alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism twitter white genocide white supremacy

Tiki Nazis march against white genocide, mosquitoes: Today in Tweets Early Edition


NOTE 2: I regret the flippant tone of this post. Last night these guys seemed like clowns and it felt good to watch them getting a thorough mocking. They still are clowns, but unfortunately clowns can do a tremendous amount of damage, as the current inhabitant of the White House reminds us every day.

My newer post on the terrorist attack is here.

By David Futrelle

On Friday night, a couple hundred Nazis and oh-I’m-not-really-a-Nazis marched through the largely empty University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, many of them holding cintronella tiki torches aloft in what appears to have been an attempt to simultaneously fight white genocide and banish mosquitoes.

Of course, given that gender ratio was approximately 90 pasty white dudes per one Lauren Southern wannabe, it’s a safe bet that very few marchers actually “fought white genocide” after the march, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Anyway, so they marched. And afterwards people dunked on them mercilessly on Twitter. Here are some highlights of both events.

The best part about this video? The Nazis who can’t remember which arm to “sieg heil” with. (The right arm, my dudes.)

This white lady seems nice:

The marchers were quite impressed with themselves:

But Tinkerbell was not exactly correct. Lots of people are laughing.

Nonetheless there were still those who insisted that this Nazi march was not really a Nazi march, I mean, what evidence is there that any of these guys are Nazis?

That said, the Nazis and Friends of Nazis did indeed act like the shitheads they are.

The truly brave souls? The small number of counterprotesters who found themselves surrounded by hundreds of Nazis.

Nazi dorks, fuck off!

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7 years ago

So the guy who drove into the counter-protesters is in custody, which is as it should be. But if he had been black or a muslim, he would have been shot for sure. And now we’ll be told how he is a disturbed individual who is in no way representative of a larger problem, yadda yadda… Maybe Richard Spencer will start the twitter hashtag #notallnazis.

As sickened as I am by the actual nazis at that rally, it’s their apologists that disgust me the most.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Roberta, not a truck. A Dodge Challenger. A d the video is horrific.

7 years ago

dreemr: if you’re getting a gun, please get training. Also a locking case. In fact, please leave you gun and ammo at the shooting range.

When shit hits the fan you’ll be able to go get it, but generally, firing a gun on the spur of the moment is a terrible idea.

Haise, the husky puppy
Haise, the husky puppy
7 years ago

Trump’s tweets only show us how much of a coward he is when it comes to losing his image from those who elected him. He knows they voted for him. So he knows if he tweets something like “We must defeat these nazis! and these white supremacist!” they’ll turn on him and treat him as bad as they’ve treated everyone else who isn’t white cis, straight, male and christian. He knows his rabid maga-fanbase is next to pond scum. So he’ll tiptoe around these incidents of terrorism from these nazis. Because its his image over the lives of others. This is the POTUS.

I’m so glad the people who were in the church is alright. I hope nobody else injured— someone was murdered. God. Fucking. Damn it.

ONE DEATH IS TOO MUCH. Fuck everyone who is trying to play that ‘BUT-BUT BOTH SIDES!!’ argument. Fuck this dark timeline. Their rally against ‘white genocide’ is only promoting and producing violence and death. Fuck their message.

7 years ago


No worries. I not only recently took firearm safety course with my son when he was 12, but I am a former member of my university’s pistol target-shooting team.

My first ex-husband is a firearm safety instructor as well as a firearms dealer.

My anti-gun stance comes more from a place of previous experience with gun fetishists. However, I’m pretty well-trained.

I mean, gun shows 30 years ago used to be the only places you could find the most deplorable Nazis and white supremacists around. I clearly remember the loads of pro-Hitler books and paraphernalia.

This stuff isn’t new in the U.S., it’s just been underground a long time. (“Underground”, but of course not really).

Also, @wwth – you are spot on about the reaction of the police and much of the military. This is what they’ve wanted.

7 years ago

Please don’t get guns. Look first on all counties now with civil war, country like mine – there is no situation where more guns will improve. And also, this people if they have guns have something you do not – they want. They want to use their gun if they have – and in any case gun or no gun, they will always be more ready than you. They look for any reason to use their gun – but when they look on their enemy and see guns in their hands too – then there is no more doubt. They will use.

I say this – with guns you go from protest to war. In protest peaceful is not always good. Malcolm X is my kind of protester, i believe that. But with guns – this is no more protest. See in three months from December 2013 to May 2014 my country goes from protest to war. Tanks and soldiers in Donetsk airport. It is too fast and you take guns you make it faster.

7 years ago

Oh i wrote three months. I mean 6. I am little bit stupid.)))

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

If you can, now is the time to shame relatives who joked about running over protestors after the election. Social momentum. It’s hard so I understand it when people can’t, or do it indirectly like me.

7 years ago

I think not getting gun involved is the better, and more likely to be successful way. I suspect Trump only wait for an opening to send the police and army cracking down after all, and the US police have so much bullshit equipment that it’s basically an army.

That being said, confronting neonazis without guns require so much courage that I won’t disapprove of getting one for the sake of feeling safe if nothing else.

7 years ago

This is the future the GOP chose and desired.

To be fair it does feel like 6 months, and counting.

7 years ago


Sorry i am still stupid – what you meant? I meant about maidan. You mean feels like 6 months since today protests?

7 years ago

I have not yet armed myself, and I don’t know for sure that I will.

I can’t say anything more than that due to comments policy.

7 years ago

Sorry, I made a mistake. I misread your post on your country’s protest and instead thought you were talking about how long the current POTUS is in office. Again, my bad, I didn’t mean to offend.

7 years ago

I’m not offended! Seems like 6 years already since trump become president

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Well at least someone has condemned Trump’s “all sides” comment. Unfortunately it’s David Duke:

“I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.”

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

That goddamned revolting lizardman Duke. He needs to stfu.

7 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

David Ernest Duke is an American white nationalist, politician, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, convicted felon, and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

“I’m only criticizing you because you’re not willing to say you side with Nazis. You know, the people who got you in office?”

He needs to crawl back into his hole, away from anyone he could possibly harm. Any more words on the subject violates the Comments Policy.

@PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
You know the saying “at least they’re honest about it.”

That saying isn’t really doing much for me right now.

7 years ago

I’ve debated whether it would be a good idea to take up firearms training and have a gun, but for me it boils down to three little words: recurring suicidal ideation.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I think it’s a good thing when the wolves take off their sheep’s clothing.

SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
SinisterPigeon: Sombrero Golem
7 years ago

Ana Navarro also condemned his bullshit. She remains the only Republican I would ever vote for.

7 years ago


“Malcolm X is my kind of protester, i believe that. But with guns – this is no more protest.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the Black Panthers were usually armed. And I’m glad they were.


“Our Peculiar Institution => States’ Rights => Agitators => Seperate but Equal => Law and Order =>”


“Economic Anxiety”


But I’m completely sick of white people, just in general. I can’t say anything else without violating the comments policy.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

@David: this is a mockery site. Ridicule is still an effective tool against pompous bigots — even when they move on to actual violence.