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Replace women’s brains with dog brains so they’ll have sex with us, Incel proposes

Incel sexual fantasies are weird

By David Futrelle

Recently I wrote about one inventive Incel — that is, a so-called “involuntary celibate” — who thought he had the perfect solution to his no-sex problem: Simply allow all incel organ donors to have sex with recently deceased women! After all, he reasoned, “[t]he pussy of females can be used even 2 days after their death,” and dead women can’t say no.

But what if you prefer to have sex with women who can, you know, move around and make noises and perhaps even fetch sticks for you?

Well, let me introduce you to livinginhell101, an incel Redditor with an even more ingenious solution to the “involuntary celibacy” of the world’s worst men: Simply remove women’s brains and replace them with dog brains. Hey presto! Now she’ll want to have sex with you! Apparently.

Let’s let him explain:

This amazing surgery in the near future could cure ALL incels (self.Incels) submitted 16 days ago * by livinginhell101Tranny coper, toxic cancer level = 100,000,000,000,000 Just take a dogs brain and put it into a humanoid female's body. There, fixed, no more incels ever. I'm not talking about killing anyone. We wouldn't need to do that. Just clone their bodies at a young age and substitute the inferior female humanoid brain for a loving dog one. Or females who died of brain related injuries, maybe we could revive them with superior brains. Female humanoid bodies are very desirable but its their brains that ruin everything. Their stupid brains that only lust for chads. That are total hypocrites. That make them heartless cunts without remorse. Its not like their brains end up contributing to anything for society in a significant amount. Because dumb cunts cause endless suffering and can never be satisfied. Without their shit tier brains they would be nearly perfect beings, which could be used by men for the better of society. Right now they mostly only cause problems and suffering, due to their pitiful brains and lack of humanity. Presently females and their cucks only hinder evolution and advancement of the species. Plus this would drastically lower the suicide rate for males. Which is good because males are actually capable of love, humanity, kindness, and contributing to the advancement of humans into higher and higher levels of development. I would much rather have a female humanoid organism that went "ruff ruff" and licked my face. Being playful would also be an upgrade. Of course there would be no nagging and feeding her would be easy. When I was away I would just lock it in a kennel or perhaps a bunker, some type of safe haven. Its just like reinventing women, only on an improved level with less chance of things going wrong like it did with feminism.

I have so many questions for livinginhell101 and anyone else who thinks this is a brilliant idea! Do you really want to kiss a lady with dog breath? Will you have to follow after your special dog-brained lady with a little poop bag every time you take a stroll with her outside? What if she likes rolling in filth or eating her own vomit? What if she hates bath time as much as every dog-brained dog I’ve ever known? What if she rejects you for some hot German Shepherd named Chad?

But of course the real question is: how does a dude who literally just suggested replacing women’s brains with dog brains come to the conclusion that only “males are … capable of love, humanity [and] kindness?”

The general consensus in the Incels subreddit, where this lovely proposal was submitted, is that livinginhell101’s post is hilarious “satire.” But it’s not satire to post an obviously impossible fantasy that you not-so-secretly wish could be true. Jonathan Swift didn’t write his famous “modest proposal” because he actually wanted to eat babies.

But when incels talk about fucking corpses or women with dog brains it’s because they really do want to have sex with women without having to worry about getting their consent first. Coming up with wacky scenarios like these enables them to fantasize about rape endlessly without having to admit that what’s they’re doing.

Just another reminder that incel is poison.

NOTE: This r/incels post was going around Twitter right around the time I had to take my headache break, and was even discussed in the comments here. So apologies if you’ve seen this before. But I sort of felt I needed to post about it anyway, because damn.


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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


He and/or they

Noted, sorted, and appreciated 🙂

It’s never a bad time to ask, but I get what you mean. I myself am guilty of watching very closely what everyone else calls someone just so I don’t have to ask because I’m a bit anxious about that

Yep. Also, I can’t remember the last time you were 1)around regularly and 2)not undergoing some crisis. Was gonna ask a few days back, but ya know…

It happens to me with things other than pronouns, too. And the more time passes, the more awkward it gets, because you feel like you should know that by now. Right ?

Oh, ask @Dali. It’s like pulling teeth getting me to ask questions/favors in any sorta timely manner. I worry too much. It’s a problem 😀

7 years ago


I honestly thought I was a cishet dude until I was 26- while I’d had suspicions I might be trans since I was 12 (I can’t imagine many teenage boys daydream about being girls), there wasn’t much information available back then. Since I didn’t fit any of the stereotypes for trans women (I liked girls, hadn’t definitively known since my earliest memory, wasn’t particularly interested in crossdressing, and wasn’t suicidally miserable), I assumed I couldn’t be trans, and therefore it must be some sort of bizarre kink/personality quirk/phase, and surely it would go away once I got laid/fell in love/got engaged. Well, I did all of the latter, and a few months after I proposed to my then-fiancée, I realized that it *wasn’t* going away, and if anything, was getting worse.

Fortunately my fiancée (now my wife) was supportive of me getting myself figured out (admittedly, the fact that she’s been out as bi since high school helped), and about 9 months later, I started HRT, and everything’s been pretty hunky-dory ever since.


For example, I read a lot of erotic fiction, nearly all of it involved a guy becoming a girl. usually through some sci-fi type of method. And I envied the living fuck outta them!

Boy howdy to I relate to this. It wasn’t even really a kink thing for me- I just really, really liked stories that involved a straight dude somehow getting turned into a girl and, ideally, ending up in a loving and happy lesbian relationship. For some reason, the possibility that *I might actually just be a lesbian* didn’t occur to me.

7 years ago



The indifference generally I can handle, it’s the outright bigotry and hate that tends to get to me. With the sheer amount of hostility and hate that some people react with…it’s just incomprehensible to me really.


Fortunately my fiancée (now my wife) was supportive of me getting myself figured out (admittedly, the fact that she’s been out as bi since high school helped), and about 9 months later, I started HRT, and everything’s been pretty hunky-dory ever since.

I am very glad to hear that! Without my partner’s support I know I wouldn’t even be alive now. Like your wife, she’s also bi. 🙂

For some reason, the possibility that *I might actually just be a lesbian* didn’t occur to me.

Yeah, that kinda eluded me too.

7 years ago


Omg, I just checked out that link of yours. You look magnitudes better than I do, I am envy!

7 years ago


Aw, thanks! I’m really happy with how I’ve turned out thus far. I hope you find your peace and happiness as well, and I’m glad your partner’s supportive of you 🙂

7 years ago

Trying to imagine myself as girlfriend with dog brain.

Whine and scratch at door at 5.00am

Chase squirrels and cats

Chew up the toilet paper and drink out of the toilet bowl

Rub my behind on the carpet because worms

Bury my nose in the crotch of every passer-by

Roll in rotting garbage

Eat cat poop then lick his face …

Don’t think Binky has quite thought this through, although it could be an amusing movie if you left out all the creepy rapey sex fantasies.

7 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Thank you for the kind words. Honestly I’m more worried about the repercussions if it does turn out I’m trans. I don’t have a backup plan, a job, or a friend’s house to go to if things turn out for the worst.

Thank you for sharing your story. Sorry about your abusive brother, that just ain’t right. Pretty interesting how you found your sense of comfort through cosplay.

At this point I can’t really justify trying on something like a wig, nail polish or a dress in a house full of middle aged Chinese women. I just don’t think they’d receive that well. I haven’t tried on those things before, and I never cared much for clothes other than comfort, so it’d be pretty interesting if wearing those clothes would make me feel any different. Personally speaking I’ve also never had many fantasies of being, well anyone, boy or girl as a kid. I was the silent observer in all aspects, playground, classroom, and home. I’d just mindlessly watch/listen/read/play anything without getting any real emotional reaction from it. I think it was only in high school when people started to notice I wasn’t “manly”, I just assumed that meant I wasn’t traditionally masculine. Then again I was kind of bogged down by AP classes and my previously undiagnosed depression and ADD to notice any early signs if there are any.

Yeah in retrospect that does sound like a pretty obvious sign. “What do you mean alot of people don’t read that much gender swap smut and find it super hot?” Personally never read much of that, even the well known Ranma 1/2 I didn’t think too much of it, then again I hardly ever connected with any media so it’s a mute point.

On the CW side of adult media: I don’t think I could gleam a trans narrative from that, it’s just alot of anime girls with big boobs in all sorts of scenarios. And monster girls, a whole lot of monster girl entries all about how someone would change from one person into another, happier being.

For media, I guess I could draw up the fact that I watched alot of girls’ cartoons as a kid, Totally Spies, Winx, Sailor Moon, every season of Sailor moon and and to this day I still don’t connect with any male media characters. To be fair I didn’t have and still don’t have a personal hero, but that’s another story. And a more recent example is how I keep thinking up fanfiction of XCOM: Apocalypse where I was some tall busty chick Commander who was trying desperately to juggle an alien invasion and being in the smack dab of a Mega City’s interfaction disputes. At the time I just assumed that I like them because I like them and screw anyone who says I can’t like something. Maybe after the gender therapist I can determine if that statement still stands.

@Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
I guess we all know what we all know that we all know what we- Imma stop now.

Honestly either one would be fine by me. If I really am just cis het I can say “well at least I can put that fear to rest.” If it turns out the gender therapist determines me a lesbian trans woman, I think I might have a bit of trouble getting along with any of my parents, especially my uber catholic mom who thinks that trans people aren’t real. “Hai mom just to let you know I’m an Atheist, Lesbian, Chronically Depressed, Chinese Vietnamese Trans Woman. I know that’s a mouthful but I hope that doesn’t put anything between us.”

I’m glad that you got your happy ending, reading your imgur was heartwarming.

7 years ago


I don’t have any words of wisdom to help you get through all you have and will go through, but do be kind to yourself. You are each incredible human beings for staying true to who you are despite all the obstacles you have faced.


I hope your journey finds you in a place that makes you happy and fulfilled. You’re a wonderful person no matter what gender you are. And there are plenty who will listen here to help you. I wish you the best.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@OoglyBoggles, don’t stress about what happens if it turns out that you are trans, non-binary, or other. If that’s what you discover, then nothing will have changed because you’ll have been that way for a while now. The only thing that will be different is your awareness of yourself.

There are no obligations with that awareness, either. You don’t have to transition, you don’t have to wear a certain type of clothing or behave in a certain type of way; you don’t have to go to the Trans Party rallies or wear the lapel pin or do anything. You can learn something about yourself there and then change literally nothing about your behaviour. The understanding on its own may be enough.

If you go, consider what you learn for your eyes and heart only. The entire point of it is to become comfortable in your own skin. For some people, all they need is that meeting, or something else. Others need to wear clothes or behave in certain ways to feel right. Others need surgery before the unsettled feeling calms. All of these things are fine.

Whatever solution you find is yours, for you, chosen and made by you. There’s no wrong way to go about it. Even if you decide not to go, that’s fine too. It’ll all be okay, honest!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


First off: consumed photo album. A: looking good. B: “who has two thumbs” jokes always get me.


I can only wish ye the best. That said, remember that gender isn’t a binary. You might not be strictly male or female (though you may lean towards presenting one way or the other, and this can shift depending on…time). I should know.

…That said.

@Everyone, kinda?

I’ll admit that I’ve been struggling with my own gender expression to some extent–though in the opposite general direction as most people here. (That is, AFAB individual considering as presenting masculine. Kinda.)

I’ve mentioned (mostly in song) that I’m genderqueer. The issue is, I have no idea where I tilt and some days I feel more comfortable having a vagina and breasts than others. At times, I’ve considered talking to…someone appropriate about getting (terminology eludes me) male-ifying hormones.

I just kinda…don’t know right now. I’m lucky enough that my parents reacted okay to me being genderqueer (Dad was just *shrug*, Mom seemed concerned about the connotations attached to “queer” but was okay with it).

But…bluh. That’s kinda what it amounts to.

Words would be nice.

7 years ago


Testosterone is the other hormone. You might want to be a little bit more careful with that. T really overrides E a lot of the time, and once you start growing facial hair, you will never stop.

I have a couple of friends of mine who aren’t men or women. Some of them wear dresses, others just keep their sweat pants. Key point here is that your gender is your gender, and it remains constant no matter how you present.

I definitely support considering this. Maybe you could bring this up with a therapist? Or look for information genderqueer or trans men online?

One other thing to consider if you keep going one way and then another is gender fluidity. Some folks don’t have a set gender.

Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer


Though I worry that they’re too small. 4mg of E a day.

That’s what I’m on as well. I assume you’re also getting a T blocker like spiro, which is usually a bigger dose (I’m on 200mg a day)

Maybe I should talk to him about that, since I’m not noticing substantial changes and I want more substantial changes.

I didn’t see much change that I noticed in the first 6 months, but outside observers saw more. Self-image is a pisser sometimes. Also, it’s nonlinear. The changes start slow, then accelerate. My body is changing more every month now than it was in the whole first 6 months. (I’m 16 months in now)

And certainly changing your hormone balance alters your sexual attraction. This is why I’ve gone from kinda straight to super straight. Instead of from liking women in a heterosexual way to liking women in a gay way.

Hormones certainly can change patterns of attraction; I had a friend who was exclusively androphilic before transitioning, and exclusively gynephilic afterwards, and I know a number of other trans folks who’ve experienced less drastic shifts in sexuality, but it’s certainly not a guarantee.

Color me green. With envy. I need to work on a less masculine voice. But I’m lazy and mentally ill and barely holding myself together right now.

I still love being a girl. It’s definitely way better than it was before.

I hear this. I have a very deep voice, and it’s definitely a thing for me, but nevertheless I feel millions of times better nowadays.

@Virgin Mary

Maybe I should talk to him about that, since I’m not noticing substantial changes and I want more substantial changes.

Last I checked, the mean height of American men is 5’9″, 5’10” for British men. I’m 5’9′ myself.


Which on the one hand has an upside (it’s probably TMI though),

Kinda curious now…

Unless this guy either is trans, or is damn good at faking it, I don’t believe any therapist would write him an HRT letter.

If he’s in an Informed Consent area it doesn’t take much. I didn’t even see a therapist as such. I talked to my doctor, some kind of mental health professional came in, I talked to them for a few minutes, signed a release, waited a week for my blood work to come back and started HRT. Granted, I was already presenting femme and had been for most of a year at that point.

I still need to get my face cleared, between a lack of money and an intense hatred of being looked at like I’m a freak.

I’ve been having good luck with the $150 home laser kit I got, though it takes a while.

I started at 38, 23 isn’t all that bad, other than the whole male puberty thing being finished and fucking things up.

35 here.

. Within 3-4 days of starting on HRT, depression was gone, I had energy again and I actually felt like smiling for the first time since puberty hit.

I still have some problems with depression, but not nearly as much. Otherwise, this.

I have a friend who is now starting into hormone replacement, and she is doing faboo. Has been out and about, dressing the way she wants, acting the way she wants (mostly the same as before really). It’s really nice! Gives me hope.

Good for her.

*Hugs* and solidarity.

“shaving your entire body does not make you trans, it just means you don’t like the feel of body hair.”

Ooh, I know that one!

Stop thinking this, you’re just letting years of offhand comments and thoughts make you think you’re someone that you are not. You are making a mockery of those who are actually going through problems.

That one too.

and for all determine if I’m just imagining things or that I really am trans.

In my experience (which, not to toot my own horn, is considerable), people who seriously wonder if they might be trans are, in fact, trans. If the internal conflict is such that it’s causing severe depression, that’s pretty much an absolute indication. I don’t mean to presume, but this is something I’ve seen a lot of.

Personally speaking I’ve also never had many fantasies of being, well anyone, boy or girl as a kid. I was the silent observer in all aspects, playground, classroom, and home. I’d just mindlessly watch/listen/read/play anything without getting any real emotional reaction from it. I think it was only in high school when people started to notice I wasn’t “manly”, I just assumed that meant I wasn’t traditionally masculine. Then again I was kind of bogged down by AP classes and my previously undiagnosed depression and ADD to notice any early signs if there are any.

Oh, hey, it’s me.

t times, I’ve considered talking to…someone appropriate about getting (terminology eludes me) male-ifying hormones.

Androgens is the generic term for such hormones.Also, what Sandra said. Though I know genderfluid AFAB folks who are on T as well; it’s an individual thing really.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago

@Sandra, Dali

Thanks for the words. On the topic of clothing, I already swap about: some days skirts, some days dresses, most days jeans because sweats always get DESTROYED in the thigh region when I wear them out. (Thick thighs have…drawbacks.)

Still, this is probably a good time to bring up a little thing about RP.

I’ve roleplayed for a while, and I generally don’t feel comfortable playing as a definitively female character for an extended period of time–especially a sexualized one. Dudes, trans and cis, I can do. Nonbinary characters, I can do. But flat-out females? Noap. (I can do them better if they’re not an object of outright attraction though. For those that have heard me mention Jack Carter of Don’t Starve: I can play his daughters just fine, but…they’re ten, and are generally a source of humor, exposition, or awesome.)

I don’t know if this is me reacting negatively to what the notion of femininity is, or a bigger sign of dysphoria.

7 years ago

@Tessa, Oogly, Troubelle:

I love and support all of you. I can only imagine how hard it must be to struggle with gender, expression, and identity. I have faith that you’ll all figure out what’s best for you. In the meantime, if there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know. I wish you soft blankets, warm drinks, and cute fuzzy animals.

7 years ago


Omfg Ranma 1/2, I loved that, watched all I could get my hands on, envied (my life seems to be one non-stop bout of envy :/ )the living hell out of Ranma…and still didn’t clue in.


She’s right at boob height on me. Well…her mouth is anyway.

That’s what I’m on as well. I assume you’re also getting a T blocker like spiro, which is usually a bigger dose (I’m on 200mg a day)

I’m on 6mg of E and 50mg of Androcur. The Androcur isn’t used in the US. I asked for it for 2 reasons. First I didn’t like the idea of micro-managing my potassium intake and second…it has a very strong progesterone component which I was hoping would help my breast development. That worked out really well 🙁 /sarc

In my experience (which, not to toot my own horn, is considerable), people who seriously wonder if they might be trans are, in fact, trans. If the internal conflict is such that it’s causing severe depression, that’s pretty much an absolute indication. I don’t mean to presume, but this is something I’ve seen a lot of.

I didn’t want to presume either, but I agree completely.

To echo the others, the physical effects of T are irreversible, but if ya need it, ya need it.

If that’s what you discover, then nothing will have changed because you’ll have been that way for a while now. The only thing that will be different is your awareness of yourself.

^This! A million times this!

7 years ago

I remember this, this was posted on r/inceltears a while back.

Seriously David, Check out r/inceltears, they track Incel Bullshit and call them out on it.

7 years ago


I’m on 4mg of E and 100mg of Spiro. And I’m only about six or seven months in. I guess that makes me impatient. That’s good to hear. I’ll probably just trust the medical professional then.

I didn’t talk to a therapist either. I went in, spoke with the doctor, he agreed it was important for me, and we went forward. Course, I’d been presenting feminine for six months then anyway, so…yeah.

What’s really annoying is that I have days and at one point a full week off my medicine because the pharmacy is making a point of dragging their heels on my prescription. But I don’t know of any better options in my area.


On the topic of depression, since I started HRT, I deal with depression a lot less. I deal with crying spells a lot more, but that’s due to me actually addressing my feelings and pains and stuff instead of shoving them in a dark box and forgetting about them until they break out and wreck everything in my life. HRT is not a magic arrow that can fix your problems. But if ya need it, ya need it.

Paradoxical Intention - Leader of the Deathclaw Damsels

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina | July 28, 2017 at 12:59 am
“males are … capable of love, humanity [and] kindness”

I wonder if health insurance pays for surgical removal of the self-awareness part of the brain. Or is this something you have to pay out of pocket for?

Sorry, having self-awareness is a pre-existing condition.

On the subject of living as who you are: I’ve always wanted larger breasts (my tiddies are like little handfuls, which some people don’t mind, and I don’t mind myself on occasion), but that would kinda be weird when I’m leaning more agender.

It’s weird being someone who slides between feminine and agender some days. It’s hard to know how to be myself, or how to dress, or how to speak, because I always want to be that perfectly androgynous stereotype of a person, and instead I have a chubby body and a round feminine face and a squeaky voice that I have to focus to get just so.

And some days I can just go “Eh, I can just do what I want!” but then the realization hits that I live in a very red state now, and that can be…dangerous.

I mean, I live in a large city and work in one of the more upper class (and slightly more liberal) sections of the city, but the thought still makes me uneasy because I don’t know how to do it right just yet, and I still go by my legal and very obviously feminine name, instead of Alex. I don’t want to have to answer questions, especially if they’ll come from one of the more conservative people that live here.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
7 years ago


Much obliged. Have fuzzy blankets, tasty cold drinks at least (and c’mon, it’s summer), and both access to an old cat and a small dog and…uh, stuffed replicas of the Mario Bros. and Meta Knight.

7 years ago

@all who shared their stories
Thank you for that, it helped give me some perspective of those who have been through, and are still in the process of something like this.

Yay, thank you for the compliment and the good wishes. The psychiatrist when I first met him was the one who first asked if I was trans, I don’t think he’d react negatively if I were to inform him of my current dilemma. It’d be too much like High School Rom Com if he’d act weird at me.

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Thank you for telling me that I’m not making a bad option when I do something from here. Good advice on learning through my eyes and heart only. I feel “skepticism” at a place like that wouldn’t be the best idea for me or anyone else there. Yeah it’ll all be okay. I managed to get through worse as anyone who sees my irl posting here knows. If I can get past bad dad parenting, scammers, bad friends, death of good friends, and worries of mental illness diagnosis, the near death of a close relative and the jackass who lashed out at me for the crime of not being as terrible as him, being told I’m trans or anyone else is nothing.

@Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
That’s a possibility I should keep in mind, I’m pretty sure I’m not genderqueer, androgynous or genderfluid but who knows.

*Hugs* and here’s hoping that your doctor would give you the right recommendation when it comes to testosterone.

@Dalillama: Irate Social Engineer
I got the voice of every condescending, smarmy jack arse in a tv series. I’m surprised I haven’t been punched at this point just for talking.

*Hugs back* Always good to hear the thoughts of those versed in this sort of thing.

Ooh, I know that one!

That one too.

Good to know that my rationalizations aren’t unique nor effective.

In my experience (which, not to toot my own horn, is considerable), people who seriously wonder if they might be trans are, in fact, trans. If the internal conflict is such that it’s causing severe depression, that’s pretty much an absolute indication. I don’t mean to presume, but this is something I’ve seen a lot of.

Well I am seriously considering if I am trans and do suffer from chronic depression to the point of being bedridden/suicidal, well damn. Huh, it kind of feels nice to know the backstories and have a sense of certainty.

Oh, hey, it’s me.

Oh, hey, hi doppleganger, nice to meet ya. You convinced me, if I’m somehow not trans despite checking off all those boxes that’d be something. Ugh Monday is going to take FOREVER.

Thank you, your kindness is a trait that should be cherished more, especially these days. Enjoy a thick blanket, drinks and candies that are frustratingly hard to find outside of Asian Supermarkets, and a very happy and overprotective Jack Russell Terrier.

Man it’d be a pretty out there if the reason why I consume so much Japanese monster girl media was because of some unconscious desire to see people be accepting and attracted to women who are a bit different. That would roundabout as hell.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
7 years ago

Wanna reiterate my love and support for everyone (because I always suck at doing it the first time around, and also the second and every other time). Y’all are an inspiration for me as well as, I bet, for a whole lot of lurkers.

@Troubelle and Paradoxy

O hai ! Long time no see !


*high five*

I’m the same. Been trying to work on it… but then I go overboard and just start burdening others instead. Feels like trying to flip a coin and have it land on the side. On that note :

I can’t remember the last time you were 1)around regularly and 2)not undergoing some crisis. Was gonna ask a few days back, but ya know…

Yeaaah now that you mention it… Well that hasn’t ever happened, Crisis is like my middle name (we could be like the worst crime-fighting duo ever, it’d be awesome and probably awkward) and one of those crises is the social anxiety that occasionally keeps me off the comments section (and I know that doesn’t make sense as this is probably the friendliest place on the Internet or indeed everywhere). So uh yeah, moments like these, don’t hesitate to ask regardless, I mean it’s not like there’s gonna be a better time in the foreseeable future, heh.

On that note, recovery’s going well. I’d say at this point my body’s getting better and it’s just my pride hurting now, but… well, that just ain’t true – I mean, sure, someone should feel embarassed. But it ain’t me 😀

Laughing still hurts like hell though. Glad trolls seem to be making themselves rare these days.

7 years ago

Well to be perfectly honest I always thought that you (ooglyboogles) were a girl and you (troubelle) were a boy anyway. But I shouldn’t read to much into that I’ve only had your words and subconscious avatar bias to go on.

Totally agree about the Ranma1/2, so jealous of that fictional character.

7 years ago

@Tessa that’s a nice album. The only thing that didn’t change was your smile =D.

Also very brave of you to put it out there.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago


*high five*

comment image

I’m the same. Been trying to work on it… but then I go overboard and just start burdening others instead. Feels like trying to flip a coin and have it land on the side

Preach it, sibling. I know it well

Crisis is like my middle name (we could be like the worst crime-fighting duo ever, it’d be awesome and probably awkward)

1)Hey, @Troubelle, might we bother you for theme song lyrics? Cos I’m way into Crisis and Danger right now, and we need theme music!
2)Only probably? ?

I know that doesn’t make sense as this is probably the friendliest place on the Internet or indeed everywhere

Balderdash! Ain’t shit nonsensical about that. If all it took to cure social anxieties was internet hugs, we’d all be chatty, charismatic extroverts

So uh yeah, moments like these, don’t hesitate to ask regardless, I mean it’s not like there’s gonna be a better time in the foreseeable future, heh

Fair enough, buddy. Do my best. You do your best too. Just generally in life, ya know?

So, I feel like I should/might as well mention, while the mentioning is good, that I had a pretty illuminating convo about my own gender overnight off blog. No major revelations, just a lotta swirling thoughts and fears put in order (not to rest unfortunately). That’s why I hang out here. Topics burrow deep sometimes, y’all. Get me thinking and rethinking every fuckin thing on the regular. It’s a trip 😀

Nuff about me. Best of luck to everyone figuring themselves out. And those who have but are having trouble with what to do after. Y’all have friends here, and we all care <3

dust bunny
dust bunny
7 years ago

@ Troubelle

I don’t know if this is me reacting negatively to what the notion of femininity is, or a bigger sign of dysphoria.

This is something I’ve been wondering about, a lot, for a long time.

I don’t get dysphoria from my own body (well, I think I don’t – I have an eating disorder so it’s a bit difficult to tell) or from wearing makeup or ordinary women’s clothes. But I am extremely uncomfortable with highly sexualised gendered outfits, and it hurts when people give me gendered compliments. Gendered pronouns aren’t a thing in my language, so that has enabled me to stay in the closet and keep enjoying cis privilege for now.

If I am a cis woman, I certainly don’t want to be. I’d rather cut pieces off myself. If I am a cis woman, I must have so much internalised misogyny that I’m actually more misogynistic than my mother, or any of the guys this blog is about. I’d be ashamed of that.

But try explaining being agender to people. Maybe I’m just one of those allegedly existing feminists who are so feminist they can’t live with themselves or this world anymore?