By David Futrelle
Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi tip sheet DailyStormer.com, doesn’t usually have many nice things to say about Muslims, especially Muslims living in the West. But he’s made an exception of two young Londoners, Mujahid Arshid, and Vincent Tappu.
What makes these two fellows “honorable,” in Anglin’s eyes? Arshid has been charged with the brutal rape and murder of 19-year-old Celine Dookhran and the kidnapping, rape and attempted murder of another young woman who survived her assault; Tappu has been charged in the kidnapping of both women. According to prosecutors, the two were enraged that Dookhram, of Indian descent, was planning to marry an Arab man.
And so, while acknowledging that the violence inflicted upon these two women was “gruesome,” Anglin actually praises the alleged killer and his accomplice for their “hardcore defense of [their] race.”
In a recent post on The Daily Stormer (archived here), Anglin declares
the men who did it were defending their race, and as extreme and gross as the act was, you have to have a little bit of respect for them.
Reveling in the bloody details of the crime, Anglin writes admiringly that
These guys kidnapped women of their own race and raped them, and after one escaped with her throat half-slit, they chopped the other up and stuffed her in a freezer.
Because the women were race-mixing.
Anglin goes on to urge white men in the west to emulate the two — at least up to a point.
So I’m just going to throw this out there: imagine if white men cared this much about their own women race-mixing. …
I’m certainly not implying White men should be kidnapping White female race-mixers, raping them and chopping them up and shoving them in freezers for fucking n***ers. Although honestly, I wouldn’t feel bad if that happened, it is more than our women would require to get back in line.
Instead of murdering “race-mixing” white women, Anglin suggests that white men simply harass them viciously in public.
If we had a movement to shame these whores, that would go a long, long way. If you see these people in Walmart, for instance, look the white woman directly in the eyes and say “how does that n***er dick taste, whore?”
You can’t get in trouble for that. Her buck is not going to attack you in a Walmart, and if he does he’ll be arrested and it will get in the media. Which is good. They won’t print your name, because you are the victim, but they will say that you made a “racially insensitive comment about the woman’s mixed race relationship.”
You can also yell from your car. If you see women with someone of another race, slow down, roll down your window and yell: “n***er-fucking whore! What does your father think????”
Just start doing this.
Now. …
If you look a woman in the eye and call her a n***er-fucking whore, she will remember that for the rest of her life.
Do it.
Once again, it seems the main difference between American neo-Nazis and the Islamist fanatics they so often denounce are the colors of their respective skins.
H/T — FSTDT.com
First thought: Ohio actually issues plastic cards to learners? Back when I had my learner’s permit in California, we just had a printed half-sheet of paper stapled to a few other half-sheets listing all the restrictions on them, including NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION in all caps.
Second thought: Depending on when he first entered the BMV system, those height and weight figures could be up to a decade out of date. If Ohio works the same way as California, they might not necessarily update height and weight when documents are issued or renewed (CA didn’t when I got my license renewed, and I’d gotten substantially heavier since it was first issued).
I think all states nowadays have gone to the plastic Learners Permit cards. Easier to take care of than paper, and they can be used as a legal ID for getting Baby’s First Job(s).
About whether this particular Ohio ID haas current info, I have no clue.
Funny story about plastic permits…
My wife got her permit in Georgia. When she moved out to CA, she took it with her to the DMV to get it transferred to this state.
So the DMV clerk read the info off her card and started to get her set up with a CA… License. She dutifully pointed out that the original document was in fact a permit, but because it was plastic, the clerk REFUSED to believe this.
It quickly escalated to a supervisor, and then a supervisor’s supervisor. Every one of them condescendingly explained to her that no, it was a license see, because it’s on plastic. If it was a permit it would be on paper, because obviously no other DMV could have different rules!
Eventually, she gave up and let them bully her into leaving with a full-fledged license she never tested or finished the experience requirements for.
Ok, I’ve been lurking since the whole Elliot Rodgers thing. (I was really perplexed as to how this mindset is formed. [no good answer as of yet]). I honestly can’t fathom how a person gets to the point of encouraging hate and violence as an answer to anything.
I really want to believe that these opinions are a result of internet anonymity and would never be voiced or acted upon IRL, barring severe mental instability. Is there any hope that I am right? Is it really that naive to believe that IRL people tend to act in ways that protect human rights?
After all, I’ve never met anyone who openly admitted to any of the disgusting beliefs I’ve read about online.
What if her answer to ‘how does it taste?’ was ‘pretty good, actually, probably better than yours?’
This POS is overlooking one very obvious point. It wasn’t white women who were the first “race traitors”, taking their all-important White DNA outside the glorious (and fragile) White Master Race.
That would be white men, raping the local women in the lands they colonised.
For some reason this one really pushed my buttons. Fuck this creep.
I was thinking something similar, but with an “why, do you want to taste it?”
Andrew Anglin is such an arsehole. Why is it that women are always blamed for a man’s actions, even when she is was murdered horribly by a man?
@Beccaf03 : I love your optimism, but it’s misplaced. People say and do that all the time.
The proportion of people who think that but isn’t ready to act is mercifully pretty high. But it can change, for example if it’s better socially accepted. That’s why thoses bozos are so dangerous..
are… are you coming onto my bf? you cant have it
Okay, this is fucking it. I literally don’t know what to say, mostly because I no longer have anything to say about Anglin that doesn’t breach the comments policy one way or another.
Only tangentially related because my brain isn’t coping with the vileness of the rapists/murders, and Andrew Anglin;
The following doesn’t change the fact that imperialism is a horrible institution and there were a lot of abuses under the various European empires. Some relationships were not consensual but that wasn’t always the case.
I’m reading a book at the moment called ‘Ribbons among the Rajahs’ about European women in India before the Raj, so from 1700 to the First War of Independence. There weren’t many British women in India although numbers increased over the 150 years. As a result there were a lot of marriages between Indian women and British men, that were long-lasting and loving. Grave stones and letters attest to the length and strength of the marriages. There were several cases of what could be described as initially ‘diplomatic marriages’ between HEIC officers and the daughters of high ranking Indians, that turned into life-long and highly loving marriages, resulting in a generation of Anglo-Indian ‘mixed race’ children.
People were a bit embarrassed during the Raj that they might have had a ‘mixed-race’ ancestor, but by then the interaction between Indians and British was a lot more restricted. In the early years, a lot of Britons sent to India ‘went native’, converting to Hinduism or Islam, learning the local languages, and studying the local cultures to the extent that they were considered experts in Europe, coming home with a ship full of zoological samples, furniture and an Indian wife, who had to acclimatise to British culture and climate.
Long before, when the Dutch and Portuguese were building their empires in India and Indonesia, it was perfectly normal for there to be intermarriage, although later British commentators complained that the Dutch-Indian women were indolent and uneducated. Going even further back, there were marriages all around the Mediterranean during the Ancient Greek and Roman Empires.
‘Race-mixing’ has always happened, it’s normal. People love and lust after who they love and lust after. Andrew Anglin and the fascists he’s encouraging are ignorant of history, human nature and biology.
It’s just astonishing that he thinks he came up with this idea.
My extended family is racially diverse in ways that show as well as in ways that don’t. We’ve most of us had some kind of abuse in public at some time or another when we’ve been walking with relatives we don’t seem to “match” – in the eyes of repugnant fools. I was out with the grandsprogs, whose heritage includes Kenyan as well as English, Scots, Irish, German, Spanish and Jewish, and got yelled at not long ago.
The daftest example came from my husband’s auntie by (first) marriage. She and her sister used to walk around arm in arm in London in the 70s and 80s. One of them is very dark and the other very light and they used to get a lot of homophobic and racist abuse from horrible, horrible people.
I was going to bring up that same point about Anglin. I remembered that photo with him and his DL. I’ve got a half-inch on him?.
The rules against abelist language don’t permit me to make the statements I want to make about his physical size, and his probable attitude towards it.
Sooner or later, Anglin will get his. Guaranteed. A misanthropic, attention-addicted internet tough guy who has carried that to it’s logical end point.
I look forward to whatever unpleasantness awaits him.
Andy : I very much fear that he will kill or maim one or more people the day he snap.
What a moron.
Response: “Looks like you’re eager to find out, but this one is taken.”
Might be a bit dangerous to call out a Nazi like that, though.
@Nanny Oggs Bosom
My mother-in-law is one of those Dutch-Indonesian women. Indolent and uneducated? Nothing could be further than the truth. She’s in her 90s now, and an invalid, but she was a teacher, married a Dutchman 7 years her junior, and went on to have 7 children. She’s half Dutch and half Indonesian.
BTW, Celine Dookhran, the poor victimized woman in the photo, is beautiful.
@Ohlmann: I think the damage he will do is mostly going to be internet-based. Some of his crazed followers will probably read his insanity and act out in real life.
But Anglin himself? I just don’t see it. He prefers not getting his hands dirty.
He’s storing up a while heap of trouble for himself, and if the law doesn’t bring him down, something else is going to come long and completely destroy his life.
I see Alex Jones ending up the same way, personally.
Also the degree to which they are willing to risk jail time “defending” their backwards ideology.
Judging from the post being discussed here, Anglin is perfectly happy to risk jail time.
Jail time for someone else, of course, but that’s a minor detail.
Her buck? Is she leading a male reindeer on a leash around Walmart or something’s? I think there are laws against that.
Seriously, Anglin, if you’re that concerned about sexual relationships of total strangers, why don’t you give them your name, address, and phone number when you make these little….observations. I’m sure they’d be happy to talk to you about it up close and personally.
@Anglin, hisssssssssssss
@beccaf03, welcome! You have been lurking awhile then, thank you for saying hello! I really do wish that your hope was true, but I’ve met people with pretty nasty opinions. Have even had a close friend recently reveal some of those terrible opinions to me. More than one friend even. It’s traumatic! We assume a lot about the people we know, but lots can remain unspoken and assumed. (I also live in a pretty conservative area. Your mileage may vary!)
@Andy Cooper,
Hello! I don’t know if I’ve seen you before, welcome. I think you’re right that he’s just sort of pushing this onto his listeners/followers, but, well. Please read over the comments policy on diagnosing people as crazy over the internet! You’re sort of insulting and smearing people with actual mental issues, who are in general sweeties who don’t want to hurt anyone, and are much more likely to be the victims of violence and not the perpetrators!
This. Soooo much this. Having hyped the threat to the point of “white genocide”, proclaiming that the solution is to hurl mean words at women sounds a little pithy, doesn’t it? I mean, all the rank and file racists were coming in expecting to live out their Turner Diaries fantasies, right? “Oh, pffft, nah, we don’t want to actually risk our freedom and safety or anything. Just yell out ‘coal-burner’ at passing women and go home proud that you’ve defended the white race.”
Losers. Just effin’ losers.
Wait, I thought unironically starting your sentences with “I’m not implying that…” but still implying exactly that is for cowards. Own up to your horrid beliefs, you absolute toilet stain.
Oh wait, my bad, he is a coward. Never mind.
I’ve read that Europeans in coastal areas are more likely to have traces of African DNA than inland Europeans and Africans in coastal areas are more likely to have traces of European DNA than inland Africans. This suggests that traders would meet and have romantic relationships or short term sexual relationships in the places their ships went and some of these relationships resulted in babies.
In the US it is so common for white people to get DNA tests and find black or Native American ancestry they never knew they had.
This idea that people were hermetically sealed on their own continents until the US came into existence and even then races kept entirely separate until the past few decades when interracial marriage became legal is just baffling. A really, really basic history reading will tell you that.