actual activism trump

The Senate is about to vote! CALL NOW to defend Obamacare!

Mitch McConnell, haunted by the spirits of those who will literally die if he gets this bill through

By David Futrelle

Hey everyone, I’m still lost in headache-land (see my last post for details) but this is REALLY REALLY important for all WHTM readers in the US.

Senate Republicans have scheduled a vote after lunch TODAY on a “motion to proceed” that will pave the way for a final vote on their bill that will take away healthcare from tens of millions of Americans (including me, and probably a lot of you).

Tell them NO.

You can get the numbers of your Senators (and more info) at, or on the Senate website or by calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Here’s what MoveOn suggests you tell them (roughly):

Tell Republicans: “Please oppose any bill that takes away health care from tens of millions of Americans.”

If you’re one of those Americans, definitely tell them that.

Tell Democrats: “Thank you for doing everything you can to fight Trumpcare. Please use every tactic at your disposal to slow and stop this bill, including the filibuster-by-amendment (which means: slowing down the bill with a high number of amendments when the bill does come to a vote). Please DO NOT vote for ANY amendments that will make it easier for Republicans pass Trumpcare.”

If any of the Republicans listed below are your Senators it’s ESPECIALLY important to call; Collins is a “no” vote; the others are (as I write this post) on the fence.


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7 years ago

My friend says there’s an anti-circumcision protest downtown. The men are wearing white pants with fake blood on the crotch.

Who are they protesting against? Are they just hoping to gain attention to the issue? So many questions.

To be clear, I’m against putting your child through any unnecessary surgery, but I’m not sure a protest would really do any good here. And since these guys usually use circumcision as an anti-feminist talking point (despite the majority of feminists agreeing with them), I have to question the motives here.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
7 years ago

Trying to hide it until the very last minute is the sort of maneuver that should give one an “Are we the baddies?” moment, or at the very least make one fear for a pretty fierce backlash in 2018.

2018’s results have already been bought and paid for, so none of them care.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago

I’m watching the New York Times live report of the voting and read this:

The Senate is expected to vote on Tuesday to begin debate on repealing the Affordable Care Act. Republican leaders have not yet said which version of their legislation they will be debating.

This is absurd. How can anyone vote to open debate when they don’t even know what they would be debating?!? All of the proposed plans are harmful, but this is just ridiculous.

“Let’s debate the healthcare bill.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t know. We’ll decide that once we get the votes to open debate.”

They are trying to force a bill through any way they can. They don’t care what is best for the people they represent. They just care about being able to claim a “win” by saying they got rid of Obamacare.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Glad the headaches are easing up and hope that continues, David!

Isn’t the repeal not going to take effect immediately? That way, people still have their insurance during the midterms and they’ll not even realize they’re about to lose it. This shit changes so often I can’t even keep what they’re trying to do straight anymore.

On the circumcision thing, I think education is the way to go. I think parents mostly do out of habit and maybe the impression that it’s medically necessary. Combine the lack off ill intent with the fact that the vast majority of circumcised penis havers don’t have any pain or loss of sexual function because of the procedure and screaming about mutilation and comparing it to FGM is just going to make people scratch their heads.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
7 years ago

I don’t know what to say anymore. I’m at the point of thinking the country needs to have a civil war, and I’m not even saying that as a joke or hyperbole. These people are murderers. They country is ruled by murderers. [edited out borderline comment policy violation –DF] These monsters will never change their minds. They’ll never be anything but monsters. I want them gone from our planet. I have nothing kinder to say. Fuck I wish McCain had died last week.

Sorry, comments policy. I’ll do better.

PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Perpetually Ignored, Invisible but Noice) Sarcastic
7 years ago

Welp, it looks like the MTP passed with that rat asshole ghoul Pence casting the tie-breaking vote.

Fucking cowards. Fucking goddamned cowards.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
7 years ago

…apologies to Troubelle, but I’m not that creative. I’m borrowing someone else’s lyrics.

You feel so safe inside the walls you fortified
It’s down you go when your walls fall like Jericho

You build ’em up, you layer stone on stone
You build ’em high to keep out your enemies
The sky grows dark, the earth is trembling
An unhappy ending to your final fantasy

You feel so safe inside the walls you’ve fortified
Supremacy implied, who dares to overthrow?
Arrogance justified, self-importance amplified
It’s down you go when your walls fall like Jericho

We’ll all enjoy the show when your walls fall like Jericho

You’re looking down and feeling so profound
You’re so impressed by your own false humility
The sky descends, the ground is rising up
An unhappy ending to your sense of deity

You feel so safe inside the walls you fortified
Supremacy implied, who dares to overthrow?
Arrogance justified, self-importance amplified
It’s down you go when your walls fall like Jericho

This is over
This is over

You sit alone upon your lonely throne
You’re so oblivious to your own frailty
The sky erupts, the ground has opened wide
An unhappy ending to the life you’ve glorified
To the life you’ve glorified

You feel so safe inside the walls you fortified
Supremacy implied, who dares to overthrow?
Arrogance justified, self-importance amplified
It’s down you go, we’ll all enjoy the show
Can’t wait to see you go when your walls fall like Jericho

This is over
This is over
When your walls fall like Jericho
This is over
This is over

We’ll all enjoy the show, it’s d-d-down you go
Can’t wait to see you go when your walls fall like Jericho

7 years ago

I just don’t know what to do anymore. I have been crying my eyes out since if I lose my healthcare that’s it. What’s even worse is my death won’t by quick and painless but slow and dragged out. Without the medicine I will suffer from edema and when I first displayed that symptom there was fluid in my lungs and I was having a harder and hard time breathing. My most likely cause of death will be suffocation or drowning.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago


As I understand it, there are three possible bills, plus the option to leave the ACA in place. NPR has a good breakdown of how each option would affect people.

From what I read in the NYT coverage, it looks like they are going to debate the House bill that passed in May. This brings them to a vote-a-rama, where they briefly debate amendments, but this process means that the final bill could look completely different from what was originally proposed.

It’s all very confusing and the fact that these bills were written in secret doesn’t help.

7 years ago

@Imaginary Petal – I’m kinda with you.

I guess I don’t want to say it, though.

I don’t know anymore. I’m so demoralized.

Is it even going to matter if Mueller/whoever succeeds Mueller finds anything and brings charges of some sort?

The NRA and right-wing have been fomenting for Civil War for a while now, and it feels like it’s coming.

What more can be done, other than riot in the streets? [edited out borderline comment policy violation –DF]

7 years ago

Scildfreja Unnyðnes

Which leads to the situation you described, @#Ravenclaw. They’re just too dumb, they’ll thank me when it all works out.

Well, to be fair, there are a lot of stupid people out there. Some of them even run for Congress! *rimshot*

I don’t know why I have such a hard time trying to call my Congresscritters. I have such trouble with confrontation, with phone calls in general, and things I haven’t done before. I’ve wanted to start opening communication with my representatives/their staffers since the election (and not just boilerplate emails or something, but actually talking to people), but it seems like I just can’t bring myself to do it. Help? Maybe someone can describe it?

Right now they’re listed as “unknown” on their vote, though they’ll likely be strongly inclined to vote yes (being Republicans). Still, I do have a small sliver of hope for one of them, since he managed to have his mind changed on the vetting process (once he saw for himself) and was politically tepid on the Muslim ban (which is the best you can hope for around here). Then again, this is the same guy who was asking specifically for negative Obamacare stories from his constituents rather than just “How has this affected you?”

BTW, how does one changed their avatar?

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

What’s the practical upshot if the vote goes the wrong way? Is it like back to pre ACA from tomorrow morning or is there a transition period or something? Is this literally repeal with no idea of a replacement? Or will there be further votes?

The Brit news is pretty vague; although that may be an inevitable consequence of the secrecy behind the bill(s).

EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
EJ (Scheming Liberal Race-Traitor)
7 years ago

If I understand correctly, this vote now allows the Republicans to start their process of bickering and infighting all over again, in the effort to find a bill that they all agree on.

I know that y’all don’t want to hear me be optimistic right now, but I suspect they’re going to have a difficult time ahead before it’s all over. There has yet been no bill put together that everyone can agree on; so far they’re lucky if it doesn’t get attacked from both the centre and the far right.

7 years ago

Sorry, David. I was being hyperbolic but that wasn’t at all obvious. Thank you.

dr. ej
dr. ej
7 years ago


That is an excellent question and, honestly, I don’t think anyone really knows what will happen.There are multiple proposals (see the NPR link I shared above) and this vote just opened debate. Here’s a bit from the NYT about what comes next:

Senators will now begin a period of debate, lasting up to 20 hours, on various amendments to the House version of the bill, which passed in May. After debate, they will begin a “vote-a-rama” — a period of successive votes on the offered amendments. Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, could introduce a substitute amendment that would replace all of the others.

Finally, the legislation would move to a final vote. If it passes, the same version will have to be approved by the House before being sent to the president to sign.

We don’t really know what is going to happen, but millions of people could lose their health insurance as a result.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

Ugh, the vote. I am not surprised, my ducks, but it is still miserable.

This was a performative vote. It doesn’t actually pass anything, so they feel safe doing it (cause you know we’re just a bunch of hysterical dummies who don’t know nothing after all). They get to use this vote to express party solidarity, since it’s meaningless to them beyond that. They were always going to continue on with their fight to kill Americans through denying them healthcare anyways.

They’re trying to wear you out. Trying to burn out your anger on these meaningless votes, so that when the real thing comes down you’ll be too exhausted to respond. So, you know. Keep that in mind, and save your coal. And take heart! They haven’t won anything here. You’re doing fine, all of you.

Call up your reps and give them your support or your ire. Let’em know you aren’t going away, and you’re not getting tired. @Jules, calling is hard! Try writing a script, and practice it. Read it out loud with your ear on the phone. It’s stressful and anxiety-inducing, but I promise that you’ll feel good afterwards, and it’ll be much easier the second time. 5calls is a good resource for help on making that first step.

As for how to change your icon, you need to register with Gravatar. I think? Go there, sign up, and pick your avatar there. WHTM’s forums will pick up the change a couple of hours later.

@Micharion, all my love and concern to you! You aren’t done in yet! Don’t feel guilty about despairing, if you are – you’re allowed to. Just remember that you’ll pick yourself up before too long, and there’s still plenty of fight left in both you and in America. This is far, far from over.

Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Cheers to both EJs and Scildfreja.

I think I have a rough idea now. (ETA: Well, of the process).

I should have paid more attention to those Schoolhouse Rock cartoons. Of course, they were set pre-dystopia.

7 years ago

If you call your Senators RIGHT NOW, you’re likely to only be able to get a voicemail box. Chances of talking to a live staffer (for Texas at least) are the lowest they’ll be for a while, unless your Senator is a Democrat. They’re probably getting some congratulatory calls, but every Republican I’ve tried to talk to today has been “sorry, all staffers are on another line”.

If you’re in Rhode Island, you can probably get in touch with a person fairly easily.

They’re going to be so swamped today, they won’t really want to spend too much time debating you on anything.

Go for it, I was worried about it myself. Also, for the anxious, resistbot makes it EASY to send messages to Senators and Reps with no “other human” contact required.

And yes, this was a vote to debate the bill, not a vote on the bill itself. Forcing McCain to come out this soon after brain surgery is unconscionable.

At least when McC started debate, he was clear that he wouldn’t vote for the bill as it is currently, and was seriously disappointed in the partisanship and parliamentary order tricks being used to force it through. For a few seconds, I thought he was about to announce his retirement, but that didn’t happen.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


Have you considered mailing a handwritten letter? They’re taken more seriously than emails and don’t require actually speaking live to anyone.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
7 years ago

Alan, this is what you’re looking for then. It’s been updated for modern times I guess.

Laugher at Bigots, Full Blown Future Heretical Frankist Whistleblower Neo-Hippie Resurgent

The odium of these cruel characters truly knows no limit. They would reduce Washington to gravel if they thought they could profit by it.