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MGTOW warns fellow men: Aging ladies will deceive you by dyeing their hair

Hair dye … or hair LIE?

By David Futrelle

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a wise elder who calls himself lonewolf-chicago warns his younger colleagues to watch out for the insidious danger of … women who dye their hair. You may think these women look hot, he tells the assembled MGTOWs, but they don’t look hot, because their hair is a LIE! Also, he notes, his ex-wife has a fat butt.

Let’s hear him out:

I’m an older guy. I’m 45 and there are no women anywhere close to my age that doesn’t dye their hair. Some have pretty faces a few are even fit but they all died their hair.

If they did not dye their hair all of them would look like old ladies. All of them. So just this one act of dying their hair conceals at least 10 years of age.

Damn these women for trying to look their best!

So if a woman is 35 or 40 and she dyes her hair you have to imagine what she looks like without her hair dyed.

Er, why exactly do you have to do this?

I am 45 I have very little gray hair I do not wear makeup… obviously, but women my age smile and become coy when they get carded at a restaurant or at a bar even though it’s only because the Law States the bouncers must card everyone who walks in the place.

Their narcissism makes them believe that it’s because they still look young. But it’s only because they dye their hair.

Wait, I thought it was because the bouncers have to card everyone. Keep it together, man, you’re losing it!

One of my Ex-Wives friend has been almost totally gray since she was 30 years old she’s 44 years old now she is a hairdresser. She is attractive but she dyes her hair which means she’s not attractive … she hit the wall at 30.

It’s like a MGTOW Koan: What is the sound of one women who is attractive but also not attractive?

If you didn’t look at my ex-wife’s ass and the horrible fat lard cottage cheese on the back of her legs you would say that she’s attractive. She has humongous tits but her nipples never come out… so they are basically a big slab of fat. She dyes her hair. She would not look pretty if she did not dye her hair she would look like an old lady.

Somehow I don’t think this woman really regrets kicking this guy to the curb.

Women are narcissists and they live in a fantasy world. They think what they look like with colored hair and makeup and those undergarments that suck in all the fat is how they actually look. They live in a fantasy land.

Have you guys gotten the picture yet? Do you get it? Women over 40 for sure do not look like they actually look. It’s fucking makeup. It’s fake.


You heard it here first.

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Crys T
Crys T
7 years ago

Omfg, in my last comment, I almost told Thingy to go off and crywank on his sex doll. I’ve just finished reading this thread and damned if he hasn’t actually got one!

Now I can’t stop laughing.

7 years ago

@victorious parasol

I have heard of ravelry, but I understand it’s a closed forum? Or maybe I’m not remembering correctly. I also thought it was just for knitting and not crochet, but now I realize that assumption was a bit silly.


Thank you! I’m squinting at the pattern on the back of the label my coworker gave me and I just have no idea what it’s telling me to do. I think I will have to go to youtube.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The clouds did part for just long enough to view the peak! Then they started coming back and the cloud cover was thin enough to see the sun through it but thick enough that I was able to look directly at it and see the 83% eclipse without glasses. Yay!

7 years ago

I’m late to this party. Let’s see if I can summarise.

If we dye our hair “natural” colours, we’re lying and deceptive, out to trap a man.

If we dye our hair other colours, we’re feminazi SJWs, out to destroy civilisation.

If we don’t dye our hair at all, we’re lazy good-for-nothings, out to let ourselves go and be of no value.

It’s like we can’t catch a break! Hang on a minute, I’m having a revelation… MGTOWs hate all women regardless. So it’s probably best to ignore their mitherings and have our hair any way we like.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ PreuxFox

It’s for all sorts of fiber arts – spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting. Free to join. 🙂

Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

The eclipse was 97% total where I live. I built a camera obscura out of an empty cereal box to see it. Fortunately, the sky was perfectly clear for it.

I’ll be travelling to Dallas for the next one.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Rape is both a crime and a violation of my personal code. But whatever you think of me, tossing that word around so lightly cheapens its meaning. We should all be able to agree that’s not desirable. I urge you to step back from such ‘crying wolf’ tactics. Cheers.

Based Melvin Udall, you said it earlier. Crys T quoted you earlier. And I’ll quote you once again:

What about your true sexual marketplace value?”

As a freed man my value is determined by what I can get. And, one way or another, I get what I want.

There are no two ways about it: You’re a rapist.

Where the eff did Melvin, our little rapist fiend, go?

Ordinarily, I try to be — without sacrificing truth — the soul of diplomacy. That’s because I know that when I’m blunt, some people never speak to me again.

When it comes to a rapist, however, I have absolutely no qualms about cutting to the chase.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

OT: President Trump tried to watch the eclipse by staring at the sun today. Someone had to shout to him “Don’t look!” before he put the eclipse glasses on.

I hate having a stupid POTUS.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

The eclipse was a very foggy one here in foggy San Francisco. I saw a few people in the dog park with the viewing-box. The dogs seemed unimpressed by the hoopla. I met a lovely and high-strung Italian greyhound. What a cutie.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
Good Katie! Every day, it’s more stupid. I cannot keep up with the varieties of stupid this man has.

7 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
If he went literally blind to show how he’s also blind to his own narcissism and problems of others we would have been officially in the realm of magical realism.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Ooglyboggles

Ooh. So we would.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago


When I think of how President Obama would’ve used the eclipse as an opportunity to nerd out and celebrate science…..

Le sigh.

7 years ago

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
August 21, 2017 at 12:27 pm


Please don’t compare our recent…visitor…to an udon noodle. I haven’t had it proper, but instant udon is cheap (not ramen-cheap, but what is?), fulfilling, and quite low-fat! Also delicious and I’d love to have it in my dorm.

Contrast: Based Blunderfuck here.

Speaking of which, @Based Blunderfuck:

The first time I dyed my hair, it was to look more like a male character (specifically, Cronus Ampora of Homestuck–I’m sure you’d get along swell with him) for Halloween back in 2014. I didn’t care about pleasing anyone’s boners then, and I certainly don’t now–and while it’s back to its natural deep brown from black, I intend to dye it blue after this upcoming Halloween, because I know a certain store sells permanent blue dye now. And because my hair is so fucking dense, it fucking LASTS.

And you know what? My girlfriend isn’t going to care one lick.

To all Udon noodles out there; My apologies.

I enjoy dyeing my (starting-to-grey) dark-brown hair “Dark Burgundy”. I use Garnier which is only a couple of bucks and doesn’t destroy my hair.

@opposablethumbs and PreuxFox
*Oogh!* I hope there’s non-Govt. charities that can pick up the slack.

What do those jerks gain from forcing birth on women in the developing world? For all their talk of “Western White Wimminz needz make moar babbiez” they certainly don’t mind millions of black and brown women reproducing.

Is it just pure sexism? More drones for the sweatshops? Keeping poor countries an impoverished mess to get rid of the “competition”?

Now Jabba wants to go back to fighting in Afghanistan….
….and it’s over the Afghani mineral deposits. And I doubt FAKE-POTUS, Jabba gives a damn about reconstruction or whatever!

Throughout history; If one nation has a resource the other wants, a war is fought. Never once do the invaders think of politely asking to do business with said nation so they can peacefully get some of the needed resources.


I’ve come down to the conclusion that Robber Barons like to see a violent disordered world and financial gain is merely an excuse.

“BIG OIL/COAL could easily make the transition to ‘Big Green’.” Gas stations could become “Electrical Recharging” stations instead. Gas companies don’t have to go out of business! One could go to EXXON to pay to get their car recharged.

Gemstones? Grow them in a lab! Paper and Lumber companies can switch to hemp and bamboo! There’s alternatives for everything!

Many companies in the past have adapted and switched over the years: Nintendo was once a maker of playing cards….Budweiser briefly was in the Ice Cream/Malt powder/Soft-Drink/Furniture-business during Prohibition….and so on….
….but Robber Barons insist on doing the same old thing! Either they hate to adapt or they just like to watch the world burn while they snort cocaine off of some high-priced call-girl’s butt on their gold-plated and gem-encrusted yacht.

I can’t wait until this jerk is impeached, resigns or ends one term. In the meantime, we MUST vote EARLY/ABSENTEE BALLOTS en masse to get as many GOPers out of power as possible!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
7 years ago

Even if every one of Melvin’s arguments about women needing men & desperately wishing to be young enough, attractive enough & fertile enough to attract a man were true, those arguments would be beside the point.

The number of women who would choose a MGTOW is vanishingly small.

Thank Katie I have a choice.

7 years ago


I love Italian Greyhounds. They are so graceful and yet so highly strung, they seem to rarely stop shivering. And a lot of the ones I know are sex pests.

The first time I saw a dog’s “lipstick”, it belonged to an Italian Greyhound (this is not a disturbing story – well, YMMV, but it was only 5 years ago – I grew up in a dogless environment). William, if memory serves, was energetically humping another dog in the park, and the owners had somehow formed a circle around the spectacle. After a minute of contemplative silence, I said “I can’t decide which is more disturbing; what William’s doing, or that we’re all standing here watching him”.

Dog ownership; it’s an education. And I appear to have wandered WAY off topic.

7 years ago

Is Melvin Turd Flinging Monkey?

If so, he’s all around gross.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago
7 years ago

@PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
Not once, not twice, but thrice.

I recall it takes 10 seconds to go blind. I hope the broke Secret Service is able to remind him to not repeatedly stare at the sun. “The Secret Service has to remind POTUS to not stare at the sun.” This is our reality.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

On the bright side (puns), then he might finally be declared unfit for office…

7 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger

On the bright side (puns), then he might finally be declared unfit for office…

Nonsense, Trump’d be more fit because people can say that he’s colorblind to racism.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ooglyboggles, he is truly and deeply stupid.
I cannot believe he did it twice!

I facepalmed when I thought it was once. SMH

7 years ago

Ok, I just got really tired of this whole “red-pill” shit. Those people do realize that the red pill was just another layer of enslavement and the “rebellion” was there to grease the chains?
Am I the only one who watched the movie?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Nonsense, he’d be more fit because he can finally say that he’s colorblind to racism

TFW that shit funny, but you know that’s exactly how it’s gonna go down

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
7 years ago

I don’t even dye my own hair. I spend around £70 every two months on getting it done for me, because I’m *that* lazy and extravagant (Hey MGTOW – my salary, my rules)

My hairdresser and I both like MGTOW-repellent hair and we enjoy coming up with new looks together. I currently have it shaved to about a cm on the left side (dyed maroon) about four inches long on the right (purple) with a graduated fringe and one shoulder length lock in front of my right ear (candy pink). I love my hair.