By David Futrelle
The Federalist — the tradcon clickbait site with the oddly wonky name — has won itself a vast audience of hate-readers by posting some of the most ridiculously backward crap on gender you’re likely to find outside of Return of Kings. Federalist posts regularly go viral on the sheer strength of their stupidity.
Well, it looks like they’ve got another potential hit on their hands, a post with the lovely title “How Acting Like A Feminist Can Ruin Your Marriage.” The writer, a self-described “homeschooling mother of four [with] a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America” named Carrie Gress, is worried that feminism is making women too girl-powery to be attractive to men.
“Women today are supposed to ‘be bold and assertive,'” she writes, “but could all this girl-power actually undermine our best efforts at finding marital bliss?”
You can probably guess how she answers this question.
Feminism has ushered in a near-universal trend for women to “just one of the boys” or to be better than the boys. It is reflected in our sarcasm, sexual habits, attire, and goals. A recent study found that women are now dropping the f-bomb more than men.
“Fight like a girl,” “Strong is the new pretty,” and “Find your fierce” may sound nice, but we have to ask if they have led women to happiness or an endless fluctuation between ferocity and victimhood.
It’s fairly familiar stuff so far, but Gress breaks new ground with her suggestions on how women can learn how to be the traditional “country girls” of every man’s alleged dreams. It involves Italian poetry, the Grateful Dead, and … Sting. Yes, that Sting.
You can learn a lot if you listen to men when they don’t know we are listening: poetry and music.
From the dawn of time, men croon about particular attributes especially found in women: loyalty, sweetness, a calming presence, kindness, thoughtfulness. Looking past lyrics dripping with lust, a pattern emerges. Dante, the Beatles, Elvis, James Taylor, Sting, The Grateful Dead, Tim McGraw, and on and on—all speak of loving a truthful, kind, loyal, soulful woman who brings them peace. There has been no love song dedicated to a nagging, angry, self-absorbed woman.
Well, none that I can think of offhand. Can any of you think of some? If not, well, there’s literally nothing stopping anyone from writing songs like this and maybe posting them here hint hint nudge nudge knowhatImean?
Also, I’m not quite sure that Mrs. Gress has been listening all that carefully to Beatles lyrics, because if she had been she surely would have noticed that, in addition to writing assorted silly love songs, the Beatles also wrote songs about:
- Setting a woman’s house on fire because she says no to sex
- Murdering a woman for being unfaithful
- Randomly murdering one’s date because why not?
So I’m not sure Beatles lyrics are necessarily the best guide on how to live a happy life as a woman.
Oh, and the worst bit in the Beatles’ Run for Your Life — “I’d rather see you dead, little girl/ Than to be with another man” — was ripped off word-for-word from an Elvis song, so I don’t think Elvis is necessarily the best guide either.
I would say something about Sting’s lyrics as well, but, come on, there’s no way I’m going to voluntarily go and read a bunch of Sting lyrics. Every Breath You Take is pretty creepy, though. Don’t base your life on that.
@ vicky p
Please tell me you have an atomic powered baseball bat?
Anecdote warning. Captain Sensible is such a hardcore vegan he insists on the removal of any animal derived clothing before entering his house. Bearing in mind the popularity of leather in the punk fraternity expect to see people sat on the sofa in only their pants.
Yeah, I forgot. If the love song isn’t to a Gress-approved woman, it’s only lust. There can never be a counter-example.
Does this idiot know that women write poetry themselves?
You can change just about any regular pop song into Christian rock (and vice versa) just by transposing the words ‘baby’ and ‘jesus’. Seriously, check it out.
(May not work for Sir Mix-a-lot)
Or in the cases of Adele, Taylor Swift, and Carly Rae Jepsen, apostate rock ?
I have described myself as looking like She-Hulk, and I have noticed that there are men who find my physical strength very intriguing. I’m gonna make a wild guess that different men can find different women attractive in different ways. Is there a Sting song about that?
It’s always hard for me to listen to almost any song with lyrics because of all the sexist crap… Even songs by women!
I mean come on Shakira… You’re more than your hips. And contrary to popular belief, Alanis Morrissette knows irony very well…
Of course, speaking of irony, what’s so strange is that most MRAs/MGOTW are actually very anti-art, anti-music, and anti-anything-that-involves-emotions. So this woman’s advice about music is very, very strange.
Wow, that argument was a lot more clueless than I was expecting.
Her concept of bliss and mine are completely different.
Also, Elvis was a racist pedophile.
These “traditional living” screeds always come across to me as “here is a list of things which I like, so everyone should do them, because everyone wants to be like me, of course.” The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Would they even be anti-feminists if they did? I’m pretty sure that would require a level of self-awareness that most of them lack.
Besides, why do the hard work of, you know, actually learning this stuff, when spouting bullshit is so much easier.
The reason she thinks women can’t he strong, smart, independent and kind, sensitive etc is her entire concept of women being good to men is really about women being submissive to men.
This whole hang-up about needing men to find you attractive to be happy needs to go. I have found the decision to never again consider whether or not any man finds me attractive so freeing. I’m not saying everyone needs to feel the same way. It is perfectly fine to want to be attractive and to want lovers or a partner/s, but it won’t ensure happiness and your life won’t be miserable just because you don’t turn someone else on.
If you have to compromise your own happiness and success to be attractive to someone, they aren’t worth concerning yourself with anyway.
@ Alan
Alas, I have neither atomic bat nor Nitro-9.
There are a lot of stuffy old songs about the buttocks.
Now I’m really wanting to see Whoopi in a remake of sound of music.
@ Axe
I’m embarrassed how long it took me to get that; but that’s brilliant.
@ vicky p
No worries, if we encounter a Dalek I’ll just talk it to death.
@ Alan
Can I shout, “Who’re you calling small?”
@ vicky p
How about “Shouldn’t you be posting to r/incel?” 🙂
ETA: Have you noticed that the next Dalek drops the ‘small’ having seen his mate just get battered?
@ Alan
I will have to practice how to say that in a Perivale accent.
ETA: The Daleks learn quickly. Except regarding stairs. That took a while.
A woman who has a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America really shouldn’t be recommending anything by Sting – he played a diabolical character in Brimstone and Treacle and appears to revel in it!
Real Daleks don’t worry about stairs; they just level the building.
Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake and Woman by Wolfmother are both about women who get things done.
Both have been my phone ringer. 😀
I am intelligent, have many degrees, am a hardcore Feminist, have fantastic sex with lots of Os, am beautiful without makeup, and have my own business. My husband loves me. I love him. We are happy. These boys are angry because being a responsible, interesting man is much harder than hating them.
Another song to add to the not approved by the Federalist list
Key lyric: “You have lived, and your intelligence is sexy.”