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World contemplates Armageddon, Trump goes golfing: Today in Tweets

The Golf Course of Trumpy Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

By David Futrelle

Good news everyone! A day after scaring the shit out of everyone in the world, particularly those living on the Korean peninsula or in Guam, our dear illegitimate president managed to work a game of golf into his otherwise busy empty schedule.

That story leads our Twitter roundup today. There are also some cute animals, but they come later.

Trump also found time today to post a “video” of the song “God Bless the USA” that was basically nothing more than a series of pictures of … himself.

I wonder if this is what the “good news about Trump” packets he reportedly gets delivered to him twice a day look like.

Trump may have been able to move on from the whole North Korea/possible nuclear Armageddon thing but not everyone else has. Β Luckily this alt-right icon shithead has a solution!

In other news:

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Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

So, along with the usual back-to-school supplies like binders, pens, and notebook paper, I can’t forget a rifle or two? Good God.

To rout grizzly bears, doncha know.

I also resent misanthropy.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Omg, that baby Lynx. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

7 years ago

So I did some research on the skyscraper I’ll be working from since earthquakes are a very real possibility (it’s reinforced masonry, so it should hold up), but now I’m worried about nukes.

7 years ago

I swear that lynx almost looks apologetic for it’s cute little meow.

Completely adorable.

Strawberry Wizard
Strawberry Wizard
7 years ago

To be fair though, those aren’t actually Lego sets. You can tell by how the minifigs legs are different and more importantly the logo being a different company.

7 years ago

I’m betting the wal mart thing is either a trick of perspective or some sort of freak accident. I’ve worked at a wal-mart where a poster with the store manager’s face was meant to be put up on the wall near the bathrooms but something got mixed up and they were put up inside the bathrooms so there was a giant picture of our boss staring at you while you peed.

7 years ago

Having worked in retail, I’ll tell you that some of those “photos of stupid retail displays” are set up by people (not necessarily employees) who want to post them on social media.

Some of them are just employees getting back at the corporation any way they can.

That’s not what’s normally on top of that gun case.

7 years ago

Strawberry Wizard

To be fair though, those aren’t actually Lego sets. You can tell by how the minifigs legs are different and more importantly the logo being a different company.

Also, it clearly says “Oxford town” on the box. So, a different brand.

And seconding that the Wal-mart thing was probably a customer grabbing one of the back to school promo signs and putting it above the gun case.

On another note, I would love to know the percentage of people who complain about “free rides” come from wealthy families and had a free ride their whole life.

7 years ago

On another note, I would love to know the percentage of people who complain about β€œfree rides” come from wealthy families and had a free ride their whole life.

I’ve noticed a mix of people like you mentioned and cishet white dudes from middle-class and below families who are upset that they didn’t get a completely free ride even though they feel entitled to one.

7 years ago

Darth Putin @DarthPutinKGB
If Trump really wants to destroy North Korea he should run it as one of his businesses.

Okay, I laughed. Also, “Darth Putin” is a funny name.

Dat lynx roar!

7 years ago

This is minor, but it’s sad to see those Legos. I mean, above and beyond the Police State theme. There really isn’t much room for children to be creative with them. They fit together one way, and ONLY one way. Oh well, I suppose not everyone sees inventiveness, imagination, and creativity as good things.

That is pretty much all lego now a days. Themed sets that are meant to go together one way like a standard model kit. When I was a kid they had sets that were more free form. Sure they came with instructions for building certain things and they still had themed sets but back then I think lego was still more of ‘build what you want’ type of toy

varalys the dark
7 years ago

My nephew would love those Lego-style sets. But he’s three years old today so at least has an excuse of not knowing any better. I hope they are still on sale when he’s a bit older because I’d buy them for him just to super annoy my sister.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
7 years ago

The Economist has a big run down on the situation with North Korea. The most chilling thing about it was a rundown in how it could hypothetically happen due to a combination of unforeseen reactions which in turn lead to a chain reaction of escalations. The Economist put the hypothetical level of casualties for the US alone (not counting South or North Korea) at 300,000 (both military And civilians in country) with a humanitarian crisis at China’s border. This did not take into account any responses by China. This also didn’t take into account the effects of radioactive fallout on Korea, China, or Japan. Absolutely chilling and the issue is well worth picking up for both the news and the hypothetical.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer

I recall having transitional sets where they came with instructions for making 2-4 different things with the set, that was designed tp male only those.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

My Legos were just varying rectangles in primary and neutral colors. I also had an onion on my belt.

7 years ago

@Fabe : you’re wrong on lego set ; the new sets aren’t any less free form than before.

@Dalillama : they still exist. The only discutable part is whether they are designed to male only, but I guess it’s a possible interpretation.

(I said that as an actual lego collector. The funny thing being that thoses concern have like, more than twenty year)

7 years ago

I liked both the freeform “bucket o’ bricks” and the “follow-the-instructions” models. Was going to point out before I saw Strawberry Wizard’s post that yeah, those aren’t an official set, though they look like they’d be compatible with standard Legos. They’re intimidating, but not nearly as bad as if the real Lego company was producing them (given that one wouldn’t expect police state cheerleading from a Denmark company).

Gipsz Jakab
Gipsz Jakab
7 years ago

Yeah, as a Lego enthusiast, I have to echo Strawberry Wizard and Ohlmann:

First, those are knockoffs, not official Lego sets.

Second, Lego produces a variety of different sets, ranging from freeform like the Creator line, to themed/licensed sets that are geared towards one primary model. But there’s still nothing stopping you from using their pieces to build something else. There’s the occasional big, heavily specialized piece that can’t really be used for anything else (some airplane cockpit pieces come to mind, for example), but the vast majority are quite versatile.

Oh, and a minor nitpick: the plural of ‘Lego’ is still ‘Lego’. Or “Lego bricks”/”Lego sets” if we want to get really pedantic, but just ‘Lego’ works fine.

7 years ago

Whatever Clinton would have done she would not have done this. Unlike Trump she is actually a politician and knows better. Not saying she is perfect, but this is SO far from OK.

7 years ago

(as an aside, and while there is plenty of criticable part of it, I *love* their current line of elf, because they are full of badass girl exploring a fantasy universe, and aren’t any less impressive than the “designed for men” set. I do hope they will stop doing blatantly gendered adventure line, but I find them high quality enough to get over that)

7 years ago

“Own the school year like a …” WHAT???

The hero = the person with the biggest gun.

Isn’t that the attitude which has got us into this mess in the first place?

7 years ago

Walmart apologized and said it was a true thing BTW :

That do seem particulary bone headed even from walmart.

Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
Weird (thumper of trumpanzees) Eddie
7 years ago

@ wwth;

My Legos were just varying rectangles in primary and neutral colors. I also had an onion on my belt.

Yeah, when I was a kid, legos came in a big box… or maybe a can, I’m conflating “Legos” and “Lincoln Logs” and “Tinkertoys” in my mind…. Anyways, if you wanted a “theme”, you made one up.

As for the onion…?

“… hang green onions ’round your neck, keep th’ vampires away, precious thing!!”
Wolfman Jack, American Graffiti, 1973-ish

πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

7 years ago

Haven’t commented for a while ‘cos I’ve not been near the internet (I was in Norfolk…) but I thought I’d share the following ‘cos it’s how I feel:

In Nottingham, there is a pub called the Raglan Road Irish Bar. There are at least 2 good reasons for going in – one, it has some nice caves that have only recently been opened for drinking purposes, and two, its urinal:

If a nuclear conflict does kick off, it won’t be just a tragedy for the peoples of the Koreas, Guam, or the USA – the environmental, economic and social effects will be global and irrevocable. In fact it won’t be a tragedy at all, because that implies it will have happened accidentally, like an earthquake – it will be one of the most despicable acts of avoidable, unnecessary political murder ever to have been perpetrated.

So I think I’ll go piss on his photo again, next time I’m in Nottingham. It’s the very least I can do.


Please accept my condolences for your loss.

7 years ago

Walmart acknowledged it happened, and removed the sign. They haven’t confirmed that it was “standard merchandising” (pretty damn unlikely), “some idiot customer at the store” (probably), or “an employee who is getting written up as we type” (maybe).

Saying “it was a true thing” is not a good summary of their response.