a woman is always to blame actual mammoths aggrieved entitlement antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women evo psych fairy tales eww gross incompetence mansplaining mantrum men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sex workers sexy robot ladies trump western women suck

ALL you need to do, is have babis: Another Comment I Didn’t Let Through

A question that applies to MGTOWs too

By David Futrelle

I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.

Zachary offers his highly scientific opinions on such pressing issues of the day as  1) why women should pretty much devote all their attention to “child baring,” 2) how women don’t appreciate that “US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING,” 3) how “[w]omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok,” and of course 4) SEX ROBOTS.

Let’s begin:

firstof all this is a self described Anti trump Anti White Male Blog, you admit that in the description. You should admit it in the comments.

Well, he’s right about the Trump thing, so I’ll give him a point for that.

2ndof all. the REASON women HAVE to be attractive, is because THATS JUST REALITY its ALL they have going for them ITS BIOLOGY and if you THINk for ONE SECOND that women are NOT supposed to be attractive, youre discounting millionsof years of evolutionary adaptaion…the dominance hierarchy has been around before we were even mamals, so stop acting lik women are intrested in anything but money and looks…..women ONLY care about how “good” a an is, ranking us all, constantly lookng for something better, and its not BAD its just NATURE women have to care for a baby and so want the best they can get for that child….its fucking biology stop DENYING uitr

men and women are NOT equal. Men have to work and invest things, and fight wars to defend you (Oh go ahead say “from other men” as if that means a damn thing) and women have to have babis. Sorry but women ave babies, so thats ALL you need to do, is have babis.

Wait, is it “babies” or “babis,” I need to know!

You have status for just existing. you DONT ADMIT that you HAVE IT EASY and then you WANT MORE money….while MEN and MGTOW just want our CHILDREN and our MONEY back…..why wont you women ever admit that women just steal mens money and kids, its a fact, you gusy trake all our shit,

Yeah,, you gusy, stop traking all his shit!

and its why us MGTOW have decided to NOT get married or live with women, or have children with western women, because its NOT all women who are ROTTEN TO TEH CORE its you nasty western american women, and any woman who is a “feminist”” and if youre NOT a traditionalist your a foolish feminist, following the rules set out by MEN to convince you to simply leave the home, leave your kids with the state and join th workforce to raise more taxes and become a slave to make other men more money!

Well, yeah, capitalism sucks in a lot of ways, but I’m pretty sure no women on earth would prefer marriage to you to even the shittiest job.

Russian and eastern european women are not feminist and they are perfectly normal women who charish their men, who dont have stupid pointless “careers” which are NOT careers you women have JOBS jobs you HATE and you LIE about t and are uNHAPPy and you are mEANT to be housewives and raise children and youre FOOLS for giving that lifestyle up for depression and your ovaries drying up!

For what it’s worth, women made up 48.7% of the workforce in Russia as of 2016, which is actually a little higher than the percentage in the United States (45.8%), according to the World Bank.

Youre SICk and your telling us we need to be reprogrammed?!?

Well, at the very least you need to reboot your typing module.

All of you American women are the same and youre monsters compared to Rusian or eastern european women or even some Asian women. You have to realize that natue is real, you were born female, youre NOT as intelligent as men, youre NOT as capable as Men in any way other than child baring and thats IT dont TELL us that women invented all of modern civilization, US MEN built it US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING and the computer your using the internet, ALl of it, e built it

That’s not actually true, but even if it were, I’m not sure why Zachary here should get vicarious credit for the work of other dudes.

and you seem to think a fw comments from some redit users represents all of MGTOW?

Dude, let’s just say that you’re not exactly dispelling any alleged myths about MGTOWs here.

let me tell u something about most Mgtow, forst of all u seem to be so atracted to us, writing blogs about us, youre LOVING our male agression and dominance, you LOVE being put in your place, you ALL want Mgtow men So badly because the ONE secret men teach other men about women, is that when you ignore women they go crazy and want you! Because they want to know WHY youre ignoring them and will start giving YOU attention.

Even though I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women in saying: No, dude, the women of the world do not secretly want you, “badly” or any other way, and most would rather chew their own hands off than go on a date with you.

You women think you have any chance at winning some sort of intellectual battle witrh us men who program and buil and maintain al of society?

I’m fairly certain that you personally do none of these things.

Why dont you women go ouyt and try working the dangerous hazardous jobs us men do, nope, u just want the fun high paying jobs!

You’re honestly mad at women for preferring jobs that pay well and don’t suck to shit-paying jobs they hate? EVERYONE PREFERS THOSE JOBS. Not many of any gender can get them.

And women CHOOSE to ork lss THATS why you get paid less,

Lss ork means lss moenyy, ladies!

ITS A CHOICE you CHOOSE to go be with your familis whih is actually MORE important than money…..but you have to be SO COMPETITIVE and you HAVE to have JUST AS MUCH MONEY as a man even if youre not performing at the same level, like womens soccor, you think women should be paid just as much as mens soccor players? Well they dont make as much money selling tickets! they dont have as many peopel watchng so they CANt get as much money!


u wome dont undertand such SIMPLE concepts and its telling that youre in love with Mgtow!

You LOVE mgtow men bcauise we are INDEPENDENt AND we can get laid WHENEVER WE WANT

Yes, you certainly do sound like someone who gets laid whenever he wants.

And lets say there is a man who cant get laiud, lets say hes low status or hes fat or ugly, and he has no charm. Guess what? he can save up $200 and easily have sex with an extrenely attractive hookr, and that woman is proof that you have no argument!

I’m not sure that many women are making the argument that prostitution doesn’t exist.

And now, I regret to have to tell you, dear readers, he offers some thoughts on rape.

getting LAID is NOT some magial poer women have control over. men can get laid whenever they want. We can PHYSIOCALLy have sex with ANY woman we want if we REALLY wantd, that woul be rape but honestly you women seem like you dont care when us men get raped in prison and dont “count” that so I would like to know why men shouldnt rapoe women if you women think its ok for us MEN to get raped?

Why do so many of these dudes spend so much of their time trying to come up with excuses as to why rape is ok?

Never mind, I think that one answers itself.

Honstly id like to knopw, it doesnt seem very fair, i dont think rape is ok for eithr men or women, unlike you women who seem to think men in prison DESERVE to get rapoed…hmmm thats real “compasionaite” of you leftists

It’s true that lots of people (in the US at least) joke about prison rape, but I don’t think many of them are leftists or feminists. Leftists and feminists tend to think that prisons are shitty and that rape is horrible, wherever it happens and whoever the victims are.

Oh and you also are in lov with trump! all of you women who “hate” Trump, remembr, Love trumps harte and so you really should LOVE trump, hah, got you by your own bumper sticker!


You really have to not open youself up to such hardcore penetration of my ideas into the womb of your pyche,


its realy not even fun. Its ljust work

Hate to tell you this, dude, but you are very bad at your work.

i have to write this comment, knowing yuoull be a coward and just delete it, because YOU NEED to see that youre in an ECHO CHAMBER and youre just writing this BLOG bcause youre LOOSING the information war!

Why would I delete such an amazing piece of self-owning nonsense as this?

You women are SO SCARED of Mgtrow growing into an even bigger movement

Wait it’s MGTROW now? I shudder to think what that R stands for.

WHich it is, its too late, and you omen will SIMPLY have to start being NICE to us men, and stop being total bitches

Why would any “omen” want to be nice to a boiling pustule of rage like you?

not IONCE have ytou aid ‘Thank You” for us white men inventing the Computer your using, the Intrnet your using, the fiber optic cabls its goint through the LCD scren ur watching the keybaord or tablet touschcren or smartphone your using, teh LETRICITy the AC current you using, a white man named nikola tesla inventd AC current in th Poer Line AND the radio waves youre getting you wifi frm! the car the planes you use, all invented by White Males, everything EVERYTHING you use in modern civilization, 99 percent of all useful inventions, all by white males! So why arent you worshiping us? Whre is this HATE coming from???

Dude, I’m pretty sure no women is obliged to worship you because Tesla invented some cool shit.

Why do you hate trump? WHy cant you even watch ONE speech? U simply watch MSNBC and read stupid leftist fake news articles and watch Colvbrt Lie about RUSSIA and trumps “collusion” which is a total lie, and you BELIVE it, and you PARROT this LIE that trump is a sexist….its pathetic

I’ve watched many Trump speeches, and let’s just say none of them made me like the man more.

and women hunting Mammoths is a joke! Maybe iut hapned ONCE but just because u saw it on some PBS special doesnt man its real, Feminits just made that story up, omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok? Women arent strong enough. Women are weak compared to men and women cannot fucking hunt wooly mamoths you just dont have the corindation and strength or stamina or spacial reasoning, stop acting like its SEXIST to STATE those FACTS they ARE NOT hate facts, its the TRUTH

I’m pretty sure that neither women nor men hunted mammoths on the regular back in the day, because, here’s the thing: mammoths can fucking kill you. And how are you going to eat all of that meat before it goes bad? I suspect our cave men and cave women ancestors were much more likely to hunt much smaller animals that could not kill them.

Oh and heres another thing about prostitution. I have never hadto usea hooker, but if you are a man who does, irts not hard, and you women jut hate th idea that men cant get laid whenever they want, without dealing with your shit….and you just HATE it…u HATE being obsolte

Prostitution has been around pretty much forever and it has yet to make women “obsolte.”

well i got another word for you honey, Sex Robots….

That’s two words.

they will eplace you bitchy nagging women so fast. Sorry but its true you guys are just bitchy and its annoying and men just wont oput up with youy untill you start waking us up with fellatiop out of COMPASSION , you have to trat us with respect and recognize our physical dominance ovr you, or you can watch us fuck a sex robot , its your choice,

And with that lovely image he ends his manifesto.

Though he ends it not with a period but with a comma, as if he might start typing again any moment. Hell, he might be off somewhere typing still.

This was all, by the way, intended as a rebuttal to the post Women don’t belong in nerd-friendly “male spaces,” because nerd girls are ugly, MGTOW explains and the comments it inspired.

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7 years ago


I know a lot of men. Less than a quarter of them are anything like this asshole. Seriously. Most men aren’t perfect. They grew up in this culture after all. But most are pretty decent. You shouldn’t assume they are all like this pathetic piece of slime*.

Do NOT #notallmen me.

I wasn’t even saying all men were like this – I was saying that this ass is so generic you could replace him with any other man in mid-sentence and a forensic expert couldn’t tell the difference. This kind of misogyny is the shit our society steeps in, yes that includes most “good” men, and I well know that for…reasons.

Okay. Maybe I was saying “Yes all women” and “Yes most men”.

7 years ago

I love how he throws a whole tantrum about how MGTOW are just trying to make women want their attention while he obviously wants women’s attention.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

When I think about this dude’s poor keyboard, I hear Sarah Maclachlan singing “In The Arms Of The Angels”.

That was really painful to scroll through. Not just the drunken typos and misspellings, but the Fred Flintstone anthropology and thoroughly unoriginal talking points. You can practically hear him screaming “MEN! MEN! MEN! Do you hear me? MEN!”

@Mish – I am so sorry about what your brother went through. The prison system in America is a disgrace. I hope he’s finding the peace and healing he needs. He’s fortunate to have you by his side.

@Valentine – we’ll miss you, come back soon! I’m glad you confirmed that Eastern European women aren’t the pliant sex dolls that the OP imagines. I’ve been working with female engineers from Ukraine, Poland, and Russia for the past several years, and totally agree. They would eat this guy for lunch (and then spit him out afterwards, because yuck). They’re sharp, tough, no-nonsense, and funny as hell. And hard orking, too.

your using the internet, ALl of it

That’s because we float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

Argle Bargle
Argle Bargle
7 years ago

I haaaaaaate when these fuckweasels fetishize Eastern European women. Dude, a lot of women here would dropkick you if you told them ”Go make babis and cook me food!”.
I hate how manospherians of all stripes talk about Eastern Europe like it’s this 17-century village, where the backwards locals awe at the sight of these strange impressive men from the lands beyond the hill over yonder! And the local women are especially impressed, because Strange Foreign Man show them things like MAGA hats and dollars! What, Strange Foreign Man no pay with goats?! Me want spend lifetime serving him, he so accomplished!

Seriously, we’re not some exotic quasi-Westeros. We have the Internet, a lot of people here speak a couple of languages and a lot of women *gasp* are feminists!

Sorry, went on a bit of a rant, but I honestly can’t stand when people give me the ”Oh, you speak so well” treatment when they find out where I’m from.

The rest of his comment was a Best Hits of MGTOWs and nothing interesting. Yeah, yeah, damned if we do, damned if we don’t, you hunted the mammoth and somethingsomething big daddy government blah blah.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Awww, I’m going to miss our darling Valentine! ?

Damnit, Buttercup, now I’ll have that song stuck in my head! Harrumph! Lol

7 years ago

You should’ve let it through moderation David. Much as I appreciate the commentary, MGTOWs in their natural state are simply precious.
He actually began his screed by accusing you of painting a caricature….
Can’t make this shit up.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Best wishes to @Valentine, and buncha hearts to @Mish and her bruh


7 years ago

I imagine this charmer would be very disappointed if he actually met some Eastern European women.

I live in Poland, so I can attest that most Polish women would probably tell the creep to go and engage in jolly fornication with the nearest lamp post.

I’m not sure what’s with the Eastern European women fetish… They do realize that women fought alongside men against the Nazis, right?

7 years ago

Given that the best way for puny humans to take down large intelligent elephants was not to stab them with a stick or throttle them, but to force them over cliffs and let gravity do the hard work, I see absolutely no reason anyone of any gender or age couldn’t have been involved in the mammoth hunts. In fact I imagine everyone who could have taken part in chasing the mammoth over the cliffs would have done so.

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
7 years ago

Yeah I have been to various parts of Eastern Europe quite a few times now on holiday and they have money and supermarkets and internets and some really quite spectacular cocktail bars. Pfft. In fact I have been many places, including Brazil, Spain, Malawi, Australia, quite a lot of Italy and a brief trip to mainland China, and I work in an academic research environment which is around about 30pc British and 40pc white (and it bears saying not all the British people are white) and I have yet to meet one person who is in any way impressed that I’m white and Western.

Sorry I’ve posted so much on this thread but this guy has just really got my goat. It’s that combination of huge entitlement, toxic vanity and total stupidity….

….oh, I get it. I’m venting at him because I’ll never get the chance to vent at Trump

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago


Sounds like a name for a highly commercial dating app.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

Ranting guy from the OP

Why do you hate trump? WHy cant you even watch ONE speech?

Because he speaks worse than you write. And your one-handed rage typing is pretty darned awful.

Why do these angry and entitled, tantrum-throwing miggy-toe dudes think that human sexual dimorphism includes intelligence? How does that make sense at all? Humans are endlessly adaptable and intelligent across all genders and cultures.

I think these salty cis/straight/white doods are nervous that their undeserved dominance is coming to an end and that they’ll have to compete fairly for a change.

7 years ago

Re: “Eastern European women aren’t feminists etc.”

Wasn’t there a huge march last year/earlier this year in Poland protesting new laws restricting abortion access?

Also I remember reading an article about Russian women refusing to date Russian men and instead choosing to stay single or pick only foreign-born partners (no, not as mail order brides, simply as anyone might date someone from somewhere else). Their rationale (their words not mine) was that they had had too many bad experiences with Russian men in their behaviour. Drunk, machismo, aggressive, demanding that “their women” be submissive. A lot like a MGTOW basically. So if this bunch of women refuse to tolerate that crap from Russian men why would they tolerate it from a Westerner? Plus their rejection of it makes them pretty clearly more feminist minded than miggytoe believes.

P. S:: #NotAllRussianMen I know. Also, I would link to the article but the only search terms I can think of to describe it include the words “Russian women staying single” or “Russian women won’t date Russian men” and you can imagine the kind of results THAT is throwing up.

7 years ago

We laugh at them and tell them they’re vile garbage and they try to claim that means we both fear and want them.

Project much, garbagemen?

Nearly a quarter of the men you’ve met are openly as horrible as this wretched piece of work and that’s what you consider an argument against IS’s general mistrust and avoidance of men?

7 years ago

I’m glad I could give a fellow Cat-Lady comfort. We Kitties stick together. *MEOW*

About the weird guy who’s the subject of this thread and his weird fetish for Eastern European/Russian women. I find this hilarious since a prevalent stereotype of Russian women out there tend to be either “Sexy Assertive ‘Natasha Fatale’ Vixen”, “Trendy Urban Super-Model Jet-Setter Lady”, “Brawny Steroid-Laden Olympic Shot-Putter” or “Giant Old Woman In Babushka Who Can Shot-Put A Man Without Any Need For Steroids, Thankyouverymuch!”

….None strike me as “Submissive, child-like, meek little maiden named Nastentka from that ‘Jack Frost/Morozko’ movie”.

7 years ago

August 19, 2017 at 9:02 am

Given that the best way for puny humans to take down large intelligent elephants was not to stab them with a stick or throttle them, but to force them over cliffs and let gravity do the hard work, I see absolutely no reason anyone of any gender or age couldn’t have been involved in the mammoth hunts. In fact I imagine everyone who could have taken part in chasing the mammoth over the cliffs would have done so.

(I’d put this in the previous comment but that darn timer ran out)

Indigenous Americans long ago did that. There’s a place in Alberta, Canada called “Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump” (yes that’s actually the name). Long ago; The First Peoples would have a big hunt where they would drive a bunch of bison off a cliff. They would fall, die and then the hunters woulds skin and butcher the critters.

The name comes from an old legend which may or may not have happened. During one of these hunts, one of the hunters was dumb enough to stand at the bottom of the cliff where the bison would land….the other hunters then found his body beneath the dead bison-pile and the poor guy had his….uh….head smashed in.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

I’d be more sympathetic to #NotAllMen if more men would stand up to other men when they make misogynist comments and jokes. Most of those #NotAllMen stand there silently when Misogynist Friend starts cracking wise, and they won’t turn Misogynist Friend into Misogynist Ex-Friend either. They can’t even work up a “Not cool, man.” Those men are part of the problem, not part of the solution, and that is most men in my experience. Therefore, my reaction to #NotAllMen is to say fuck that noise. It is close enough to #AllMen to make no difference in my life.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

On the Mammoth thing, the cut marks on bones from the neolithic suggest that hunters only bothered taking the choicest bits and abandoned the bulk of the meat. That doesn’t seem consistent with Mammoth hunting being particularly arduous.

7 years ago

Over 20 yrs ago I got to meet several women from Eastern Europe because I was friends with a guy who purposefully learned what card games they liked to play in order to get to know them.

I had some very interesting conversations with them about feminism.

They were not anti-feminists. Most of them liked doors being opened for them and for men to offer to drive them places, but if you’d told them they shouldn’t have jobs or that their only value was in being fuckable, they’d have cut you down to size with a quickness. They were exchange students who were very sharp and hardworking.

Most of them had no interest in dating American men.

Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
Violet the Vile, Possessor of an Ideologically Weaponized Vagina
7 years ago

Re “not all men” – I think the thing that bothers me is that I’m the one who is expected to give all men the benefit of the doubt. The thing is, some of them are assholes and I have had some really bad experiences I’m not inclined to want to repeat. So I feel the onus is on men to prove they aren’t assholes and then we are good (all they have to do is not be an asshole, so hardly onerous). This has worked so far and I currently have some very lovely male friends (and no assholes in my life because I cut them off as soon as they say an uncool thing) But I don’t automatically give new men the benefit of the doubt and I resent that I’m expected to put myself in the firing line just because #notallmen.

Otrame, on rereading I think your comment was well meant, just a little misguided – I’m not upset with you. But I would like to say that if someone tells you they fear and mistrust men then they feel that for a reason. We aren’t born being afraid. The best way to show someone who has been hurt by a man that not all men are like that is to listen to what they say and appreciate their feelings, not “correct” them. Correcting and minimising is what an asshole does because an asshole thinks a woman’s opinion is not as good as his.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

@Mish, much love to your brother and you. That sounds horrifying.

On #NotAllMen: Otrame, many of us live in situations very different from the 25-75 split you are suggesting. It’s true that not literally all men are terrible shambling haybales of self-aggrandizing blather (e.g. 45?), but that’s not really a helpful comment. I won’t pile on to you, I get what you mean! I mostly just wanted to say “terrible shambling haybale of self-aggrandizing blather”.

On why they seem to think that Eastern Europe is this glorious paradise of meek traditional women: As usual, it has nothing to do with the women and everything to do with the men. It’s because of the culture of machismo and acceptance of violence. The high rates of domestic violence are a good thing to them. They like that. That’s “proper masculinity”. Roosh said it, Cernobro said it, Paul Elam said it, I believe them. They just want to hurt women who step out of line, and they feel like they’d have an easier time getting away with it over there. That’s it.

On that point, there’s another crossover between the MRAs and Alt-Right/Nazis. The Nazis consider Russia to be the “Great White Hope”, where they feel their racism would be accepted. Because they feel their sexism would be accepted, and their violence would be accepted. They think they could literally get away with genocide. Much consolation to the Russians, you don’t deserve to be thought of that way.

@Valentine, we’ll miss you! But you really do deserve to spend some time with family after being away so long. Have fun, and please don’t worry about us ’till you’re back at sea again.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

It’s weird how often Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump comes up in conversations here.

I mean, not really weird considering the title of the blog, but still. Weird.

7 years ago

This man reminds me of some of the others I sometimes see on twitter.

Twitter “debate” starts
People make points on both sides in 140 chars and meme gifs.
Man comes in, says here’s a video that proves feminists/antifa wrong. It’s an hour and a half long.

7 years ago

The first thing I thought of was this

Nanny Oggs Bosom
Nanny Oggs Bosom
7 years ago

Well, that was hard work to read. You have my condolences David, having to wade through that mess can’t be doing your migraines any good.

I sometimes wonder if things like this are written in the middle of the night on a very small touchscreen phone? Because even half asleep and under the influence of alcohol I could write an essay that makes more sense than this.

He’d definitely be disappointed if he met any of the Eastern European women I’ve worked with; they work bloody hard and were excellent team leaders, usually well-educated and ‘slumming it’ in Grimsby because working in a fish factory pays better that staying in their various home countries doing what they’re educated to do. Which is a real shame because their home countries are missing out on the skills and brilliant minds of these women. Capitalism is to blame for that, not feminism.

Tesla was a fascinating man, who died in poverty because he was too generous to patent his inventions. He was more interested in the common good.