
Wicked huge anti-fascist march in Boston: Today in tweets

How you can tell this anti-fascist march is in Boston (Modified pic from @JackSmithIV)

By David Futrelle

So the Nazis and their pals had a “free speech” rally in Boston Common that drew … several dozen people. They were met by TWENTY THOUSAND antifascist counterprotesters. You go, Boston!

Also, Steve Bannon got canned at the White House and has returned to Breitbart to launch a “war” against the White House, but that was yesterday and you already know that. But hey, it’s still fun to joke about.

Let’s check the tweets, as Craig Ferguson used to say.

Police estimate is 15,000; MSNBC says 20,000. Either way, that’s A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT.

If these are “dueling rallies” it’s pretty clear who won the duel, by many orders of magnitude.

Also, we’ve got witches.

The Nazis and their fellow travelers are really having to stretch to smear the counterprotesters:

Dude, it’s just a list of those canned from the White House so far. None of the crossed-out people have been “violently assassinated” or even non-violently assassinated.

In other news:

Oh, ok. The real picture is also pretty hilariously terrible, unless you’re a white male supremacist.

Looks like Alex Jones paid a dude to throw cold coffee on him? (I mean, come on, that’s the fakest fake confontation I’ve ever seen.)

Kessler said his Twitter was hacked, then said he might have posted it when he was high on booze and prescription drugs.

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7 years ago

Today’s a nice day to be in Boston, even though I haven’t liked living in America for… well, the last eleven years since I arrived, really.

It can’t even be called just a counterprotest any more. It’s a massive, encouraging gathering of people standing up to hatred, and some knobheads on a bandstand somewhere in the distance.

7 years ago

I love those anti-racist witches!

This gives me hope. Well done, Boston!

7 years ago

Hell yeah, Boston.

If only all confrontations with Nazis involved them being outnumbered 200 to 1.

7 years ago

This is how these protests should be handled. Keep the white supremacists and the counter-protesters apart from each other, let them compete with numbers, and see the white supremacists get trounced. There were a few scuffles with police, apparently, but nothing serious.

The Monstrosity, of course, seizes on the scuffles. “Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston.” Slime.

Also: I wondered why Alex Jones would ever go to downtown Seattle. It’s like the Mouth of Sauron walking into Minas Tirith. If he went there just to have a fake fight, that would explain it.

7 years ago

Damn, this makes me miss living in New England, flaws and all.

7 years ago

Good on you Boston! Stuff like this shows the Nazis in no uncertain terms that the majority are not on their side.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

Yay Boston!

Also, for any crafty Mammotheers, I just discovered the Welcome Blanket Project. They are collecting blankets for immigrants who have recently arrived in the US. The blankets will all be on display in Chicago for a short time before the are sent to the recipients. I only found out today because they have extended the submission deadline. I’ve started planning a quilt to submit.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Wicked huge

Or “wicked lodge”, as we New Englanders say.

So glad to see the huge turnout, driving away the darkness. This is what our nation, and the world, should be.

7 years ago


Good on you Boston! Stuff like this shows the Nazis in no uncertain terms that the majority are not on their side.

Something something metropolitan elite, something something Soros.

7 years ago

Speaking of whom, Soros I’m still waiting for college money, you know for the thing I did with them and those doing this and that?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

*puts on Yankees cap*
Fuck you, Boston

And, yeah, thank you, Boston đŸ™‚

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago



7 years ago

This image is also quite relevant

7 years ago

I am proud to be an American!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

@Axe – (squinting) There seems to be some sort of unnatural abomination attached to your head. You should probably get it looked at.

(but, thank you for the appreciation đŸ˜€ )

7 years ago

I wish there was more I could do to help with these protests besides looking at articles and sharing them, but I’m a mentally ill queer person with a job, a college career, and a not-as-radical family. I’m considering setting aside some money for some Muslim friends of mine in case something bad happens, but I only earn $8.66/hr for 4-8 hours a week. I wish I knew what I could do.

7 years ago

That is some next level reaching to suggest the list of fired Trump staff is an assassination list. I mean, he had to realize how stupid he was being by posting that, right??

7 years ago

Hurray, Boston– you do it right! Nothing but Mensch as far as the eye can see, I applaud you all đŸ˜€

7 years ago

More obvious version of that Trump “staff pic”… By twitter’s own photoshopper @darth, of course.

Also, the original is guaranteed to be inaccurate within the next month.

tim gueguen
7 years ago

Meanwhile people in Vancouver protested a gathering by Canadian hard righters that included members of the group Worldwide Coalition Against Islam and the Cultural Action Party of Canada. The anti-racist protesters easily outnumbered the far right bunch.

BS and his four, fluffy kitties
BS and his four, fluffy kitties
7 years ago

As much as I normally hate Boston (sports jealousy reasons only), I love it today.

How do you like them apples, Nazis!

Jojo Mojo
Jojo Mojo
7 years ago


IIRC, Posobeic was one of the guy that started the “hillary killed Seth Rich as revenge for WikiLeaks”. He’s probably trying to get a new break to not become just a one hit wonder hack like that James O’Keefe kid became.


That’s the worst Photoshop I’ve ever seen. Nothing had been changed at all!

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Agent of the FemiNest Collective; Keeper of a Hell Toupee, and all-around Intergalactic Meanie
7 years ago

Does anyone have that Resistibot text thing handy? I’d like to do more with the resisting stuff, but I have almost literally no money to spare for donations, I’m fairly busy with doing all this stuff the unemployment office wants me to do to keep getting money from them (plus job search in general), and while I’m fairly good as a photojournalist, no-one resistance-wise in my area has call for such skills. (That I know of, anyway.)

Setting up my phone for a text barrage, that I can do, I think.

My thanks in advance for any help.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Posobiec also started the pizzagate myth,.

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure that sign with crossed-off Trump staff is a takeoff on lists one sees in sports-oriented Massachusetts establishments, with crossed-off names of Red Sox personnel who have moved to other teams. Unless Nomar Garciaparra has been assassinated, I really don’t think it’s a threat.