MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOW: I don’t hate women but I wish I could go around all day telling them to f*ck off

Hey, lady, I got something to say to you

By David Futrelle

Found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:

cleats4u 2 points 1 day ago I don't hate women but I can't stand being around them for any length of time. Sooner or later if I'm in their presence they are going to want something. It takes all my energy sometimes to not tell them to fuck off. I have told them that and it felt good. Too good! I could literally walk around all day telling women to go fuck themselves.

Golly, I wonder what these guys would be saying if they actually did hate women?

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

I could literally walk around all day telling begging women to go fuck please fuck themselves me

Say what you mean, fam…

7 years ago

Don’t they already do that

7 years ago

Well, yeah, but they want there not to be consequences for it.

7 years ago


“He’s right. I keep wanting something from MGTOW. I want them to actually go their own way. I guess I’m just a selfish female like that.”

They can’t go their own way. That’s what bothers them so much.

7 years ago

“They’re going to want something…”

Yeah, and it’s not your dick, bubba. Go fix me a carburetor.

7 years ago

The great thing about men is that we never want things.

Hi Boris, being a man myself, this had me curious. I knew about not bwing enntitled, but not wanting anything? And how you formulatef it, might suggest that how volitive we are varies with gender more than individually or, according to essentialists, only with what’s between our legs, because we can see how mgtow or radical mras act totallynot entitled, not wanting or expecting anything.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

kupo | August 6, 2017 at 12:23 pm
Well, yeah, but they want there not to be consequences for it.

comment image

What Miggies and their ilk want is zero consequences for the way they want to treat The Dreaded Feeeemale. They essentially want women to be second class citizens, who cannot complain when The Righteous (Cishet White Christian) Man does what he likes with them.

And anything less than that is simultaneously A Conspiracy To Keep Us Down and A Plot To Destroy Us, The Superiors.

Grace of Spades
Grace of Spades
7 years ago

If men don’t want anything, why have I made all these sammiches?

Wait, my girlfriend likes sammiches also. Problem solved!

7 years ago

Maybe he’s still mad that his Mom made him do chores!

7 years ago

@ingmar – pretty sure Boris was being a little ironic there. Of course men want things – because they’re human. And even the most self-sacrificing human has wants (and needs!).

Dang it – I still haven’t made my new boyfriend a sammich. Closest I’ve gotten is being in the room while he prepped materials for sandwiches and then we each made our own when we got to the picnic spot. To be fair, I was making breakfast while he was doing that, but I still have to wonder if I’m somehow girlfriending wrong. 🙂