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Nazi memelords mock the murder of Heather Heyer by one of their own

Heather Heyer, who lost her life in Saturday’s terrorist car attack in Charlottesville

By David Futrelle

On the neo-Nazi hate site The Daily Stormer, the ISIS-style car attack on a crowd of anti-fascist protesters in Charlottesville yesterday has been the source of great hilarity from the moment it happened.

Site publisher Andrew Anglin mocks the attack, which killed 32-year-old activist Heather Heyer and left many injured, as a “Crashocaust” and jokes in one post that the “very nice car” used in the attack was “worth much more than the life of whoever died.”

Even before the driver of the car was identified as a young man who appears to be a Hitler-obsessed, meme-loving, Trump-supporting neo-Nazi much like them, Anglin’s readers embraced the attack as a great victory for their side.

“God is truly with us today,” someone calling himself AshinFurnacestein declared on the site’s forums. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA”

“hahahaha YUGE win today for the home team!,” another commenter agreed, “and now they fumbeled in the end zone when a cop bird crashed and burned ahahahahaha  :joy:  God is speedy in his vengeance”

The Stormers quickly turned the attack into an excuse to post the most offensive memes they could imagine.

I’m going to post some of them here, but be warned: they are some of the most rancid, hateful images you will likely ever see, and, save one, I am posting them uncensored. Click away from this post now if the events of the last several days have left you feeling even a little bit fragile.

But this needs to be documented so we know exactly what sort of people we’re dealing with here.

Anglin himself got the meme contest going by posting this:

And things quickly went downhill from there:

Some of the Stormers happily appropriated whatever old memes they could think of.

The Stormers were especially excited to see that at least one of those hit by the car was black.

One memester borrowed the cover of a Cars album:

Another incorporated Anglin himself into his meme:

The worst meme posted? Probably this one, incorporating a famous image of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian refugee who drowned in the Mediterranean after the overloaded boat containing him and his parents capsized.


There are more memes like this on the Daily Stormer forums, many more. You can find many of them in this forum thread. (This is an archived link that only shows a handful of comments; you will have to go to the direct link to see them all.)

And the Stormers aren’t the only ones turning the car attack that left Heather Heyer dead into what they think are hilarious memes.

On 4chan, one anon posted this:

And on Twitter, meanwhile, white supremacists and shitlords with names like Awakened Saxon and Dan From Kekistan are posting memes of their own:

These, I need hardly remind you, are the people Donald Trump refuses to explicitly denounce with his own big mouth.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Yes, I’m certain that Dodge set this up. It can’t possibly be the case that someone affiliated with their side actually attempted to murder people and succeeded

As usual with this crowd, it’s Occam’s taser. The most unnecessarily painful, brutal explanation is obviously the correct one.

So, having been given 24 hours notice by GoDaddy to collect their Pepes and get out, the front page of DS has now purportedly been hacked by Anonymous:

I say “purportedly” because Anonymous is disavowing it, and the timing is suspicious. I wouldn’t put it past them to fake their own hacking to cover up their own epic failure and generate more click $$$. They’re pretty desperate for money due to the pending SPLC lawsuit.

Regardless, you have to be pretty terrible for GoDaddy to kick you off. As late as yesterday morning GoDaddy was still defending them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

Oops, ninja’d by the entire other thread. I really should refresh my browser more often!

7 years ago


That is very clear, thank you. Then yes, i think i must be introvert. I will show my girlfriend that website when i am at home ))

7 years ago

Valentine, I can’t decide whether working on a ship would be great for an introvert, or terrible. On the one hand, you go for long periods without having to be around anyone new; on the other hand, personal space is probably limited?

(No, I’m not looking for a career change, but, as an introvert, I could be persuaded if any lighthouse keeper jobs come up in the London area)

7 years ago

I see nothing in the Montreal press about a protester run over at a demo. I’m pretty sure that would hit the news if it actually happened.

There was a in the news yesterday something about a tour bus that ran over tourists somewhere in Canada; one dead, several wounded. But no indication of intent.

7 years ago

I saw that. It was in Vancouver, BC, which is pretty far from Montreal.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Some of it is disgusting, like saying Heather Heyer is no big loss because she was 32 and hadn’t bothered to do the one thing women are supposed to do — reproduce. Plus, she was fat and her death “saved us a lot of money” on all the food she’d have to eat. I don’t understand that — do white supremacists believe the paychecks women receive should rightfully belong to men or did they think she was “mooching off the government” or something?

It’s remarkable how the right-wing mind digs deep to rationalize both its bloodlust and its victim complex. “LOL, dead normie, top kek! But please, BLM and Antifa are the real violent ones.”

epitome of incomprehensibility

@IgnoreSandra, @Dodom, @numerobis – There was a solidarity protest in Montreal, but nobody was attacked or injured, at least according to CTV:

About “spoons”: I hadn’t read the essay before, but I’ve been hearing the expression for several years now. I think I got it confused with another metaphor, because I used to think the story was about shoveling a pile of dirt and all you had to work with was spoons.

I don’t have chronic pain or illness, so physical energy isn’t often a problem for me. I know I’m hugely lucky in that regard, and I shouldn’t take it lightly. But I do relate in a small way: ADHD makes projects with multiple parts difficult for me (a “project with multiple parts” could be something as simple as cleaning up a room, or as complex as making a 50-page handbook for a local standardized test).

So, to tackle projects like that, I have to start by doing something small and concrete (e.g. taking books off the table, making an an outline of the test). Even then, it’s hard to get started.

I also have to save time in other parts of my life. E.g. if I have to look dressed up, the only makeup I put on is lipstick. If I have lipstick on, I look like I could have more makeup on (i.e. it’s not about the actual look, but about the impression of effort).

I don’t know if that makes any sense. 🙂

7 years ago


I don’t know if it is good also! It is my only job except i worked in a kitchen for washing pots and pans before. That is good – i never need to talk, but money is very less.

For on board, you don’t choose with who you sail – so that is not good. Talking to people and you have to make argument with many people when you are in port which is high stress. Lots of super macho men try to see who has biggest balls with you – also not funny.

But i have cabin so every night when i finish dinner i know i have one safe place i can go, lock door and not speak with any until my watch at midnight. And from midnight until 0400 no one calls on bridge, my watch keeper only speaks with me if he sees ships or lights, so actually very peaceful.

And also, high structure environment – you will know easily your place, your responsibility – this helps me very much not to become stress.

But really, your light house idea sounds nice, but very rarely there are light house with people inside now. All automatic. You could be VTS controller but you would have to speak in the VHF with ships and give them warnings when they don’t follow traffic schemes!

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

@moggie, Valentine, fire towers are lovely if you’re an introvert looking to get away from humanity for a summer. I doubt there are any in England, but in Canada we still staff hundreds of them every summer. They drop you off in your own little cabin with a mountain of food and supplies, and you sit up in your tower, watching the horizon and doing your knitting or whatever, and radio back to the forestry office every once in awhile so they know you’re okay. You still hear people over the radio, but you don’t generally have to talk if you don’t want to. You only ever interact with the helicopter pilot delivering your supplies once a month, or a driver if you’ve got a road access tower. Very peaceful and quiet, just you and the forest.

comment image

7 years ago


I would be afraid of a bear would come to eat me ?but actually sounds nice. But i don’t like to be far from the sea.

7 years ago

Yes, beware of the evil Stair Bear.

7 years ago

The only way I can keep my head from exploding is to consider the source. That trash litany of Anglin’s is about as sour as sour grapes get. I hope he’s as miserable as he seems to be.

7 years ago


Thanks, it’s always interesting to read about ship life. Such a different environment from what I’m used to!

I think I first found out about lighthouse automation in the early 90s, by which time most of the UK lighthouses had been done, and it made me sad, even though it makes obvious sense from an operational point of view. Waaay back in the 60s, at primary school, we were given a project (probably the idea of Trinity House) where each of us had to write a letter to a lighthouse keeper; I think the one I was allocated was Portland Bill (that’s the name of the lighthouse, though I like to think it was also the name of the keeper). My keeper wrote back! That was quite a thrill for a little kid, and ever since then I’ve had a romantic view of the job (probably completely unlike the real job). I wish I still had that letter, since it’s a relic of a now vanished way of life, but I guess my parents threw it out. So much of my childhood went up in smoke on the bonfire at the bottom of the garden.


Ooh, very Kerouac! And thanks for reminding me that I need to get Firewatch on Steam.

History Nerd
History Nerd
7 years ago

I was under the impression that GoDaddy has a policy against hateful or abusive speech, but it’s only very selectively enforced. The site should’ve been taken down already. But what’s more concerning is that Andrew Anglin’s parents apparently continued supporting him while he was administering the site.

7 years ago

August 14, 2017 at 11:13 am

The only way I can keep my head from exploding is to consider the source. That trash litany of Anglin’s is about as sour as sour grapes get. I hope he’s as miserable as he seems to be.

That’s what I do, too. CONSIDER THE SOURCE.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

I am sure many people can understand – but when people look like ‘normal’ people not listening, maybe because they think you are lie or it is not serious because nothing to see. (((

I’ve heard enough stories from people with significant food allergies or similar who still get people trying to serve them that food. Some people just cannot seem to wrap their heads around the idea that anybody else that they know might actually be different than them. They can keep insisting that ‘Oh, I’m sure you’ll like it if you try it’, while completely ignoring the response of ‘I’d rather not spend the night in the hospital, which is what will happen, because it’s happened before’.

My sister is celiac. Her search for gluten free foods is not helped by the gluten free fad stuff which isn’t necessarily as gluten-free as is claimed, nor by the people who assume she might be just following one of the fad diets and isn’t going to have a problem if the knife that was just used to spread peanut butter on toast is put back into the same jar.

7 years ago

Thanks, it’s always interesting to read about ship life.

Thank you, acually, I like mainly to talk about only one thing – ship life )) so any time i love to be asked.

It is very cool that you wrote to Mr Bill and he wrote back. Pity you don’t have his letter. Why did your parents burn your things? That seems little bit violent…

I’ve heard enough stories from people with significant food allergies or similar who still get people trying to serve them that food. Some people just cannot seem to wrap their heads around the idea that anybody else that they know might actually be different than them.

I also don’t understand – why people are so interested in personal things. Plenty people ask strange questions, about appearance, about eating style, about behaviour that doesn’t do anything to them.

My grandmother also is coeilac – but she didnt know until she was 60 years old. It is very good now that more people know about this one – but I think maybe because also it is ‘trend’ in amercia that people don’t think you are serious, if you say you cant eat this one. My best friend also has coeiliac, he move in australia recently for one year, he said there is also same problem – people not believe him, or don’t listen. Think he is strange because he drinks wine, not beer. I can’t understand how this is so much important to other people. Like they think, I can fix this person….

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

My sister at least has the good fortune to have married someone who was a professional chef. Between him and the previous learning experience of my parents, she’s in no danger of starving. And at my family’s house we know that food condiments for bread are either served from squeeze bottles, or scooped out with spoons that never touch the bread.

Granted, my sister and her husband now run a craft distillery, and there are a couple of the company products that my sister can’t have herself.

But yes, I can’t entirely understand that mindset myself. If someone says they can’t have bread, why try to force it on them? To some extent it doesn’t even matter if it’s a real problem or not, why insist that they would like it if they tried it? This isn’t a matter of a child being grumpy.

(Actually, about children being grumpy, my mother knew a young girl from Girl Guides who was lactose intolerant, celiac, and allergic to albumin. There’s milk, wheat, and eggs all out of her diet. She was a MUCH happier child after the allergy assay was done and her parents started being more careful about what they fed her. It’s difficult to get useful medical reports out of a toddler.)

I think some of it might be that some people simply cannot deal with the concept that their friends might not match the idealized image in their heads, since they don’t necessarily look sick. Or they just hear ‘I can’t eat bread’ as if it were ‘I won’t eat your bread’ and treat it as a personal insult. I don’t know.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

I was involved in building an assault course on Portland. Got to spend six weeks in this charming cold war bunker place (it used to be a listening station).

Portland is a really interesting place though. There’s a huge underground complex (the island is made out of a particularly strong rock). I’d pop out in the middle of the night for a quick toke and you’d see all these mysterious convoys of lorries and Land Rovers disappearing into what appeared to be a tiny garage that was clearly too small to accommodate them. It was like Thunderbirds.

One thing nobody was able to explain to me though was why it has three lighthouses.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 years ago

They want to make really, really, really sure nobody runs into it?

7 years ago


It is very cool that you wrote to Mr Bill and he wrote back. Pity you don’t have his letter. Why did your parents burn your things? That seems little bit violent…

I never asked why, because that would have served no useful purpose. Might have been passive-aggressive, might simply have been that they didn’t think my stuff mattered. I can’t explain my family: it’s a subject which is both distressing and boring, which isn’t a good combination.

7 years ago

I am sorry if i mention anything that made you upset (( i hope that your life is better now ?

7 years ago

Portland is a really interesting place though.

It must be

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

Wrong Portland. That one’s on the West coast of the US, the one Alan was at is on the East coast of England.