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Friday Night News Hurricane: Today in Tweets

Hurricane Harvey already doing damage in Texas

By David Futrelle

News overload! We have a Category 4 hurricane bearing down on the coast of Texas that promises to dump massive quantities of rain as it pushes its way inland. The situation looks dire, and the chances that the Trump administration will be up to the challenge of dealing with it are essentially nil.

Meanwhile, Trump seems to be using the hurricane as cover to announce two, let’s say, controversial acts: the implementation of his straight-up hateful transgender ban, and a pardon of the despicable Joe Arpaio.

Oh, and Sebastian Gorka is OUT of the White House, meaning that the creepy pics of him I posted a week ago WORKED. I guess I’ll have to do Stephen Miller next.

Plus new news on the Russia investigation, and North Korea fires more missiles.

Let’s start with the literal hurricane.

But wait, there’s more:

But we’re not done yet!

And if that weren’t enough:

And a sort of kicker: Alt-right organizers in San Francisco have cancelled their original plan for a rally because they didn’t like the restrictions on things that could be used as weapons that the police were imposing on them. So now they’re planning an unsanctioned rally closer to where the counterprotesters will be. Clearly this isn’t about free speech. They want violence, and hope the violence will intimidate the left.

These are straight-up Nazi SS tactics.

I think we need a few cute animals right about now.

EDIT: Added the stuff on the San Francisco rally.

EDIT 2: Added a few more tweets.

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Molloy, Moran, Malone
Molloy, Moran, Malone
7 years ago

Maybe those MGTOW who keep predicting some kind of apocalypse will happen in the immediate future are on to something after all. First time for everything, right?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

So, Gorka was forced out. Either that was to distract from pardoning Arpaio, or they’re getting nervous about Mueller’s investigation and thought this would shield them somehow.

Nothing about the alt-reich protest being moved from a permitted national park, to the center of San Francisco in a mixed-race neighborhood’s small park? That’s going to be so intrusive. I hope SF has the wherewithal to meet them there and say, no, sorry, no “press conference” without a permit.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Where’s Kanye?
‘Donald Trump doesn’t care about brown people’

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Trump is the biggest coward ever.

Iseult, these assholes are looking for violence. Seeking it out. Disgusting shitheads.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


‘Donald Trump doesn’t care about brown people’

Unfortunately, I think that’s a wildly inaccurate characterisation. He doesn’t care about white people. He definitely cares about brown people, just not in a positive fashion.

7 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
I’d go as far as to say he doesn’t care about people period. If a person’s not interested in praising and benefiting Trump he could care less about them.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

You pedantic fuck ❤
Depends on one’s definition of the word ‘care’, I suppose. I’d less say he ‘cares about’ and more that he’s ‘concerned with’ (but not ‘concerned for’) brown people. Eh, semantics 🙂

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Nah, he specifically wants to hurt some categories of people; that counts as caring.

7 years ago

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
Oh, yeah that does count….

I remember when caring meant something good. Good times, good times.

Satire is dead. comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Wow. Just a few hours ago they were saying it wasn’t likely to go above a category 3.

Meanwhile, Trump is a category 6 fuck up.

7 years ago

There is one possible sign of hope in the government response to the hurricane. The current FEMA director, Brock Long, is that rarest of beasts in the Trump administration, an experienced and well-respected official.

On your way up to Trump, remember to curse Robert Mercer, who is incredibly dangerous. (Not sure what the results of the curse would be, considering that he’s not in the government, but anything that diminishes his power is good.) And Michael Anton, now a national security official, who’s more obscure than people like Gorka and Miller, and maybe not as overtly racist, but seems to be of a similar ilk. Before the election, he posted what passes for an intellectual argument for why intellectual conservatives should abandon their Never-Trump stance. It was titled “The Flight 93 Election,” and when I stumbled across it, its articulate xenophobia made my skin crawl.

Joe Klemmer
Joe Klemmer
7 years ago

Seems Gorka resigned because he feals that all the real “Make America Great Again” voices in the administration have either been forced out or silenced, according to published excerpts from his resignation letter. Guess Trumps administration has become to liberal for him.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

All of this happened during my 2 hour nap.

7 years ago

Ooglyboggles, a little context for that picture?

7 years ago

That picture is a screenshot of an actual Local Fox News piece.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Jesse Watters makes my skin crawl.

7 years ago

I totally figured it was a real screenshot, I was more curious what StateNews thought was “advanc[ing] leftist agenda”

7 years ago

You know, nefarious things. Very bad things that take away good things of you real Americans.

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
7 years ago

“The chances that the Trump administration will be up to the challenge of dealing with it are essentially nil.”

Kinda makes me wonder what the point of having a governor is.

Faerie Bard
Faerie Bard
7 years ago

Nothing like a hurricane to cover his pardoning of a racist former sheriff and advancing his anti-transgender bullshit. *sigh*

All he could muster up was “good luck,” huh? Lots of people are going to lose their homes and possibly lives, and it’s “good luck.”

I’m out of the immediate path where I am, but we are expecting an unprecedented amount of rain. My SO and I are stocked up, but keeping an eye on it in case we need to bug out with the felines. Our area does not usually flood, but some of the potential rainfall totals I have been hearing are making me nervous.

To my fellow Texans, please be safe out there.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Kinda makes me wonder what the point of having a governor is

Between 9/1 and 9/7/2005 Bush Jr requested and Congress approved over $62b for Katrina relief. In a week. In 2005 money. Texas state annual revenues total $109b. In 2015 money. Good luck with that. Also, Texas isn’t the only state that has to deal with this. Going back to Katrina, landfall directly affected Louisiana but also Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, and indirectly affected at least 15 other states. Coordination is key in a crisis, and a central government makes that possible

The point of having a governor is to oversee the day to day executive operations of a state. A category 4 hurricane is not a day to day executive operation. Simple as that…

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

All he could muster up was “good luck,” huh? Lots of people are going to lose their homes and possibly lives, and it’s “good luck.”

There is a possible silver lining to this. The Bush administration’s shitty response to Katrina is what really turned the American people against him and the Republicans and allowed the Democrats to win the elections in 2006 and 08. Best case scenario is that FEMA is able to deal in spite of Trump’s incompetency so that we don’t have another Katrina style disaster, but Trump’s continued inability to even feign empathy for fellow Americans – even lots of white people in a red state – kills all benefit of the doubt anyone still had for Trump and the party that’s not really distancing themselves from him.

That’s a best case scenario though. We’ll see.

Kinda makes me wonder what the point of having a governor is.

Do you really not understand that states have their own funds for natural disaster relief and that the governor is the one that calls in the National Guard for that state? I mean, states only have so many resources and that’s where federal relief comes in for something on this scale, but individual states do plenty.

7 years ago

In this case, Texas Governor’s main purpose is to sign, veto, or pardon. Try not to look as dumb as Rick Perry. Also, they can request Federal aid, and go to all those Governor Conventions. There’s some other powers, but that’s why Perry didn’t totally kill TX during his time in office.

Due to an odd quirk of TX Const., the Lt. Gov. has quite a bit more political power than the Gov. Summarizing:

The lieutenant governor appoints all the committee chairs of the committees in the Senate, determines where the bills are going to be sent and to what committees and the timing.

This can be greatly influenced by Senate Rules passed at the beginning, but frequently leaves plenty of power for the Lt.Gov.

The Texas Constitution says you can’t be the governor of Texas when you’re not physically in the state. So Lt. Gov. takes over anytime that happens.

You remember that bit about “timing” earlier? Yeah.

Governor can call special sessions to discuss particular legislation, but again, Lt Gov controls TX Senate procedures.

Also, the Texas Constitution currently has 491 ratified amendments.

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