alt-right artistry

Some creepy pictures of Steve Bannon because why not

Hi Steve, I think there’s something wrong with your eyes, you should get that looked at

By David Futrelle

My brain is fried today, for a good reason I’ll have you know. So instead of a regular post I’m just going to post these pictures of Steve Bannon that I’ve made extra creepy with some weird filters. Click on the pics to see them in all their full-sized glory!

Feel free to use this as an open thread to talk about things other than the creepiness of Steve Bannon.

In case you want to make your own weird pics of Nazis in the Trump administration, I do these with custom filters on

EDITED TO ADD: If any of you are writing a science fiction novel about a certain Trump administration official in space, here’s a cover you can use.

EDIT AGAIN: Sometimes the DreapscopeApp filters sort of malfunction and produce weird glitched-out pics. Here’s one of Trump that ended up way creepier than it should have. Click on the pic to download it directly into your nightmares.

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Hippielady (of the all-powerful hair)
Hippielady (of the all-powerful hair)
7 years ago

The scary thing is, he looks creepy without the creepy filter.

Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

I hope it’s okay if i do post something that relates to Bannon.

A bit of trouble is brewing.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
7 years ago

Why does the creepy filter make him look better?

7 years ago

@Dan Kasteray
Because his normal face looks like its rotting.

7 years ago

The day I realized Steve Bannon and I had the same haircut.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

Random share: I made a joke in David’s article about the anti-suffragette ads, referencing the last one with the girl wearing a witch hat and proudly proclaiming to a boy that she may be his leader some day. I noted that there was nothing inherently negative about the ad except the hat, and speculated that it just meant her campaign song would be either “Kagematsuri” or “Walpurgisnacht” (the themes of the witch characters I-No from Guilty Gear, and Nine Blazblue).

I was curious if a quick search would make the joke obvious (no idea how many Arc System Works fans there are here), since Walpurgis Nacht could refer to a bunch of things. So I decided to look it up on Youtube and see whether Nine’s theme was somewhere near the top.

Upshot: I discovered that song “Walpurgisnacht” by Faun (a German Pagan Folk band who I’d never heard of) and absolutely love it. I want to look more into them, but does anyone else already listen to them? If so, any recommendations?

Chrone star
Chrone star
7 years ago

Aside from politics, has anyone seen the emoji movie?

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
7 years ago

So given the historical revisionism going on, I think the next step is for Trump to praise Hitler for shooting the most evil man of his generation in the head, thus helping end World War II

7 years ago

David, you seem to have posted a bunch of unaltered Bannon pictures by mistake.

7 years ago

Holy crap, Julian Assange, Dana Rohrabacher and Charles C. Johnson just had a meeting about springing Assange from Ecuadoran Embassy prison and getting him into the White House press room.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago


Seriously, what does Steve Bannon bring to the dumpster administration BESIDES the white power vote???

And the ‘publican’ts were all, like, “Steve Bannon?!?!?! WHY??? Uhhh… oh, sure, why not??”

7 years ago

idk if it’s tacky to mention another site here but… i saw something on cracked about the d4ily st0rmer being booted from godaddy & google? but i’m not sure what that means in the long run. does that mean they’re cancelled? because that would be nice news. or do they just go somewhere else where it’s fine to be a nazi? :\

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

You’ve probably all already seen this, but it’s a handy bit of evidence if you find yourself in one of those “it just preserving history” debates.

comment image

As for Confederate memorials generally, this is an interesting argument against them:

“I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered”

That’s from some bloke by the name of Robert E Lee.

7 years ago

thank you @David! i guess it’s nice that they’re in a grungy back alley now instead of out on Main Street. (me, clinging desperately to tiny victories)

7 years ago

Alan, could you post a link to that graph? It is way to small to read with eyes that have passed 50.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

That last pic of Trump just makes the think that the trapped ghosts inside of him are starting to claw their way out of the skin-suit they’ve been inhabiting. Appropriate, frankly. Someone should call the Ghostbusters.

The new ones, obviously.

A side effect of the past few weeks is that we’re all getting to see exactly what excuses the right wing homeschoolers have been teaching their kids for the past few decades.

7 years ago

That last one of Trump belongs alongside the work of Francis Bacon.

7 years ago

Well, the… erm, I have a whole bunch of unflattering names for him… the “Tangerine Nightmare” photo is the creepiest pic I’ve seen yet.

Apologies to tangerines. Sorry, tangerines.

Also, is it just me, or does the first pic of Bannon remind anyone else of that botched restoration of Elías García Martínez’s “Ecce Homo”?

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

Crappy news: there’s been a terrorist attack in Barcelona. At least 13 dead and dozens injured. It looks like an ISIS sympathiser drove a truck down the Ramblas, a major pedestrian street. It was packed, because it’s the tourist season. They’ve arrested two men, at least one of whom has an arab-sounding name.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
7 years ago

Remember the old TV cartoon, Jonny Quest? Well, it had a character named Race Bannon in it. I kid you not.×350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/53ee/th/pre/i/2008/298/1/9/race_bannon_by_ianjustice.jpg

He looks more like Mike Pence, though.

On another note, I’ve actually seen some people claiming that the opposition to Confederate statues is an attack on Christianity. That’s about as historically ironic a statement as one could possibly make. I have just two words for them: Graven Images. And one more word: Beeldenstorm.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

That last pic of Trump just makes the think that the trapped ghosts inside of him are starting to claw their way out of the skin-suit they’ve been inhabiting.


When demons flee evil.

7 years ago

So those Hydra T-shirts Marvel has been making to advertise there terrible “Captain America as a Nazi event?” Yeah some of the Nazi’s in Chris Cantwell’s security were wearing them.

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