alt-right artistry creepy racism trump

Bannon and Gorka, out! Will these creepy pics of Stephen Miller get him booted too?

The dead eyes opened

By David Futrelle

I posted some creepy pics of Steve Bannon; the next day he was out of the White House. Then I put up creepy pics of Sebastian Gorka; last night he was shown the door. Coincidence, or proof that I have some kind of voodoo powers?

Who knows. But here are some creepy pics of Stephen Miller. Fingers crossed!

I also used the same monster comic filter I used in that last pic on a 19th century painting and it turned out even creepier than Miller. The face behind the girl wasn’t in the original painting.

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7 years ago

August 26, 2017 at 9:10 pm

Come to think of it …

There was a smug guy who was walking back and forth among us counter-protesters, holding up two small signs, one reading “SHE LOST!” and the other with a middle-fingering Pepe. These guys are so sure it was their Memes that brought it all down around our ears. Let’s show ’em how it’s done.

JUICEBRO: We gave Hillary Parkinson’s Disease!

DAVID FUTRELLE: You are like little baby. Watch. [Brings down an administration.]

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….John Boyega is your userpic and that….too….is pure AWESOME!….comment image
….I give him an adorable Thumbs-Up!

I’m going to Jabba-fy Mr. Creosote, now.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

Wow, some great news coming out of the states. There have been some demonstrations here in Canada as well, the alt-‘Reich’ers being vastly outnumbered in all cases. 🙂

<3 to everyone in Texas. Stay safe.

7 years ago

That thumbs up BB-8 scene was one of my favorites. I need to watch that again where it doesn’t require earplugs. (Damn IMAX for setting volume to “Deafening” on a movie that already was full of max-db falcon screeches.)

Re: Texas/Hurricane.
Now comes the flooding. Some rivers expected to be 30 feet or even more above “normal”. For me to get flooded, they’d have to get to 600+ ft above normal, but plenty of people live in lower areas.

Pray for (or think good thoughts at) the people working phones, repairs, and rescue services the next few days, they’ll be very busy.

7 years ago

David! Why are you wasting your magic powers on underlings when you could just go straight for the Big Cheeto himself!?

7 years ago

All Magic requires practice to get more powerful before going after the Boss Monster. (And I should prob get some slp)

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

My phone has been beeping all night with various warnings. Scariest one was for tornadoes nearby. So far we’re still dry, but damned if my nerves are not frayed.

Hurricanes really suck, y’all.

7 years ago

I can picture Joe Arpaio….fearfully looking over his shoulder….afraid of the Big Scary Mexican of DoomTM.

He’s going to be SO SUED!

Donald Trump is so FUCKED!

7 years ago

Dreamscopes in the process of giving “Mr. Clovisote”, “Pence Fortuna” & “Jabba The Fart” the “Jabba” treatment!

7 years ago

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Now; I might only work if David did but I like to give the Ol’ College Try myself!

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

Maybe this is asking too much, after all, he is a busy bigot, but has the cheeto-in-chief said anything about Harvey since “good luck”??

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

So, I heard from someone that the Mayweather/McGregor fight got the alt-right really invested in McGregor because he’s “white” and they were hoping he’d beat Mayweather, a black guy.

And Mayweather won by TKO, so now they’re all buttmad about it.

7 years ago

Mayweather is not an admirable man, so I don’t see anyone as gaining anything here.

7 years ago


IMPORTANT for non-residents of Houston, and people not helping rescue ops:

Stay off the streaming traffic cam sites, and stay off the Harris County Website. They’ve crashed under the strain a few times already.


Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


The only boxing I’m really familiar with is Punch-Out!!, so.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Adding to JS’s OT:

Stay off the Houston news/rescue/info hashtags on Twitter. People are using those to get help. Don’t clutter them up with irrelevancies.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

Maybe this is asking too much, after all, he is a busy bigot, but has the cheeto-in-chief said anything about Harvey since “good luck”??

As far as I know, he has said some stuff about how awesome the disaster relief efforts are, and how he has talked with our governor. And multiple exclamations about how big the storm is.

Also he took some time off to promote a book that another of his sheriff buddies wrote. Tacky, much? :/

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Mayweather is not an admirable man, so I don’t see anyone as gaining anything here.

Some of my friends and I quite like boxing and combat sports generally; but in the run up to this fight the most popular contender turned out to be “sudden meteor strike”.

But to follow up from Paradoxy’s post, people might find this interesting:

It explains the origin of the term “great white hope” and the subsequent events.

“If the black man wins, thousands and thousands of his ignorant brothers will misinterpret his victory as justifying claims to much more than mere physical equality with their white neighbors.”


“The fight of the century is over and a black man is the undisputed champion of the world.”

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

I heard (from Daily Show) in January that Obama’s farewell speech literally ended with him wishing America “good luck”.

Then he went to neglect any disaster relief.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Then he went to neglect any disaster relief.

Explain, please?

epitome of incomprehensibility

Hemming worked 17 hours a day…

How?? I hope that’s exaggeration. 17 out of 24 hours is the time I spend awake.

Anyway, good riddance.

7 years ago

David Futrelle
August 27, 2017 at 6:45 pm

That Jabbafied Pence is extreeeeeemely creepy.

I am proceeding slowly with these posts because I am not yet sure of the extent of my voodoo power.

That said, I have done lots of creepified pics of Trump and even a few of Ryan already.

I was thinking of starting a Twitter that would be nothing but pics of Trumpites (and other Repubs) alongside horror movie villains, but I haven’t come up with a good name for it yet. MonsterTrumps?

Awesome idea! Maybe you can even do a thing with cartoons or photo-manips of those jerks AS horror movie monsters or famous fictional villains in general. MONSTERTRUMPS sounds great.

Shame that that A Voice For Pierre cartoon seems “dead” right now. No real new updates in a while….
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….POUTINE! d’aawwwwww….

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

Explain, please?

Sorry, “disaster” was my joking reference to Trump’s presidency that began a few days later. Can’t really blame Obama for doing nothing about that.

7 years ago

I must be a terrible person, because this guy is pushing all these terrible policies and helping Trump make a total has of Harvey, and so on and so forth….

… and all I can think of is how much those sketches make him look like PeeWee Herman. :\