By David Futrelle
I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.
Zachary offers his highly scientific opinions on such pressing issues of the day as 1) why women should pretty much devote all their attention to “child baring,” 2) how women don’t appreciate that “US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING,” 3) how “[w]omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok,” and of course 4) SEX ROBOTS.
Let’s begin:
firstof all this is a self described Anti trump Anti White Male Blog, you admit that in the description. You should admit it in the comments.
Well, he’s right about the Trump thing, so I’ll give him a point for that.
2ndof all. the REASON women HAVE to be attractive, is because THATS JUST REALITY its ALL they have going for them ITS BIOLOGY and if you THINk for ONE SECOND that women are NOT supposed to be attractive, youre discounting millionsof years of evolutionary adaptaion…the dominance hierarchy has been around before we were even mamals, so stop acting lik women are intrested in anything but money and looks…..women ONLY care about how “good” a an is, ranking us all, constantly lookng for something better, and its not BAD its just NATURE women have to care for a baby and so want the best they can get for that child….its fucking biology stop DENYING uitr
men and women are NOT equal. Men have to work and invest things, and fight wars to defend you (Oh go ahead say “from other men” as if that means a damn thing) and women have to have babis. Sorry but women ave babies, so thats ALL you need to do, is have babis.
Wait, is it “babies” or “babis,” I need to know!
You have status for just existing. you DONT ADMIT that you HAVE IT EASY and then you WANT MORE money….while MEN and MGTOW just want our CHILDREN and our MONEY back…..why wont you women ever admit that women just steal mens money and kids, its a fact, you gusy trake all our shit,
Yeah,, you gusy, stop traking all his shit!
and its why us MGTOW have decided to NOT get married or live with women, or have children with western women, because its NOT all women who are ROTTEN TO TEH CORE its you nasty western american women, and any woman who is a “feminist”” and if youre NOT a traditionalist your a foolish feminist, following the rules set out by MEN to convince you to simply leave the home, leave your kids with the state and join th workforce to raise more taxes and become a slave to make other men more money!
Well, yeah, capitalism sucks in a lot of ways, but I’m pretty sure no women on earth would prefer marriage to you to even the shittiest job.
Russian and eastern european women are not feminist and they are perfectly normal women who charish their men, who dont have stupid pointless “careers” which are NOT careers you women have JOBS jobs you HATE and you LIE about t and are uNHAPPy and you are mEANT to be housewives and raise children and youre FOOLS for giving that lifestyle up for depression and your ovaries drying up!
For what it’s worth, women made up 48.7% of the workforce in Russia as of 2016, which is actually a little higher than the percentage in the United States (45.8%), according to the World Bank.
Youre SICk and your telling us we need to be reprogrammed?!?
Well, at the very least you need to reboot your typing module.
All of you American women are the same and youre monsters compared to Rusian or eastern european women or even some Asian women. You have to realize that natue is real, you were born female, youre NOT as intelligent as men, youre NOT as capable as Men in any way other than child baring and thats IT dont TELL us that women invented all of modern civilization, US MEN built it US WHITE WESTERN MEN we BUILT EVERYTHING and the computer your using the internet, ALl of it, e built it
That’s not actually true, but even if it were, I’m not sure why Zachary here should get vicarious credit for the work of other dudes.
and you seem to think a fw comments from some redit users represents all of MGTOW?
Dude, let’s just say that you’re not exactly dispelling any alleged myths about MGTOWs here.
let me tell u something about most Mgtow, forst of all u seem to be so atracted to us, writing blogs about us, youre LOVING our male agression and dominance, you LOVE being put in your place, you ALL want Mgtow men So badly because the ONE secret men teach other men about women, is that when you ignore women they go crazy and want you! Because they want to know WHY youre ignoring them and will start giving YOU attention.
Even though I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women in saying: No, dude, the women of the world do not secretly want you, “badly” or any other way, and most would rather chew their own hands off than go on a date with you.
You women think you have any chance at winning some sort of intellectual battle witrh us men who program and buil and maintain al of society?
I’m fairly certain that you personally do none of these things.
Why dont you women go ouyt and try working the dangerous hazardous jobs us men do, nope, u just want the fun high paying jobs!
You’re honestly mad at women for preferring jobs that pay well and don’t suck to shit-paying jobs they hate? EVERYONE PREFERS THOSE JOBS. Not many of any gender can get them.
And women CHOOSE to ork lss THATS why you get paid less,
Lss ork means lss moenyy, ladies!
ITS A CHOICE you CHOOSE to go be with your familis whih is actually MORE important than money…..but you have to be SO COMPETITIVE and you HAVE to have JUST AS MUCH MONEY as a man even if youre not performing at the same level, like womens soccor, you think women should be paid just as much as mens soccor players? Well they dont make as much money selling tickets! they dont have as many peopel watchng so they CANt get as much money!
u wome dont undertand such SIMPLE concepts and its telling that youre in love with Mgtow!
You LOVE mgtow men bcauise we are INDEPENDENt AND we can get laid WHENEVER WE WANT
Yes, you certainly do sound like someone who gets laid whenever he wants.
And lets say there is a man who cant get laiud, lets say hes low status or hes fat or ugly, and he has no charm. Guess what? he can save up $200 and easily have sex with an extrenely attractive hookr, and that woman is proof that you have no argument!
I’m not sure that many women are making the argument that prostitution doesn’t exist.
And now, I regret to have to tell you, dear readers, he offers some thoughts on rape.
getting LAID is NOT some magial poer women have control over. men can get laid whenever they want. We can PHYSIOCALLy have sex with ANY woman we want if we REALLY wantd, that woul be rape but honestly you women seem like you dont care when us men get raped in prison and dont “count” that so I would like to know why men shouldnt rapoe women if you women think its ok for us MEN to get raped?
Why do so many of these dudes spend so much of their time trying to come up with excuses as to why rape is ok?
Never mind, I think that one answers itself.
Honstly id like to knopw, it doesnt seem very fair, i dont think rape is ok for eithr men or women, unlike you women who seem to think men in prison DESERVE to get rapoed…hmmm thats real “compasionaite” of you leftists
It’s true that lots of people (in the US at least) joke about prison rape, but I don’t think many of them are leftists or feminists. Leftists and feminists tend to think that prisons are shitty and that rape is horrible, wherever it happens and whoever the victims are.
Oh and you also are in lov with trump! all of you women who “hate” Trump, remembr, Love trumps harte and so you really should LOVE trump, hah, got you by your own bumper sticker!
You really have to not open youself up to such hardcore penetration of my ideas into the womb of your pyche,
its realy not even fun. Its ljust work
Hate to tell you this, dude, but you are very bad at your work.
i have to write this comment, knowing yuoull be a coward and just delete it, because YOU NEED to see that youre in an ECHO CHAMBER and youre just writing this BLOG bcause youre LOOSING the information war!
Why would I delete such an amazing piece of self-owning nonsense as this?
You women are SO SCARED of Mgtrow growing into an even bigger movement
Wait it’s MGTROW now? I shudder to think what that R stands for.
WHich it is, its too late, and you omen will SIMPLY have to start being NICE to us men, and stop being total bitches
Why would any “omen” want to be nice to a boiling pustule of rage like you?
not IONCE have ytou aid ‘Thank You” for us white men inventing the Computer your using, the Intrnet your using, the fiber optic cabls its goint through the LCD scren ur watching the keybaord or tablet touschcren or smartphone your using, teh LETRICITy the AC current you using, a white man named nikola tesla inventd AC current in th Poer Line AND the radio waves youre getting you wifi frm! the car the planes you use, all invented by White Males, everything EVERYTHING you use in modern civilization, 99 percent of all useful inventions, all by white males! So why arent you worshiping us? Whre is this HATE coming from???
Dude, I’m pretty sure no women is obliged to worship you because Tesla invented some cool shit.
Why do you hate trump? WHy cant you even watch ONE speech? U simply watch MSNBC and read stupid leftist fake news articles and watch Colvbrt Lie about RUSSIA and trumps “collusion” which is a total lie, and you BELIVE it, and you PARROT this LIE that trump is a sexist….its pathetic
I’ve watched many Trump speeches, and let’s just say none of them made me like the man more.
and women hunting Mammoths is a joke! Maybe iut hapned ONCE but just because u saw it on some PBS special doesnt man its real, Feminits just made that story up, omen never hunted a fucking wooly mammoth ok? Women arent strong enough. Women are weak compared to men and women cannot fucking hunt wooly mamoths you just dont have the corindation and strength or stamina or spacial reasoning, stop acting like its SEXIST to STATE those FACTS they ARE NOT hate facts, its the TRUTH
I’m pretty sure that neither women nor men hunted mammoths on the regular back in the day, because, here’s the thing: mammoths can fucking kill you. And how are you going to eat all of that meat before it goes bad? I suspect our cave men and cave women ancestors were much more likely to hunt much smaller animals that could not kill them.
Oh and heres another thing about prostitution. I have never hadto usea hooker, but if you are a man who does, irts not hard, and you women jut hate th idea that men cant get laid whenever they want, without dealing with your shit….and you just HATE it…u HATE being obsolte
Prostitution has been around pretty much forever and it has yet to make women “obsolte.”
well i got another word for you honey, Sex Robots….
That’s two words.
they will eplace you bitchy nagging women so fast. Sorry but its true you guys are just bitchy and its annoying and men just wont oput up with youy untill you start waking us up with fellatiop out of COMPASSION , you have to trat us with respect and recognize our physical dominance ovr you, or you can watch us fuck a sex robot , its your choice,
And with that lovely image he ends his manifesto.
Though he ends it not with a period but with a comma, as if he might start typing again any moment. Hell, he might be off somewhere typing still.
This was all, by the way, intended as a rebuttal to the post Women don’t belong in nerd-friendly “male spaces,” because nerd girls are ugly, MGTOW explains and the comments it inspired.
Even discounting the hilarious spelling mistakes, screeds like this always seem to have these messed up contradictions.
First it’s stuff like:
Women don’t have to work! You women are better off not wanting to do it. Ew work! Stop wanting to work! You have status just by existing!
Then it’s:
Men did EVERYTHING! We work! We’re better because we work! WE BUILT EVERY STUFF! You should worship us for doing everything!
If you really wanna convince women that we shouldn’t want to work, you shouldn’t tell us we can be worshiped if we do it.
Also, why do these guys ALWAYS think they should get credit for what other people do? Well the good things. They never want blame for the bad things.
I imagine this charmer would be very disappointed if he actually met some Eastern European women.
@otrang –
Please, please do not #NotAllMen until we flip the House.
Now that we have that cleared up … go home, babi, you’re drunk.
More work can also mean less money – 77% in the case of white women, as low as 64% in the case of women of Latina or African descent.
I work in the an industry literally doing programming in hazardous environments (two usually conflicting check boxes right there), get rave reviews from my boss and all my clients, and yet I still suspect from my new co-worker’s comments that he got offered the same salary I only got to after a massive raise 3 years in. (There’s some mitigating factors including a crappy old boss and I’ll likely get a large raise next year, it’s just very annoying they didn’t think of the optics)
I’m 5 years in and have already *built from the ground up and put together by hand, all by myself, programs to manage an entire plant*, kid.
And to put a cherry on top I’m married to an awesome FEMINIST man and plan to have kids during downtime season, which I can work fast enough to make longer than normal. Not that I should have to time it, I just like doing my job.
But you know men did the base for all that (*cough Ada Lovelace**cough CS demographics in the 60s**cough chemical process engineers are approaching gender parity*) so apparently that makes me doing literally what he’s asking me to do – in one part of his rant, he asks of us many conflicting things – useless.
Any time these guys go all”Menz figts da warz for wimmonz!”
my first thought is this guy has never heard of Tomoe Gozen, the 588th night bombers, the Peshmerga or any of the other historical examples women out performing most men in combat.
Also aren’t women supposed to be responsible for agriculture and beer (and thus all of civilization)?
Does ‘charish’ have the same relationship to ‘char’ as ‘burnish’ does to ‘burn’?
Because I don’t want to set this guy on fire, but there’s no way I’m going to rub him until he glows, either.
Back again to say “keeep orking lss, ladies!!!” and update my nym.
Forgive me, autocorrect.
Partway through I opened up Garage Band and started recording a Dramatic Reading of this, but had to stop and start again several times since I insist on enunciating the spelling, ALL CAPS, etc. I just took a break to rest my throat and read the rest of it and realized I wasn’t even 1/3 of the way done! It just keeps going!
Once I’m done gargling this hot water I’ll get back to it.
AHAHAHAHAHA, hahaha, hahaha, ha, hohoho, hehehehe hah! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! hahah-har cackle chuckle gufaw mwaha bwahaha, hardeehar bwaha (repeat ad nausem).
Seriously even if women could do NOTHING ELSE we could make better proof readers than this guy.
Great to hear Bannon got fired. Typical macho NAZI claims he resigned but we all know the cheeto fired him.
I think trump just basically fires anyone more outrageous than him because he likes to be the most offensive one in the room.
Must get back to LMAO. xxx
D. D. Webb
I have no prob getting pedantic 🙂
It’s actually contested both ways. Megafauna that humans couldn’t have hunted (sea megafauna) also went extinct around the same time, so other factors could have been involved. The environment was also changing around that time, habitats shrinking, climate changing, that the amount of impact human hunting had is in question. As is the amount in which humans hunted them. There are examples of definitely hunted mammoths, but some research suggests humans may have just waited in highly traveled areas for sick or injured mammoths to die or become too incapacitated to put up a fight, and finish them off. It’s really hard to tell either way.
Also, human can have caused the extinction of mammoth simply by taking over their grazing fields, who were already hurting from the climate change. It’s a non-negligible part of why elephants are going the way of the dodo after all.
Do we know if the mammoth lived in herd too ? I don’t find hunting a solitary mammoth *that* impossible given that we have good infos on how humans hunted tigers and lions and whatever into extinction, but hunting an *herd* seem a wee bit ambitious without being like several hundred.
Hi David!
I’ve read your blog for years now and always really appreciated what you do here.
This is my first comment, and I’m really sorry it’s going to sound a little negative, but I’ve never really had anything to say before!
I know it’s only an expression, and to be fair you’re totally right, but it makes me kind of uneasy to see phrases like “I’m a dude, but I think I can speak for all women”.
I don’t know how other people will feel about it, but I hope you can maybe understand why a little? Maybe it would be better to rephrase things like that slightly, in my opinion. It’s a really tiny thing, but personally it’s something that would make me feel safer and more respected.
I probably won’t ever comment again, but I thought sometimes it’s good to mention even the little things. I hope you can consider my feedback. Thanks again for everything you do, though, and have a good day!
Amazing. I can’t imagine this guy even has a job.
1) I never asked anyone to fight a war for me. I think most wars are bollocks, unless you’re defending yourself against invaders. If you decide you want to have a war, that’s your business, but don’t make me your excuse.
Thirdly, I am perfectly capable of killing a mammoth by myself thanks. Track mammoth; dig huge pit; when it falls in pit, put a spear in its eye which should go in its brain, voila. Not that I would kill a mammoth because it would be very sad and wasteful and I don’t like eating things above a certain level of consciousness (it’s a weird distinction, but mine own; shellfish are okay, fish okay up to a point, octopus and squid definitely not okay, etc etc)
C) You can shout about how women are not as intelligent as men as much as you like, and it won’t make it true. I am smarter than you and I have the degrees, grammar and job to prove it, so sucks to be you I guess.
15) All we have to do is have babies? Dude, have you ever been around small children? Being CEO of a major company would be easier than spending a day looking after multiple toddlers on sugar highs.
Z) Guys like you are the reason I am not dating at the moment. So you are in fact impeding the propagation of the master race (although any baby I have is going to learn that the concept of “race” is genetically meaningless before they hit school)
@Mish – I was sorry to hear about your brother. Hugs to you and I hope you are both healing. Xx
Oh ffs, don’t #notallmen in here. Most men I know are fucking entitled and have no idea that they’re being dicks all the time because they never bother to consider anyone’s feelings but their own.
The importance of a an… and indeed the importance of any article, preposition, conjunction or grammatical form is dear to my heart.
But I do agree, if you want babis, it may be important to have babis, provided you treat them right.
But be careful: babis can kill, especially babi hutan, the wild forest pig of the Malay peninsula.
They are small but extremely fast and strong, bear a grudge, and have been known to tear down trees to get at the incautious and unsuccessful hunter clinging to the branches.
Being literally blinding drunk is the only explanation for all those typos.
As for the ideology, I’m still working on an explanation.
Russia actually has high divorce, long history of feminism, many powerful women in history – this men believe in some kind of Russia from fairy-tails.
Oh, yeah, and the “we hunted the mammoth” thing? That doesn’t mean we, specifically, hunt mammoths. It’s a joke referencing a mgtow rant a while ago about men hunting the mammoth to feed ungrateful women.
You did not realise this and proceeded to make the same rant, which is pretty hilarious TBH.
Oh whatever. You’re probably 14 and upset no-one will have sex with you. Pro tip: women don’t want to have sex with guys who hate them, and if you work on learning to like them you will get laid a whole lot more. It has nothing to do with money or status, if it did I would hope I’d be richer by now
@ PeeVee
epitome of incomprehensibility
A God of Darkness
Violet the Vile
I’m really, seriously, touched by your comments re my brother (your other comments are hilarious and I’d pay to read ’em). You peeps rock – thank you <3
@Valya, as soon as I read this guy on Russian & Eastern European women, I thought of you, & Pavlov's House 😀
Mish ))) i am glad. I go home now so i will not be comment on here for many months i think.
I’m happy that you get to go home!
But why does that mean no commenting, if I may ask?
Thank you ))) simply i don’t go online very often when i am at home. I am busy with other things. On board i have time to read only so then i read on here. )
MGTROW: men going their rapey obnoxious way.
Well you will be missed for sure! But I hope you have a great time being home, with your family and your girlfriend. Also, I hope your niece is doing okay?
Look forward to seeing you back here <3
We will miss you when you go home, but I’m happy for you that you’ll get to spend some time with your family and your girlfriend. 🙂