By David Futrelle
In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a wise elder who calls himself lonewolf-chicago warns his younger colleagues to watch out for the insidious danger of … women who dye their hair. You may think these women look hot, he tells the assembled MGTOWs, but they don’t look hot, because their hair is a LIE! Also, he notes, his ex-wife has a fat butt.
Let’s hear him out:
I’m an older guy. I’m 45 and there are no women anywhere close to my age that doesn’t dye their hair. Some have pretty faces a few are even fit but they all died their hair.
If they did not dye their hair all of them would look like old ladies. All of them. So just this one act of dying their hair conceals at least 10 years of age.
Damn these women for trying to look their best!
So if a woman is 35 or 40 and she dyes her hair you have to imagine what she looks like without her hair dyed.
Er, why exactly do you have to do this?
I am 45 I have very little gray hair I do not wear makeup… obviously, but women my age smile and become coy when they get carded at a restaurant or at a bar even though it’s only because the Law States the bouncers must card everyone who walks in the place.
Their narcissism makes them believe that it’s because they still look young. But it’s only because they dye their hair.
Wait, I thought it was because the bouncers have to card everyone. Keep it together, man, you’re losing it!
One of my Ex-Wives friend has been almost totally gray since she was 30 years old she’s 44 years old now she is a hairdresser. She is attractive but she dyes her hair which means she’s not attractive … she hit the wall at 30.
It’s like a MGTOW Koan: What is the sound of one women who is attractive but also not attractive?
If you didn’t look at my ex-wife’s ass and the horrible fat lard cottage cheese on the back of her legs you would say that she’s attractive. She has humongous tits but her nipples never come out… so they are basically a big slab of fat. She dyes her hair. She would not look pretty if she did not dye her hair she would look like an old lady.
Somehow I don’t think this woman really regrets kicking this guy to the curb.
Women are narcissists and they live in a fantasy world. They think what they look like with colored hair and makeup and those undergarments that suck in all the fat is how they actually look. They live in a fantasy land.
Have you guys gotten the picture yet? Do you get it? Women over 40 for sure do not look like they actually look. It’s fucking makeup. It’s fake.
You heard it here first.
@Crys T:
As it happens, Crywank is the name of a pretty neat “anti-folk” band I discovered the other week.
Fun fact: a woman I used to work with looked EXACTLY like a troll doll, face-wise. Her hair didn’t stand up like that, but she looked EXACTLY like one, I’m not even kidding.
Nice lady, too. Patrons loved her. Hey, Margie, wherever you are!
I’m 32 and haven’t dyed my hair since high school. So far, no grays.
I also used to get it chemically straightened (I’m of African and European descent). I’m mildly curious now about how those nosy misogynists would view that, especially given how racist many of them are. On the one hand, they might be offended by the sight of my natural hair, but on the other, they might view straightened hair as the worst kind of deception: a conspiracy to tempt white men into race mixing.
I’m sure they would’ve hated the dreadlocks I had in college, and that makes me smile.
“Cry Wank! And let slip the dogs of … MRA”
Well, it is surprising that MGTOW, who are also often anime-fans (and there is nothing bad to love animes), do not like not natural hair colors, because there is quite a number of anime with this case. Can we say “color me surprised” in this case ?
Does he mean he had been the tormentor of many spouses ? Or is it “ex-wife’s” like with the ass in another sentence ? The use of capital charcters make it looks like some kind of generalization. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, the Ex-Wives !”. Or a band name, i do not know.
What expression are you using for that in general ? Is it not “You don’t say !” or something like that ? For someone fantasizing a world where undergarments and make-up make you a fake person, that is a bit ironic. Make-up is not to fake up so shut the fuck up.
Have a nice day.
Oh I will.
? Pretty cool!
I’m loving that Crywank band. Thanks for posting!
@Violet the Vile: Thank you! I was pretty nervous the first time I had my hair shaved that I was going to have a really funny shaped skull. I’m very thankful that is not the case!
No. Valerie Solanas was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and held at a high-security psychiatric hospital. After her release, she was institutionalised again several times. This is not one of those cases where it’s a white man who apparently had depression committing a shooting and the condition clearly isn’t really even a factor (I have chronic depression and other mental illness) yet it gets attributed to that anyway. She was ill.
In general, I’m not really comfortable with going out of your way to make ‘feminism isn’t what you think, we’re not like those meanie feminists over there’ arguments, in order to appear more acceptable to sexist dudes. True or not, there’s no need to go out of your way to do it, and you can guarantee they’ll decide you’re not acceptable, either. It can be justified to explain differing feminist perspectives, especially for more open-minded bystanders, but sexist dudes do not care, they just hate feminism anyway. Feminists are also allowed to disagree, make a mistake, be wrong, change our minds, struggle to articulate something, especially as over the decades, we’ve often being working in pretty uncharted territory. Dudes get far more leeway to mess up, say something daft, and even STILL get held up as a staggering genius for it (this in fact includes men who commit horrendous crimes who knew exactly what they were doing). Don’t throw sisters under the bus carelessly to propitiate men.
If Melvin the Un-Based Martian is still hanging around, I would like to point out to him that he hasn’t been taking any red pills, but a blue one…dyed red.
Also, when I grow up, I want to be Mrs. Slocombe: a different wild-colored wig to wear every day of the week and month of the year, and zero fucks to give underneath it all.
I don’t get it – these are the same guys that complain women are not working hard enough to be sexy and attractive to men!
I’m 21 and I’m beginning to go gray already (it’s a family trait) – but I dye my hair because I like being a redhead rather than a brunette.
guess I’ve already ‘hit the wall’?