alt-right literal nazis racism trump twitter

Confederacy and Chill: Friday Morning Tweet Catch-up

This is the “beauty” Trump wants to save

By David Futrelle

So it’s been a busy week, and I haven’t done one of these for a few days. Let’s play catch-up. I’m going a bit heavy on the joke tweets and cute animals today because otherwise I think I’d have to curl up in a ball on the floor.

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Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

Buh-bye Bannon! If he really is as vindictive as they say he is, I can’t wait for the eventual internet war between Trump and Bannon!

I know it feels like forever, but it’s been a little over 8 months and these supposed Superior White Race Ubermenschen have collapsed like a milky flan in a cupboard. Gee, it’s like they were really just loud idiots with terrible ideas all this time! Whodathunk?

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
7 years ago

And may I add that the alt-right, Fascist , hate groups are a tiny sub-culture that was growing on the internet under the radar of the average American.
Trump brought them out from under their rocks and into the White House. He thought that if he could pitch their core beliefs but sugar coat their true ugliness by appealing to the fears of the average American (like job losses and criminals & terrorists disguised as immigrants), he could get the average American to support him.
Unfortunately for him, he underestimated the average American, who is not willing to support full on racism and Nazism .
Trump, you got hung by your own petard.

7 years ago


So pleased you are enjoying the stockings and lipstick.

My primary association with stockings is my mother’s suspender belt and American Tan stockings. So, while I get the sense of the sensuality, my brain won’t let me go there. Enjoy them for me!

Lipstick I didn’t really embrace until I was 40 (I had a nude lipstick I would wear to important meetings as a secret self-esteem lift). Now I’m playing with the bold colours, and loving it so much that:

a) My friends can now tell if I’m having a bad day, because I’ll have a bold lip (on the “fake it til you make it” principle); and

b) My mum (who rarely wears any make up at all) asked for some help with my little brother’s wedding, and said “oh no, you won’t have a lipstick I can wear” (we found her perfect shade in my stash, but she thought it was all going to be reds). And she looked lovely; exactly like herself, but more so.

I had a point. I think it was this: You go! Yay for you!

7 years ago

It’s funny watching them change their propoganda in real time while also facing several states of denial, anger and lashing out at each other for not being the right type of nazi.
Oh yeah as a side note

honestly this one feels like a light snack in comparison to today’s main dish

Yay! Thank you, I kind of have a thing for legs so I can’t say I’m surprised by how much I enjoy wearing them.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

Oh my gosh you guys this is too good.

Rebel Media’s subscriber count – in realtime.

Haha, look at it go! You need a parachute there lil buddy?

7 years ago

Bannon is out. It’s a good development, but it doesn’t feel as triumphant as I hoped because Trump is still there.

Also, apparently the ‘based stickman’ is facing jailtime. Once fewer speechifying Nazi.

7 years ago


If Bannon starts attacking Trump, then some (bad) Republicans have an excuse to “protect him from the alt-right” instead of impeaching.

What if he doesn’t attack Trump? He may remain loyal* to Trump, while using his new freedom to go after others: Kushner and Kelly being obvious examples. If it’s true that he jumped rather than was pushed, it may mean that he feels things have reached a point where he will have more power to further Project Reboot the US outside the administration.

*Not that I think Bannon is really loyal to anyone. I’m sure he views Trump as a useful idiot he can exploit.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago


Good for you re: your authenticity

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

@Dan Hoan

re: Pershing myth…Thanks; it was really more just doing our due diligence. The email answer that my colleague and I composed was based on — and cited specifically — Pershing’s own memoir (the one edited by John Greenwood and published in a scholarly edition by Univ. Kentucky Press in 2013). He in turn cites, and we referenced, specific letters in the Pershing letters in the Library of Congress manuscript collections. The website summarized the debunking long ago but with high-profile Trump-related stuff I like to cite the original primary sources even if there’s plenty of published work available that’s already synthesized it; you provide a pre-emptive retort to any accusations of “liberal cucks re-writing history etc.” i.e., go to the Library of Congress and see for yourself if you don’t believe us.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
7 years ago


Rebel Media’s subscriber count – in realtime.

Haha, look at it go! You need a parachute there lil buddy?

Now there’s some good clean family entertainment. In the few minutes I had it open, around 200 people unsubscribed.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

I don’t know, Icahn has long been on my list of ‘this is why we can’t have nice things’. He is the encapsulation of some of the biggest problems with modern capitalism. A hedge fund manager whose primary money-making these days is to buy up shares until he’s a major shareholder, acquire enough proxies that he can start making demands to the board for short term gain, before walking off with his money and leaving what’s left of the company to founder on the rocks. (Such as when he forced himself and some of his friends onto the board of Yahoo by threatening a stockholder revolt with his proxies to get the board fired because they hadn’t taken up Microsoft on a buyout offer.)

Convicted felon Martin Shkreli only wishes he could grift as well as Carl Icahn.

7 years ago

If Bannon doesn’t attack Trump, we’re sort of back to “Well, Trump is in the White House, and Breitbart still exists”. I don’t think Project Reboot will work as well without direct access to President and WH resources (which are considerable).

But at least he’s on the outside pooping in, instead of the other way around.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Citizen Rat

I know it feels like forever, but it’s been a little over 8 months and these supposed Superior White Race Ubermenschen have collapsed like a milky flan in a cupboard.

I’m strangely curious as to whether or not you have any personal experience when it comes to such foodstuffs.

@Hypatia’s Daughter

Trump, you got hung by your own petard.

A petard is a precursor to the grenade–an explosive device. It would be nigh-on impossible to hang oneself with it unless there was a loop on the pin and you were the size of Captain Olimar. Hoist by his own petard, hung by his own rope.

7 years ago

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while and also sorry this is off topic, but last night my synagogue was vandalized. Two Windows were broken. The police are currently looking into it as vandalism but considering there is also a church, school, and library near it and none of them were touched, I think it might have been a hate crime. I’m honestly freaked out about it and just wanted to get that off my chest.

7 years ago

Off topic, but Alex Jones harasses people in Seattle, gets “boiling” coffee splashed on him and then acts like he’s the victim with his tail between his legs.

This is the only video link I can find so far on youtube that isn’t presenting it as Poor Him.

7 years ago

@Jenora Feuer
When you put it that way he’s a more insidious bad.

Hope you’re alright, stay safe friend.

7 years ago

@ Horrorfan510 Oh my goodness. I hope you stay safe too.

Big Kitty
Big Kitty
7 years ago

I am so horrified that your shul was vandalized, horrorfan510. I feel lucky, as a Jew living in New York City, that I am probably (but not for sure) safe when I go to services. It’s so weird and sick that we have to have security guards who check everyone’s bag before we can enter our synagogue.

As a healing delight that may make you feel better, take a look at this delicious performance of “When the Saints Go Marching In” that Nazis will hate, because it features African-American artistic genius Louis Armstrong and Jewish-American artistic genius Danny Kaye. Enjoy!

7 years ago

Hypatia’s Daughter

… anti-Fascist statement from Johnny Cash’s children that actually made me cry with happiness

Enriches the oh-so-satisfying aaaaah feeling when combining that news with that of the descendants of Lee and Jackson and Davis. They have all, separately, stated that they either don’t care if, or actively advocate for, those statues being removed to museums or, maybe, just plain removed.

7 years ago

Thanks guys! There’s going to be a vigil there tonight so hopefully a lot of people will show up and send a message that what happened isn’t okay, but nothing like this has happened as long as I’ve been here. It’s scary that this has hit so close to home

7 years ago

Horrorfan: I’m so sorry. That must be so scary for you.

7 years ago


Not off topic at all.

And pfffft to the cops. They know full well it’s not mere vandalism. They probably don’t want all the hassle that goes with investigating and prosecuting hate crime so they’re talking themselves into not seeing it.

Take care of yourself.

7 years ago

Scildfreja Unnyðnes

Hah! When I first checked it, the graph below the count clock was all untidy steps. Now? One beautiful smooth(ish) downward slope across the whole page.

The most amazing and disappointing thing is the occasional additional subscriber. But they can’t make up for the wholesale rush to the exits.

7 years ago

That’s horrible! I hope you stay safe.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago


I’m glad things are looking (sort of) up so far, and I hope you find a way to talk to your parents about it. Aaand if not I hope you’re able to quickly find somewhere you’re surrounded by good people who love you no matter what.