Donald Trump gave a press conference today that will be remembered as one of the lowest points in the history of the presidency. It will be included in every clip reel chronicling the ultimate impeachment of Trump.
Petulant, irritated, lashing out at the press and at times even fellow Republicans, Trump declared that some of the members of the racist mod that marched through Charlottesville were “fine people.” He launched the attack on the counterprotesters he’s been itching to do since the thing happened. “What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, alt-right?” he demanded, pointing out that unlike the Nazis, they didn’t have a permit.
He praised the mother of the murdered Heather Heyer for saying “the nicest things about me.” He ended the event by bragging about the size of his winery in Charlottesville.
But hey, some people thought he did a terrific job. Nazis, white supremacists and assorted other really, really terrible people.
I'm proud of him for speaking the truth.
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) August 15, 2017
We were Gideon's army without Gideon. Today, we got our leader back! @realDonaldTrump press conference:
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 15, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump is the first person I've seen speaking the truth on TV in 3 days. It's our Fighting Trump!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 15, 2017
President Trump CONFIRMED for /ourguy/
— VDARE (@vdare) August 15, 2017
Great press conference by Trump, looks like he learned that cucking gets you nothing. They will never be satisfied.
— Faith and Heritage (@faith_heritage) August 15, 2017
trump didnt cuck!!!
— billdawg42069 (@Billythekid526) August 15, 2017
I’m fairly sure, like most of what Trump says other people say, she didn’t actually say it.
Uhm, I’m hoping this isn’t the case but I’ve seen it reported that a lot of media sites are changing the script to this because what he literally said was:
As in, he’s including himself among the Alt Right.
@Diego Duarte
I was going to say the same thing, but I checked several sources and watched the speech – he doesn’t say “us”. He says just what David quotes “What about the alt-left that came charging – excuse me, at the, as you say, alt-right?”
Holy Moly…..I can’t comment on this without violating the rules.
Democracy-defenders – the eyes of the world are on you: Defend what is left of democracy. You have everybody’s support.
There’s nothing alternative about the ‘altright’. I want this fucker gone, I want the nazi party in power gone, I want them taken down along with their precious statues. I want them exiled like the fascists they so look up to. A tiny territorial island in the Pacific where they’ve only got sand, eachother, and hundreds of miles of ocean on all sides. I’ll settle for impeachment…
I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch this yet. Just read the transcripts. I suppose I should though.
It just creeps me out so much how reactionaries call Trump their God. The attitude that a fellow human being (and one of the worst examples at humanity) should be deified is just so repugnant to me. Especially since, for someone who is supposedly a God, he hasn’t actually accomplished much during his term. You really think someone should be deferred to as your absolute monarch and deity simply because they say a bunch of incoherent, raging, racist, misogynist and trollish bullshit? Really? That’s your bar for God-like?
Fascists are weird.
How the fuck he can watch those torch bearing assholes chant “Jews won’t replace us” (with his daughter and grandchildren being Jewish!), watch the video of that asshole Fields plowing into people, and watch that video of those “very fine people” pounding the shit out of Deandre Harris and think “nothing to see here, move along!” is beyond me.
God, what a reprehensible, nasty old reprobate he is. I detest him.
Just for context (Not sure if anyone mentioned this) God Emperor is a specific reference to Warhammer 40K where humanity is ruled by an immortal fascist tyrant who openly advocates genocide of all xeno life (Mind you the 40K Universe is a terrifying place with no real heroes). But yeah when they make that reference it isn’t just gee he is great, they are comparing him to a fictional character with armies of Imperial Marines who go about literally executing entire planets for heresy.
But yeah, even if he didn’t say Us I feel like he meant it in that speech. He is one of them at the desicated remains of his heart.
I just read someone the other day still defending GG as being for nothing more than ethics in games journalism, but yet there is a Donald lover with GG as their friggin’ name.
@Sinister Pigeon
Don’t forget that by being a terrible father his son Lorgar turned half his sons and Horus, his favorite son into the leaders of the Horus Heresy and Chaos. And then after his Imperium got ruined by Civil War, he gets demolished by Horus, strapped to a Golden Throne and then is forced to watch everything he built turn into a theofascist state for the rest of eternity, unable to even speak. Malcador, his closest friend said that they should have half of the Emperor’s Primarchs be women to balance things out, and the Emperor for whatever reason did not do that. So yeah, toxic masculinity kind of destroyed the Imperium of Man and reduced it to the grimdark setting we all know.
I’ve periodically doubted my during-the-primaries assertion that Donald Trump would be the worst president in American history and it wouldn’t even be close. After all, Coolidge caused the recession, Jackson committed genocide and Buchanan caused the civil war.
He removed any doubt I had about that today. He was already the most incompetent in history by a wide margin and I’m now convinced he’s a barely-closeted white supremacist. At BEST he’s pandering to them and either doesn’t realize or doesn’t give a shit about the consequences.
Any of these dipshits referring the Trump as God or God Emperor is a 4-chan shitlord who shouldn’t be expected to present anything with, like, consistency. Or morals. Just a dipshit who’s quest to be the edgiest has brought them to fighting for literal fascism.
Saw a video on twitter earlier today of some Alt-Right Proud Boy in khaki cargo shorts and a white tee shirt with some white pride bullshit on it hurling insults at a group of people… who then start walking his way. He started mewling and begging them to not beat him up before they even got close, taking his shirt off and surrendering. Guy with the camera followed him, asking him why he was here and what he was hoping to accomplish, and he was there “because he thought it’d be fun”, and “he just likes making people angry.”
That’s these guys. Whiny little man-children in belted khaki shorts and sneakers with socks on, stripping off their shitty home-silkscreen-kit white power tee shirts and whimpering with their knees knocking together. Clutching their backpacks and cans of Monster energy drink to their doughy chests. Then walking away and smirking, bragging about how they like making people angry as soon as they’re in a crowd full of hate.
That’s these guys. Nazis aren’t square-jawed soldiers in dress uniforms duking it out with Indiana Jones. They’re these guys.
Fuck these guys.
Any chance you can tell me where to find that video? I need to see that, very badly.
The fairest thing I can say about Buchan an is that the civil war was the cumulation of a lot of bad decisions by several presidents (most notably Franklin Pierces mishandling of Kansas Nebraska, including signing the act in the first place) and Millard Filmore signing the deeply flawed 1852 compromise.
I’m so old I assumed “God Emperor” was a reference to Herbert’s Dune books.
Re: Trump not lamenting death of Heather.
It’s not just “she’s a woman and therefore beneath manly man Trump”.
It’s also “she was against the Trump ‘fans’ protesting”, and thus not really counted as human.
As far as Trump believes in anything, I think he believes the “antifa” and the “neonazis” are equivalent, with the antifa probably being worse. (these are not my beliefs)
I’d rather there not be violence on either side, but when one side is “white race is the only good one”, I can really understand the desire to go punch Nazis.
The difference in level of violence is striking though.
“antifa” has wooden sticks, pepper spray, and there may have been a few with guns.
“alt-right” has wooden sticks, shields, more guns, pepper spray, probably weapons caches around town, with some in uniform to blend in with National Guard, and another radical domestic terrorist in a car.
Some of the alt-right got hurt. Some got embarrassed.
Some of the antifa got killed, or seriously injured requiring wheelchairs.
Imply again that the violence is equal on both sides, Trumpkins. I still won’t believe you.
(Sorry for rant, long day of annoying tweets)
ETA: God Emperor… Yeah, I mistook it for Dune, too. But it just didn’t seem right, because the God Emperor had serious issues keeping power if I remember, and why would they be using that.
How good are the odds of the UK government rescinding 45’s state visit invitation? There were some calls for it a few days ago.
I think this is the video Scildfreja is referencing. I wasn’t sure if it t was real, I saw it earlier, it’s pretty funny.
Reading this tonight the thought came to mind that, whatever you think of him, those of us up here in Canada are pretty damn lucky Justin Trudeau beat Stephen Harper. I can only imagine the crap Harper might have tried with Trump in the White House.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
@tim gueguen
I’m happy for you guys up north, too. I’m glad at least someone’s government isn’t going down the shitter, and that Harper isn’t there for him and the Mango to feed off each other’s awful.
Also the Dune has…..undertones I don’t think Trump is very comfortable with. First time I saw that movie was in 2001 and I was quite surprised at the weird tones.
@Huggbess My favourite anti-Nazi song. <3 (Seriously, I need to find more.)
@@Banananana dakry: Fat, Short-Haired, and Deranged:
Hopefully that will continue, notwithstanding David Duke’s endorsement of our own right wing Rebel Media 😛 It has been almost comical watching the various conservative MP’s and Rebel staff members suddenly disavowing themselves from the ‘ebil Nazis!!!!’ even though the aforementioned MP’s had no problem being interviewed and hanging out with them before (and shared the same racist/Islamophobic talking points).
A little bit of Canadian shadenfreude:
25% of Conservative MPs Made Guest Appearances on Rebel Media. Only Two Are Willing to Denounce Them.
It even lists the names of the MP’s and their reaction (if any) when asked if they would renounce Rebel Media.