By David Futrelle
One of the most chilling moments in Vice News’ new mini-documentary on the #UniteTheRight rally this past weekend comes at the end, when reporter Elle Reeve sits down with a well-armed white supremacist named Christopher Cantwell, who tells her, among other horrific things, that he thinks the ISIS-style car attack on counterprotesters that left activist Heather Heyer dead was “more than justified.”
To longtime readers of this blog, the name Christopher Cantwell may sound vaguely familiar. That’s because only a couple of years ago Cantwell was a regular contributor to the flagship Men’s Rights site A Voice for Men — where he offered his opinions on such subjects as Elliot Rodger, IQ, and “Rape accusation culture.”
I didn’t write much about Cantwell at the time, though I did point out on one occasion that he was roaming around Twitter telling people to kill themselves in an assortment of gruesome ways. AVFM founder Paul Elam responded to my post on Cantwell by offering excuses for his harassment — and telling me to kill myself.
Now that Cantwell has been brought to the attention of a national audience, it’s worth taking a look at what he wrote for AVFM, which at the time was by far the most influential Men’s Rights website.
Cantwell on Elliot Rodger, guns and feminists “who demonize men and white people.”
In the last few days, ever since Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in California, media has been absolutely buzzing with hysterical propaganda against guns, men, and white people. Should you happen to be a white male gun owner, you might well be Satan himself according to some of these people. … it is a very real threat to my safety. …
The more disturbing trend is one I’ve also been combating on my blog for some time. Radical feminists and “anti-racists” who demonize men and white people. …
I was shocked and terrified to hear Elizabeth Plank say “This is a white male thing” on MSNBC, despite the fact that Elliot Rodger was half Asian.
Cantwell on “rape accusation culture.”
What do you end up with when you throw out ever legal standard that has ever existed and replace it with feminist hysteria?
Rape accusation culture.
No evidence necessary, just point your finger, ladies, and men will go to prison. Just say the word and their reputations and careers will be ruined. Simply bat your eyes at a policeman and he’ll snatch up any ex-boyfriend you feel jilted by. Sure, it won’t stop any actual rapes, but that was never the point. The point is the same as everything else that feminists promote: to demonize an entire gender and engage in a never-ending quest to quench the state’s insatiable thirst for more power.
Cantwell on women in STEM:
There’s no way women could possibly have any responsibility for their own choices in education or career, according to feminists. Everything has to be because of men. …
Certainly it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the vast majority of the world’s geniuses are men. … Male geniuses outnumber female geniuses eight to one.
Cantwell on the tyranny of low-IQ people:
A society needs leaders and followers. In men, we see very high IQs figuring things out and working out these complex ideas. They document them in easy-to-understand ways for those of lesser intelligence in society and make technology available to all of us. We also see these low IQs, which are more suited to, say, mining the resources that this technology requires and operating the machines the geniuses designed.
Women, traditionally carrying the role of raising children and supporting the men who designed and operated the machinery, needed to be somewhere in the middle. They couldn’t well manage the many complex tasks their role in society required of them without being smarter than the worker drones, but there wasn’t any need for them to be super geniuses who could land spacecraft on comets hundreds of millions of miles away either.
Unfortunately for men, these women of average intelligence do manage to outsmart and confuse so many of us on the lower end of the IQ spectrum. That’s how you end up with college age males chanting idiotic feminists slogans at demonstrations.
For those of us at the upper end of the IQ spectrum, we are sentenced to a lifetime of watching stupidity like this run rampant. We will watch in horror for all of eternity as idiots dominate the headlines with their hysteria, responsibility avoidance, and demands for state privilege disguised as “equality.”
Cantwell on street harassment:
Oh, the horrors these American women have to go through. They dress up in tight clothes designed for the specific purpose of showing off their ass and tits to attract men. When their choice in clothing does exactly what it’s designed to do, they complain about it.
Cantwell on feminist attempts to fight street harassment:
What this is about, just like most feminist garbage being peddled, is giving women the power to have men arrested for anything without any evidence at all. That they’re mere discomfort is a criminal offense that should justify the kidnapping of men doing exactly what men are supposed to do: pursue women. Turning the tides of this fabled “patriarchy” they feel has so oppressed women over the years into an actual matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.
Somehow I’m not all that shocked that Cantwell has gone full white-supremacist.
EDIT: Fixed Cantwell links; they all go to archived versions of the AVFM posts now.
re: “poormarginalizedandabusedwhiteboy” Christopher Cantwell, I don’t have audio on anything i can watch this on, did HE record this? If so, WTF?? He must be trying to get sympathy from the “SJW”, cuz the alt-right sure isn’t gonna be impressed with his bawling….
I’ll confess that like your Captain Marsh, I’m seriously considering buying a firearm. I’m not afraid of neo-Nazis breaking in or attacking me or my family directly, but I can’t shake the feeling that large-scale violence is coming fairly soon.
I really hope I’m wrong…
@Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Maybe he’s trying to win over the “both sides are violent!!!” people.
I want to see the arrest of Dan Borden and the other scumbags that beat Deandre Harris.
Self-awareness is not a strong trait of the alt-reich.
And of course, Ted Cruz shows he’s still ultra-right by retweeting a Breitbart article about him encouraging the defunding of Planned Parenthood. I figured that gold star for “denouncing hate” wouldn’t last long.
You know how I love this sort of thing…
cw: be careful of this link, my ‘puter safeware was telling me it didn’t much like it!!!!
@ PeeVee
Here is one of them
Turn sound down, lots of rain sounds at beginning…
THAT’S AWESOME! I love HMKG. What a great unit…they make me proud to have Norway as a NATO ally.
And what great fighters against Fascism…the defense of the capital on April 9 allowing the King and government’s escape…very inspiring for any soldier.
As an undergraduate I read C.J. Hambro’s memoir, which I loved and introduced me to that part of WWII history.
Way back a few months ago Birger Eriksen, hero of the Battle of Drobak Sound came up on WHTM comments even. Francesca Torpedo was contemplating a character based on that episode, I *think* (haven’t seen her comment in a long while….anyone know if she’s ok?)
If doxing was just posting a photo to a website that friends, neighbors, coworkers & bosses could drop in, check out & go “Wow, that’s Bob.:” and make Bob answerable for acting like a NAZI, I’d be all for it.
But doxing actually is siccing the worst of the worst on the internet on people. The potential damage to innocent bystanders makes me think that doxing is not a decent or civilized approach to the problem.
Innocent bystanders include the mentally or emotionally ill (mentally & emotionally fragile people have been targeted, trying to trigger them to suicide ), the families, the wrong person and random strangers (like, someone shows up at the doxed address and a new family is now living there!).
Exactly. The Wikipedia timeline on the history of slavery abolition is a useful reminder here.
Of course even in the 18th century there were already quite a few people (and nations) opposed to slavery, and it’s still a tragedy and an abomination that the United States didn’t reject slavery at its founding. But given the far more widespread acceptance of slavery at that time, it’s not particularly surprising (although it’s worth noting that even then, both Washington and Jefferson openly criticized the practice and supported some anti-slavery legislation).
Being an American slaveowner in the late 18th century is quite a different kettle of fish from actually declaring war on the United States government specifically to protect the legal institution of slavery in the mid-19th century, when most of the rest of the Euro-American world had repudiated it.
Thanks everyone. Honestly, I don’t think it’s very likely we’ll be targeted even if there are white supremacists in our town (and I haven’t seen any evidence of them). That doesn’t mean the Captain and I won’t work hard to keep hate movements from growing in the community – it’s the best way to keep ourselves and everyone else in the town safe.
Weird Eddie, yes, Dan Borden is the little fucker I mentioned.
Also ID’d (allegedly) are Joshua Thomas King (bearded guy) and Michael Alex Ramos (wifebeater shirt/red cap.)
I want them arrested. I want to read that they are jailed.
I love this part:
Nothing beats an MRA for declaring that most men (but not HIM!!, Because he’s SPECIAL!!) are inferior worker drones who need masters (like HIM!! Because he’s SPECIAL!!!).
Now, who has a lower opinion of men, and who wants them subjugated more – feminazis or MRAs?
And women are smarter than worker drone men? I’ll bet trying to decide if women were smarter or dumber than men must have caused him a lot of angst.
Happy solution – women are smarter than the drone males but dumber than him (Because he’s SPECIAL!!!). As long as everyone else is dumber than him, it’s all O.K.
And as a useless factoid, I am a woman and my IQ is over 140 (not that I put much weight in IQ Tests, which I believe are heavily culturally biased). I also think that other factors, like drive and discipline, matter more to success than IQ.
Yes, because the Northern states were an example as they had already rejected slavery. There was even interstate friction over returning runaway slaves to the South. Read the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
Talk about states rights – here was a conflict over which state had a right to impose its beliefs on another state. The Northern states regarded runaway slave as people who deserved the same rights as other residents of that state; the Southern states regarded them as property that should be returned to its owners.
The article is a heartening description of the actions, both legal and illegal, of Northern anti-slavers to circumvent the law – including kidnapping and jury nullification! It touched me to read that people found slavery so repugnant over 170 years ago that they would risk fines & jail time to aid escaped slaves.
The talk about women geniuses made me think of Camile Paglia. More than once she’s commented that genius is largely limited to men, even if societal impediments are removed, which I think is BS. I suspect she probably thinks she’s one of those rare female geniuses.
I wonder if part of the “greater number of male geniuses” thing could be due to the way boys and girls are socialized. Girls are frowned down upon for lacking social skills a lot more. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of potential female geniuses were actively discouraged from cultivating their genius qualities as their parents and teachers didn’t want them to be “weird” while boys are more often given educational toys, books, and are left alone to do nerd stuff alone in their rooms. Just a thought. I don’t know if anything like that has ever been looked into. But I do know that social factors impact IQ scores.
Paglia has had a somewhat conflicted relationship with her womanhood – calling herself a ‘mutant’ at one point. And yes, I am pretty sure she considers herself to be a rare genius indeed!
I hope her family never finds this. Her father and mother were at her memorial service today, and it was on CNN at my work. Her father asked for us to look at them with love and understanding, even as they side with hate.
Gods above, I wish I had that man’s patience. I can’t bring myself to love these fucking shitheads in any sense of the word.
And they had an ex-skinhead who founded “Life after Hate” talking about how he reformed because of the love and kindness of the people he says he deserved it the least from, and how this is how we’re going to “solve” white nationalism and neo-nazis and I’m just kinda repulsed by that.
Like, these shitheads don’t deserve our love and understanding, and while I can appreciate those who still want to give it to them, the idea that we should HAVE to do this in order to “help and heal” them is just so gross to me.
Ex-skinheads are welcome to take on that role! For myself, however, I have other plans.
That sounds like a version of the idea that abusers are just lashing out in pain, and if we could just identify and heal the pain of the abuser, the abuse would magically stop. Because abusers are the real victims in all of this, doncha know.
I can’t find my old account, but I used to comment here a lot. I have dealt with this guy both in person and online as a former resident of Keene. He has a history of using violet rhetoric and the threat of gun violence to keep people from going after him. He’d run around harassing people and then flashing his gun when they attempted to defend themselves.
I provided the Colbert Report with some information years ago and they did this segment on his former group of reactionaries, free keene, but they totally glossed over the rampant bigotry of some of the group’s members, as well as the fact that they were attempting to overthrow the local government and secede from the us. They also were well known for shoving cameras in people’s faces, antagonizing them, and then putting their isolated reactions on youtube in an attempt to paint locals as violent/aggressive. They also didn’t mention their ties to Cop Block (Chris was heavily involved for a while).
He was also involved in the pumpkin fest riots
Antagonized some feminists who were protesting against rape culture on the keene state campus
And has written numerous blog posts against affirmative, informed, enthusiastic consent
When I confronted him about his rape apologia he created an image that said I’d give blow jobs for heroin.
This is just the dirt I dug up trying to remember all the stuff he had done today. It’s been years so I’m a bit foggy. Didn’t even touch the other bigoted stuff from back then.
Long story short, he’s a bigot for hire. He flocks to whatever reactionary group will allow him to have the loudest voice and brings in the most ad revenue and donations. Bigots love paying for hate.
As far as I can see, Camille Paglia loves attention and doesn’t much care what utter shit she has to say to get it.
@Grumpy That seems to be a common thing among right-wing shitheads.
My understanding is that Paglia believes herself to be edgy, but whenever I read anything she’s written or said, she always strikes me as a boring reactionary. Maybe I’m just too young to fully appreciate and understand her insights, or something.
@jessay Sorry you had to deal with that shit bag. :/