a woman is always to blame actual mammoths aggrieved entitlement antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women evo psych fairy tales eww gross incompetence mansplaining mantrum men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sex workers sexy robot ladies trump western women suck

ALL you need to do, is have babis: Another Comment I Didn’t Let Through

A question that applies to MGTOWs too

By David Futrelle

I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.

Zachary offers his highly scientific opinions on such pressing issues of the day as  1) why women should pretty much devote all their attention to “child baring,” 2) how women don’t appreciate that “US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING,” 3) how “[w]omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok,” and of course 4) SEX ROBOTS.

Let’s begin:

firstof all this is a self described Anti trump Anti White Male Blog, you admit that in the description. You should admit it in the comments.

Well, he’s right about the Trump thing, so I’ll give him a point for that.

2ndof all. the REASON women HAVE to be attractive, is because THATS JUST REALITY its ALL they have going for them ITS BIOLOGY and if you THINk for ONE SECOND that women are NOT supposed to be attractive, youre discounting millionsof years of evolutionary adaptaion…the dominance hierarchy has been around before we were even mamals, so stop acting lik women are intrested in anything but money and looks…..women ONLY care about how “good” a an is, ranking us all, constantly lookng for something better, and its not BAD its just NATURE women have to care for a baby and so want the best they can get for that child….its fucking biology stop DENYING uitr

men and women are NOT equal. Men have to work and invest things, and fight wars to defend you (Oh go ahead say “from other men” as if that means a damn thing) and women have to have babis. Sorry but women ave babies, so thats ALL you need to do, is have babis.

Wait, is it “babies” or “babis,” I need to know!

You have status for just existing. you DONT ADMIT that you HAVE IT EASY and then you WANT MORE money….while MEN and MGTOW just want our CHILDREN and our MONEY back…..why wont you women ever admit that women just steal mens money and kids, its a fact, you gusy trake all our shit,

Yeah,, you gusy, stop traking all his shit!

and its why us MGTOW have decided to NOT get married or live with women, or have children with western women, because its NOT all women who are ROTTEN TO TEH CORE its you nasty western american women, and any woman who is a “feminist”” and if youre NOT a traditionalist your a foolish feminist, following the rules set out by MEN to convince you to simply leave the home, leave your kids with the state and join th workforce to raise more taxes and become a slave to make other men more money!

Well, yeah, capitalism sucks in a lot of ways, but I’m pretty sure no women on earth would prefer marriage to you to even the shittiest job.

Russian and eastern european women are not feminist and they are perfectly normal women who charish their men, who dont have stupid pointless “careers” which are NOT careers you women have JOBS jobs you HATE and you LIE about t and are uNHAPPy and you are mEANT to be housewives and raise children and youre FOOLS for giving that lifestyle up for depression and your ovaries drying up!

For what it’s worth, women made up 48.7% of the workforce in Russia as of 2016, which is actually a little higher than the percentage in the United States (45.8%), according to the World Bank.

Youre SICk and your telling us we need to be reprogrammed?!?

Well, at the very least you need to reboot your typing module.

All of you American women are the same and youre monsters compared to Rusian or eastern european women or even some Asian women. You have to realize that natue is real, you were born female, youre NOT as intelligent as men, youre NOT as capable as Men in any way other than child baring and thats IT dont TELL us that women invented all of modern civilization, US MEN built it US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING and the computer your using the internet, ALl of it, e built it

That’s not actually true, but even if it were, I’m not sure why Zachary here should get vicarious credit for the work of other dudes.

and you seem to think a fw comments from some redit users represents all of MGTOW?

Dude, let’s just say that you’re not exactly dispelling any alleged myths about MGTOWs here.

let me tell u something about most Mgtow, forst of all u seem to be so atracted to us, writing blogs about us, youre LOVING our male agression and dominance, you LOVE being put in your place, you ALL want Mgtow men So badly because the ONE secret men teach other men about women, is that when you ignore women they go crazy and want you! Because they want to know WHY youre ignoring them and will start giving YOU attention.

Even though I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women in saying: No, dude, the women of the world do not secretly want you, “badly” or any other way, and most would rather chew their own hands off than go on a date with you.

You women think you have any chance at winning some sort of intellectual battle witrh us men who program and buil and maintain al of society?

I’m fairly certain that you personally do none of these things.

Why dont you women go ouyt and try working the dangerous hazardous jobs us men do, nope, u just want the fun high paying jobs!

You’re honestly mad at women for preferring jobs that pay well and don’t suck to shit-paying jobs they hate? EVERYONE PREFERS THOSE JOBS. Not many of any gender can get them.

And women CHOOSE to ork lss THATS why you get paid less,

Lss ork means lss moenyy, ladies!

ITS A CHOICE you CHOOSE to go be with your familis whih is actually MORE important than money…..but you have to be SO COMPETITIVE and you HAVE to have JUST AS MUCH MONEY as a man even if youre not performing at the same level, like womens soccor, you think women should be paid just as much as mens soccor players? Well they dont make as much money selling tickets! they dont have as many peopel watchng so they CANt get as much money!


u wome dont undertand such SIMPLE concepts and its telling that youre in love with Mgtow!

You LOVE mgtow men bcauise we are INDEPENDENt AND we can get laid WHENEVER WE WANT

Yes, you certainly do sound like someone who gets laid whenever he wants.

And lets say there is a man who cant get laiud, lets say hes low status or hes fat or ugly, and he has no charm. Guess what? he can save up $200 and easily have sex with an extrenely attractive hookr, and that woman is proof that you have no argument!

I’m not sure that many women are making the argument that prostitution doesn’t exist.

And now, I regret to have to tell you, dear readers, he offers some thoughts on rape.

getting LAID is NOT some magial poer women have control over. men can get laid whenever they want. We can PHYSIOCALLy have sex with ANY woman we want if we REALLY wantd, that woul be rape but honestly you women seem like you dont care when us men get raped in prison and dont “count” that so I would like to know why men shouldnt rapoe women if you women think its ok for us MEN to get raped?

Why do so many of these dudes spend so much of their time trying to come up with excuses as to why rape is ok?

Never mind, I think that one answers itself.

Honstly id like to knopw, it doesnt seem very fair, i dont think rape is ok for eithr men or women, unlike you women who seem to think men in prison DESERVE to get rapoed…hmmm thats real “compasionaite” of you leftists

It’s true that lots of people (in the US at least) joke about prison rape, but I don’t think many of them are leftists or feminists. Leftists and feminists tend to think that prisons are shitty and that rape is horrible, wherever it happens and whoever the victims are.

Oh and you also are in lov with trump! all of you women who “hate” Trump, remembr, Love trumps harte and so you really should LOVE trump, hah, got you by your own bumper sticker!


You really have to not open youself up to such hardcore penetration of my ideas into the womb of your pyche,


its realy not even fun. Its ljust work

Hate to tell you this, dude, but you are very bad at your work.

i have to write this comment, knowing yuoull be a coward and just delete it, because YOU NEED to see that youre in an ECHO CHAMBER and youre just writing this BLOG bcause youre LOOSING the information war!

Why would I delete such an amazing piece of self-owning nonsense as this?

You women are SO SCARED of Mgtrow growing into an even bigger movement

Wait it’s MGTROW now? I shudder to think what that R stands for.

WHich it is, its too late, and you omen will SIMPLY have to start being NICE to us men, and stop being total bitches

Why would any “omen” want to be nice to a boiling pustule of rage like you?

not IONCE have ytou aid ‘Thank You” for us white men inventing the Computer your using, the Intrnet your using, the fiber optic cabls its goint through the LCD scren ur watching the keybaord or tablet touschcren or smartphone your using, teh LETRICITy the AC current you using, a white man named nikola tesla inventd AC current in th Poer Line AND the radio waves youre getting you wifi frm! the car the planes you use, all invented by White Males, everything EVERYTHING you use in modern civilization, 99 percent of all useful inventions, all by white males! So why arent you worshiping us? Whre is this HATE coming from???

Dude, I’m pretty sure no women is obliged to worship you because Tesla invented some cool shit.

Why do you hate trump? WHy cant you even watch ONE speech? U simply watch MSNBC and read stupid leftist fake news articles and watch Colvbrt Lie about RUSSIA and trumps “collusion” which is a total lie, and you BELIVE it, and you PARROT this LIE that trump is a sexist….its pathetic

I’ve watched many Trump speeches, and let’s just say none of them made me like the man more.

and women hunting Mammoths is a joke! Maybe iut hapned ONCE but just because u saw it on some PBS special doesnt man its real, Feminits just made that story up, omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok? Women arent strong enough. Women are weak compared to men and women cannot fucking hunt wooly mamoths you just dont have the corindation and strength or stamina or spacial reasoning, stop acting like its SEXIST to STATE those FACTS they ARE NOT hate facts, its the TRUTH

I’m pretty sure that neither women nor men hunted mammoths on the regular back in the day, because, here’s the thing: mammoths can fucking kill you. And how are you going to eat all of that meat before it goes bad? I suspect our cave men and cave women ancestors were much more likely to hunt much smaller animals that could not kill them.

Oh and heres another thing about prostitution. I have never hadto usea hooker, but if you are a man who does, irts not hard, and you women jut hate th idea that men cant get laid whenever they want, without dealing with your shit….and you just HATE it…u HATE being obsolte

Prostitution has been around pretty much forever and it has yet to make women “obsolte.”

well i got another word for you honey, Sex Robots….

That’s two words.

they will eplace you bitchy nagging women so fast. Sorry but its true you guys are just bitchy and its annoying and men just wont oput up with youy untill you start waking us up with fellatiop out of COMPASSION , you have to trat us with respect and recognize our physical dominance ovr you, or you can watch us fuck a sex robot , its your choice,

And with that lovely image he ends his manifesto.

Though he ends it not with a period but with a comma, as if he might start typing again any moment. Hell, he might be off somewhere typing still.

This was all, by the way, intended as a rebuttal to the post Women don’t belong in nerd-friendly “male spaces,” because nerd girls are ugly, MGTOW explains and the comments it inspired.

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7 years ago

Nice to meet ya! Congratulations on your university results!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


Their belief that he’d nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice who would be antiabortion. I just don’t buy it. If they would come right out and say, “I’m voting against Hillary because I’m a misogynist and a bigot!” Well, that would at least be honest of them

At the risk of mansplaining, saying they wanted an antichoice Justice is pretty literally saying ‘I voted Trump cos I’m a misogynist’. IMO…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

@Dr. NicolaLuna

Fuck yeah! Welcome back!

IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
7 years ago

Well, at the very least you need to reboot your typing module.

I laughed out loud quite a lot at that.

Top show old boy! 😀

7 years ago

To all who fucked that noise with a #notallmen at me:

Reading over what I wrote I notice that it may have come across as dismissive of your experience. That was my fault and I am sorry. I suppose I earned the anger and contempt. Sort of. What I meant to express was the deep discomfort of seeing people whose comments I generally enjoy reading, saying things that read to me as bigoted.

I think it is a monstrous part of human nature to assume you know anything about a PERSON by the color of their skin, by their ancestry, by their culture, or even, at the risk of being blasted again, BY THEIR GENDER.

Each of you who jumped on me said things to the effect of “I’ve met men who treated me badly, who talked like this asshole in the OP, and I’ve learned to stay away from men because they’re all like that.”

I’ve also known people who told me “Don’t tell me blacks are just people. I got robbed by a black person once, so I know they are all a bunch of thieving thugs.”

Tell me what the fucking difference is?

I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been lucky. I was a professional archaeologist for many years and most men who decide to dig in the dirt for lousy pay are pretty good guys (#notallmalearchaeologists) . I have to say that looking back, I met as many really shitty women as I did shitty men. Oh, some of the older PHDs were a problem (mostly of the pat on the head “Let me help you with that shovel, little lady” type), but I mostly dealt with kids and most of them were great.

I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad time with the men you’ve known. You didn’t deserve that. And I understand why you are even more cautious than the average woman has to be about Shroedinger’s Rapist or even just Shroedinger’s Misogynist Asshole. I didn’t mean to suggest that that your caution was inappropriate. I guess I did imply that, but I didn’t mean to.

But please don’t let yourself fall into the sexist assumption that all men are misogynist assholes. Personally, I wait until one of them shows his colors before I cross him off the “decent guy” list. Unlike the idiot in the OP, I am aware that there are a lot of men on this blog, including our host, who seem to be pretty decent guys. Did you mean to blithely insult them by saying that yes, all men are misogynist shits?

And one more caveat to what I am saying. I am an old woman who had to deal with a far more sexist world than most younger people in the US have had to deal with. To me, it looks better, not good enough by a long shot, but better, but I understand that it must look intolerable to younger people. I sometimes forget that difference of perspective.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


I’ve also known people who told me “Don’t tell me blacks are just people. I got robbed by a black person once, so I know they are all a bunch of thieving thugs.”

Tell me what the fucking difference is?

comment image

I am aware that there are a lot of men on this blog, including our host, who seem to be pretty decent guys. Did you mean to blithely insult them by saying that yes, all men are misogynist shits?

1)nobody said all men. @Sandra was closest, but even she specified in ways that limited her scope
2)any pretty decent guy on this blog, myself included, who’d be personally insulted by any of what was said might be well served sitting down, shutting up, and getting their shit together. Not sure who of us you think you’re defending here, but thanks anyway

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Tell me what the fucking difference is?

Power and privilege.

Individuals harm individuals and that crosses all genders, race, etc. But as a group, men have the power to harm women as a group. And they do.

As a group, black people do not have the power to harm white people as a group. It’s the other way around.

The marginalized group being suspicious of the privileged group as a means of self preservation is a lot different than the privileged group stoking fears of the marginalized group as a means of keeping them marginalized.

Also, as a trans woman, Sandra has even more to fear from men than cis women do. Trans women are targeted for violence a lot and it’s almost always cis men who are doing the violence. I hope I’m not being cis splainy here and I don’t presume to speak for Sanda but there is some context for her comments.

7 years ago

As brilliant and important as Ada Lovelace was, she isn’t the only brilliant and important computer scientist who happened to be a woman. Lots of people seem to forget this or be too lazy to look it up.

Here are a few, from Wikipedia alone. I could name a few dozen more I’ve worked with who damn well ought to be on that list.

1842: Ada Lovelace (1815–1852) was an analyst of Charles Babbage’s analytical engine and considered by many the “first computer programmer.”[2]

1893: Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868–1921) joined the Harvard “computers”, a group of women engaged in the production of astronomical data at Harvard. She was instrumental in discovery of the cepheid variable stars, which are evidence for the expansion of the universe.[5]

1926: Grete Hermann (1901–1984) published the foundational paper for computerized algebra. It was her doctoral thesis, titled “The Question of Finitely Many Steps in Polynomial Ideal Theory”, and published in Mathematische Annalen.[6]

1940s: American women were recruited to do ballistics calculations and program computers during WWII. Around 1943–1945, these women “computers” used a differential analyzer in the basement of the Moore School of Electrical Engineering to speed up their calculations, though the machine required a mechanic to be totally accurate and the women often rechecked the calculations by hand.[7] Phyllis Fox ran a differential analyzer single-handedly, with differential equations are her program specification.

1943: Women worked as WREN Colossus operators during WW2 at Bletchley Park.[8]

1943: Many wives of scientists at Los Alamos were first organized as “computers” on the Manhattan Project.[citation needed]

1943: Gertrude Blanch (1897–1996) led the Mathematical Tables Project group from 1938 to 1948. During World War II, the project operated as a major computing office for the U.S. government and did calculations for the Office of Scientific Research and Development, the Army, the Navy, the Manhattan Project and other institutions.[9]

1946: Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Frances Spence, Kay McNulty, Marlyn Wescoff, and Ruth Lichterman were the regularly working programmers of the ENIAC. Adele Goldstine, also involved in the programming, wrote the program manual for the ENIAC.[10]

1947: Irma Wyman worked on a missile guidance project at the Willow Run Research Center. To calculate trajectory, they used mechanical calculators. In 1947–48, she visited the U.S. Naval Proving Ground where Grace Hopper was working on similar problems and discovered they were using a prototype of a programmable Mark II computer.[11]

1948: Kathleen Booth (1922–) is credited with writing the assembly language for the ARC2 computer.[citation needed]

1949: Grace Hopper (1906–1992), was a United States Navy officer and one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I, known as the “Mother of COBOL”. She developed the first compiler for an electronic computer, known as A-0. She also popularized the term “debugging” – a reference to a moth extracted from a relay in the Harvard Mark II computer.[12]

1949: Evelyn Boyd Granville (1924–) was the second African-American woman in the U.S. to receive a PhD in mathematics. From 1956 to 1960, she worked for IBM on the Project Vanguard and Project Mercury space programs, analyzing orbits and developing computer procedures.[13]

1950: Ida Rhodes (1900–1986) was one of the pioneers in the analysis of systems of programming. She co-designed the C-10 language in the early 1950s for the UNIVAC I – a computer system that was used to calculate the census.[14]

1952: Mary Coombs (1929-) was one of the first programmers on, and was the first female programmer on LEO, the first business computer. She went on to work on LEO II and LEO III.[15]

1958: Orbital calculations for the United States’ Explorer 1 satellite were solved by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s all-female “computers”, many of whom were recruited out of high school.
Mechanical calculators were supplemented with logarithmic calculations performed by hand.[16][17]

1961: Dana Ulery (1938–), was the first female engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, developing real-time tracking systems using a North American Aviation Recomp II, a 40-bit word size computer.[citation needed]

1962: Jean E. Sammet (1928–2017), developed the FORMAC programming language. She was also the first to write extensively about the history and categorization of programming languages in

1969, and became the first female president of the Association for Computing Machinery in 1974.[18]

1962: Dame Stephanie “Steve” Shirley (1933–), founded the UK software company F.I. She was concerned with creating work opportunities for women with dependents, and predominantly employed women, only 3 out of 300-odd programmers were male, until that became illegal. She adopted the name “Steve” to help her in the male-dominated business world. From 1989 to 1990, she was President of the British Computer Society. In 1985, she was awarded a Recognition of Information Technology Award.[citation needed]

1964: Joan Ball was the first person to start a computer dating service in 1964.[19]

1965: Mary Allen Wilkes (1937–) was the first person to use a computer in a private home (in 1965) and the first developer of an operating system (LAP) for the first minicomputer (LINC).[citation needed]

1965: Sister Mary Kenneth Keller (1913–1985) became the first American woman to earn a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1965.[20] Her thesis was titled “Inductive Inference on Computer Generated Patterns.”[21]

1966: Margaret R. Fox (1916–2006) was appointed Chief of the Office of Computer Information in 1966, part of the Institute for Computer Science and Technology of NBS. She held the post until 1975. She was also actively involved in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and served as the first Secretary for the American Federation of Information Processing Societies (AFIPS).[citation needed]

1969: Margaret Hamilton (1936–) was in late 1960s Director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for the Apollo space program. MIT work prevented an abort of the Apollo 11 moon landing by using robust architecture[1]. Later, she was awarded the NASA Exceptional Space Act Award for her scientific and technical contributions.[22][23][24]

1971: Erna Schneider Hoover (1926–) is an American mathematician notable for inventing a computerized telephone switching method which developed modern communication according to several reports. At Bell Laboratories, where she worked for over 32 years, Hoover was described as an important pioneer for women in the field of computer technology.[citation needed]

1971: Margaret Burnett (computer scientist) (1949–) became the first woman software developer ever hired by Procter & Gamble/Ivorydale, a 13,000-employee complex that included their R&D center. Her position as a software developer also made her the first woman ever hired into a management-level position there.

1972: Mary Shaw (1943–) became the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.[citation needed]
1972: Adele Goldberg (1945–), was one of developers of the Smalltalk language.[25]

1972: Karen Spärck Jones (1935–2007), was one of the pioneers of information retrieval and natural language processing.[citation needed]

1972: Sandra Kurtzig founded ASK Computer Systems, an early Silicon Valley startup.[citation needed]

1973: Susan Nycum co-authored Computer Abuse, a minor classic that was one of the first studies to define and document computer-related crime.[26][27]

1973: Phyllis Fox (1923–) worked on the PORT portable mathematical/numerical library.[citation needed]

1974: Elizabeth Feinler (1931–) and her team defined a simple text file format for Internet host names.[28] The list evolved into the Domain Name System and her group became the naming authority for the top-level domains of .mil, .gov, .edu, .org, and .com.

1975: Irene Greif became the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[29]

1978: Sophie Wilson (1957–), is a British computer scientist. She is known for designing the Acorn Micro-Computer, as well as the instruction set of the ARM processor.[30]

1979: Carol Shaw (1955–), was a game designer and programmer for Atari Corp. and Activision.[citation needed]

1980: Carla Meninsky was the game designer and programmer for Atari 2600 games Dodge ‘Em and Warlords.[citation needed]

1982?: Lorinda Cherry worked on the Writer’s Workbench (wwb) for Bell Labs.[citation needed]

1983: Janese Swanson (1958–) (with others) developed the first of the Carmen Sandiego games. She went on to found Girl Tech. Girl Tech develops products and services that encourage girls to use new technologies, such as the Internet and video games.[31]

1984: Roberta Williams (1953–), did pioneering work in graphical adventure games for personal computers, particularly the King’s Quest series.[citation needed]

1984: Susan Kare (1954–), created the icons and many of the interface elements for the original Apple Macintosh in the 1980s, and was an original employee of NeXT, working as the Creative Director.[citation needed]

1985: Radia Perlman (1951–), invented the Spanning Tree Protocol. She has done extensive and innovative research, particularly on encryption and networking. She received the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007, among numerous others.[citation needed]

1985: Irma Wyman (1927–), was the first Honeywell CIO.[citation needed]

1987: Monica S. Lam receives a Ph.D. for her work on optimising compilers. She has since then performed influential research in many areas of computer science as well as co-authored a famous textbook on compilers.[citation needed]

1988: Éva Tardos (1957–), was the recipient of the Fulkerson Prize for her research on design and analysis of algorithms.[citation needed]

1989: Frances E. Allen (1932–), became the first female IBM Fellow in
1989. In 2006, she became the first female recipient of the ACM’s Turing Award.[citation needed]

1989: Frances Brazier, professor of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, is one of the founder of NLnet, the first Internet service provider in the Netherlands.[citation needed]

1992: Donna Dubinsky (1955–), CEO and co-founder of Palm, Inc., co-founder of Handspring, co-founder of Numenta, Harvard Business School’s Alumni Achievement Award winner for “introducing the first successful personal digital assistant (PDA) and who is now developing a computer memory system modeled after the human brain”.[32]

1993: Shafi Goldwasser (1958–), a theoretical computer scientist, is a two-time recipient of the Gödel Prize for research on complexity theory, cryptography and computational number theory, and the invention of zero-knowledge proofs.[citation needed]

1993: Barbara Liskov(1939–), together with Jeannette Wing, developed the Liskov substitution principle. Liskov was also the winner of the Turing Prize in 2008.[33]

1994: Sally Floyd (1953–), is known for her work on Transmission Control Protocol.[citation needed]

1996: Xiaoyuan Tu (1967–), was the first female recipient of ACM’s Doctoral Dissertation Award.[34]

1997: Anita Borg (1949–2003), was the founding director of the Institute for Women and Technology (IWT), renamed Anita Borg Institute (ABI) in her honor in 2003.[35]

1998: LinuxChix an international organization for women who use Linux and women and men who want to support women in computing was founded by Deb Richardson.[citation needed]

1999: Marissa Mayer (1975–), was the first female engineer hired at Google, and was later named Vice President of Search Product and User Experience. She was formerly the CEO of Yahoo!.[citation needed]

2003: Ellen Spertus earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 1998 with the notable thesis “ParaSite: Mining the structural information on the World-Wide Web”.[citation needed]

2004: Jeri Ellsworth (1974–), is a self-taught computer chip designer and creator of the C64 Direct-to-TV.[citation needed]

2004: Lucy Sanders (1954-) co-founded the National Center for Women & Information Technology [36]

2005: Audrey Tang (1981–), was the initiator and leader of the Pugs project.[citation needed]

2005: Mary Lou Jepsen (1965–), was the founder and chief technology officer of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), and the founder of Pixel Qi.[citation needed]

2006: Maria Klawe (1951–), was the first woman to become President of the Harvey Mudd College since its founding in 1955 and was ACM president from 2002 until 2004.[37]

2006: Melanie Rieback’s research concerns the security and privacy of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, she is known to have programmed the first virus to infect RFID devices.[38]

2006: Joanna Rutkowska presented Blue Pill, a rootkit based on x86 virtualization, at the Black Hat Briefings computer security conference.[citation needed]

2014: Megan Smith named third (and first female) Chief Technology Officer of the United States of America (USCTO), succeeding Todd Park.

7 years ago

D D Webb: Actually, I suspect the development of technology in settled agricultural societies is more about things like “having somewhere to put it” and “not having to carry things with you all over the place”.

Most hunter-gatherer societies tend to be nomadic, because if you remain in the one place for too long, you’re going to strip the local ecosystem bare. So this means what your culture and your technology can be constituted of tends to consist of things which can be carried by people, or, if you’re in an ecosystem where this is possible, people plus beasts of burden. Which means even basic things like grindstones tend to be very much a location-driven tool in hunter-gatherer cultures – if you’re in the right place to be able to set one up, you have it, and for a while in that particular location you can eat cakes of seed flour. But you can’t take the grindstone with you from place to place – far too heavy; you can’t take the flour with you when you leave – weighs too much and too awkward to carry (so you only make enough for right now) and you can’t really take too many of the cakes either. So seed flour cakes, and the concentrated carbohydrate/energy load they provide, are a seasonal thing, and a special treat for when you’re in certain locations.

Whereas if you’re growing the food in a settled location, you can do things like build storage for excess grain, move a grindstone to a place near your storehouse in order to grind grain, store the flour you’ve ground as well, and make seed flour cakes all year round.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago



Welcome back! And congratulations! I’m so glad your first year is going swimmingly. That’s a very good grade!

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

Having studied all or most men, I can confirm that they are terrible (can often not even fold laundry).

7 years ago

I don’t think it would be too difficult or risky to hunt mammoths once pointy sticks had been invented, but I think it would be an *enormous* investment in time and very wasteful of time, resources and mammoths.

So it was probably done.

Stupid gatherers, collecting the vast majority of the calories everyone needed.

7 years ago

Having studied all or most men, I can confirm that they are terrible (can often not even fold laundry).

We can *totally* fold laundry. As long as there are seams to fold along. Otherwise, you’re right, we’re fucked.

7 years ago

My husband can fold fitted sheets; I cannot. Are we the exception that proves the rule?

I think it is a monstrous part of human nature to assume you know anything about a PERSON by the color of their skin, by their ancestry, by their culture, or even, at the risk of being blasted again, BY THEIR GENDER.

WWTH already covered why this is bullshit, so I just want to let you know that this is *extremely* fucking uncalled for.

7 years ago

My husband can fold fitted sheets


7 years ago

WWTH already covered why this is bullshit, so I just want to let you know that this is *extremely* fucking uncalled for.

I agree. But I didn’t say that. I’m confused.

7 years ago

Sorry, forgot to include @Otrame before the second part. That wasn’t to you.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Anecdotally, I’m way better at folding fitted sheets than tee shirts. I just don’t understand them at all. My shirt shelf is a mess, but the linen closet on point

7 years ago

Stupid oppressively foldy people.

7 years ago


Anecdotally, I’m way better at folding fitted sheets than tee shirts.

That might be the worst anecdote ever 😉

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
7 years ago

Wow!! That’s got to be the most incomprehensible shit I have ever read. Spelling and grammar is important to me and reading that made my eyes hurt.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I once managed to get three corners of a fitted sheet onto a mattress.

Can anyone beat that?

(I nearly got the fourth; but then the first corner pinged off)

7 years ago


I think it is a monstrous part of human nature to assume you know anything about a PERSON by the color of their skin, by their ancestry, by their culture, or even, at the risk of being blasted again, BY THEIR GENDER.

I think you can get back to me on that when it isn’t legal to murder me in cold blood in 48 American states as long as you tear my clothes off and lie that we were gonna have sex.

Also, don’t fucking try to equate being wary of men due to really wanting to stay alive and being a racist jackass.

Each of you who jumped on me said things to the effect of “I’ve met men who treated me badly, who talked like this asshole in the OP, and I’ve learned to stay away from men because they’re all like that.”

I did not say “all”. I said “Most”. I said “Straight white men”. I said “All women have experienced this.” But what do I know? I’ve just been around men my whole life, I’ve had access to spaces normally gated for just men, and every time I’ve waited long enough…any given man has said something viciously misogynistic I cannot ignore, with three exceptions I can think of off the top of my head. Three. Of hundreds.

I’ve also known people who told me “Don’t tell me blacks are just people. I got robbed by a black person once, so I know they are all a bunch of thieving thugs.”

Tell me what the fucking difference is?

Talk to WWTH and Axecalibur. They seem to have covered this.

I didn’t mean to suggest that that your caution was inappropriate. I guess I did imply that, but I didn’t mean to.

Pocket this statement. It’s gonna come back.

But please don’t let yourself fall into the sexist assumption that all men are misogynist assholes. Personally, I wait until one of them shows his colors before I cross him off the “decent guy” list.

Didn’t you just say you weren’t trying to tell me my caution was inappropriate? Do you know the difference between a safe and healthy Sandra and an injured, violated, or murdered one? Assuming that men I encounter will harm me at their first opportunity until there’s a span of decent behavior lasting years, and never forgiving any of them who treat me badly. Also not going to bars by myself, not flirting with men, not dating men, etc.

Unlike the idiot in the OP, I am aware that there are a lot of men on this blog, including our host, who seem to be pretty decent guys. Did you mean to blithely insult them by saying that yes, all men are misogynist shits?

1: Don’t do ableism here, please. I’m literally an autist, and I don’t need one of the slurs thrown at me IRL in this space.

2: Considering that I have numerous valid reasons for the way I act and a history full of sexual assaults, all by men, I have complaints for a certain kind of man. If a man hears me talk about my experiences at the hands of misogynists and goes “Oh, this applies to me!”…. well. Who I am to pronounce innocent those who have already judged themselves guilty?

7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

As I understand it: no.

7 years ago

I have learned to fold sheets, and T-shirts, and stuff. I learned it while I was away at college cause I did my own laundry. I still do my own laundry, and sometimes my family’s when I need to use the machine and there’s stuff in it. Or when they need help.