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Inept Jared, Bus Seat Burqas and Anthony “Ten Days” Scaramucci: Today in Tweets

At least this explanation makes some sense

In today’s Tweet roundup: Bus-seat burqas, Jared’s “incompetence” defense, and a cute little puppy!

Oh, and there are a few Tweets on the subject of a certain former White House communications director who, you may have heard, lost his job yesterday. We’ll get to those in a second.

But first, the other news of the day:

Click on the link for this one. The pic in question has been making its way around alt-right Twitter.

Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the fandango?

There’s conflicting information on Trump’s choice for a replacement:

This is the lil cutie I want as my Communications Director:

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Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ lumen8

Calvin and Hobbes

Ah love those two. And only Hobbes could sum up the entire message of Marcus Aurelius ‘Meditations’ in a single sentence. 🙂
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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

There are no scary Muslims on that bus. There are scary, ghost Muslims on trains tho

PaganReader - Misandrist Spinster

Cats Rule!

Dogs Drool


PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

@Citizen Justin,

J. K. Simmons is such a good actor.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

My cat both rules and drools.

7 years ago

The best/worst thing about the bus burqa thing is that it was a Norwegian gaggle of idiots, at first. Then some Swedish anti-racists posted it to a “Swedish-friendly” (read: neo-nazi) Facebook group. And of course they reacted as you would expect.
But their reactions when people started laughing at them is where it gets so very them.
“Well, maybe it’s not a bus full of women in burqas, but it could be, and that would have been terrible.”

7 years ago

The best/worst thing about the bus burqa thing is that it was a Norwegian gaggle of idiots, at first. Then some Swedish anti-racists posted it to a “Swedish-friendly” (read: neo-nazi) Facebook group. And of course they reacted as you would expect.
But their reactions when people started laughing at them is where it gets so very them.
“Well, maybe it’s not a bus full of women in burqas, but it could be, and that would have been terrible.”

Well this may not be a room full of women in burqas.but it could be,and that would have been terrible. More terrible then Lex luthor stealing 40 cakes.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Omg, Kushner is such a sleeze. Please let this entire administration implode on itself.

7 years ago

Random fact: according to, the lifespan of a fruit fly under optimal conditions is around 40 to 50 days, or 4 to 5 Scaramuccis. The lifespan of a house fly is 15 to 30 days.

7 years ago

I guess you could say he wasn’t a fly on the wall

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
7 years ago

There’s a fine distinction between ninjas and burqa-wearers. Suspiciously fine distinction.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

@Arctic Ape: You could be right. 😉

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 years ago

The above is from an actual TV program produced in Pakistan:

Burka Avenger saves the day

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

@Fishy Goat

I think I’m starting to understand the usual idiots’ insecurities over all them icky middle-easterners. I mean even their superheroes are so much cooler.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Burka Avenger sort of won me over with this:

supervillain Bandook’s plan to take over London, New York and Paris is ultimately foiled by visa difficulties

I have now watched a few, purely for research purposes you understand. I will be watching some more later, just to be thorough.

I particularly like that Burka Avenger’s weapons of choice are books and pens; and I don’t mean that metaphorically, that’s what she beats up the bad guys with. But in real life she’s a teacher; so there probably is deeper meaning there. It’s a very clever, and enjoyable, series. On one level it’s just a great kids cartoon; but it’s full of subtle little jokes and commentary about wider issues.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

I stumbled across Burka Avenger a few years ago, and can confirm that she is indeed a great superhero. The pro-vaccine episode is awesome.

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

A little fun with maths, brought on by recent events.

The Scaramucci (Sc) is a unit of time equal to ten Earth days.

One centiScaramucci (cSc) is 144 minutes, approximately the playing time of many feature films. The Anglo-Zanzibar war, the shortest war in history, lasted about 0.25 centiScaramuccis.

One milliScaramucci (mSc) is 15 minutes, approximately the playing time of many Youtube videos. Felix Baumgartner took 0.6 milliScaramuccis to complete his famous skydive.

One microScaramucci (μSc) is 9 seconds. A Ford Escort XR3i can go from 0 to 60 in less than one microScaramucci.

One kiloScaramucci (KSc) is 30 years, approximately the growth time of a silver fir. Duke Nukem Forever took 0.4 kiloScaramuccis to come out.

One megaScaramucci is 30,000 years. According to the Out-Of-Africa hypothesis, homo sapiens first left Africa and spread across the rest of the world 2 megaScaramuccis ago.

The Scaramouche is a unit of time equal to the duration of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody (approximately six minutes.)

One Scaramucci = 2400 Scaramouches.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ vicky p

The pro-vaccine episode is awesome.

My favourite so far is the one with the giant catapult tank (well it would be wouldn’t it). I also like the cricket match-fixing one. I’m going to send that to a friend. She’ll find it funny because her (now ex) boyfriend was a defendant in the real case it’s based on.

Someone better qualified than me could do a really good write up on the ‘politics’ of the show. Maybe they already have. I notice that oftentimes it’s the kids solving their own problems, rather than BA. But then it’s usually the sensible girls rescuing the daft boys. That’s a trope that’s never bothered me I must confess; but it’s possibly a brave one in such a patriarchal society.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Lucian Wintrich’s tweet (the one with the picture of the presidents’ faces on Mt. Rushmore and people standing below it giving it the finger) broke my irony meter temporarily.

I thought when he said “They break into our country, steal resources, then do shit like this” ( + blah blah, immigration controls) he was making a joke – the “they” meaning white people and the “shit like this” being the Mt. Rushmore sculpture.

But it turns out he’s a conservative dude and the “shit like this” was the people below it giving the finger. And according to someone in the replies, the people in the picture are Native and not Mexican immigrants… so yeah, nice try there, Wintrich.

7 years ago

God, Islamophobes are the same sort of cowardly assholes everywhere. I’ve observed them seriously discussing whether a couple of Muslims visiting a hardware store were looking to build weaponry. Because why else would Muslims visit hardware stores, right? It must be difficult to live your life as an unfriendly neighborhood bigot while projecting every bigoted thought that enters your mind to reality.

Anyway, I’m ambivalently frustrated that people keep making that Scaramouche joke everywhere. I mean, not really, I love that song to death (who doesn’t?), but I’d also like some other song to occasionally occupy my headspace.

Okay, who am I kidding? No, I don’t. Bismillah! No, we will not let you go.

7 years ago

EJ (the Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)

The Scaramouche is a unit of time equal to the duration of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody (approximately six minutes.)

Does that tell me that you’ve seen Colbert’s farewell to Scaramucci?

For those who haven’t seen it, it turns out that Colbert can sing. (Didn’t he get an award for a singing role recently?)

7 years ago

@ mildly magnificent – I am just listening to the clip on You Tube while reading the posts here (and – ahem, marking a reading test). The song kicked in at the exact second my eyes reached your post.

Scary, huh?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

@ Alan

Well, there’s what’s on the TV tropes page:

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Oh, and sharing this, just ‘cos:

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
7 years ago

Empty bus seats? HA! That’s what they WANT you to think. They’ll sit there quietly for a very long time, then one day you’ll sit down and they got you. Kinda like the Sarlacc. They’ll wrap the burqa around you and slowly digest you for a thousand years.