NOTE 2: I regret the flippant tone of this post. Last night these guys seemed like clowns and it felt good to watch them getting a thorough mocking. They still are clowns, but unfortunately clowns can do a tremendous amount of damage, as the current inhabitant of the White House reminds us every day.
My newer post on the terrorist attack is here.
By David Futrelle
On Friday night, a couple hundred Nazis and oh-I’m-not-really-a-Nazis marched through the largely empty University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, many of them holding cintronella tiki torches aloft in what appears to have been an attempt to simultaneously fight white genocide and banish mosquitoes.
Of course, given that gender ratio was approximately 90 pasty white dudes per one Lauren Southern wannabe, it’s a safe bet that very few marchers actually “fought white genocide” after the march, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Anyway, so they marched. And afterwards people dunked on them mercilessly on Twitter. Here are some highlights of both events.
When we asked other #UniteTheRight attendees about their 'white genocide' claims, some of them responded violently
— UNICORN RIOT (@UR_Ninja) August 12, 2017
The best part about this video? The Nazis who can’t remember which arm to “sieg heil” with. (The right arm, my dudes.)
This white lady seems nice:
Alt right #UniteTheRight woman tells #antifa counter-protester that he "sounds like a n—–" #Charlottesville
— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) August 12, 2017
The marchers were quite impressed with themselves:
But Tinkerbell was not exactly correct. Lots of people are laughing.
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) August 12, 2017
The white race MUST be preserved, so WOMEN… you're really gonna have to start lowering your standards.#Charlottesville
— Sir Woofingtons (@Sir_Woofingtons) August 12, 2017
Love waking up to a timeline full of pics of Nazis who look like they just raided a discount bin in the lawn & garden section at Home Depot.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) August 12, 2017
"Hi ladies,
My name is Brent, and I enjoy cosplaying as Marty Mcfly & sniffing your seat after you get up"#NaziTinder #Charlottesville
— 🍉 Black 🇭🇹 Aziz 🇳🇬 aNANsi 🍉 (@Freeyourmindkid) August 12, 2017
"I've written over 1000 fan fiction star wars stories where I've had sex with aliens. Also no blacks."#Charlottesville #Nazitinder
— 🍉 Black 🇭🇹 Aziz 🇳🇬 aNANsi 🍉 (@Freeyourmindkid) August 12, 2017
30 minutes into "Triumph of the Will" and chill, and he gives you this look
— David Futrelle (@DavidFutrelle) August 12, 2017
— Cody Johnston (@drmistercody) August 12, 2017
Nonetheless there were still those who insisted that this Nazi march was not really a Nazi march, I mean, what evidence is there that any of these guys are Nazis?
"I mean yeah I am a Nazi, but I really did think that the shirt said Nike when I bought it. I'm illiterate."#nazitinder #Charlottesville
— 🍉 Black 🇭🇹 Aziz 🇳🇬 aNANsi 🍉 (@Freeyourmindkid) August 12, 2017
That said, the Nazis and Friends of Nazis did indeed act like the shitheads they are.
The truly brave souls? The small number of counterprotesters who found themselves surrounded by hundreds of Nazis.
Heroes. These students were surrounded by torch-bearing neo-Nazis, beaten, & unhelped by the police on scene. #Charlottesville #DefendCville
— Collin Rees (@collinrees) August 12, 2017
Nazi dorks, fuck off!
The U.S. Army detonates a massive swastika at the Nuremberg rally grounds, 1945.
— Matt Ford (@fordm) August 12, 2017
Axe, i read your posts and english with British accent which is even more wrong! But because most true English-speaker people i know are British. So actually i think it is funny how you hear me in your head. Sometimes if i listen too much to one person then i read and think with how that person is speaking. For example, maybe some days i will read your words how my captain speaking – he is German! ? Not good when we talk about Nazis….
“White people have always used econ to excuse their racism. Slavery, manifest destiny, the know nothings, the red scares, etc etc. “This shit” started in 1615, not 2015. This is just the most recent, ugly permutation”
You’re right. I actually never put those things together. My two braincells have now made a connection between themselves!
“My thing tho, why is it so important to you that we accept your economic anxiety narrative?”
Let me go have a think on the above, and I’ll come back to this?
Which is funny, because in the US, progressives have mostly taken the high road and have avoided speaking so harshly about Republicans in the past. This is true of all but the far left. The anarchists, the antifa and the like. Democratic politicians, Democratic voters, progressive activists, progressives who don’t think the Dems are liberal and vote for them anyway, Green party voters, etc.
This recent turn that liberals have taken is a result of Trumpism. It has finally sunk in that taking the high road isn’t working. It’s only emboldening the right. We treated the right with humanity, they paid us back by acting like monsters while declaring that it is we who are monsters. This new anger on the left is a reaction to that.
It’s simply bizarre to me that people are reacting to that anger by suggesting that we should try being nice to Republicans. We should always reach out, no matter how many times they slap our hands away.
How do these concern trolls know that calling the right bigoted and racist won’t help? It’s only been tried for less than a year. Decades of stigmatizing smoking and making it unacceptable to do in public has caused not all smokers to stop, but it has caused many to. Perhaps several years of shaming Republican voters and tying that vote to white nationalism and misogyny will eventually get those voters who claim they are voting R for reasons other than bigotry to stop voting for the GOP.
I suspect the push back against shaming Donald Trump’s voters isn’t because people are afraid it won’t work. They’re afraid that it will. I doubt there is anything more terrifying to the status quo than a pissed off and galvanized left.
Either way, coddling them has not worked so we have no other option than to use shame.
“Republican voters aren’t actually against banks. They may have some small slight awareness that the financial industry screws them over, but every time they oppose any small attempt to regulate them. It’s communism according to them. If they had a problem with Dems being in bed with banks, they wouldn’t vote for Repubs who get exponentially more funding from that industry.”
“Republican voters” are not a hive mind.
If you want to generalize about the devout Republican, I’d say they’re split on banks in the faarrr right, but pretty much all devout Repubs view individual rich people as paternal figures who’s economic fortunes influence their own. Anything that hurts the rich, hurts their own economic interests.
But to actually finish that thought, not all republican voters are that devout towards the rich/banks.
[Edit edit]
People were shaming the right long before Trump won.
I’m actually fine with shaming the right. Shaming does not mean that we become hostile to their plight, or the plights if everyone that just so happens to be next to them.
In other words…
“I suspect that the core argument is “we should worry about ~economic anxiety~ because calling them racists and bigots just shuts down the conversation.””
It’s not about calling them out on their racism/sexism/ect., but about ONLY focusing on their racism/sexism/etc and shutting down the conversation about economic anxiety.
@wwth – just want to say that you’ve nailed something that’s been on my mind (again).
I actually have you and the other commenters here to thank for my no longer subscribing to this “Oh we have to be NICE” bs. I don’t apologize for calling out bullshit anymore, at least, not like I used to. Because fuck ’em.
I hear @Valentine’s voice in my uncle’s voice. His family is from Ukraine, they immigrated in the late 1800’s. Ohmigosh, i want pierogi, they make fantastic homemade ones and they are delicious. Absolutely swimming in butter, too, but well. That’s how they’re done.
@mrex, it sounds like a lightbulb might have just turned on for you. Go have a think! It took me a long time to grapple with my own racism, and I still do. Don’t be afraid of embarrassment. I’m glad your financial situation’s stable and healthier now.
I want this embroidered on a pillow <3
Scjild, your uncle was Doukhobor Christian? But i don’t understand, if his family came in 1800, why is his accent Ukrainian? Should be Canadian, unless he is very old when you know him…
Republican voters put white supremacy first. All of them. Every single last one. The Republican party is the party of white supremacy, and has been since Nixon. White supremacy is all they have to offer, it is the basis for their every policy position. Yes, even the bit about taxes. So yes, I categorically condemn all Republicans. They are white supremacists, every one. So are people who make excuses for them.
@Valentine, not Doukhobor, just Ukrainian. Canada advertised all over Europe for settlers during the 1800’s to help settle the west. There are very large Ukrainian centres all over Alberta. I mean, we have a town with one of the world’s largest pierogi:
And the world’s largest kielbasa:
One of the worlds’ largest pysanka:

and our universities often feature history and cultural courses on Ukrainian heritage:
So if you ever get a chance to visit, please do! You will find that you are close to our hearts out here in Canada!
This is true for me as well. It is something I have to look at daily, and I doubt I will ever be fully free of it – but I’m aware of it and working to negate its influence every day.
Scjild, i hope one day my ship will come to Canada. And i see everything is biggest there ;)))
Recently Canadian police or army came in Ukraine. Some diplomatic visit and i think also for training ua police but i don’t know 100%. My internet is slow and also I broke my phone so no more twitter ((( i know UA and Canada have good relations but not any about Canadian history.
Racism and sexism is free. Doesn’t cost these bigots one fucking thin dime.
Excusing them because of “economic anxiety”, especially when it’s framed as “white economic anxiety” just revolts me on so many levels.
I am so glad you told me that was a pierogi. I had no clue what that was at first, and my mind…wandered.
OT Confederate Statue Torn down.
#BREAKING Protesters in #Durham topple confederate monument downtown
The best part about that vid, people of all races are kicking it.
That’s not actually true; it’s been hamstringing the national economy since forever. This has been masked at various periods by rapacious overexploitation of formerly abundant natural resources, but those are running out now. White supremacy is why we have to pay out of pocket for health care, that costs us a fortune. It’s why there’s point of use fees for every government service. It’s why we have to own cars to get anywhere, at often ruinous expense. It is, in fact, at the bottom of literally every single shitty economic move this country has ever made, and boy howdy the costs of that shit in dollars and cents adds up fast. Trouble is, white supremacists are willing to live under a bridge eating pigeons roasted on coathangers, as long as black people haven’t got a bridge or a pigeon. (not my line, I forget where I saw it)
Oh yeah, and why everyone’s wages are shit.
@Valentine, I hope you can come visit too! If by ship you will likely come to Halifax, which is a gorgeous city and brimming over with fun. A very nice place to spend a week.
Our military is over there for something called UNIFIER. According to that page, we’ve been sending about $700M since 2014 to help with the problems you are having there. Non-lethal military equipment, explosives disposal stuff, a mobile field hospital, training teams, etc.
I know a lot of people who have whined that we shouldn’t be spending money to help other countries, but as far as I’m concerned it’s money well spent!
I appreciate a lot of the things you say here, too @Dalillama. You open my eyes to a lot, thank you. I completely agree with how deeply rooted the white supremacist problem is.
I mean it does not cost any particular individual a fucking dime to have these fucking views.
Pardon the cursing; it’s not directed at you.
The quotes from the right to work supporters. The attitudes about non-whites could be transplanted right to modern attitudes among racists. The economic fear people have it wrong and I would argue backwards. The racism and misogyny are more fundamental problem than economics in terms of fucked up reasoning and pervasiveness of social damage.
The racism and the misogyny were more important than the economics I mean. I have to practice it. And I’m sure there are more bits to remember that we are trying to coherently pull out.
Fair point, simply holding white supremacist views requires no monetary buy in.
Yup, and equally well to the 19th or even 18th century as well.
They cause pretty much all of the economic problems, yes.
On how racism and misogyny are tied to economic fuckery? I could write a fucking book. Lemme know if you want more examples.