actual activism trump

The Senate is about to vote! CALL NOW to defend Obamacare!

Mitch McConnell, haunted by the spirits of those who will literally die if he gets this bill through

By David Futrelle

Hey everyone, I’m still lost in headache-land (see my last post for details) but this is REALLY REALLY important for all WHTM readers in the US.

Senate Republicans have scheduled a vote after lunch TODAY on a “motion to proceed” that will pave the way for a final vote on their bill that will take away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans (including me, and probably a lot of you).

Tell them NO.

You can get the numbers of your Senators (and more info) at, or on the Senate website or by calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Here’s what MoveOn suggests you tell them (roughly):

Tell Republicans: “Please oppose any bill that takes away health care from tens of millions of Americans.”

If you’re one of those Americans, definitely tell them that.

Tell Democrats: “Thank you for doing everything you can to fight Trumpcare. Please use every tactic at your disposal to slow and stop this bill, including the filibuster-by-amendment (which means: slowing down the bill with a high number of amendments when the bill does come to a vote). Please DO NOT vote for ANY amendments that will make it easier for Republicans pass Trumpcare.”

If any of the Republicans listed below are your Senators it’s ESPECIALLY important to call; Collins is a “no” vote; the others are (as I write this post) on the fence.


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History Nerd
7 years ago

The military provides its own medical care to enlisted people, so it spends less than what civilian medical care costs (due to the industry being for-profit and the bureaucratic overhead).

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

@ JS

could be easily covered by reducing the F-35 order

From Duffelblog:

An F-35 fighter jet can’t believe how much transgender troops cost the military, after it looked up the figures following tweets from President Donald Trump saying they should no longer serve due to the price tag.

“They spend how much on transgender medical services? $8.4 million? My God that’s like four screws and a couple of bolts on my ejection seat,” the F-35 told reporters, in between sips of cognac during its lunch break. “I’m so glad Trump is ending this disgraceful waste of military spending.”

Trump on Wednesday announced a change in policy for transgender service members in the traditional method of past presidents, by tweeting out his guidance following extensive inter-agency policy discussions on the issue with himself. The Pentagon referred all questions back to the White House since so many people in the building were discussing the change and have been busy doing so for the past 10 minutes.

The F-35, for its part, supported the president’s announced ban on transgender service members, since it would save the Pentagon a huge amount of money that it could spend elsewhere in meaningful ways, like continuing to lose the war in Afghanistan.

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