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Replace women’s brains with dog brains so they’ll have sex with us, Incel proposes

Incel sexual fantasies are weird

By David Futrelle

Recently I wrote about one inventive Incel — that is, a so-called “involuntary celibate” — who thought he had the perfect solution to his no-sex problem: Simply allow all incel organ donors to have sex with recently deceased women! After all, he reasoned, “[t]he pussy of females can be used even 2 days after their death,” and dead women can’t say no.

But what if you prefer to have sex with women who can, you know, move around and make noises and perhaps even fetch sticks for you?

Well, let me introduce you to livinginhell101, an incel Redditor with an even more ingenious solution to the “involuntary celibacy” of the world’s worst men: Simply remove women’s brains and replace them with dog brains. Hey presto! Now she’ll want to have sex with you! Apparently.

Let’s let him explain:

This amazing surgery in the near future could cure ALL incels (self.Incels) submitted 16 days ago * by livinginhell101Tranny coper, toxic cancer level = 100,000,000,000,000 Just take a dogs brain and put it into a humanoid female's body. There, fixed, no more incels ever. I'm not talking about killing anyone. We wouldn't need to do that. Just clone their bodies at a young age and substitute the inferior female humanoid brain for a loving dog one. Or females who died of brain related injuries, maybe we could revive them with superior brains. Female humanoid bodies are very desirable but its their brains that ruin everything. Their stupid brains that only lust for chads. That are total hypocrites. That make them heartless cunts without remorse. Its not like their brains end up contributing to anything for society in a significant amount. Because dumb cunts cause endless suffering and can never be satisfied. Without their shit tier brains they would be nearly perfect beings, which could be used by men for the better of society. Right now they mostly only cause problems and suffering, due to their pitiful brains and lack of humanity. Presently females and their cucks only hinder evolution and advancement of the species. Plus this would drastically lower the suicide rate for males. Which is good because males are actually capable of love, humanity, kindness, and contributing to the advancement of humans into higher and higher levels of development. I would much rather have a female humanoid organism that went "ruff ruff" and licked my face. Being playful would also be an upgrade. Of course there would be no nagging and feeding her would be easy. When I was away I would just lock it in a kennel or perhaps a bunker, some type of safe haven. Its just like reinventing women, only on an improved level with less chance of things going wrong like it did with feminism.

I have so many questions for livinginhell101 and anyone else who thinks this is a brilliant idea! Do you really want to kiss a lady with dog breath? Will you have to follow after your special dog-brained lady with a little poop bag every time you take a stroll with her outside? What if she likes rolling in filth or eating her own vomit? What if she hates bath time as much as every dog-brained dog I’ve ever known? What if she rejects you for some hot German Shepherd named Chad?

But of course the real question is: how does a dude who literally just suggested replacing women’s brains with dog brains come to the conclusion that only “males are … capable of love, humanity [and] kindness?”

The general consensus in the Incels subreddit, where this lovely proposal was submitted, is that livinginhell101’s post is hilarious “satire.” But it’s not satire to post an obviously impossible fantasy that you not-so-secretly wish could be true. Jonathan Swift didn’t write his famous “modest proposal” because he actually wanted to eat babies.

But when incels talk about fucking corpses or women with dog brains it’s because they really do want to have sex with women without having to worry about getting their consent first. Coming up with wacky scenarios like these enables them to fantasize about rape endlessly without having to admit that what’s they’re doing.

Just another reminder that incel is poison.

NOTE: This r/incels post was going around Twitter right around the time I had to take my headache break, and was even discussed in the comments here. So apologies if you’ve seen this before. But I sort of felt I needed to post about it anyway, because damn.


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7 years ago

Can confirm, totally the way this works. Why, just having estrogen in your system causes you to like men.

*vomit* offense meant to any of the male viewers…tune in next week when I probably manage to offend some other group of people.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

because of his height (he’s 5’10”)


it will cause his sexuality to “flip” so he’ll start liking guys and can then bask in all that male attention

So, he thinks that if he turns gay, then dudes will start being into him? Like, he realizes that being straight hasn’t made gals want anywhere near his… wrist, right? The fuck is he talking about?

or if he’s just trolling the lot of us

My question is, and please permit my naivety here, but how’d he manage to get on a hormone regimen? I mean, people who’re actually transitioning get denied, but the guy who says 1)he’s not a woman at all, 2)such people are insane, and 3)he’s just doing it to trick his body into being able to fuck men without puking has somehow got himself a scrip? So, yeah, I’m calling troll, allowing for the likelihood that I just don’t get it. Either way, I wouldn’t be surprised to see attack helicopter jokes in his archives…

7 years ago


You’re more personable and kind than I am. Offense definitely meant to male viewers. Fix your shit!

Ugh. It’s like we don’t exist to men unless it’s for their personal gratification, and I am not down for that.

how’d he manage to get on a hormone regimen?

Multiple ways.

1: He told the doctor what the doctor wanted to hear. I told mine the truth, which happened to be close enough to what the doctor was looking for.

2: It’s possible to get estradiol and spirolactone without a prescription if you’re determined and have disposable income, but you also won’t have bloodwork and proper medical support for transitioning.

I can’t really think of any other ways.

7 years ago

Holy crap, there’s more from him!

And I really like being a girl. I’ve worked hard for this, I mastered a female voice too. I put in a lot of work.

I’m actually beginning to suspect he might be legitimately trans, just dealing with a metric shitload of internalized misogyny.

(and apparently, he (she?) did start liking guys. So, uh, good for her?)

7 years ago

I mastered a female voice too

Color me green. With envy. I need to work on a less masculine voice. But I’m lazy and mentally ill and barely holding myself together right now.

I still love being a girl. It’s definitely way better than it was before.

7 years ago
Citizen Rat
Citizen Rat
7 years ago

5’10” is short? Man, I know that society (and porn) burdens men with unrealistic standards like height, muscle mass and genital measurement, but unless livinghell101 is living in the Scandiwegian countries or with professional basketball players, 5’10” is really average. Then again, in a place like the incel reddit I’m sure that the body image issues get hyped up to the point where if you’re not a living character of the “Stonewall and Riot” universe (thank you Eternal Mistress Diamanda Hagan!) with perfectly rendered abs and a massive tonker, you’re a human piece of trash. So maybe he (and I use “he” because it appears that livinghell101 still uses those pronouns) has bought the incel lie and will always be unhappy with his body for not meeting the standards.

That’s the worst thing about places like the incel reddit: they take what’s terrible about this “Modern World”, the misogyny, the self-loathing, the misguided anger, and lack of empathy, and just serve it to themselves in massively concentrated doses.

7 years ago

@IgnoreSandra if you’re looking for a voice lessons at some point in the future, I definitely recommend Claire Michelle – she’s a trans musician based out of Seattle, and she does lessons over Skype for pretty reasonable rates. I’ve been learning singing from her, and she’s been a fantastic teacher for me.

7 years ago

When my husband was younger, 5′ 10″ was tall.

Now it’s about average, but he’s also a bit shorter now (wear and tear and slipping a disc will do that for you).

I’m 5’10” too, and have grown about 1 inch since the age of twelve, when I was basically a young giraffe.

I often think some of the chaps in the Manosphere base their ideas of what is “normal” on cartoons and porn.

Not only them, unfortunately:

7 years ago

Thanks, Tessa <3 I'll remember that. I've been practicing some, but I keep alternating between sounding like my dad and sounding like a vulcan, and neither is okay.

I don't even know how to respond to the actual topic. It's all just a thinly veiled attempt to have a rape fantasy.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

I can’t and won’t diagnose livinghell101 or comment on whether he’s trans or cis, it’s rather impossible to tell at this distance, but the fact that he tried a gay relationship at all is a pretty clear indication that he has at least a little attraction to men. Enough to evaluate a potential partner and possibly make an introduction, etc.

Frankly, that’s the only part of his whole schpiel that strikes me as at all true – that he’s considered hooking up with a man, but can’t go through with it. They guy’s clearly immersed in an environment where making outrageous lies is considered entertainment, so I am content to throw all of it in the “yeah whatevs” bin, but that part’s the only bit that feels real somehow. A guy who’s struggling to integrate some part of his sexuality that he can’t handle, and it’s kept him from having a meaningful relationship.

Though, I don’t know if I actually agree with anything I just said, so, well. Take it as you will!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

References are made to convincing doctors and therapists, so I reckon the former route. Don’t know how to feel about that. Later. 1st, I’ll spend some time standing here in my wrongness…

7 years ago

As far as height goes, I’m about 5’8″. Which on the one hand has an upside (it’s probably TMI though), but I’d still prefer to be about 5’4″


My question is, and please permit my naivety here, but how’d he manage to get on a hormone regimen?

The only plausible way I can think of is internet/non-prescribed hormones.


Color me green. With envy.

I wish I had some useful advice to give! Voice therapy was one of the very few things covered for me. Although, all in all, I still worry that I don’t sound right.

7 years ago

@Jesalin according to his most recent post on the topic, he(?) went through a therapist, he just lied about why he supposedly wanted hormones.

Austin Loomis
7 years ago

I wonder if health insurance pays for surgical removal of the self-awareness part of the brain. Or is this something you have to pay out of pocket for?

It doesn’t even require surgery. Spend enough time in the right* echo chambers and it naturally atrophies.

(* Take it in what sense thou wilt.)

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

I have a friend who is now starting into hormone replacement, and she is doing faboo. Has been out and about, dressing the way she wants, acting the way she wants (mostly the same as before really). It’s really nice! Gives me hope.

(tw perhaps, I bring up the conservative view of transitioning, which is gross)

That’s really what makes me doubt this trollerson’s story. The alt-right manosphere agglomeration don’t understand transitioning beyond the idea of “self-mutilation to gain social advantage”, which is what this person is claiming they’re considering. Someone who’s actually trans has an internal self-view that is another gender than the one they’re expected to present.

While I guess this person might have internalized the hateful position enough to have squashed that self-view into an indistinct morass of self-loathing, I find it more likely that they’re just squawking another just-so story to complain about how much easier cis women/trans women/men-of-above-average-height/anyone-but them has it compared to them.

Hey look, another post I don’t know if I actually believe or not. I’m on a roll today!

7 years ago


I’m 6’5. I have legs for days and I like my height, although I’m sure it impacts how people view me.

Honestly, my insurance is covering exactly nothing aside from visiting the doctor for bloodwork. I’m pretty sure it won’t cover voice therapy.

Here’s the thing, though: There’s no wrong way to sound as a woman. People make stupid assumptions, though, and that puts pressure on us. Especially in the world we live in.

7 years ago


That doesn’t seem very believable to me. No honest therapist will write an HRT letter for someone presenting male unless they are gender dysphoric. I could see ‘Informed Consent’ being abused in this case, but not through a therapist.


My legs are…athletic, I guess. Not thin or model-like, decently muscled though, I used to walk a lot and still take the stairs (56 of them from the ground floor to my apt) a lot. My upper body is pretty weak though.

7 years ago

Sorry for the double post!


I have a friend who is now starting into hormone replacement, and she is doing faboo.

I’m glad to hear that!

While I guess this person might have internalized the hateful position enough to have squashed that self-view into an indistinct morass of self-loathing, I find it more likely that they’re just squawking another just-so story to complain about how much easier cis women/trans women/men-of-above-average-height/anyone-but them has it compared to them.


7 years ago

@Jesalin My therapist wrote me a letter and I was still presenting male- in fact, I didn’t start presenting female until I’d been on hormones for 6 months (I didn’t pass up until that point). Admittedly, she’d been working with me for 9 months on figuring out my gender issues beforehand, but still.

7 years ago


Yes, but I’m guessing that your therapist had good reason to believe that you’re trans, hence the HRT letter.

Unless this guy either is trans, or is damn good at faking it, I don’t believe any therapist would write him an HRT letter.

7 years ago

@Jesalin & Tessa

I started presenting as a woman before I began HRT. I’m five or six months in and I definitely don’t pass. I need laser hair removal on my general facial area, and I’m still figuring some things out.

I didn’t go through a therapist. I scheduled an appointment with an HRT specialist, showed up, told him the truth, and got my prescriptions. Though I worry that they’re too small. 4mg of E a day. Maybe I should talk to him about that, since I’m not noticing substantial changes and I want more substantial changes.

Maybe I should also go back to therapy. But that would take time and energy.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
7 years ago

Y’know, cheers to those who are living their truth. I wish you the very best and a lot of happiness.

I don’t know if this doofushead is trans, but luckily that’s not my responsibility. I shall skip merrily along and tend my own garden.

ETA: Endocrinology is fragile. It doesn’t take much to make changes, but sometimes those changes are a while in coming. Not a doctor, but a diabetic.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago


Grand Nagus Trump approves.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
7 years ago

I’m 5’7″, and don’t consider that short for a man. When I dated men, they were between 5’4″ and 5’8″ on average. I think that’s pretty normal.