advocacy of violence

The Daily Caller posted a video encouraging people to ram protesters with cars and trucks

Screenshot of Daily Caller video

By David Futrelle

In January, the folks at the Daily Caller found the idea of running protesters down with cars and trucks so hilarious that they made and posted a video compilation of people doing just that — set to an acoustic version of Ludacris’ “Move, Bitch.” (“Move bitch, get out the way/ Get out the way bitch, get out the way.”)

“Study the technique,” Daily Caller video editor Mike Raust wrote in a brief introduction to the video, “it may prove useful in the next four years.”

He added: “None of these clips are new, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still fresh.”

Here’s a screenshot of the page:

Click for full-sized version

If The Daily Caller removes the article, you can find it archived here.

In related news: Yesterday, MediaMatters reported that Jason Kessler, the white supremacist organizer of the #UniteTheRight march, had written several articles for The Daily Caller only a few months ago.

The Daily Caller, founded by (current) Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, is generally considered a mainstream conservative site. Which tells you something about the state of conservatism today.

H/T — Greg Greene (@ggreeneva) on Twitter

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7 years ago

Yes, no hugs for Nazis.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ roberta

What the fuck is that, even?

It’s a sad case. An elephant was separated from his herd, became distressed, and had a number of encounters with humans. Scared elephants and people are a bad mix. This is becoming more of a problem as development encroaches into the natural habitat.

He was shot by this person.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

fuck… fuck… fuuuuuuckkkk….

@ Troubelle;

Damn, that’s really good!!! Can I send that to my friends (no citation, ‘course)?

Also, I’m wondering if it would be possible/practical/wise to start calling senators and representatives and ask them point-blank when NOT “IF”, WHEN they’re going to call for his removal??

ETA; if not the removal of the cheeto stain, then definitely the removal of Bannon, Miller and Gorka

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Hopefully the worst that happens is that people get better at seperating metaphor from language in politics. Right, left, D, R, political party just does not matter to things like functionally dealing with bigots and bigotry. I believe I see a lot of anti-nazi momentum that has to be recognised. Congress people will simply have to react, how they react can be planned for. Trump wants praise. Can it be given to him in useful ways?

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


7 years ago


We can get through this. Trump literally made the worst possible decision. This is an unprecedented media disaster by every possible measure other than the nazi’s own.

It’s near unbelievable. He just barely, narrowly, managed to step carefully back from the cliff edge on Monday.

Now he’s gone full Wile E Coyote over the edge – and he didn’t even need a little push from Road Runner. He did it all himself. I think he’s still at the flailing-in-mid-air phase for the time being. Buuuuuuut, gravity always wins in the end.

7 years ago

Also, I didn’t see this earlier!


I’m glad you’re certain who you are, and you’ve come to terms with it.

This morning’s news, kind of destroyed that peace.

My peace is shattered every few hours by the nazis. And the nazi administration. And everything that happens in business.

So, I used to work recently in a warehouse for a major online retailer. Last week, I quit because my psychological problems and stress were coming up and I was spending the majority of my shifts crying. And somebody was gonna notice sooner or later.

Literally the DAY I quit, I read an article where a trans woman who looks awfully much like me was suing them because her coworkers attempted to murder her in 2015 and the company did absolutely nothing, despite claiming to support LGBT people.

So I’m basically…resigned, at this point, to pretending to be a man for the foreseeable future. And I don’t wanna face that, so I’ve lied to my parents about whether I’ve submitted job applications over the past few days. I can’t just not face things, though. I’m not allowed to.

So yeah. It’s not going to get easier dealing with the outside. But for me at least, finally the inside is connected together in a holistic, cohesive way. And I have to value that.

I also chose my two names – first and middle. I won’t say them here, but it was great getting to pick names that had meaning to me. I actually got my mom talking about how she hated her legal first name and wondering if she wanted to change it. She’s also kind of insisting I go clothes shopping soon to update my outfit to be more androgynous/feminine instead of the weird mix of masculine/feminine I currently have. That’s sort of progress, I think.

History Nerd
7 years ago

There’s some evidence indicating that there’s been an uptick in explicitly fascist and racist beliefs among some people in younger generations, besides older people with those views. Conservative news sites are trying to “wink wink nudge nudge” those people as a strategy to try to get those votes for 2018. It might be enough if that gives you a few hundred extra votes in swing districts.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

Trump wants praise. Can it be given to him in useful ways?

I would suggest “Goodbye, trump, glad to see you GO, fucker”

7 years ago

Trump needs none of our praise. He gets it from his base of white nationalists every time he dogwhistles “both sides”, “alt-left”, “define alt-right”, and others I’m sure I missed.

Sheila Crosby
7 years ago

Hugs to everyone who wants them (except Nazis of course). I wish I had more comfort to offer.

7 years ago

Thank you dreemr.

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
Thank you Dalil, I’ll keep the offer in mind. I’m probably being irrational due to the fact I’m Asian and the GOP is still interested in keeping Asians as the Model Minority for now. I just hope this conference doesn’t give a few bitter nazis in CA the greenlight to stop pretending to treat me like a person.

The fucking terrible thing isn’t that he was being nazi sympathizer, it was that if he was less openly racist this entire event would have gone without a hitch.

Gravity hurts indeed.


So I’m basically…resigned, at this point, to pretending to be a man for the foreseeable future. And I don’t wanna face that, so I’ve lied to my parents about whether I’ve submitted job applications over the past few days. I can’t just not face things, though. I’m not allowed to.

Same here. I can’t speak about this to anyone in my family. Until I can safely say that I can just be me in this country, I’ll have to keep presenting as a man.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Him and his goddamned “define alt-right”.

Ask Bannon, you stupid morally bereft hairpiece.


Strength, my friend. <3

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
7 years ago

Literally the only thing Trump had to do to appear to be a normal human was say that Nazis are bad on Saturday.

This vortex of bad press is entirely self-inflicted.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Feel free to share it. Just say a mime in a dapper suit wrote it.

Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
Aulma Frendzar Dèdd
7 years ago

@Ooglyboggles plenty of hugs! I hope you find strength and peace to go through this.
Also, love the Vincent/Catherine pic!

7 years ago

This vortex of bad press is entirely self-inflicted.

This time, the bad press wil sink him. Right? Right?

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

That is what I plan for just in case. I guess I just want think about possibilities going forward. What positive reinforments for good behavior look like. I guess it is premature.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago


What kind of praise?

” I like how well you fail, Mr. President. You should do it more often. You’re very graceful at it.”

” I like how well you’re taking care of yourself, Mr. President. All those trips to Mar-a-Lago. You should consider taking a permanent vacation.”

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


All sympathies on the work situation.

I also chose my two names – first and middle. I won’t say them here, but it was great getting to pick names that had meaning to me.


She’s also kind of insisting I go clothes shopping soon to update my outfit to be more androgynous/feminine instead of the weird mix of masculine/feminine I currently have. That’s sort of progress, I think.

Definitely, and I’m glad to hear it.


Thank you Dalil, I’ll keep the offer in mind. I’m probably being irrational due to the fact I’m Asian and the GOP is still interested in keeping Asians as the Model Minority for now. I just hope this conference doesn’t give a few bitter nazis in CA the greenlight to stop pretending to treat me like a person.

No, you’re not being irrational at all. It’s an incredibly dangerous time to be a trans woman of colour right now, (Speaking of which I hope Fran’s doing ok. I miss her) and it’s not a situation where Model Minority status will help even a teensy bit; see all the manosphere posts about Asian women being more docile,/feminine/sex toyish than ‘Western’ women. Asian trans women get that shit quadruple.

The fucking terrible thing isn’t that he was being nazi sympathizer, it was that if he was less openly racist this entire event would have gone without a hitch.

That’s the thing; I don’t think that any amount of racism would’ve caused this amount of backlash by itself. Nazi is still a swear word in this country, though. If they’d been just the same but not flying swastikas and heiling Hitler, white liberals would be excusing it even harder and no Republican politicians would be trying to distance themselves.
That presupposes a possibility of good behaviour. You need better axioms.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


I miss Fran, too…

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

Recently relistened to Move. Really doesn’t hold up…

Mix of yays and *hugs*. Since I waited way too long with John, might I ask your pronouns?

I’m probably being irrational due to the fact I’m Asian and the GOP is still interested in keeping Asians as the Model Minority for now

These people aren’t rational in their hate, so you shouldn’t feel obligated to be rational in your worry. You are, but, in this timeline, fuck it, ya know? Hey, least we’re all scared together, right?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Would you like us to use feminine pronouns for you from now on?

ETA: ninja’d!

7 years ago

@Dali and Troubelle

I miss Fran too. It was never boring around her.


You’re not being irrational. In 48 states, a man can kill any given trans woman and get off by basically confessing to the murder. This is the reason my latent bisexuality STAYS latent. Lesbian for life.

I’ll be listening to your response on the pronouns.