By David Futrelle
One of the most chilling moments in Vice News’ new mini-documentary on the #UniteTheRight rally this past weekend comes at the end, when reporter Elle Reeve sits down with a well-armed white supremacist named Christopher Cantwell, who tells her, among other horrific things, that he thinks the ISIS-style car attack on counterprotesters that left activist Heather Heyer dead was “more than justified.”
To longtime readers of this blog, the name Christopher Cantwell may sound vaguely familiar. That’s because only a couple of years ago Cantwell was a regular contributor to the flagship Men’s Rights site A Voice for Men — where he offered his opinions on such subjects as Elliot Rodger, IQ, and “Rape accusation culture.”
I didn’t write much about Cantwell at the time, though I did point out on one occasion that he was roaming around Twitter telling people to kill themselves in an assortment of gruesome ways. AVFM founder Paul Elam responded to my post on Cantwell by offering excuses for his harassment — and telling me to kill myself.
Now that Cantwell has been brought to the attention of a national audience, it’s worth taking a look at what he wrote for AVFM, which at the time was by far the most influential Men’s Rights website.
Cantwell on Elliot Rodger, guns and feminists “who demonize men and white people.”
In the last few days, ever since Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in California, media has been absolutely buzzing with hysterical propaganda against guns, men, and white people. Should you happen to be a white male gun owner, you might well be Satan himself according to some of these people. … it is a very real threat to my safety. …
The more disturbing trend is one I’ve also been combating on my blog for some time. Radical feminists and “anti-racists” who demonize men and white people. …
I was shocked and terrified to hear Elizabeth Plank say “This is a white male thing” on MSNBC, despite the fact that Elliot Rodger was half Asian.
Cantwell on “rape accusation culture.”
What do you end up with when you throw out ever legal standard that has ever existed and replace it with feminist hysteria?
Rape accusation culture.
No evidence necessary, just point your finger, ladies, and men will go to prison. Just say the word and their reputations and careers will be ruined. Simply bat your eyes at a policeman and he’ll snatch up any ex-boyfriend you feel jilted by. Sure, it won’t stop any actual rapes, but that was never the point. The point is the same as everything else that feminists promote: to demonize an entire gender and engage in a never-ending quest to quench the state’s insatiable thirst for more power.
Cantwell on women in STEM:
There’s no way women could possibly have any responsibility for their own choices in education or career, according to feminists. Everything has to be because of men. …
Certainly it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the vast majority of the world’s geniuses are men. … Male geniuses outnumber female geniuses eight to one.
Cantwell on the tyranny of low-IQ people:
A society needs leaders and followers. In men, we see very high IQs figuring things out and working out these complex ideas. They document them in easy-to-understand ways for those of lesser intelligence in society and make technology available to all of us. We also see these low IQs, which are more suited to, say, mining the resources that this technology requires and operating the machines the geniuses designed.
Women, traditionally carrying the role of raising children and supporting the men who designed and operated the machinery, needed to be somewhere in the middle. They couldn’t well manage the many complex tasks their role in society required of them without being smarter than the worker drones, but there wasn’t any need for them to be super geniuses who could land spacecraft on comets hundreds of millions of miles away either.
Unfortunately for men, these women of average intelligence do manage to outsmart and confuse so many of us on the lower end of the IQ spectrum. That’s how you end up with college age males chanting idiotic feminists slogans at demonstrations.
For those of us at the upper end of the IQ spectrum, we are sentenced to a lifetime of watching stupidity like this run rampant. We will watch in horror for all of eternity as idiots dominate the headlines with their hysteria, responsibility avoidance, and demands for state privilege disguised as “equality.”
Cantwell on street harassment:
Oh, the horrors these American women have to go through. They dress up in tight clothes designed for the specific purpose of showing off their ass and tits to attract men. When their choice in clothing does exactly what it’s designed to do, they complain about it.
Cantwell on feminist attempts to fight street harassment:
What this is about, just like most feminist garbage being peddled, is giving women the power to have men arrested for anything without any evidence at all. That they’re mere discomfort is a criminal offense that should justify the kidnapping of men doing exactly what men are supposed to do: pursue women. Turning the tides of this fabled “patriarchy” they feel has so oppressed women over the years into an actual matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.
Somehow I’m not all that shocked that Cantwell has gone full white-supremacist.
EDIT: Fixed Cantwell links; they all go to archived versions of the AVFM posts now.
@Jessay, I remember your posts very well! I was just reading an old thread you commented on. I hope you come back. Please do!
I am so sorry you had to go through that, but you’ve imparted very good information. I linked the Colbert Report on another thread earlier. I should have known there was a lot more to that story.
@ Paradoxical Intention: If Life After Hate wants to try to reform skinheads by being kind to them, let them try. Who knows, there might be a rare few cases where that would actually work. In the meantime, though, we should not stop working on the problem from different directions. The more approaches available, the better the chance of any individual skinhead encountering one that works for him.
Any other Spider Robinson fans here? Remember that story about the old lady and the biker gang? I can’t help thinking that sooner or later someone is going to figure out that a rally of Nazis with torches makes a nice compact target. And if that happens before they’ve got all the groundwork for their race war in place, it could be disastrous… for them.
You tell him “they” had a 400-year head start on everyone else.
You tell him “they” had a 400-year head start on everyone else.
IINM, Life After Hate just got their funding cut by the Grifter In Chief.
The next entry about this guy makes THIS entry hilarious.
HERE: “Me stronk!”
NEXT: “B’aaaawwwww!”
I think the right-wing nut jobs will start doxxing antifa and the like and ratting them out to the cops…The US looks like a war zone now…everyone should be careful about their actions in public.
Comments policy.
*raises hand*
I also find it absolutely amazing how kids like this blubberer and the GoogleDouche absolutely ignore the role of socialization in these kinds of outcomes.
It’s pretty consistent.
Not really the point, but Cantwell’s suggestion that people mining resources are at the lower end of the IQ spectrum, seems to suggest that he thinks an understanding of geology; the technological knowledge to operate complex machinery in a dangerous environment; and the self-discipline to plunge into that environment day in, day out, are all ‘low IQ traits’. ‘Operating the machines the geniuses designed’ – please. Get out from behind a keyboard, go to a coal mine or a copper mine, spend a day sweating your guts out and then tell the workers there that they aren’t as clever as you – you’ll soon have a good reason to cry then, Cantwell (I know, that’s on another thread).
I’ve been away for a few days and have only just found out that Bernard Kenny, the retired mines rescuer who attempted to save Jo Cox from the fascist who murdered her, has passed away from cancer. Someone like him was worth a thousand of these moral vacuums.
Pardon me for going off topic, but Steve Bannon just got fired from the White House.
@jessay and Dave – here’s the latest on your boy – he’s in jail, and he’s whining because “he’s a human being” – with, apparently, no irony whatsoever and no thought at all for the human beings he terrorized or the one whom he killed
These morons