from the other thread.
Here is hoping it works. ??
I hope this streak continues.
Thing is, you can’t make Miller look any creepier than he already looks. He looks like the offspring of Putin and Eichmann, cooked up in a sterile test tube and raised by robots.
Also worth noting where the caption came from: a radio show by crime writer Edgar Lustgarten, which was somewhat popularised by early industrial band Severed Heads on their hit dance single “Dead Eyes Opened”. (Video – WARNING: contains lots of flashing)
“As the head of Emily Kaye lay upon the coals, the dead eyes opened, and Mahon fled out to the deserted shore …”
What’s it like having powers, Dave? Is it nice?
I bet it’s nice.
Lol, it seems my magical thought-seeds have gotten to Mr. Futrelle, because this is a comment I left on the Bannon thread after his creepy picture article and Bannon’s departure:
Well, the backgrounds are creepy, but aren’t the Miller bits just… Miller?
Third picture down: “Let me just turn off my cognitive dissonance detection circuit for this”
Trouble is, these pictures actually make Miller look less creepy than normal.
@David Gerard: just wanted to say that I enjoyed your buttcoin book! I’ll be recommending it at work if talk of a blockchain project resurfaces.
Third from the bottom is like the sinister love child of Dr Evil and Kryten.
More like a Kicked-off-the-crack-team-in-the-White-House Blog (“note” is an altered version of “notebook”). But, well, all we need is a(n easily publicly available) name and face…plus an image fuckerizer.
Someone just mentioned
“Let’s have a reality show, with a bunch of people in a big white house, where every Friday night one of them gets voted out”
Reality imitates Reality Show Pitch… *sigh*
Miller’s too plain, nerdy, unassuming and boyishly (baldness notwithstanding) dorky-looking….Here; Use this as a custom filter….

….The effect is super gross and Jabba The Hut reflects Trump and Co. perfectly!
I just applied it to these guys….

….Neat huh? I’m helping you out with the hexing.
SpukiKitty, that’s genuinely horrifying. It’s as though a wall of literal hell is behind them.
Your artistic skill is commendable.
Thanks….But it was a space slug and DreamScope that did all the work. I just added the variables.
It’s slowed down again. Taking a billion years to make ol’ Pee-Wee Miller, here.
Of course; I’ll eventually move on to the obvious suspects….
“Jabba The Trump” and “Pence Fortuna!”
I’ll give every Alt-Reich/Far-Right/Bible-Butt/Teabagger/Male Supremacist the Jabba treatment. It’s not only gruesome but they’re like a big Borg Collective to me….A Jabba The Trump Collective. The Orange Menace is the culmination of over 30-40 years of “The Southern Strategy” and “Reagan Revolution”.
….and….the whole thing is best embodied as a huge orange space-slug gangster who’s greedy, repulsive, egocentric, power-hungry, criminal, enslaving and woman-groping….also a fitting description for a certain Manhattan Real-Estate Magnate-Turned-Orange Fake-President Toddler Guy.
I’m just gonna start sending David pictures of people I don’t like.
I’ll have a go with the Jabba filter, thanks!
I think Miller looks slightly creepier in these pics than in regular photos, but it is hard to improve on the original.
David, yeah, I’m a big Severed Heads fan, and Miller does indeed have dead eyes.
He already looks like Putin and Herman Munster’s love child. I don’t know you’ve made him any creepier than he already is. Or CAN.
@Iseult The Idle
You described Miller far better than I ever could. All I could summon up was a severe slam of spinecrawling hit me on seeing him. And me an English major. Oh well, at least I had alliteration.
That Jabba filter is like a wall of meat, gone horribly, horribly wrong.
Ok, I Jabbafied him. I’m going to try a few other monster-style filters and see if I get anything good.
@Our Awesome Fearless Leader, David and Banananana
AWESOME! THANKS! I am humbled that you could use my idea. Indeed; Jabba is an epic filter!
Glad I could contribute to the David Futrelle-Dreamscope-curse technique.
I’m workin’ on one, too but it’s slow, again.
Hopefully all the guys Jabba-ed will lose their jobs or….in Arpaio’s case….catch explosive Montezuma’s revenge.
Oh, David, your Mike Cernovich-like powers have been at work on their leader, Dipstick Donald for months. The disturbing[ly accurate] images of Donald have no doubt been the reason why he can’t conduct a rational press conference of his own, nor create a coherent sentence… nor even keep his most gullible deplorables happy with him. Your voodoo. All yours.
Your no-doubt cat-given powers over
life and deathWhite House employment will earn you great infamy amongst the Alt-Wrong, who will wish to see your undoing… may I suggest that once we replace the White House minions with humans who still have their souls, we focus your WHTM sights on the old faves, Elam, Cernovich, Colter, whatever-their-names-are-in-the-current Nazi movement, and so on? I mean, I am beginning to think it was your good work (along with the accidental help of Milo) which took away the Yiannopolis train.Again do not underestimate your voodoo powers.
I think Miller is young Putin who has travelled here from the past.
Also, what’s going on with Trump and Millers? He used to have that Jason Miller dumbass, and when Trump posed as his own spokesperson he took the name John Miller. So, to summarize:
John Miller = Donald Trump
Stephen Miller = Vladimir Putin
Jason Miller = ?
Well, Jason Miller is definitely an alias for someone. My best guess is he’s just Seb Gorka without the glasses and the fake accent.