boner rage entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOW wonders: If words can be microaggressions, is dressing provocatively “microprostitution?”

Our top scientists are working overtime to develop microprostitutes

By David Futrelle

You’ve got to give Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way credit for one thing: They are constantly coming up with inventive new ways to hate women.

On the front page of the MGTOW subreddit today, with 146 upvotes and counting, we find the “shower thoughts” of one fellow who is evidently outraged that women keep causing a commotion in his pants by parading their bodies around in public without adequate shielding.

Shower thought: if mere gestures and words can be "microaggressions", then isn't dressing in a revealing way, titillating, a form of "microprostitution"? (self.MGTOW) submitted 8 hours ago by yellow_black IMHO, instagram should change it's name to

Aside from the fact that “microaggressions” are actually, you know, small-scale aggressions, while wearing a scoop neck top is not actually a form of sex work, he’s hit the nail right on the head!

Naturally, Reddit’s MGTOWs offer their own little improvements to yellow_black’s hypothesis.

JediFapArtist 3 points 3 hours ago It’s not even microprostitution. The only thing they have to barter for male attention is their sex appeal, so they are prostitutes in the truest sense of the word. Nothing ‘micro’ about it ;-)

throwaway19992923 4 points 4 hours ago I'd say that "micro-indecent-exposures" is more correct. Women's clothing today would be considered how a whore dressed before the 60s.

I guarantee that if this guy were sent back in a time machine to the 1950s, he’d be losing his shit over women in tight sweaters. There’s pretty much no way to win with MGTOWs.

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7 years ago

So, I suppose we can add microaggressions to the list of things MGTOWs don’t understand. That list is getting pretty long!

7 years ago

OT, but who else is terrified of this hurricane brewing in the Gulf of Mexico? I always knew that some major crisis – a natural disaster or a 9/11-caliber terrorist attack or something – was going to occur sooner or later during this incompetent, dysfunctional, deer-in-the-headlights mess of an administration. With all of these shenanigans – unfilled positions, resignations, Russia – happening left and right, how on Earth will the administration handle the fallout if it hits and causes Katrina-scale damage? Hell, what if it hits and Trump instigates this government shutdown he’s threatening at the same time? What will happen then? Pure anarchy? I’m torn between wondering hopefully if a bungling of the fallout could be the thing to finally push the administration over the edge, and fearing for the thousands of lives that could be destroyed… Let me just say that, seemingly every day now, another thing happens to make me more and more thankful to be an Australian…

7 years ago

Shower thought: “Naked people have little or no influence in society.”– Mark Twain

7 years ago

I can’t see how Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey could be anything but a complete disaster. I fear for the people who live in it’s path.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

This is an in depth, informative and not sensationalistic article about Harvey if anyone is interested

7 years ago

Our TX governor is a Republican, so Congress won’t try and punish us for voting in a Democrat.

Still not something you want to be caught in if you’ve got any way to get to higher ground away from the coast. Disaster Declaration already in place, so there’s extra funding and Nat. Guard to help get ready.

Perhaps the “local milk people” will help out, too. *sigh*

Luckily the State response here doesn’t depend on Trump doing anything.

But yeah, fingers crossed that there’s no loss of life.

7 years ago

Here is an enjoyable article for y’all:

Tag line: ‘I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop,’

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
7 years ago

You will take my Ed thumbs up and you will keep it ????

I hope you’re doing ok. Your post made me laugh – and I’m mid brutal depression so that’s saying something ?

7 years ago

And it’s only the evil women who do the microprostitution thing to the poor men. Nobody cares about a shirtless men in public but a women with too much clevage? She only does it to gather male attention, what a whore!

These dudes always seem to think that a woman can take something from them if they stare at her. And they don’t realise that they could stop their imagined unfairness if they just ignored these women and weren’t such creepy losers.

7 years ago

Damnit, is this another career I missed out on? How do I monetise my clothing choice? Slip a card reader in my (admittedly meagre) cleavage?

And – if I see someone who is pleasing to my eye, do I have to pay them upfront?

I have been enjoying looking at all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons all my life: how much must I owe them now?

So many questions!

7 years ago


I don’t want to ruin your vaguely optimistic mood but I think Legend of Korra has had some problems too. Noticed how she basically started as quite capable with occasional peaks of arrogance, then was slowly and painfully reduced to near-incompetent only to win by chance and the help of friends? Sure, some of that is just realistic storytelling mimicing the classics, but why is it that everytime we see an action woman we are about to witness either a “cool girl” who really isn’t like the other dumb girls and basically promotes a better dressed version of masculinity or a sadistically implemented fall from power and eventual semi-redemption — all while the guys get fantasies of invincibility and cool one-liners?

Heck, I could play devils honey badger and insist that Korra nearly brought down the whole Avatar system by not only refusing to do her duty but also by eschewing any diplomatic skill (tomboy mentality) only to have her lazy bisexual butt saved by dumb luck and feminine victim card and I would probably have a pretty good in-world argument.

Sure if one sees the bigger picture with societies involvement in the narratives and the neccesities of change in regard to that, the vision becomes more feminine friendly but I really do miss fantastic escapism where gender is not such a huge frigging issue or where alternatives to the eternal binary symbolic order exist. As far as I read, this was a thing in cold-war era scifi but somehow has diminished since then.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

MGTOWs don’t have Shower Thoughts. They have Resentfully Minimal Buttcrack Hygiene Because Women Are So Goddamn Demanding Thoughts.

So the only thing women have to barter for male attention is their appearance, according to that one dude? Pfft. Women could wear sackcloth and drive around inside tanks, and MGTOWs would still pay rapt attention to them. Women don’t have to do a thing to garner angry, laser-focused MGTOW attention. Just exist.

So weird that they experience their own sexual attraction as a weakness to blame on other people.

Crys T
Crys T
7 years ago

Ok, it’s obvious this guy was born well after the 1960s, but has never seen any photos from that time? Or seen TV shows or films?

And isn’t the second half of that decade synonymous with sexual abandon?

I’m so confused.

7 years ago


I wasn’t just speaking of Korra, but of Lin and Su, and Asami and Opal. and even Kuvira.

You have a decent argument when it comes to Korra, though. Especially with her refusing to do her duty – that duty being to learn diplomacy, become spiritually aware, and master Airbending. Especially since Korra and Azula have a very similar story arc. And as much as I appreciate seeing a character I can identify with, the way the show breaks Korra down gets kinda sadistic by the end.

The only thing I can say about Korra is that her journey mirrors my own. Start out as competent at nearly everything she touches, and gain an unrealistic idea of success as a result, ultimately impacting her ability to carry on in hardship.

Even now, after all that has happened, if something doesn’t come to me quickly, I just can’t keep sticking with it. I get angry and force the issue or just quit.

Then, she falls from grace, and though she manages to protect what she loves, the damage is still done – it’s just lurking. In time, this cycle is repeated until the damage is obvious – but by then it’s too late to address in a meaningful fashion and so she runs from her nightmares trying to find some kind of solace.

And at the end of the show, she’s covered in enough battle scars that she can barely do what once came so easily to her when it matters most.

The argument I can make for Korra is that she does try to do her duty when she understands it. I base that on season one, where the impression I got is that she was prepared to kill herself because an avatar with one bending style isn’t an avatar (Or perhaps that was just her being unable to face not being the woman she imagined herself to be, which again I understand), and on season four where her running from her nightmares involves trying to resolve those nightmares so she can get back to being the Avatar.

This does take me back to my initial complaint – why don’t we ever see a feminist society in fiction? Are we meant to view misogyny as pervasive and all-encompassing? It wouldn’t surprise me if that was deliberate propaganda.

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
7 years ago

Seeing as prostitution is defined as “engaging in sexual activity in return for money” I would have to say no, I fail to see how wearing clothes is prostitution. No money is exchanged and the only place sexual contact happens is in the MGTOW brain (which I picture as dividing into 45pc resentment against women, 30pc white nationalism, 20pc hate porn and 5pc GEEZ MOM WHY WON’T YOU JUST GET ME A PEPSI)

What you have here, young MGTOW, is a “sexual fantasy”. That does not mean the person who inspired it is a prostitute. It means you have a sex drive which you are on bad terms with, and you might want to explore that with a therapist. You’ll be happier.

Oh FFS why do I bother

7 years ago


Marvel’s Secret Wars (2015) tie-in A-Force comic was advertised as being set in a “feminist utopia”. Unfortunately world-building was one of the things that comic sorely lacked (along with characterization, motives, and logical plot).

And I will fight anybody who dares to claim that that was because of the limitations placed by the event. That event was made as an excuse to write whatever weird alternate universes they wanted to for half a year (Including one where everybody is Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben). :/

occasional reader
occasional reader
7 years ago


> Hurricane
Yes, stay safe ! Try to know where are the higher solid spots close from your home or the place you are living or working at. I have been throught a flood (so there was no problem of strongly blowing wind) when i was younger, and the water in itself is damn dangerous (especially when muddy), and except if you are an expert, it is quite difficult to evaluate clearly at which speed the water level is going to increase. In case of doubt, always look for a higher place.
Maybe someone should tell Trump that this is a Mexican Hurricane, so that he build a wall quickly to stop it ?

Take care !

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
7 years ago

So, I could have been making money every time I wore shorts or short sleeved shirts, or dresses with high heels?


Next time I wear something that shows more than a few inches of skin, I’m going to demand that everyone who sees me pays me some moolah.
Not much, maybe a dollar from each person. (I’m not greedy, you know. 😉

And of course, the rate would go up if and when I wore a swimsuit or something like that. Hey, this could be a real business!

7 years ago

Every character that dude types with a keyboard constitutes a microstupid.

7 years ago

No matter if true or not MGTOW are Macro-idiots.
And why are these people constantly talking about women? I hate dogs (phobia, can#t help it). So I don’t spend time thinking about dogs. But these losers constantly whine about the sexual market place, women being whores and what not. Can’t they just go and eat ice cream?

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

Oh, my MGTOW brother (assuming gender, but in this case I’m willing to make that leap)…..

I have some control over my thoughts… I really do! Sure, when I see a giant billboard of a Sonic Master Milkshake (complete with whipped cream and maraschino cherry *ick*), I go all “reptilian brain”, yeah, BUT I DONT HAVE TO STAY THERE!

I live in a university town, in an apartment set that’s probably 80+% college students. I see a lot of women dressed to beat the heat. But here’s the point:. my response to seeing women’s skin is 1 part genetic predisposition*, 2 parts socialization and 7 parts CHOICE… MY CHOICE.

* above cited statics are taken from the “pulled-em-outa-my-ass” school of anthropology

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

Ninja’d by @misophistry.

I particularly liked the dog owners planning to come back once the Nazis have gone, and tidy up what their dogs left. Because San Francisco.

I think creative mockery might be a more effective weapon than punches. Certainly better than ignoring them.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

MRA’s, MGTOWers, GamerGaters, and other Internet “bros” are overly sensitive to what they might treat as microaggressions. Mentioning that some men commit domestic abuse = speaker must hate all men, watching a Gail Dines video means you need to record a 4 hour video response to her naked in your bathtub, etc. The MGTOW and TRP subreddits and sites like 4chan are just “safe spaces” for people who think they’re oppressed by “the left” and feminism.

7 years ago

What in the world is the point of shaming people for doing what you like them doing?

This is SO much the case with porn performers, and I just am always amazed at the hypocrisy. An example from a few years ago was a young woman who was at Duke who called herself Belle Knox. Once her job was made public (Knox faced harassment after a fellow Duke student watched her pornography and recognized her. He then exposed her work to his fraternity brothers. He stated that Knox revealed her work to him and asked him to keep it private, which he agreed to do. That evening, however, he shared her secret, and the news quickly spread through the community) she was bullied to the point where she left uni for a while – what are the chances that many of those bullies would have been more than happy to watch her performing porn, the man who initially saw her clearly didn’t care?

7 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Making you laugh makes me feel a bit better.