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Roger Stone threatens, er, “predicts” bloodshed if Trump is impeached: Today in Tweets

The most pointed version of this goofy meme, courtesy of @MazMHussain on Twitter

By David Futrelle

Longtime Trump pal and world-class weirdo (the bad kind) Roger Stone is definitely just predicting a civil war and political assassinations if Trump is impeached, I mean, goodness me, why would anyone think he was threatening or trying to incite violence?

In other news, Donald Trump retweets an anti-Semite, Scott Baio retweets a Sandy Hook Truther’s conspiracy theory about Heather Heyer’s mom, Trump moves beyond tweets with his transgender ban, and, oh yeah, we don’t really live in a democracy any more.

Also cats.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If you live on the Gulf Coast  in the path of Hurricane Harvey, GET OUT! Seriously. It’s going to be bad.

And now, weirdness and cats:

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Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


All my condolences; I’m so sorry. And you’re right she did, we do*, deserve better than this shit. *hugs* offered.

*Also queer and autistic

7 years ago

How many wedgies have those pocket fascists received in their lifetime? I have to believe it’s a lot. Like enough to ensure they’re probably not going to procreate.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

“Honey? Can you drive Koby, Kody and Korey from the pool party to the Nazi rally?”

7 years ago

@Peeps talking about autism vs. asshattery online

I, too, find it much easier to communicate through text than face to face. And yet, I’m not usually an ass. Odd how that works.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
7 years ago

@Tim Gueguen – I’m getting more of a “Children of the Corn: Revenge of the Alt-Reich” vibe from them.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

@Zephkiel, all the love. That’s awful. She deserved better. She wasn’t a victim of her condition, she was a victim of horrible, predatory people. I hope that both you and she can find some peace. I also hope you can find a little time to grieve, and then find some calm. Don’t let it eat you up.

Take care, Gulf Coast friends! It’s a bit stormy I hear. Thinking of you today.

7 years ago

Re: autism and online douchebaggery
I just generally fucking hate people who claim or invoke a mental illness that they don’t actually suffer from. Like, you are not “sooo OCD” because you like to have your clothes arranged a certain way in your closet, and you are not “suuuch an alcoholic haha” because you like to have a few drinks on a Saturday night. A person citing these real illnesses that people really struggle with to explain their totally innocuous behavior cheapens those struggles, which is unacceptable.

Re: Roger Stone
LOL yeah, sure buddy, a bunch of whiny babies that piss and moan about how they “aren’t the hateful racist you see” when publicly challenged are totally going to riot in the streets if we depose the God Emperor. They definitely aren’t going to turn tail and run the first time the cops start shooting them with baton rounds. I guess maybe Stone thinks that the cops will be rioting too, which is a pretty damning thing to say about LEOs if true. But seriously, if the Waco and Ruby Ridge massacres, and the Oklahoma City Bombing, didn’t provoke the radical Christianists to open rebellion in the 1990s, when they had a much better case for actually being oppressed by the government, I think that we should be safe, on a national level at least, from a Trumpist revolt. That’s not to say that Trumpistas aren’t dangerous, but more in a “murdering vulnerable minorities because they think that they are ‘allowed’ to do that now” sort of way than an “actual Fourth Reich” sort of way.

7 years ago

@Zephkiel, I’m so sorry. Someone close to me gets probably a pale shadow of those kinds of troubles foisted on them – I’m guessing not a fraction of what was done to your friend – and sometimes I hate [a lot of] the world so much for that. I’m sorry for your loss.
@Troubelle – bloody well said, that bard.

7 years ago

August 25, 2017 at 8:03 am

CW: suicide

I don’t know if it on topic or not but I just got back from my friend’s funeral and I’m drunk. She was queer. She was autistic. And that’s what killed her, those two things and the rest of society saying they were wrong, fucking 4chan and their “weaponized autism”. Those absolute stains on the sheets of humanity, they treat every autistic petson like theyre pawns in some meme war and every queer person like they should be lynched. She deserved better. My friend was a good person who deserved better. And I want to burn the world because it didn’t give it to her.

comment image
….I’m so sorry. I hope this helps a little.

7 years ago

Your friend deserved so much better than this shitty society. Why the fuck do people care so goddamn much who you love or how your brain works? It just doesn’t make any sense. They say autistic people are the ones who have trouble with social interaction but I think it’s the so-called “normal” people who have this need to butt into everyone else’s lives and dictate how they should gesture and how they should think and who they should love and how they should cope with the stress of dealing with them, all up in your business all the time. And these supposedly-good-at-social-interaction-people expect you to read their minds and blame you for failing the friendship when you can’t, but they don’t even tell you because they expect you to read their mind on that, too. And then you’re too sensitive if you’re hurt by that, but they’re not too sensitive for being offended you didn’t read their damn mind?

Sorry, that rant has been brewing for a while now.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

OMG, is that one Tweet actually a My Little Pony/Max Steel toy hybrid? That’s cool and creepy at the same time.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
7 years ago

Mark-Paul Gosselaar starred on TNT’s Franklin & Bash a few years ago. It was a really fun series where he and Breckin Meyer played unconventional, frat-bro type lawyers who stick up for the little guy and shake up an established LA law firm with their antics. It lasted 4 seasons, and I highly recommend it. Most recently he played a baseball player on the short-lived Fox series Pitch, about a woman who joins the MLB and becomes the first female pro baseball player.