aggrieved entitlement baby men entitled babies masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed transphobia twitter

The best worst reactions to the news that the next Doctor Who will be a woman

Jodie Whittaker, the next Doctor Who

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Donate generously to enable our continuing coverage of whiny baby-men! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

A tragic day for whiny baby-men — the BBC just announced that the next Doctor Who will be a lady. Naturally, these sensitive souls took at once to Twitter to make their displeasure known. And to make jokes about Doctor Who turning into Nurse Who amirite fellas high five!

Here are some of the best of the worst Tweets I’ve seen so far. I can’t decide which are my favorites — the ones lamenting the loss of a crucial male “role model” or those suggesting that a female Doctor Who makes as much sense as a male Mary Poppins (which would be perfectly fine to me, by the way).

No, I don’t understand what that last one means either.

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Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

The numbering issue is simple: She’s the 13th Doctor, the 14th face of the time lord known as the Doctor, and the 15th regeneration. (my theory on the Mobius Faces is that they are versions of The Other, who seems to be strongly related to the Doctor)

Nathan Hevenstone
7 years ago


I’m on Gallifrey Base, though I’m avoiding it right now because I’m just not interested in reading all the negativity and doomsaying and “that’s it, I’m not watching anymore” bullshit.

(Side note: I did read some of it for a bit, and a lot of the negative reactions to Jodie Whittaker on Gallifrey Base are coming from posters who identified as, or who I “know” [in the context of various selfie threads on the forum and such] as, women… a lot more of the men there seem to be excited… I’m perplexed by that. Why would that be?)


Sorry! I should have been clearer! But Swedish Sex Bread said it better than me:

The numbering issue is simple: She’s the 13th Doctor, the 14th face of the time lord known as the Doctor, and the 15th regeneration.

Jon Hurt’s incarnation technically wasn’t calling himself “The Doctor”, after all. Plus the marketing is calling her 13, so…


(my theory on the Mobius Faces is that they are versions of The Other, who seems to be strongly related to the Doctor)

Ooh! Now that’s an idea! I like that…

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
7 years ago

I’m so excited about this.

And the fact that it’ll be a bit less…Moffaty.

Sorry, although I’m a fan of both Sherlock and Dr Who and sometimes his style is a bit overwrought.

The people who are complaining before they watched it are the exact people who say they want merit-based judgement, not judgement on gender.

You haven’t watched the show.

Therefore you are judging solely on gender.

Not merit.

You divvies.

7 years ago

I must say I love Doctor Who, but, like… not the TV show. If that makes any sense at all. I mean the show’s neat when it doesn’t try to take itself too seriously, but the short stories and comics and books are so much better. I read a Who novel by Michael Moorcock last year and it was the most fun I’ve had reading anything in AGES.

I do look forward to reading adventures starring the 13th Doctor and her companions though.

7 years ago

From WWTH: “I also saw some tired ass jokes on twitter about how a feeemale will be unable to drive the Tardis and how it’s unrealistic to expect feeemales to know how to use a screwdriver.”

Okay, I get that these dudes are trying to make har-dee-har “just a joke” sexist stereotype jokes, but… I mean, did they miss the whole River Song arc, or what?

Re: william parslow’s tweet, and others like it–there’s a major correlation/causation assumption here. “Feminists were calling for a female doctor, therefore the BBC gave it to them, therefore they won.”

True fact: Some feminists (and some non-feminists!) wanted to see a female Doctor.

Also true fact: The new Doctor will be female.

Unproven assumption: the latter is directly a result of the former.

Fandoms are filled with all kinds of people clamoring for all kinds of different fan service all the time. Yeah, creators will sometimes throw the fans a bone, but they also have to filter out an awful lot of petitions, suggestions, demands, and begging, because people are always asking for and hoping for things. Sometimes the things would make the show worse, sometimes the things just don’t fit the creator’s vision, sometimes the things are directly contradictory to what another segment of the fandom is also demanding, so the creators couldn’t unilaterally bow to fan pressure even if they wanted to.

Most major successful creative works aren’t driven by a “YOU decide what happens next!” model. But–in true-to-form projection–because the internet alt-right try to get their way by throwing noisy tantrums, they assume that the Doctor Who creators must be caving to a feminist tantrum instead of their own.

Dudes. DUDES. What if… and I know this is hard to imagine, but WHAT IF the show creators actually wanted a female Doctor *because they thought it was a legitimately cool thing to do*?

7 years ago

The hate game is pretty weak on this one. It’s almost as if their decreput hearts aren’t in it.

Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
Makroth - wild west firecracker window-smashing soap-averse unionized cowboy Jacobin from Hell
7 years ago

All the whiners have been okay with an entirely different person being the Doctor, but only as long as that person was a man. And they have given no reason for that besides misogyny.

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago

Honestly, I would have been absolutely jumping for joy if Phoebe Waller-Bridge had bagged the role (as predicted by many). Because she’s awesome in so many ways.

Jodie Whittaker, though? Brilliant actor. 🙂

I’m just glad it’s not another Matt Smith-type. No offense to any Smith fans out there, but his ‘timey-wimey’ Doctor was my least favourite (and I’ve been a fan of the show since the Tom Baker years). Way too childlike. The best Doctors have a thick layer of darkness running through their characters (thank you, Sylvester McCoy), and Capaldi certainly satisfied there.

As for berks on the internet bleating about a female Doctor? Meh.

Swedish Sexual Bread
Swedish Sexual Bread
7 years ago

@Andy Cooper
I think Smith could have been significantly better, but was hurt significantly with bad writing. I’m extremely glad that I’m not the only one who thinks that McCoy is best Doctor.

7 years ago

Oh boy.

– Male Mary Poppins? Go watch Four or Eleven and tell me there hasn’t been a male Mary Poppins.

– It’s already been established that River Song drives the TARDIS better than the Doctor ever did.

– James Bond got fired after one too many sexual harassment complaints and Miss Moneypenny’s nervous breakdown. /s

– Star Wars had strong female leads from day one. Just watch the original trilogy and take a shot of Tequila every time Leia pulls idiot Luke and Han’s idiot butts out of a fire. You won’t make it halfway through Episode V.

– Caitlin Jenner as Dr Spock? I would not take parenting advice from Caitlin Jenner. We all know how that turned out. Then again, I wouldn’t take parenting advice from Dr Spock either (on the plus side, he spoke out against circumcision; on the minus side, tens of thousands of preventable deaths).

– A gender-swapped Pretty Woman? Guys, Vivian is not the heroine, she is the victim. If you want a version of the Pygmalion myth where Galatea is a role model rather than the victim or the passive object of the protagonist’s desire, go read Shaw.

OBTW, the show’s first producer was a woman, as was the creator of its iconic main theme.

@Diego Duarte — Swinton released her side of the email exchange she had with Cho, and it paints a completely different picture:

@Nequam — Technically, Donna was the Doctor for a brief period of time. At least according to the Ood.

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
7 years ago

July 16, 2017 at 8:00 pm
Can I suggest another Tweet for the list?

Sorry if the embed doesn’t work. First time commenting!

I think this one deserves some context. Ian Levine is a record producer who came to some modest success in the late 70s through the 80s. He was one of the people who modernised the Northern Soul scene, he was the main DJ for Heaven during its early years, and was a major populariser of the Hi-NRG subgenre of dance music. He co-wrote and mixed songs for Take That, Bronski Beat, Erasure, and the Pet Shop Boys amongst other popular acts.

And he is a self-professed Doctor Who superfan. He ingratiated himself to the production team in the mid-80s, becoming a story and continuity consultant, most notably contributing plot points to the Colin Baker era serial Attack of the Cybermen. When Baker’s Who was put on hiatus, he put together a charity song called Doctor in Distress, which was woeful. In later years he’s found lost episodes of the show and returned them to the BBC, produced extras for various DVD releases, and paid for animation to be produced for a DVD release of the unfinished Tom Baker serial Shada, but it was rejected by the commissioning editor.

Since the 90s, he’s become increasingly a polarising figure in Who fandom, throwing around his links to the production office, while also loudly quitting fandom and returning repeatedly. He’s frequently held up as an example of how toxic fandom can be, especially when the writers of a show start listening to the kind of people who are more obsessed with ensuring consistency than storytelling.

(Not that consistency is a bad thing, but slavishly holding to continuity, especially in a show that has never really cared about it before is just… no)

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
7 years ago


McCoy is second best in my opinion.

I started watching Who during the 70s (when I was 4 or 5), so Tom Baker IS the Doctor for me. Always has been. And he was brilliantly nutty.

But Sylvester McCoy? Incredible. He really explored the potential darkness of the character. The writing was excellent, and I remember really enjoying the hints throughout his tenure that the Doctor is actually a being far more powerful, mysterious and dangerous than the average Timelord.

I’d agree with you that Matt Smith was snookered by the writing. But the childlike characterisation of his Doctor was a turnoff for me as well…

7 years ago

I am a mental health nurse, and a man. People who make jokes that imply ‘doctors are male, nurses are female’ don’t offend me; I just pity them.

7 years ago

“Well, technically he’s just Spock. He just gets called “Mr” a lot by racist Starfleet people. What would that title even mean to an alien?”

A can of worms has been opened! 😀 In all fun; I would assume that the universal translator would ensure the title’s meaning is put across. And of course Spock is half human, I’m rather sure his mother taught him enough about human aspects that he would know such a title. Nor is it racist to use an honorific, we are never shown Spock having an alternate honorific that he prefers.

I… may have done my honours on Star Trek >.>

7 years ago


Maybe I should seal the can back up, but….

My comment about Starfleet being racist is largely due to the treatment of Vulcans in general. Spock is routinely and universally ridiculed for his logical approach, Tuvok is forced to put up with Neelix’ (OK, technically not Starfleet) constant abuse etc.

In one episode, Tuvok even complains about Starfleet’s institutional racism, which caused him to quit Starfleet (he rejoined later).

The deliberate use of an inappropriate honorific seems to me like an extension of that racism. On the other hand, as people here have noted, “Mr” – in the movies at least – is applied to people regardless of gender. Again, I believe this is a Roddenberry thing. I think he wanted Starfleet to be gender-blind, so everyone got the same title. Granted, it was a blithering idea to make this “Mr” but perhaps his heart was in the right place. It didn’t extend to pronouns either, making it especially ill-conceived.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Starfleet’s rank structure seems to be a mixture of US Navy, USAF, and US Coastguard.

The ‘Mister’ honorific was used by the Navy until 1972. They then abandoned it in favour of just saying the rank. But presumably some time in the next few hundred years it comes back into fashion.

7 years ago

From facebook “[UK] Chancellor Philip Hammond points out that driving a Tardis is so easy even a woman can do it.”

I secretly hoped for Cathy Tyson. Not that she was in the running as far as I know.

She’d have been good but she’d also have made the manospherians’ heads explode.

Nanny Ogg's Bosom
Nanny Ogg's Bosom
7 years ago

I was frightened by the Daleks as a child; it left scars I tells ya!

I watched some of the earlier series as a kid, everyone did I think and my Who watching has been sporadic since the first Christopher Eccleston episodes. I’m a casual fan, in that if it’s on the telly I won’t turn it off or over, but I don’t generally go out of my way to watch an episode. I missed the whole of the Capaldi incarnation because of telly issues. It’s not a big deal, I’ll catch up eventually. I’ll probably watch a few episodes of the new series and the Christmas Special to see if I want to keep watching.

That being said, even as a casual Watcher of The Doctor I seem to know more about the programme than most of the twits complaining about having a woman as Time Lord. I picked most of it up from my friends who are more into it and watching a few episode. Boggles my mind that they don’t know the Doctor can regenerate into any form, and that there was always going to be a woman playing the Doctor because the original writer thought there should be, sometime in the 80’s (a couple of other people have already mentioned this).

I’m bored of all the wailing and whining about how terrible it is that a woman has finally got the role, and hope that the writing for her will be as good as she deserves. I’m sick of all the complaints that the BBC is run by a bunch of lefties. Hahaha, the BBC has consistently shown a right wing bias for decades. There was a recent Oxford study showing that whichever party was in power the Tories always had more representation, and the political editor, Laura Keunsberg (I know I’ve spelt her name wrong but I can’t be bothered to look it up) has been reprimanded for her bias and outright lies during the last year. My social media for the last couple of days has been full of people complaining, and other people taking the mick out of the ignorance of the people complaining. Can’t wait for the noise to die down.


I am still in moderation. I have emailed David and am waiting for a reply. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to have conversations with you all properly.


From what I’ve seen of their characters I love River Song, and also the Lizard Lady and her potato-shaped butler.

7 years ago

My thoughts on The Doctor are complicated.

On the one hand, this is long overdue and gets no points from me because the 2nd Doctor should have been a woman.

And on the other hand, this is still a 13-card streak of only white Doctors. Plus, Jodie Whittaker is like blonde and cis and conventionally attractive. So there’s very little actually progressive there.

Doctor Who should have had women Doctors back when that actually would have been progressive. Right now, it just doesn’t come across as genuine.

But on the third hand, representation matters. And it is important to break a ridiculous streak of only men playing The Doctor.

7 years ago

I was really into Doctor Who at one point, but not much these days. I do keep some related art prints up on my wall, but that’s because they’re Art Nouveau in style and reference Gustav Klimt pieces.

All that said: its rather absurd that – with a two-hearted time-traveler who becomes a different person with every death, uses a gadget that is whatever the plot needs it to be at that point, and has a rogues gallery who have all supposedly killed off many times and come back anyway – The Doctor being female makes them lose their collective shit.

Reminds me of how people try to excuse a lack of prominent women or people of color in high fantasy by saying the completely fictitious (thus, made-up) setting is suppose to represent feudal Europe and blah, blah, fucking blah. I’d get not liking some aspect of the narrative, how someone is characterized, or the dialogue – but it’s incredibly odd to argue that women and non-white individuals being more present are the most unbelievable thing in a world with magic, dragons, orcs, and whatnot.

Lindsey Ellis observed this with The Transformers films recently too…

One last thing: Dave Cullen is so goddamn annoying.

reggie, the neighbour's cat
reggie, the neighbour's cat
7 years ago

Hi again, frequent lurker and infrequent poster coming out of the woodwork because I have a few questions about the genital reassignment tweet. Does the tweeter not understand the concept of regeneration at all? Do they think the Doctor gets surgery to change from one to the next? Or do they – and forgive me for being a bit explicit here, but I’m not sure what other option there is – do they think that when the Doctor’s body changes each time his penis stays the same? The magical one penis fits all for the Doctor? So much to think about.

7 years ago

What always irks me about this is the “role model” objection.

Girls have absolutely no trouble with male characters for role models (and not necessarily from dearth of female role models, but because children don’t limit their aspirations and pretend games by gender or species or whatever), so why would boys be unable to cope with having opposite gender role models? I am not even going to say that boys are socialized away from it. Maybe that’s true somewhere, but in my own childhood experience they were not. Boys I knew and played with had no problem whatsoever with having female role models in fiction as in real life. So, uh, sorry angry twitter dudes, the problem you allude to is not a problem for the developing male psyche. Boys cope with it just fine.

Gussie Jives
Gussie Jives
7 years ago

Actually, a female James Bond (Jane Bond?) sounds pretty badass. Globetrotting, getting wasted on vodka martinis, bedding dudes half her age in time to save Queen and Country from a camp 60s villain.

Somebody make this happen! And make her boss Helen Mirren.

But sheesh, the fragility of these people’s fandom is just priceless. I mean, is this really all that it took to go from “I love Doctor Who” to “I hope Doctor Who fails” is that the Doctor’s regenerated appearance now resembles a human lacking a Y chromosome. I’m not a Whovian so I don’t know much about Gallifreyans (are they even gendered?) but I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that there have been other Time Lords portrayed that confirm to the humanoid female appearance.

Might as well break out a new hashtag: #FandomSoFragile.

7 years ago


The thirteenth and final Doctor Who is going to be female? And people are acting like it’s unfair?


I thought they manage to rescind the regeneration limit for the Doctor?

That’s right! How could they not? And it’s not like the show broke its own rules — the Time Lords offered the Master a new regeneration cycle in “The Five Doctors.”

@Swedish Sexual Bread:

I am one of the people who didn’t like what Moffat did to the series. My main area of complaint is that the plot arcs always left a niggling little piece missing, that rarely ever got resolved.

It’s been a lot less massively arc-y like that, though. Lot more character-driven arcs.

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