By David Futrelle
Is loopy alt-lite “journalist” Mike Cernovich losing it? Admittedly, with Cernovich his normal behavior is already so bizarre it would be hard to tell, but his unhinged reaction to a guy who gently trolled him at Politicon the other day has me wondering.
The story so far, as best as I can figure it out: At Politcon, a convention that’s been described as “the Coachella of politics,” a young man bearing a striking resemblance to Max Fischer in the movie Rushmore gently touched Cernovich on the arm before launching into a jokey spiel about the wonders of Cernovich’s “Gorilla Mindset” supplements.
Quickly gathering that the young man was not a real fan, the rattled “mindset expert” sped off, repeatedly warning the young man to “stay out of my space, bro” and announcing to everyone in earshot (as well as to his audience on Periscope) that he was being followed by “a creepy stalker” and that “that guy was talking about pedophiles, so watch out for him.”
Now Cernovich has apparently decided that the young man in question was possibly “a replicant” or “a demon” sent to kill him, and that his life is now in danger. And no, Cernovich doesn’t seem to be joking about the replicant/demon stuff.
Seriously, watch this:
Is he trying to steal Alex Jones’ schtick? Or has he severed his last connections to reality?
I’m guessing it’s a little from column a and a little from column b.
Here’s the original encounter at Politicon that triggered this apparent meltdown:
Now, I can’t say I exactly endorse what the bespectacled troll did here — I mean, seriously, don’t go around putting your hands on people you don’t know, even lightly. But TV journalists doing live shots face even more ridiculous trolling — if not outright harassment and assault — on a daily basis and somehow don’t end up ranting about replicants and demons.
This isn’t the first time Cernovich has made a giant stink about people touching him in public. At a rally in Austin earlier this year, he repeatedly shouted “I’m being assaulted” after being gently nudged by rallygoers who got tired of his disruptions; you can find video of the entire horrifying nudging ordeal here.
But I don’t remember him accusing anyone involved in that incident of being a murderous biorobotic android.
I’m not the only one wondering if Cernovich is going off the deep end. Take a look at this little compilation:
Mike @Cernovich's life is in free fall. Recently divorced and is drinking heavily. He even accosted a loyal #GorillaMindset fan. Not good. pic.twitter.com/sB5sBGz7F9
— Nathan Bernard (@nathanTbernard) July 30, 2017
And then there was this weird video of his:
this broadcast could be why she divorced Weird Mike. Stream ends abruptly when wife enters room. Very bad. pic.twitter.com/aBNI7df3T1
— Nathan Bernard (@nathanTbernard) July 28, 2017
(FWIW, as far as I know, Cernovich is still with his second wife, though I can’t for the life of me understand why she is still with him.)
All this is pretty odd, even by Cernovich’s extravagantly weird standards.
As Rachel Maddow likes to say, watch this space.
Though we can’t say for certain what’s really up with him, I would at least venture to say he seems dangerous in several unsettling ways. :/
I can’t remember, has Mike Cernovich flirted with sovereign citizen-type shit?
His behaviour certainly is erratic, but I thought speculation about his mental health would be strictly off limits as per the comments policy?
I don’t know what any of this says about Cernovich’s mental health; people believe all sorts of weird things.
But he’s behaving even more weirdly than usual and his beliefs seem to be getting stranger and stranger. I’m not saying he’s started talking about demons and replicants because he’s having some sort of psychotic break — I don’t have any evidence of that nor do I think that’s what’s going on. But he IS talking about replicants and demons, and seems sincere. Whether he believes this stuff or if it’s an act — an Alex Jones impersonation — I don’t know, but I think it makes him more dangerous. Someone brought a gun to the restaurant targeted by the Pizzagate conspiracy theorists (including Cernovich). Might his talk of demons inspire one of his followers to go after the politicon troll?
Nice to see Mikey finally having his “FHRITP” moment. Although in his case, “Fuck Him Right In The Penis” might be just what he wants.
Damn. Replicants are the wurst.
Ah, Juicebro. Never fails to deliver drama.
Oh I dunno, the Elizabeth Weir replicant was pretty good.
Well, that was about as dull a drunk monologue as I’ve ever heard.
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
July 30, 2017 at 9:40 pm
Damn. Replicants are the wurst.
A couple of those clips make me think he’s under the influence of… something. Maybe alcohol, maybe pills, maybe a combo; I don’t know his life.
For the rest of it, I dunno. It’s possible that he’s suffering. It’s possible that he’s pretending. It’s also possible that he started out pretending and has convinced himself that he’s really under attack from some vague, undefined source that he’s calling replicants and demons.
I imagine it would be hard to live and talk and behave as he does without inviting in a few demons, of whatever provenance.
He like the man he is a cheerleader for is having a breakdown. He is worried that he will be caught up in the Russia investigation. He has said as much this week. He along with Trump have complained about Sessions not being able to stop the Independent Counsel and is really starting to freak out since a few of his buddies have already been subpoenaed and he is worried that he is next. Which means if any amount of pressure is applied to him he will pop. Although he has now revealed a little more than he should have. Interestingly enough we may have what will break the Republican’s trust of Trump because it involves something they can almost certainly fake disliking to look good. Trump Modeling Agency has recently had some accusations leveled against it that it participated in Human Trafficking which may hold a little more weight since Trump himself accidently talked about it recently too. Well, word on the street is that Epstein recorded a certain orange menace in a rather dubious act. But even more than that we may finally find out what happened to Maria. maria was a little girl around 13 that has no connection to Katie that I know of that was sexually assaulted by Trump. The reason the Katie stuff was swept under the rug was because Trump has actually said to not say anything about hit and bringing up that Maria disappeared and said that he was capable of having her family killed, sound familiar.
Long story short the failed lawyer is worried that he will go to prison and if he is connected to human trafficking and sexual assault he would probably be dead within the week. Since he projects in much the way Trump himself does. These people are very easy to read once you know what to look for.
Mike Cernovich may be a poster child against taking self designed supplement regimens and illegal (to be sold as supplements in the US) nootropic drugs.
I like that his site for Gorilla Mindset book still includes posts on the front page about having the book professionally edited before publication, and has a link to subscribe for updates on when it’ll be released. Hint: It’s already available.
Also, really? “Take supplement (piracetam) to improve blood flow in brain”. FDA says “no approved medical use, and may not be sold as a dietary supplement”. Possible side effects (from Wikipedia, may not be accurate): anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, agitation, nervousness, tremor, and hyperkinesia.
ETA: Micharion, which “he” are you talking about in that? There’s enough “he”s in there that I am a bit confused as to which one is which.
Hey, be nice, Cernovich! The guy who approached you was probably mentally ill! Can’t you just take a compliment? Gosh. /absolute sarcasm
Seriously, people invading your personal space sucks, but what he describes is basically ‘a usual day working customer service’ level of harassment. Even people who are extremely touch sensitive don’t describe people tapping their shoulders and mildly bothering them as demons and/or replicants. Dude’s got skin thinner than cellophane.
Okay, yeah I can see how vague that could be. I am talking about Cernovich which weirdly for me is the only one I don’t actually talk about by name yet I do name Dumpf. Honestly I did leave a bit more out than I should have though. Basically I was saying that Cernovich accidently revealed he knows about Trumps proclivities but ended up saying it out loud. Him and the alt-right do have a tendency to project onto other people, which would be why he called the troll a pedophile. I got nothing of the other stuff he said about him though.
Crank magnetism and substance abuse just don’t mix, do they?
So I guess Mike will be demanding this guy submit to a Voight-Kampff
test to see if he is in fact a replicant .
Cernovich is weird but he’s nowhere near as scary as Andrew Anglin, who thinks chopping up women and stuffing them in the freezer is a good idea. I wonder if anybody has checked HIS freezer lately.
“It just goes to show how dangerous it is for anybody who is doing actual journalism.”
Move over Larry Burrows, Robert Capa and Catherine Leroy. The real journalists are here!
Ah, so MC is both anxious, and paranoid, and we are out to get him (well, on the net anyway). Got it!
Anyone else paranoid that MC is also the initials for “Mind Control”?
From the previous thread, but def on topic for this one:
Someone asked
Who says “as I did journalism”?
Answer: Not a real journalist. Unless, maybe, they were writing in a journal at the time, and … no, not really even then. Unless they’re Cernovich, in which case, walking around talking to a cell phone camera apparently counts as “journalism”. I’d call it “life blogging”, or “vlogging”, or “being an ass who thinks he’s more important than everyone in the room nearby”.
Next time, somebody (should be older than MC for reasons mentioned further) should pretend to be impressed by the functions of the amazing cell phone that MC uses. It’s really cool that you can record video! I didn’t realize they could get cameras that small these days. What’s the resolution? That’s better than a DVD, isn’t it. How good is the microphone? (If the questioner isn’t older than MC, these sorts of “wow that’s cool” questions start looking more obvious as trolling)
If he should happen to read this, I’m setting him up to treat older people rudely, as he does with younger-looking ones. Annoyed enough yet, Cerno? Everyone in your life is now a possible troll.
I apologize. “anxious and paranoid” language I used in earlier post should probably be removed, per Comment Policy.
Rather OT, but
I am a published author.
Congrats Dali!
Congratulations Dali!
Congratulations Dali! Make some shelf space!