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World contemplates Armageddon, Trump goes golfing: Today in Tweets

The Golf Course of Trumpy Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

By David Futrelle

Good news everyone! A day after scaring the shit out of everyone in the world, particularly those living on the Korean peninsula or in Guam, our dear illegitimate president managed to work a game of golf into his otherwise busy empty schedule.

That story leads our Twitter roundup today. There are also some cute animals, but they come later.

Trump also found time today to post a “video” of the song “God Bless the USA” that was basically nothing more than a series of pictures of … himself.

I wonder if this is what the “good news about Trump” packets he reportedly gets delivered to him twice a day look like.

Trump may have been able to move on from the whole North Korea/possible nuclear Armageddon thing but not everyone else has.  Luckily this alt-right icon shithead has a solution!

In other news:

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7 years ago


That’s the kind of urinal that’s just asking for someone to shit in. My condolences to whoever has to clean that restroom.

7 years ago

Yes, I should have been more precise. That being said, wouldn’t they have said so if they suspected it was a client prank ?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Eh. WalMart deserves absolutely no benefit of the doubt. They’re shitty for selling guns in the first place. Not to mention their labor practices and their method of opening up a store in a small town, reducing the prices to drive local business out, then raising their prices once that’s accomplished and then frequently abandoning the store, leaving the town’s economy devastated.

7 years ago

I have to admit: that #GodBlesstheUSA tweet is exactly the kind of thing I think of when I think of America right now. Well, that and our possible extinction.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@wwth, re: Walmart

This gives me bad feelings for the small town my uni’s in. There’s a Walmart there (I was there once due to needing to obtain a bandeau), and while I didn’t check the ramen price (my usual way of measuring these things), the prices do seem to be fairly low.

That said, it’s pretty far from the small-town part (if we’re talking walking–if I want to go, I have to take a bus or sneak a ride), and it’s in direct competition with a Kroger that’s closer to the town than it. And last I checked, the local IGA is just fine.

Let’s hope that holds steady…

Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
Schnookums Von Ghostface Fancypants Killer
7 years ago

Millenials: Well, our job prospects suck, owning a home is about as possible as owning a magic castle made of candy, but at least we don’t have to worry about the constant threat of nuclear annihilation like the Boomers or Generation X!

Trump: Hold my covfefe

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend the documentary The High Cost of Low Prices. It’s about WalMart and the harm they’ve done to the US economy and people.

You can watch it on YouTube

7 years ago

Oh dear. I saw that Walmart picture earlier today and was hoping it was just a very unfortunate angle on a sign that was actually further back in the store. (Our local Walmart doesn’t sell firearms so I’m not familiar enough with what a gun section might look like to tell if it was a trick of perspective or not)

Maybe just some customer with a 4chan-level sense of humor…but how did they get it up there?!

I think if it were official merchandising there would probably be more pictures of it from various walmarts.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Holy fucking fuck!

52% of Republicans would be in favor of postponing the 2020 elections if Trump said it was necessary for national security

A lot of liberals feared Dubya would do something like that with the 2008 elections but I never bought into that. As terrible as he was, he was reigned in by more level headed (though just as awful) cabinet members and advisers.

Trump though? I could see him trying it and I could see his staff doing nothing to stop it.

7 years ago

Wtf, Republicans?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

We kept having elections during the World Wars. We can keep on having them.

I hate the GOP assumption that we need to postpone elections in order to make sure the “right” people are voting.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

That’s horrible.

I had a moment of hope that this might be the thing that drives moderate Republicans away from Trump, but then I remembered that there really are no moderate Republicans, not any more.

My sympathies to the citizens of the American Republic. I hope that this, too, passes.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Ha. That Walmart is in Indiana.

This explains so much.

Pavlovs House
Pavlovs House
7 years ago

I envision continued Republican advocacy of suppressing voting rights, both through institutional and extra-legal means as more likely than an outright attempt to postpone a presidential election. That’s historically more the consistent mode of operating for white supremacists in American history.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

there really are no moderate Republicans, not any more

In the legislature, there are 3 kinds of ‘publican’ts: Oligarchs, xian fundamentalists and ‘publican’ts who are afraid of losing their seats to xian fundamentalists.

On the street there are 2 types: raving bigots and those practicing Synchronized Denial

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

Yesterday, I posted a link to an article about Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) making a comment that John McCain’s brain cancer influenced his vote on the vote to take health insurance away from millions of USians. People here responded that of course his vote was influenced by the cancer, that obviously it had made him more aware of the need for health insurance. This is NOT what Sen. Johnson said. He claimed that the combination of the brain tumor and the fact that the vote occurred at 1:30 in the morning made McCain confused and unclear as to what his vote would mean.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
7 years ago

About half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election until the country can fix this problem.

So, in other words, until the twelfth of never, because the “voter fraud” problem is imaginary.

Republicans, of course, aren’t the least bit concerned about the actually-existing voter suppression problem. It’s what wins them elections.

Notice they didn’t phrase the question as “until the country can make sure that all registered American citizens can vote”. It’s “only eligible American citizens”. Translation: white, and Republican.

I seem to recall that the Constitution and the US Code mandate four-year presidential terms and the appointment of state electors at the end of each term. If electors aren’t selected by ballot box, then the task falls to state legislatures. Postponing an election for any reason would require extraordinary justification, would likely be challenged in court (assuming we still have courts in 2020), and would amount to a coup.

Still, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to try and pull something like that, if he gets desperate enough. Right now, the Presidency is the only thing protecting him from a lifetime in an orange jumpsuit. He’s not going to give up the office without a fight.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
7 years ago

I saw that article in the WaPo and made a scathing reply. The idea that a raise in the minimum wage can be characterized as a “Free Lunch” just stinks of entitlement. (Although, to be fair, she was quoting a conservative pundit at first — but then she “owned” it.)

7 years ago

Sen. Ron Johnson clearly missed McCain doing EXACTLY what he wanted to. I saw absolutely no confusion, and I was watching C-Span live (for almost the first time ever, surely the longest I’ve ever watched it live).

Fuck Sen. Enzi, as well, for not allowing questions of any sort during his stupid mini-filibuster. All it did was delay the vote until 1:30. Perhaps helping McCain decide that the rest of the Republicans weren’t legislating in good faith. Murkowski and Collins still deserve tons of credit for voting against the Republican Only healthcare bills, too.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

Right now, the Presidency is the only thing protecting him from a lifetime in an orange jumpsuit. He’s not going to give up the office without a fight.

If that man leaves office EVER without being dragged, kicking and screaming, I will be pleasantly surprised.

Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
Hambeast, disorderly she-tornado and breaker of windows
7 years ago

I just finished watching the Wal Mart video wwth posted. A fair amount of that stuff is SOP for most any national chain retailer. The wage theft, under-staffing, lawsuits? Saw all of that at the national craft and fabric chain I worked at for ten years. Even so, I maintain that they’re one of the better retail employers. And. That’s. SAD.

Shortly after I started working there in 2000, they settled a class action lawsuit involving unpaid overtime of salaried workers (keyholders.) I got notification about a year before I quit of another lawsuit over shorted breaks and lunch periods for hourly workers. Did I join it? Hell no! I figured the district and store managers might very well find out who did join and make their lives harder. Don’t know if I was right or not; wasn’t going to take the chance.

Like I said, SAD! But heaven forfend that businesses have to be regulated to prevent these sorts of abuses.

7 years ago


I’d say a lot more of what I wish on Trump, his enablers, & every rat who voted for him– but it would violate this site’s milquetoast TOS.

Hey buddy, I have seen so many friends leave this site because we had a more permissive comments policy.

This place is a lot less volatile than it used to be, thanks in no small part to the comments policy.

You don’t gotta like it. I’m not asking you to like it. But it’s there for a reason and that’s not because we’re all bleeding-heart liberals. So please respect it. You wanna wish terrible things on Trump, go do it somewhere else — and probably not in writing if you’re in the US, because it’s a felony to wish harm to the President.

Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins
Carl Gordon Jenkins Gordon Jenkins
7 years ago

I shouldn’t be surprised that the very thing fear-mongers were saying Obama would do, specifically postponing elections due to a national security crisis he would cause, is A-ok if their fella does it.

Still a little surprised though.

7 years ago

Republicans do like projection, don’t they. “We would want that if we were in charge, so the Democrats MUST be wanting to do it now!”

Not surprised at all. Everything they’ve accused (or had evidence) of Democrats doing, there’s accusations (or evidence) of Republicans doing very similar, or worse, things.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
7 years ago

Regarding Lego, when our younger son was younger, we would get him the ‘make this thing’ kits. After making ‘this thing’, he would usually take it to pieces and assemble them into something entirely different.