By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Redditors are offering some powerful rebuttals of my piece in New York Magazine’s TheCut on the ways that Men’s Rights can serve as a gateway drug to the so-called Alt Right.
For Imnotmrabut, everything somehow revolves around Cassie Jaye, who apparently has confiscated my testicles.
This ingenious fellow challenges my argument that there are deep connections between MRA thinking and the ideology of the alt-right by calling a dude getting pepper-sprayed in the face by a notorious white supremacist a “thug.” I have to admit that I did Nazi this rebuttal coming.
I may never recover from this intellectual assault.
I went in expecting whiny edgy teenagers calling David a cuck. Instead it’s just the usual man babies acting like babies. Can’t say if I’m disappointed or surprised.
I always love how hyperskeptical these guys get whenever one of their own does something terrible. There’s a reason “I’m not an MRA but…” is a thing, and it’s not just that guy’s clever username. This is standard operating procedure for the Deplorables going back to Bush, but we saw that a lot with Gamergate.
Labels mean having to actually having to own the indicated set of values and that’s why so many with unsavoury values get so bent out of shape at being labeled as their stated values dictate. “How dare you call me a right-winger just because I oppose immigration and multiculturalism?!” Hmm, probably cuz the right wing around the globe has made racism and xenophobia one of its universal platforms.
It’s one of the things that actually drew me into the social justice sphere. Folks can say what they will about tactics, but feminist, LGBT, trans and anti-racist activists lead with their values and don’t budge when it comes to questions of people’s safety, identity and prosperity. Values count for a lot and if there’s one thing that really irks me is when people try to obfuscate their values so as not to have to defend anything (like claiming to stand for “free speech” as a concept but only coming to the defense of terrible speech).
The Manosphere and their white nationalist cousins seem to have difficulties reconciling their abhorrent values, hence all the code words and rationalizations (“you call anybody who disagrees with you a ‘white supremacist!'”) Nope, we’ve just seen this movie often enough to know the talking points. Don’t want to get called that? Stop talking and acting like them.
Ayn Rand is an EGTOW, everyone go their own way AKA I’ve got mine so screw you. And she ended up on medicaid so she was also a hypocrite.
Clearly ThePigmanAgain has never heard of the concept of self-deprecating humour.
As a Canadian, I always say that self-deprecation is the cornerstone of Canadian humour.
After all, nobody else takes us seriously, so why should we?
@simon that must mean Ego going there own way?
Just love this blog…
AVfM seems to be the starting point for quite a few nazis – what about Judgybitch, who has gone full-on nazi on her own page (as documented by david) ?
@Simon: it was the least of her hypocrisies. I know Michael Shermer hasn’t exactly covered himself with glory around here, but his article “The Unlikeliest Cult in History” was a very interesting piece on Objectivism: http://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/the-unlikeliest-cult-in-history/